• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 80 – Nothing Lasts Forever



Ponyville, Equestria

Days Later

12:23 p.m.

Fog and mist covered the air and filled the valleys, the dark gray clouds high overhead threatening a storm, but never delivering. The air smelled. Not natural. Anything but. Darkness, complete and utter darkness blanketed Southern Equestria and the Badlands. Somehow, someway, that darkness made its way to the north, infecting every land and every city within its veil. And it smelled.

Smelled of fire. Of sulfur. Of death.

Yet the silence was the worst. From the peaks behind Canterlot Mountain, to the very dwellings of Ponyville below, there was not a sound to be heard. No animals. No wind. No ponies. Just nothing. Just like Canterlot.

Nothing there. Just like Ponyville.

Hardly a thing left.

A valley of desolation filled what remained of the once joyous town in the heart of Equestria. Homes that once housed the love and friendship of ponies, families, anyone who looked for a better life were toppled over, burnt to near-indistinction. Hardly a single home remained standing, the husks and skeletons of what once lived and held were hunched over, kneeling in defeat. In death. Only Town Hall stood fully, but even it was devastated, nearly beyond repair, the fog and mist swirling the grounds and the building like slithering serpents on the constant hunt.

But they weren’t there for Town Hall.

Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts had a mission and it was clear.

Their hooves clopping and pattering across the dirt roads was the only sound for miles. It sounded that way at least, Rainbow managing to catch the slight creak of a desolate building hardly standing, swaying in the silent wind. Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot, and the rest of the Wonderbolt squadron trailed right behind Rainbow Dash, she and Spitfire leading the way through the ghost town.

Sometimes they would fly behind large piles of debris, constantly keeping their heads on a swivel, eyes to the sky, and peering through the fog. Just because they didn’t see any threats didn’t mean nobody was watching them. Hunting them. Their defenses and guards were on high alert, ultimately pushing forward in silence through the graveyard of homes.

And sometimes they would cross that graveyard, see the burnt husks of bodies lying together on the dirt, nearly shielded by debris and ash. It could never cover them. It could never shield the frozen faces of pure horror laced on the corpses molded against the earth. Rainbow kept her eyes forward, on the mission, and dared not turn to them. Dared not to see the true face of evil and depravity that surrounded her. She and the Wonderbolts moved on, their hooves pushing past or stepping over the risen mounds of scorched dirt.

Until finally they found it.

Rainbow’s heart fell when they found it. Her expression nearly shattered, but she remained strong. She remained together just long enough so nopony could see her crumble.

But she stumbled. She stumbled and walked through the remains of what once was. The crystal that once shimmered a bright and brilliant blue and violet were just gray. Dead as the clouds in the sky and the dirt on the ground. Rainbow could barely identify the debris she walked through as the crystal castle she and her closest friends spent so many days in, lived so much of their lives within, plotted and planned and laughed and sang within. She couldn’t even see that same light, feel that same warmth, those same smiles and laughter that filled the hallways. It was all gone, faded away alongside the smoke and fog that swam across and flew away from the remains.

From the remains of the Castle of Friendship.

Never in her life did Rainbow Dash imagine such a symbol of power and magic could fall. The Castle of Friendship not only represented Princess Twilight’s authority throughout all of Equestria and beyond, but it showed the world who had saved it multiple times, unveiled the magic of friendship to every nation, every species, and every threat that dared to harm Equestria or the world. With the Castle of Friendship standing, it told the world that the Elements of Harmony lived. They stood together. They were united and everypony knew it.

The whole world knew it.

Rainbow Dash’s hoof dug through the wreckage, unveiling a small gem within the carnage. Her eyes adjusted, pupils slowly widening when she witnessed the single image within the crystal. A single image of her, Twilight, and the rest of their friends sharing a group hug, bright smiles on their faces. Instantly, the image brought Rainbow back to simpler times, remembering keenly the exact moment the memory was taken from. The moment she learned that her Sonic Rainboom, the Sonic Rainboom, was so strong, so immense that it singlehoofedly helped each of her friends earn their cutie marks at the same time. They hugged when they realized that, when they realized that destiny itself brought them together. That it was their destiny to be the best of friends.

She saw that, felt it, remembered the memory within the crystal like it was yesterday. A simple gem held that much power. A gem that joined the others by the decimated remains of the Golden Oak Library’s roots when Rainbow relinquished it from her hoof. It was so weak, so utterly dead that the gem cracked once it impacted a shard of crystal from the castle. Cracked right down the middle.

Rainbow paid it no heed and moved on, rummaged about alongside the rest of the Wonderbolts. That memory wasn’t the mission.

When they finally came across it…

Everypony’s hearts seemed to deflate. But it was Rainbow Dash’s expressions that fell the hardest, was struck first, and felt the full weight of the impact.

The Cutie Map and the accompanying thrones surrounding it were destroyed. Crushed, shattered, demolished beneath the remains of the roots of the Golden Oaks Library. At first, Rainbow nor any of the Wonderbolts even noticed them. They were so perfectly blended in with the rest of the chaos that they didn’t expect to see them so… broken. But there it lay, crushed under the weight of the loss of the Castle of Friendship.

