• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 2,517 Views, 207 Comments

Trixd - Koshka5

After the events involving the Alicorn Amulet, Twilight kidnaps Trixie and keeps her as a pet.

  • ...


Clunk Clunk

Trixies tower of blocks collapsed, scattering the blocks all over the floor. Trixie giggled a bit to herself. This tower was a lot taller than the other ones she had managed to make. She started collecting the blocks, being careful to grab each and every one of them. Twilight would not be happy otherwise, and Trixie really wanted to make her owner happy. She was the one who allowed her to use the blocks, after all.

Trixie had trouble grasping things, as a unicorn, her fine motor skills for grasping things were not well developed. Consequently, she kicked all the blocks to the same general pile and then used her mouth to place them all into its plastic container. The container had three multicolored balloons on it, which Twilight told her meant it was from Pinkie Pie. Pinkie had arrived with many gifts for Trixie, claiming that it was for the missed birthdays. Trixie didn’t know her own birthday but was ecstatic to receive gifts. Twilight informed the filly that she could have one gift, but the rest would stay in the closet until behavior improved.

Trixie was disappointed, but she found her disappointment overshadowed by the sheer joy she felt to receive even a single, small gift. Trixie was finishing up cleaning the blocks when Twilights hoofsteps were heard not far from the doorway. She hurried to get the last, rectangular, block into its spot but it slipped out of her mouth and onto the ground. By the time she grasped it in her mouth once again Twilight was already standing in the doorway glaring at the filly with a block in her muzzle. She sighed and put a hoof to her head before speaking.

“I told you to clean those up a while ago, Trixie. Why isn't it done?” said Twilight.

“I was having lotsa fun, Mistress, I… I’m sorry.” apologized Trixie, shuffling her hooves nervously. Twilight approached and lit up her horn, Trixie immediately flinched at the pale lavender light, but Twilight only used it to levitate the block into its box and lift Trixie. She looked into Trixies eyes and spoke slowly.

“You're coming with me to the pony pet play date, and I expect you to be on your best behavior, is that understood?”

Trixie nodded quickly, after which she put the filly down onto the floor. Trixies hooves were splayed out in fear, she wasn't used to floating in midair, but she sat on her haunches as taught as soon as she touched the floor.

“Since you're still having trouble following directions, im gonna make it easier for you.” said Twilight, her magic grabbing hold of the collar on Trixies neck. Trixie let out a small squeak as soon as she felt her throat compress, afraid that she might be trying to choke her again.

“Im sorry Mistress” croaked Trixie, gagging in between her sentence. “What did I do…?” Trixie kept struggling, using her forelegs to try to loosen the collar.

“Oh hold still, this won't take much longer!” shouted Twilight, deep in concentration weaving the spell into the small crystal charm on the collar. She had to hold the crystal away from Trixies throat or there could be difficulties with the spell. Removing the collar would probably be safer but Twilight decided it wasn't worth the effort.

Finally Trixies collar was released and Trixie took deep breaths. She held a hoof to her head and the other on her throat, catching her breath. After a bit Trixie looked back to her owner who was waiting on the filly to relax.

“You're so dramatic, Trixie! It was a simple sudo remote spell, with a bit of electron manipulation sprinkled in.” said Twilight smugly. Trixie used to be rather magically talented, Twilight was proud of taking that from her.

Trixie tilted her head slightly and tried to make sense of what Twilight had just said, before giving up. She chose to stay silent hoping that wouldn't make Twilight as mad as pretending to understand somepony as powerful and intelligent as her. She focused on examining the surface of the floorboards, hoping Twilight would speak soon.

“Now, let's test it! Trixie speak!” commanded Twilight, quite excited to test out the new crystal charm.

“Umm… What do I say, Miss?” asked Trixie, fear apparent in her voice. Twilight didn't like it when Trixie asked questions.

