• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 182 – Iron Army


The Battle of Earth

6:57 p.m.

Tony Stark led the charge.

His iron army followed. From the likes of Pepper Stark in her Rescue armor, James Rhodes in the Iron Patriot Mark II, Peter Parker in the Iron Spider, the AI Friday, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity all in their individual Iron Mares, and finally, Frank Castle in his Punisher Armor. They either charged from the ground in a stampeding avalanche of burly, metal suits or from the air with repulsors screaming and blasting them forward.

Together, they launched themselves to one target. One unified focus to the ends of each of their crosshairs. An end goal, to ensure he nor his forces got their hands on the Infinity Stones ever again. Iron Man reached that target first, driving his fist across Thanos’ face and blasting past him.

Stumbling from the hit, Thanos grunted and only continued to back away, to shield himself, to swing mindlessly into the array of different armors that assaulted him in a collective stream of bodies, repulsors, blades, and the like. Spider-Man slid forward, firing two strands of webbing that struck the Titan’s shoulders. Yanking himself towards him, Parker drove his feet directly into Thanos’ chin, kicking off and flipping high above his head. Thanos followed him, eyes focused skyward and mind disoriented just long enough for the others to strike.

War Machine gored the Titan in the sternum, pushing him further back until both of their feet started to dig deeper into the dirt. Snarling at that, Thanos raised his left arm and drove it directly onto Rhodes’ spine, eliciting a grunt of agony from the man beneath the protective suit. Landing face-first and harshly against the gravel, Rhodes tried to breathe but couldn’t. Thanos lifted his blade high and fully intended to bring it down on the man’s back. The Punisher Armor swooped down, landing viciously on the back of Thanos’ leg and bending it.

Growling at that and falling to one knee, Thanos turned to the assault and met only the armored end of Frank Castle’s forearm. He backpedaled from that hit across his forehead. When both hulking suits of armor rose to full height, they jammed their arms forward, unsheathed every available firearm attached to their person, and pulled every trigger at once.

A flurry of rockets shot forth from the backs of each armor, crying out as they were all redirected and focused solely to the lone Titan. Machine guns spouted from the suits’ gauntlets, shoulder-mounted rocket launchers and miniguns adding to the immense firepower as they all unloaded on Thanos. Unrelenting. Merciless. The darkness of the air around them was enlightened by the furious display, raging of the rockets, and streams of orange bullets all centering on the Mad Titan.

Spinning his blade, Thanos hardly managed to block every bullet or every rocket with his sword. Thankfully for his sake, his hardened skin survived the onslaught of bullets. The rockets were another issue entirely, blowing apart the earth around him and striking his exposed skin and armor that his blade couldn’t block. The Titan fumbled in his defensive stance, forced to hold his ground lest he slip up and give them the opening they desired.

As the Punisher and War Machine broke apart, each taking a different path and circling the Titan while keeping up the offensive fire, Rescue made her move. She hovered high overhead, noting that Thanos attention was focused on Rhodes and Castle. With her Ion Cannons hovering above and beside her, Pepper charged up her repulsors and fired a resounding beam of golden energy directly onto Thanos. He never even had a chance to react, the enhanced repulsor beam striking the Titan and boring him deeper and further across the earth.

Thanos grunted and roared at that assault, rolling to his feet and raising his blade to block her assault. Rescue cut off the repulsors faster than he anticipated, Thanos lowering his sword and seeing the blue suit of armor soaring for him. Pepper charged with her foot swinging first, slashing her boot across Thanos’ temple and earning a cry of pain from him. Thanos retaliated fast, rearing forward and clasping his left palm around her throat, tossing her directly behind him and in order to gain some much-needed distance. War Machine and Punisher continued to unload every bullet they had on him, Thanos trying to shield himself from all angles and failing.

Pepper drove her feet into the ground, sliding to a stop and lifting her illuminated eyes towards the Titan. By her sides, she turned to see Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity emerge, their own armors glowing and ready to unleash the fire. To Twilight, Pepper stared most of all, both masks nodding to one another. They jetted off together.