Under the weight of their loss.

Removing her goggles, Fleetfoot sighed and looked about, eventually returning her gaze to the shattered map and thrones. “The princesses ain’t gonna like this,” she muttered. Numerous other Wonderbolts ultimately sighed alongside her, keeping their eyes to the dark gray clouds, to the fog slithering around them. Waiting for anything to happen.

But it was Rainbow Dash who made the call.

Her right ear flicked upwards, Rainbow standing still and straight like an alert canine. Several other Wonderbolts followed her, especially Spitfire, the two mares turning accordingly to the disturbance. Spitfire had to remove her goggles to see them, but Rainbow had already spotted the lights in the sky.

Chitauri. A lot of them. Many chariots and many starships heading right in their direction.

Too many.

Without a word, Rainbow zipped off at lightning speed towards the graveyard of houses and used them for cover. Spitfire raised her left wing and made a silent signal to the rest of the Wonderbolts, donning her goggles and retreating right alongside Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolts vanished in seconds, retreated through the fog, debris, and mist that filled Ponyville.

All of them returning to safety within the most dangerous forest in all of Equestria.

Everfree Forest

Castle of the Two Sisters

12:31 p.m.

Friday did everything that was asked of her. The AI made no complaints, gave no opinion, but followed every order given to her from Princess Twilight, from Applejack, from anypony that needed assistance.

There were a lot. Nearly all of the Great Hall within the Castle of the Two Sisters was filled with ponies. From families grieving the loss of their loved ones during the desolation of Ponyville, to familiar faces sitting around, receiving rations and lunch from the likes of Zecora, Pinkie Pie, and numerous other ponies willing to help. Friday was grateful she wasn’t alone in that regard. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders, not finding much reason to smile, chose to when they went around and asked if anypony needed anything. Some food. Some water. More blankets, pillows, anything.

The Great Hall was near-madness, ponies shuffling about to and fro, constantly moving and constantly keeping folks alive. Being the suit of armor that she was, Friday easily towered over everypony present. Big McIntosh nearly rivaled her, but came short. Like they all did. He was helping as well, taking good care of Sugar Belle and the rest of the Apple Family. Pretty much all of the Elements were helping out, alongside Capper, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike bustling about, asking if anypony needed anything to keep them as comfortable as possible. The expansive halls of the Castle of the Two Sisters shielded the inhabitants of Ponyville from the rest of the world, but it was hardly a place to live considering its conditions. It was hardly a place to call home. But it was shelter. It was safe. Princess Twilight always wanted to renovate and repair the castle. An old dream of hers, abandoned when things changed. Yet a part of her always wanted to return to finish what she started.

Things always changed. Friday’s eyes shifted over to the pony in question, watching as Twilight Sparkle flew about the Great Hall, landing only to confront old friends, injured ponies, and ask if they were okay. If they needed anything. Even in times of crisis, when the world needed the leadership from the Princess of Friendship, she still found time to remain on the earth, remain tied to reality and be as humbled as she could manage.

Besides, the world had another princess to look to for that leadership.

Friday’s eyes shifted over to the balcony overlooking the Great Hall. Standing dead center upon the balcony, with what little light managed to break through the windows and the clouds from the sun that wasn’t hers anymore, Princess Celestia watched the noise and bustle travel throughout the castle. Throughout her old castle, a place she once called home.

By her side, Stygian remained, the last Pillar of Equestria being her only form of communication with the rest of the world. Every minute or two, a letter would arrive via magic from Stygian’s horn. It was a simple mailing spell, mastered by dragons, but ponies could achieve it as well. Even for somepony not as gifted as Stygian, he studied hard. He learned fast. He was able to receive and transmit scrolls and letters for Princess Celestia whenever the moment arrived.

The princess stared onto the ponies she and Zecora helped round together and bring to refuge. The Great Hall was nearly filled to the brim with ponies and even more families. That didn’t even count the hallways, the multiple guest rooms, and numerous others. Celestia’s only regret was that she couldn’t save more. The noise assaulted Celestia’s eardrums, her ears flickering every second or so. Despite the noise and the commotion traveling throughout the Great Hall—and very well the rest of the castle—Celestia found some mild assurance knowing that she kept a sound barrier around the castle grounds. Another simple spell, blocking out every sound they made from the rest of the world. For all their enemies knew, the castle was as dead as the rest of Ponyville.

As dead as Canterlot.

As dead as most of Equestria.

Princess Celestia closed her eyes and breathed in steadily. She exhaled shakily, her mane hardly flowing, hardly remaining alive and vibrant. The past several days had been the hardest she had ever experienced. The hardest all of Equestria and the world had ever experienced. The greatest storm she had ever faced. Her allies in the east suffered just as hard. Celestia hadn’t received word from Queen Novo and her allies in days. Their enemies filled Equestria’s skies and grounds and there was no telling how immense they were, where they would strike next. Every form of military power Equestria knew were either scattered or destroyed. All Celestia really had left were the Wonderbolts, and they hadn’t returned yet from their mission. Celestia wanted to keep the hope that they were just running late, that they found something.