“Good pet!” said Twilight clapping her hooves, “Trixie dance! ”

Trixie knew this command, Twilight had asked her to do it many times before. The “dance” involved hopping on her back hooves while wiggling her forehooves. It was horribly humiliating, but Trixie knew that failing to obey would mean more timeout. She got up onto her four legs and pushed herself onto her rear legs. She wavered a bit but managed to get solid footing. As Trixie started her little dance, Twilight subtly nudged her left hoof a bit, throwing the little filly onto her back and knocking the air out of her.

“Tsk, tsk, Trixie. It's time to test my spell, are you ready?” Asked Twilight, a mischievous grin present on her face.

“N-not yet Mistress, let me get u-” Trixie said, rolling over onto her side before being interrupted when her crystal activated. It glowed a sharp yellow before it sent an electric shock down the straps of the collar. Trixie wasn't expecting a shock of this intensity and her body refused to obey her. She squeaked and braced herself as best she could, but it was over as fast as it had started.

“Oww..” moaned Trixie, putting a hoof to her neck where the color sat. In reality her whole body hurt but she didn't know what to clutch, her neck being the most obvious choice in her mind. She rolled over onto her side, resting for a bit. All the while Twilight was analyzing the spell on the crystal, the shock should have lasted much longer… She looked at the clock and realized it was time to go.

“Fascinating crystal, don't you think Trixie? Maud helped me pick it out last time she came to visit Pinkie!” cheered Twilight, quite proud of imbuing a little crystal with remote activation and energy discharge spells.

“Y-yes Mistress, very fac…. Fascu..” mumbled Trixie, trying to prevent more punishment for disagreeing with her. Twilight lost her patience almost immediately, mispronunciation like that was worth at least 20 minutes of time out. There was no time though, she had to be there on time for things to go according to plan. She turned to exit the room and spoke.

“It’s time to go, get your leash” said Twilight coldly.

Trixie turned onto her limbs, still tingly from the shock. She trotted to the wall where her owners tools were, and saw the box of blocks nearby. They were sitting under a whip that Twilight called Bellatrix. Twilight really liked that whip, it was enchanted with the ability to cause massive cuts, but heal them with no scars afterward. The pain stayed, though, Trixie knew. She shook the memory from her head and focused on the blocks.

“Mistress can I take the blocks..?” asked Trixie demurely, avoiding eye contact. Twilight was already in the hallway, levitating some things into a cart.

“Fine, but hurry up! The girls are waiting. ” responded Twilight. Trixie was quite excited, maybe the other pets would want to play with her blocks too. Trixie had never met another pet, but today was the day.

Of course, none of those pets have a Princess of Equestria as their owner. Thought Trixie smugly.

Trixie quickly gripped the leash in her mouth and balanced the box of blocks on her back. She trotted quickly to catch up to Twilight who was near the main castle doors, loading things onto a cart with her magic. Trixie waited patiently next to the cart, the leash hanging out of her mouth.

“Hmm.. juice… cookies… That should be everything! Trixie! Stand right here.” said Twilight, pointing at a spot in front of the cart and in between the hitches. Trixie nodded silently and moved. As she was getting into place Twilight took the leash from Trixies mouth with a bit of magic and attached it to her collar, also putting the box of blocks into the cart. Trixie shivered at the feeling of Twilights magic on her neck, it felt cold and buzzy. Like a swarm of bees was caressing her neck, pulling on the symbol of her submission. The feeling spread all around her barrel as Twilight attached the metal harness, locking the little filly to the cart.

“See you later, Spike. We’re off to see the girls!” hollered Twilight across the castle before stepping through the doorway. Trixie tried to follow, the leash being pulled taut, but the cart was heavy in comparison to her small body. She dug her hooves into the crystal floor as hard as she could, managing to get the cart moving very slowly.

“Hurry up Trixie, you really want me to use your collars new feature?” said Twilight, warming the crystal to coax the filly. Trixie felt it, and pulled the cart enough to build some momentum.