James and Frank let off the firepower when Rescue and the three mares joined the fray, taking the moment of respite to reload their weapons. Thanos, in the meantime, was disoriented and shaken, unable to block the next onslaught of iron-cladded warriors. Nanoparticle wings jutted forth from Twilight and Pepper’s backs, the duo flying across Thanos’ head and pelting him with mixtures of magic and repulsor blasts. Rarity slid across the earth and fired both repulsors attached to the bottoms of her hooves onto Thanos’ blindside. Rainbow Dash took a closer approach, flipping in mid-air to dodge the Titan’s blade and respond in kind. Her energy blade burst forth from her right hoof, the Pegasus slicing at Thanos’ exposed arm and drawing blood. She landed on the gravel harshly, launching herself at the Titan and ramming her blade into the exposed area on his sternum.

The energy blade tore through the remaining armor and stabbed through the skin. Thanos howled. Rainbow Dash raged, digging her blade in as deep as she could manage. She felt the palm grip the back of her head, Thanos prying her free and tossing the Pegasus clear across the skies. Rhodes and Castle continued the fire, all loaded up and unleashing every arsenal they had onto Thanos once again.

Knocking Twilight out of the air with his sword, Thanos managed to catch Rescue by her leg and slam her into the earth. He grabbed her body, raising Pepper and using her as a shield against the bullets and rockets. He spun his sword on one side of him, holding Pepper on the other, both used to deflect the onslaught. Rhodey cut off his stream of bullets when he noticed the shield Thanos was using against him. That moment of hesitation cost him. Thanos threw Pepper right at him, knocking them both back.

With one dealt with, that left the other. Thanos spun around as the repulsor blast got the back of his head. As he turned, he saw as both Rarity and the Punisher were firing at him together. In rapid succession, Thanos dodged to the left and right to avoid Rarity’s repulsors blasts. The rockets from Frank’s suit struck the earth but not the Titan. With a savage swing of his sword, Thanos shot Rarity directly for the Punisher. Frank rolled out of the way of Rarity’s body, rising to one knee and firing more rockets and bullets onto the Titan.

Grimacing at the sight of the Punisher still active, Thanos disregarded the next suit of armor flying for him. Friday struck the side of his face with her fist as she flew by, Thanos forced her way and watching as the AI swooped down for a second attack. Thanos cut her off and swung his blade across the suit’s body, launching Friday into a mound of rubble and fire.

Tony and Pepper engaged together after that. Husband and wife collectively assaulted the Mad Titan with mixtures of repulsors, punches, and kicks that radiated fluid ferocity and precision. It was as if they had fought together for years, trained for that exact moment to lay Tony’s last demon to rest once for all. For Pepper, it was as much her inner battle as it was Tony’s. Neither would be able to rest unless Thanos was killed for good.

But as expected, Thanos punched back. He punched harder, and both Pepper and Tony were thrown back from their efforts. Frank had enough, breaking the distance between him and Thanos within seconds and firing through every second. His repulsors cut off as he landed on the earth, the Punisher firing relentlessly onto the Titan’s frame. Yet in such close quarters, he was exposed. Thanos could engage much closer and much more personal.

Good, Castle thought. He fired away and held nothing back, roaring his terrible war cry as the bullets bounced and struck off the Titan’s hide. Thanos, previously fallen to his knees, rose again and approached Frank slowly. So very slowly.

With a vicious swing of his blade, Thanos struck the side of Castle’s head. Flashing warnings and red lights in his HUD meant little for Frank, and he waved them off and lifted his arms once more. The machine gauntlets were struck by the side of Thanos’ blade, the bullets ceasing and sparks flying against the damaged firearms. Frank centered his shoulder-mounted miniguns onto the Titan, Thanos only reaching forth and grasping one after the other. He crushed them with a clench of his fist. Thanos elbowed Castle in the back of his head, pushing the Punisher to his knee.

Just as he raised his Double-Edged Sword to strike Castle down, a blackened steel blade was unsheathed from Frank’s gauntlet. The Punisher gave off a solid huff of breath.

Crying out with a throat torn by blood, Frank swung upwards for the Titan’s jugular. Thanos dodged the blade’s edge by inches, the Punisher pushing on and swinging, stabbing, and slicing at Thanos with murderous intention. His motions were once fluid and precise, accurate and trained, but as Thanos continued to dodge, the exertion on Castle started to take form. He stabbed forward and the Dark Lord dodged left, catching Castle’s arm and striking it with his blade. He broke the armor, the arm, and slammed his sword across Castle’s face. The mask of his Punisher Armor broke free, unveiling the bleeding, bruised, and ravaged face of Frank Caste beneath.