But she knew not to keep such hopes up. Not after Canterlot. Not after the world fell from her.

From deep below, standing amongst the masses, Celestia’s eyes met that of Friday’s. The AI’s cool, blue gaze stared deep into the princess’ pondering look, her furrowed brow, her ancient and weary eyes. For some reason, some odd… twisted reason, Princess Celestia found Friday’s stare to be somewhat… haunting. The blank expression of the Iron Man mask, the still posture, the unblinking eyes staring only on Celestia as the world around her cried and moved on, aided and suffered, watched as the highest form of authority stared down at them. Watched them suffer under her stare.

She closed her eyes and broke away instantly when that thought entered her.

And Friday watched as she turned and left the Great Hall, head held low, wings small by her sides. Trying to look as utterly small as possible. Practically dragging herself and her very soul out from everypony’s view.

“Friday, could you help us gather more water from the river?” Fluttershy’s voice called.

Friday did everything that was asked of her. The AI made no complaints, gave no opinion, but followed every order given to her. Every single one.

The halls were ancient. So very cold and haunting. So very lifeless and obsolete. Like ghosts. Like her.

Like Celestia as she passed through them.

Asking to be left alone, Princess Celestia couldn’t even watch as Stygian broke away, turned to make his way back to the Great Hall and aid anypony that needed the assistance. He assured her he would return if anymore letters arrived. Celestia said nothing but offer a mild nod in return. She didn’t know if Stygian saw it or not. His retreating hoofsteps was answer enough, their vibrations and echoes following her for hallways on end.

The quiet shards of armor lined the halls she traversed, Celestia recounting times when ponies actually wore such armor. The kind of ponies who wouldn’t have hesitated in following the princesses of Equestria into battle, the kind that would rush through the fires of Tartarus itself as long as the princesses were by their side. Celestia had decorated the castle with such armor to remember the heroism, the courage they fought alongside in the past. The kind that helped them fight against all forms of evil that threatened their home. Now they just stood there, that courage and heroism collecting dust and staring blankly at the princess that failed.

Watching her keep her head held low, her eyes nearly closed, and practically dragging her tail into the room she retreated into. Away from their stares. Away from the darkness.

The light clung to her like the ghostly arms of past sins. It sunk in through the window, the fog in the air making the light appear as white as snow, fill the dark room with enough natural light to keep her company. She didn’t need company. One of the reasons she wished to be alone was for that. Probably the worst place to retreat to would be her old reading room, the same room she and Luna shared so many years ago. A lifetime ago.

That’s exactly where she went, not following rhyme or reason and only letting her mind, her heart, her soul lead her to a place of solitude. The only place in the dead and cold castle she could find comfort once again. It came not. The ghostly hands from the white light consumed her as Celestia fell into its grasp, the Princess of Sun staring only to the dusty pillows and blankets strewn throughout the room’s flooring.

Her eyes trailed to a lone pillow with the sun stitched to its face. Celestia almost smiled, fondly thinking of Twilight. Her old apprentice truly did wish to make the old place feel like home again. Then her eyes froze, her smile faded away like the light from the clouds when her gaze paused to the other pillow lying next to it, its face hidden underneath the large blanket. Cautiously, Celestia raised her shivering hoof and pushed the blanket aside, gazing onto the dark blue pillow.

Onto the crescent moon stitched upon it.

The sudden impact and thrust Celestia felt drove straight into her heart, the Alicorn gasping and seeing only flashes. She remembered days prior, gazing onto the burning husk of dust and debris that dropped from Canterlot Mountain. Simply dropped and impacted the earth with such ferocity that it shook the world to its core. Shook Celestia herself to the deepest and dearest parts of her she never even imagined existed.

Then the blast came, right from the five glowing gems upon the golden gauntlet.

It struck her with such raw power that Celestia couldn’t even scream in time. Her body hurtled through the air and above the trees with speeds she had never traveled, crashed through the concrete ceiling with force she had never exerted. She demolished and tore through the castle floors until she came to a painful stop. Finally stopped and breathed again. The blast she experienced from the Infinity Stones was meant to kill her. Death would have been a privilege, an escape from Tartarus itself, but fate deemed otherwise. Fate wished to torture the Princess of the Sun and kept her alive through every excruciating second when she crashed, skidded, and came to a stop and realization by the foot of her old throne.

By the feet of her own and her sister’s thrones.

The darkness of the Castle of the Two Sisters devoured her, entrapped Princess Celestia within its walls once again. The ancient thrones glared down upon her, one cast in the light, the other in darkness. Celestia’s old throne was far from the sunlight.

Yet her sister’s shined under its warmth, a warmth Celestia would never feel again.

She collapsed right then and there, clutching the dark blue pillow close to her heart, crying.

Crying so loud it echoed throughout the castle halls. Wailing in lament, heartbreak, able to escape the castle itself but never allow the world to hear it.

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