“N-no Mistress.. Argh.. i’m doing it, see?” grunted Trixie, not too keen on the idea of feeling the shock all over again. With the momentum she was able to keep it going, the uneven soil proving to be a much bigger challenge than the smooth crystal. Despite this she put in her best effort, fueled by the threat of punishment. Shocks were not the only thing Twilight would administer, she had no shortage of tools.

Twilight trotted a bit ahead of the filly, the handle of the leash floating near her shoulder. Trixie did her best to keep up, and Twilight seemed satisfied by the effort. She took a moment to think about where exactly they were. It was the PPPD, but it was also going to be most of the girls first opportunity to see the new Trixie. The better Trixie, Twilight told herself. Some of them might not agree though, she knew that already. She’d already had a long discussion with her friends the day that Pinkie saw her new pet, and it didn’t go too well. Twilight enjoyed having control of each and every situation, which was why she was so angry with the little filly in her care. Despite having no control, even of her own body, Trixie was able to snatch all of Twilight's control over the narrative.

“C-can… can we take a break, Miss?” said Trixie, her breaths haggard and labored Twilight turned to look at the filly, examining the sad state of her pet. Her hooves were covered in soil, and her whole body was drenched with sweat. She was panting, and looking longingly at her owner, hoping for a miracle. Twilight chuckled slightly and gave a warm smile, approaching the filly and conjuring a small towel. She wiped the fillys face softly, taking care not to press too hard. Trixie melted under the warm ministrations of her owner, happily surprised that she had switched behaviors so quickly. She grinned up at Twilight, still catching her breath, but ready to thank her.


“Absolutely not. Slow down again and it'll be 2 days with no food,” hissed Twilight coldly, turning on her heels and trotting on.

Trixie was shocked, even despite the gem on her collar not going off. She took a deep breath and continued on, she was going to march until she collapsed. Trixie hadn't eaten a full meal in weeks. She didn't have a solid grasp on numbers but she knew it had been many nights. When Twilight was feeling generous the little doggy bowl was filled only halfway with something Twilight called Woofer Chow as well as few oats. Trixie loved hunting down each and every oat and leaving it for the end. It was like a little treat for finishing her food. Her stomach grumbled, aching almost as much as her hooves after such a trek pulling this cart. Twilight wasn't as generous recently, Trixie could still see the bottom of the bowl in between the kibbles. Not a single oat either, Trixie checked thoroughly before each meal and turned up empty hooved.

“I'm getting tired of speaking to you Trixie, hurry up! growled Twilight, her nerves overtaking her. They were very close to the park, she wasn't totally sure what to expect.

“Yes Mistress!” gasped Trixie in between breaths, hoping desperately that they were close to their destination. Her mind was too preoccupied with working through the fatigue of pulling the cart to think about where they were going. She had considered it before they left the castle, and was excited to meet other pets like her. Despite this she didn't know whether they would be very nice, but there was only one way to find out. She would find out soon, she noticed as the small group of trees lining the path was starting to thin out. Off to the left Trixie could see Pinkie Pie along with some other ponies sitting on a picnic blanket.

“Hey girls!” yelled Twilight, waving a hoof to the collection of ponies, who waved back. Trixie did not recognize any of them but she was glad to finally be at the park. She could feel her legs shaking from the exertion.

“No speaking unless spoken to, Trixie. Don’t ruin this,” whispered Twilight before hitting Trixie with a small spell. It dried her out and made her look less ragged. Trixie felt her fur shift slightly and nodded to Twilight. She wasn't sure what to expect, but keeping quiet seemed like the easiest way to prevent herself from doing something stupid. Trixie knew she was stupid, Twilight reminded her about that fact a lot. Trixie pulled the cart the last little bit without much trouble, it was the home stretch. Her foalish excitement overpowered her nervousness, allowing her the bit of bravery she needed. She was now face to face with many new ponies, if she could count she’d know there were 5. They all seemed to be looking at her, emotions ranging from intense fascination to shivering fear to what seemed to be concern. The concerned one spoke up, her voice was very beautiful Trixie noticed.