Another devastating blow took the breath right out of Castle. Thanos rammed the side of his sword into Frank’s chest, the suit crumbling and crying out as he was launched backwards and crashed in the dirt and rock. For a moment, he simply lay there on his chest, heaving and trying to stand, trying to move, trying to do anything but fall again. He pressed his left palm onto the ground, his right arm broken and hanging limply with the fractured armor plates.

“Submit,” Thanos ordered, glaring down the kneeling Punisher.

He wanted to. Frank knew that more than anything right then and there. Like many times before, when he believed he was at the end of his line and there was no hope of escaping, he wanted to give in. When the pain was so great that he couldn’t even think. When the pain in his heart for the family he lost finally felt too heavy to bear any longer. At that point, the lowest point he had reached many times before, all he wanted to do was submit to it.

And that was exactly what they wanted him to do.

He wouldn’t give in. Whenever he was faced with that reality of his death nearing, he got back up, fought through the blinding pain, and lived anyway. Even if he died, he would take every last life with him if need be. Nothing and no one would go without punishment as long as he lived and breathed. Until his last breath was given, he ensured that those who deserved it met proper justice. Until that last breath, he wasn’t free. Until they were avenged, he wasn’t free.


He thought of that word. He thought of his family. Little Frankie. Lisa. Maria.

God, if they could see me now.

Frank stared off onto the melting horizon at that. He breathed so very heavily. The sun managed to slip through the clouds at that very moment in time, reached his eyes and blinded him in an overwhelming sense of warmth and belonging. In that moment, for the first time in his life, Frank felt at ease. He realized where he truly was. That sense of purpose he had searched for all those years had led him right there. Right then and there, to stand with a new family and a new purpose. With a new title: Avenger. He hadn’t realized what that title really meant until right then. Not one to punish, but to avenge. He avenged them when Banner snapped his fingers. Every last one who was taken and came back.

And he could have sworn he saw his family’s faces in the light, smiling to him, beckoning to him.

Spitting out a helping of blood, Frank mustered a helping of breath and growled, “Funny little thing about me… I don’t know when to submit.”

Before Thanos could even open his mouth, Frank shot out his left arm and fired a missile from his forearm’s cartridge. The miniature missile struck Thanos dead in the chest, a rippling explosion shooting outwards and flames encompassing the visible area of dirt and rock. Arm still jutted outwards, Frank stared into the fading flames and smiled a bleeding smile. He started to chuckle. Then, he laughed.

He smiled and laughed even as Thanos tore through the smoke, utterly enraged, and sliced at Castle’s forearm. The armor was shredded instantly. Thanos cut that remaining distance and drove his sword directly through the piercing red Arc Reactor.

Until the opposite end stabbed the earth beneath.

He stopped laughing and lost his breath, but that never tore away the smile. Castle’s smiling lips were covered in a growing pool of crimson. He stared solely into Thanos’ eyes with every waking second he had left, stared into the murderous rage and felt that same pain within him finally vanish. And finally free, Frank Castle let his head fall back against the dirt.

He stared straight up. Nowhere else but up.

In that moment of stunned silence, the surrounding area turned their attention onto Thanos and what he had done. They almost couldn’t believe it. The masses rose forth and couldn’t believe what their eyes gazed upon. Twilight Sparkle gazed in horror alongside Tony Stark beside her, only her mask retracting to unveil the truth in its ugliest form to her wounded eyes. Pushing herself from the ground, Rainbow witnessed the same event and froze instantly. Her eyes widened. Her breath shortened. Joining the likes of Rarity, Thor, and Captain America.

Steve Rogers slowed his sprint to a dead and cold halt, gazing with heavy eyes onto the dreadful scene before him. As Thor landed with Stormbreaker in hand, he stared on and held his breath to their fallen Avenger. They each felt their hearts fall as Thanos pulled his sword free, and Frank Castle fell free to the earth. That Titan turned and glared at them, bloodshot eyes narrowing to the familiar group of six standing before him. The only ones left that could stand.

They realized soon who they stood with, the various eyes of Twilight, Tony, Rainbow, Steve, Rarity, and Thor all meeting one another halfway. That shared conglomeration of glances all equated to a single stance against Thanos, the six Avengers rising high, glaring ahead, and breathing again. Their expressions hardened, mirroring their wounded hearts for the Avenger they lost. The Avenger that fell in battle, giving his life for something greater than himself.