“Why, Ah think that carts a bit big for you little filly. Ya need some help?” she said in a wonderful accent that seemed to tickle Trixies ears. She got up off of the picnic blanket and started walking towards Trixie but did not reach the cart before Twilight spoke up.

“No, no. She's okay, the cart is enchanted to be very light. Please bring it over here and I’ll unhitch you Trixie.” she said, pointing to the ground near the blanket. Trixie started moving, the cart following with almost no effort at all, showing the other ponies that Twilight was telling the truth.

“Well, that's awful fancy and all but why not just pull it yourself Twilight?” asked an orange pony, leering at Twilight.

“It builds character! At least, that’s what Spitfire keeps telling me,” said another pony dismissively. She was a pegasus with a rainbow mane, floating above the cart and digging through its contents. “Hey, did you bring the cider or not, Twilight?!” Trixie was quite intimidated by the floating pony, she had never met a pegasus in real life. Or other ponies for that matter, other than Miss Pinkie Pie.

“Nevermind the cider, darling, were here to meet Trixie.” said the fascinated pony, her purple curls bouncing as she spoke. She got to her hooves and approached Trixie, the straps falling off of Trixies barrel. She stopped a bit away and gestured for Trixie to come closer. Twilight watched closely, hoping Trixie would behave. Trixie froze, she didn't want to disobey, but she was terrified. What if the unicorn was tricking her?

Twilight had done it before, she offered a treat but tased her when she wasn't looking. Trixie decided the punishment would be much worse than whatever this nice looking Unicorn could do with no tools in her hooves. She walked forward, her head bowed in submission. She flinched when she felt a hoof on her chin, raising her head to look into the Unicorns eyes before removing her hoof.

“Hello there, Trixie. Do you know my name?” asked the pony softly, in a kind tone. Trixie shook her head, her hooves were shaking with nervousness.

I don’t know… I dont know!! D-did Twilight teach me her name? Am I supposed to know? I just got here and I already messed up...! Mistress is gonna put me in time out forever.

“She doesnt know us Twilight? Does she have any memory of any of us?” asked Rarity, her voice neutral but demanding.

“Nope, none at all.” proclaimed Twilight, her hooves crossed and eyes closed with pride. “Memory magic is very intricate Rarity, but with a bit of research and practice I pulled it off.”

“What did you practice on?” said Pinkie, tapping on Trixies head softly. Trixie enjoyed it, it was soothing somehow.

“Frogs, it took a few tries since I was having trouble preventing the Myst Catalyst from damaging the Amygdala.” said Twilight while helping Rainbow unload the things from the cart.

“You were testing on animals?!” screamed the yellow pegasus hiding behind the pony with the cool accent. It could barely be called a scream, thought Trixie, it was more like a harsh whisper.

“Nothing to worry about Fluttershy, it was harmless and I fixed them before I put them back.” said Twilight, waving a hoof towards Fluttershy.

“That's probably why Fernando kept asking Frank out on a date! Twilights spells are turning the frogs gay...” whispered Fluttershy to nopony in particular. Applejack gave Fluttershy a weird look before speaking up, concern evident in her voice.

“Let’s not talk about this here filly like she's not sitting right there.” she said, glaring at the mares. Twilight looked unconcerned, but relented nonetheless.

“Sure, where are the other pets then? She can go play with them.” asked Twilight, removing the leash from Trixies collar.

“They’re over by the river but are ya sure about that Twilight?” questioned Applejack gesturing to a river just past a hill.

“Oh, don't worry! Trixie wont run away, will you?” said Twilight, booping Trixie. Trixie flinched harshly at seeing Twilight's hoof, but then nodded in fear. The rest of the girls were shooting Twilight a weird look, the way she flinched bothering them. Even Rainbow stopped chugging her cider to see what had gotten into her. Trixie hesitantly walked away from the cart before looking back at Twilight.

“Shoo, go find the others!” said Twilight, a reassuring smile on her face. Trixie nodded and trotted towards the hill, even though she didn't know what she was looking for. Twilight looked back to her friends, one of them would know something was up. She made eye contact with AJ and confirmed this. Trixie would pay for this, but it was as good a time as any to try to explain her cruelty.

“So….” said Twilight, a nervous smile on her face as she sat down onto the picnic blanket.

“Is flinching a side effect of this memory spell, Twi?” inquired Applejack, pointing an accusatory hoof at the trotting filly.

“No. She’s just nervous about meeting new ponies, is all!” answered Twilight, her resolve hardening as everything was back on track. Her plan could continue without AJs favor. She used her magic to grab one of the sandwiches that Fluttershy always brings.

“Well… she was very quiet, Applejack… I would be nervous too.” spoke up Fluttershy, hiding behind her mane as she spoke. She could tell AJ was rather angry. Applejack sighed, calming herself for a second.

“Fine, fine. Tell us about Trixie, Twi.” said AJ, glaring at Twilight still. Twilight perked up as soon as she heard, teleporting a book from the cart into existence and clapping her hooves softly. The rest of the ponies gathered around Twilight, seemingly fascinated with hearing more about Trixie.

“Well, as you girls know I've had Trixie for about 2 weeks already, and i've been raising her in a rather unconventional way.” said Twilight, using her horn to conjure a display for the girls to watch as she spoke. On it was displayed a mare silhouette which shrunk to the size of a filly.

“What I didn’t tell you all is that I've been utilizing rather harsh training methods, I can't say that it's been 100% kind, but I'm pretty sure it's working.”

“N-not kind? What are you doing to Trixie?” said Fluttershy, her voice shaking. Everypony else nodded in agreement, slightly shocked at this.

“Nothing too bad, I've been of course adopting some military style reformation. Rainbow can attest to its effectiveness, right?” said Twilight, gesturing toward Rainbow as she finished her sandwich. Rainbow immediately flapped her wings and saluted.

“Ma’am, yes, Ma’am!” chanted Rainbow, “It sure helped me!” She used to be a loose cannon but now... she's still kind of a loose cannon, so maybe she's a work in progress. The display switched to the silhouette following commands and mopping floors.

“With a little discipline, Trixie can become a productive member of society! Of course, it's not easy disciplining her. The real Trixie shines through occasionally, so I need to nip it in the bud. A little... corporal punishment… as some might put it.” said Twilight, her tone trailing off at the end.

“You hit her?!” growled Applejack, glaring into Twilight's eyes. Twilight was unphased, she gave AJ an angry look before continuing.

“Yes, yes I did. I’ll do it again too, if it's necessary. You saw how Trixie harnessed the alicorn amulet, you know what she is capable of.” said Twilight, glaring right back at Applejack. The others were watching in awe, none of them moving to stop the altercation. All of them except Pinkie, but she wasn't clear of all hostility towards Twilight.

“What gives you the right to hit a defenseless little foal, Twilight?! That's not nice.” shouted Pinkie, a quiet, calm anger on her face. Quiet and calm were not Pinkies usual demeanor, and it showed.

“Well I'm not doing it for fun, Pinkie. It's a necessary evil, or else a far more dangerous evil might arise!” responded Twilight, her resolve softening. Pinkie didn't buy it, and pushed harder.

“AHA! So you admit you are evil!” said Pinkie, pointing an accusatory hoof at Twilight. Everypony sighed, Twilight putting a hoof to her forehead.

“Anyway, I dont think its right for ya to be disciplining Trixie like that, Twi.” said Applejack, “Raising a filly isn't somethin’ ya can brute force. It takes patience, hurtin’ somepony isnt gonna do anything but make them scared of ya.”