With a vicious twirl of the mighty Mjølnir, Captain America ensured Frank Castle would not fall in vain. He led the charge and the five others charged with him. Thanos ran at them.

They never collided.

All they saw was the stream of red light impact the grounds between them and utterly rip them from the earth.

The force of the impact was blistering and raw, the earth shattering and dust and rock flying outwards like shrapnel from a grenade. They were all well protected from the blast, but their bodies were lifted high and thrown back as the shock wave rolled through. The blast was like that of a meteor striking the Earth, the intense speed and weight sending a fiery ferocity of rock expelling from the ground and blasting outwards. Each of the six Avengers were scattered from the impact. Thanos fell onto his back and rolled for several more yards.

As the fragments of earth finally rained down, the dust settled and all heads rose to see what had interrupted them. To their utter dismay, they saw as the wind settled the dirt and the cloak of red emerged from it all. The cape flapped gently in the breeze, the rising might of the silver-cladded body unveiling itself fully. And every eye saw it. Every eye gazed on in horror to him alone.

That red cape flapped against the towering body of Ultron. And in one of his many hands, he held out the Sorcerer Supreme by the collar of his cloak. He spun around.

Tony’s eyes slowly grew.

In Ultron’s right claws, the wounded Doctor Strange lifted his eyes lazily to Stark and breathed. Barely even managed a word. Blood, scratches, bruises, and other fleshly wounds graced his body and consumed the Master of the Mystic Arts in an inescapable bond of agony. Twilight gasped aloud, face fully visible and showcasing every inch of detail in her expression of terror. Not only for Stephen Strange in his wounded state, but for the fact that it was Ultron who held him. He was alive despite her past thoughts, her denial, her disbelief in seeing the metal army invading from the skies. They were real. He was very, very real.

And he had returned.

“Worthless,” Ultron growled, tossing the nearly unconscious Sorcerer Supreme aside. His body crashed further off into the ruin, Stephen laying with his cheek pressed against the dirt and gravel. He didn’t move. Ultron glared back at the Avengers.

Twilight shot her gaze back to Ultron, she and her friends scrambling to their hooves in desperation. From where he lay, Thanos stared on in shocked silence to who he was witnessing stand before him. The images of the body, the face, the arms, and the eyes all correlated to one he had seen once before, the one who nearly bested the Avengers and held the Mind Stone in his own metal palm.

“Avengers,” he growled, facing only the six and remaining blissfully unaware of the Titan. “Oh, look at how you’ve grown amidst my absence. And yet, what has your conjoined strength, your comradery reaped? A world in flame, a universe teetering on the brink of destruction. Yes… you understand, don’t you? Nothing, not this world, not this galaxy, can thrive as long as your banner remains. Only I know what must be done. Only I can bring… peace.”

His eyes shimmered, all six narrowing to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

“Your reign ends when the sun falls this day.”

It was Ultron. It was truly him. Thanos watched breathlessly from the sidelines as he rose up to the Avengers and utterly bested them.

All six arms ascended as the AI abomination hovered from the ground. While Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity were frozen to the dirt, Captain America rushed forward and threw Mjølnir directly for the robotic entity. The hammer soared so fast that the mares couldn’t even track it, and yet it still was not fast enough. Ultron merely floated to the side, dodging the hammer and seeing it fly off further in the distance. Glaring back to the Captain, Ultron shot out one of his many claws and fired a concussion blast directly into the star over his heart.

Steve lost his breath on that hit, flying back at unrealistic speeds and crashing through various mounds of rubble. Tony, Thor, and the ponies saw his body vanish. They couldn’t even breathe. They didn’t have time to.

In a rushed cluster of bodies, the remaining Avengers threw themselves at Ultron in hopes that at least one of them would find a weak point, an opening, anything that could have yielded an advantage. Nothing came of their attempts. Ultron’s might was incomprehensible, much stronger than they had known since the last time their paths had crossed. Much stronger than anything they could have hoped to stand against.

Thor leaped in the air and drove Stormbreaker directly onto the AI’s head. Ultron merely batted his axe aside and caught Thor by his throat, spinning and flinging the God of Thunder straight for his creator. Tony dodged Thor’s body by inches, pushing forth alongside all three mares onto the enraged robotic menace. He fired a repulsor beam, the blast merely bouncing off of Ultron’s hardened exterior and the AI responding with a concussion blast, one that struck Iron Man and launched him to the earth with a resounding crash.