Twilight wavered for a second, before putting her hoof down and making eye contact with Applejack, determination fueling her.

“You don’t understand, Applejack, you couldn't possibly. Trixie was just getting started, you can't imagine what she had planned for Ponyville. The amulet was corrupting her mind slowly, but its an exponential corruption. Alicorn level magic, mixed with the pure evil that that amulet exudes, Trixies actions would reach war crime very quickly. Eventually… eventually you all might have died. I… don’t know what I would have done without you girls… I….” cried Twilight, her voice breaking at the end, tears filling her eyes. Rarity closed the gap between them and embraced her as Twilight devolved into sobs.

“Its okay darling, we're all still here, we're not going anywhere.” cooed Rarity, stroking Twilights mane in an effort to comfort her. Rainbow ambled up to the two and joined the hug before it broke. Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack in various states of apprehension. Twilight lifted her tear soaked face off of Rarity's shoulder and looked at them, hurt that they didn't join the group hug. Applejack spoke up first.

“We’ll be fine, Twilight. Were not in any danger right now, that filly that you're ‘raising’ is.” said Applejack, making air quotes with her hooves. Rarity let out a frustrated sigh.

“Now's not the time Applejack can't you see-” said Rarity before being interrupted by an angry Pinkie.

“Now is totally the time! Twilight’s raising a filly right now.” Pinkie pounded her hoof on the floor, emphasizing her point. Rainbow shifted to face Pinkie directly and make eye contact.

“Look, Trixie was an evil mare, willing to enslave an entire town! Like Twilight said, we don't know what she may have done if she had the amulet any longer. If a bit of simple discipline is all we need to prevent that, then I say Twilight should do it.” argued Rainbow, concern apparent in her voice. Pinkie glanced at Applejack, who was surprisingly angry, she looked ready to start a screaming match. Despite this, she wasn't the one to speak up next.

“That's not Trixie.” hissed Fluttershy, who up to this point was silently hiding behind Applejack but was now standing proudly front and center, “ Trixie was a misguided, corrupted mare. This is an innocent little filly who knows nothing. She doesn't deserve this, Twilight, and you know it!” Fluttershy yelled, this injustice too much for her heart. She couldn't always stand up for herself, but standing up for a little foal was a lot easier. Before anypony could react, a high pitched scream came from the hill. They could see Trixie running as fast as her little hooves could carry her, screaming in terror all the while. Chasing her was Winona, with angel riding on her back. Trixie reached the bottom of the hill and leaped towards Twilight, hiding under her. Angel was still riding Winona and laughing maniacally as she ran in circles.

“They were chasing me, please make them stop Ms. Twilight!” begged Trixie, hugging Twilights right foreleg as she shook. Twilight stood there nervously for a moment, before Angel jumped off of Winona and splayed himself on the grass in laughter. Twilight knew this was a good opportunity to show some kindness in front of the others.

“Don't worry, they wont hurt you, they're just playing.” said Twilight as she picked the filly up with a hoof. Fluttershy and Applejack grabbed their pets as everyone laughed, Trixies sprint was quite cute. The other three animals followed closely behind, and with that the argument was interrupted. The fire in Fluttershy burnt out, and everyone had expressed their opinions. It wouldn't be productive to talk about Trixies past with her being present.

“Ah think I’ll be taking my leave everypony.” said Applejack tilting her hat and pulling on Winona's leash.

“Yes, this seems like a good time to end the play date, wouldn't you agree Twilight?” chimed Rarity. The mare nodded and they started packing everything up. In no time at all, Rarity, Rainbow, and Twilight headed towards town. AJ, Fluttershy and Pinkie instead set off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

Hi! Thank you for reading! I've had a lot of comments and theorizing, its been a blast. I hope you all are enjoying my story so far, and I hope to continue adding to this fic until I'm done.
Big thank you to LewdChapter for editing this, hes the best!
Please leave me a comment if you think theres something I can do to improve, thank you!!