Rainbow unsheathed her energy blades. Rarity’s forelegs formed two jackhammers. Twilight’s horn and repulsors all glowed a vicious white as all three Iron Mares collided with Ultron.

He caught them all.

Just by jutting out three of his six claws, Ultron captured each mare in an unbreakable field of anti-gravity energy. Just by flicking his wrists, he yanked the ponies towards him and caught them all at once by their throats. Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity struggled to breathe with the grip he had on them, Rainbow stabbing his arms and Twilight firing magic into his face. Ultron sneered at that, jetting downwards and slamming all three mares head-first into the gravel.

Rising up, Ultron noted their wounded, prone forms. They were not dead. His readings showed visible heartbeats within them, ones that lingered despite all the torment they endured in the past hour. Regardless, he raised his claws and directed them all towards the feeble ponies, fingertips glowing a vicious red as the concussion beams charged fully.

He stopped. He shot out his right claw and caught Stark by his throat. The man in the iron suit gasped as all the speed he acquired in his flight was halted in the blink of an eye. He grasped onto the arm of his wretched creation, forced to stare into the turning face and piercing eyes. Ultron’s claw rose up and grasped the sides of Stark’s mask, until he soon held him by nothing but his helmet. Tony clawed at him as he was raised higher and higher.

Then, he was suddenly pulled closer, face to face with Ultron to hear every dreaded syllable.

“I’ll deal with you later.”

The threat was laid bare, absorbed through Tony’s suit and into his mind and heart. His suit was unable to absorb the charged concussion beams, every claw turned towards him and firing directly into his Arc Reactor.

Ultron released him and watched Stark fly off from the blast, his Mark 85 crashing, tumbling, burning, and crumbling until he crashed back-first against a pile of rock. Tony’s gasp of pain could be heard even from the distance he had traveled, his suit short-circuiting and the eyes flickering on and off. Beneath the mask, Tony Stark grimaced at the pain. Grimaced, breathed, and lived through it all.

Lived to see his creation once again wreak havoc and terror upon the world.

No more distractions. No more insurrections. Scanning the battlefield, Ultron located the uncontainable power source and saw it radiating just a few hundred feet to his left. He turned rapidly to the energy source, all six eyes narrowing and targeting the Nano Gauntlet resting against the ruin. And upon the gauntlet, all six Infinity Stones remained fresh for the taking.

Ultron hovered towards it, no longer finding any logical need to deal with the minor threats. With the Stones in his possession, all would be dealt with on the grandest scale possible. Stark would feel a more personal hell and torment than the others, but it would all be over. Soon, all would be his. He just needed to reach the gauntlet.

Seeing this, Thanos finally took action and rose from the dirt. He saw where Ultron had turned towards, spotting the glinting lights of the Stones against the smaller fires that surrounded it. As if things could possibly get any more complicated, now Thanos had to deal with Ultron trying to take his destiny from him. Seething at that, Thanos reared back with his blade and tossed it right at Ultron’s back, giving a roaring grunt as the sword flew.

Instead of seeing his blade pierce the robotic AI, Thanos watched as Ultron caught the sword without even looking, spun around to account for its speed and velocity, and slammed its end into the earth with resonating force. The ground split and cracked from the blade’s impact, Thanos breathing again and lifting his eyes to the abomination. Ultron narrowed his own to the Mad Titan.

They held nothing back and charged one another, the two forces of darkness clashing.

From the sidelines, Tony Stark watched the battle unfold as his vision blurred and mind faded in and out of consciousness. His HUD was a static mess, which offered little for him to actually fully analyze. All he knew for certain was that Ultron was back. From another timeline, another reality where he won, and came to theirs to claim another universe under his unholy banner. Seeing them now, in his static HUD and blurring vision, Tony could only see the remaining demons of his life killing one another, Ultron and Thanos locked in a battle of will, strength, and unfathomable power. Whichever demon emerged victorious, they lost.

And Stark only had himself to blame for it all.

On those tattered battlegrounds, he lay, breathing and living and watching everything he knew crumble before him. It was almost too much for him to take in at once, so he took it all in with each breath, continued to breathe until it was the only sound he heard. Just the soft, subtle tones of his own breathing. No fight left. No will left. No plan left. It was just him, just the man beneath the suit. At least he had that.

The static faded and Homer called to him.

S-s-s-sir? C-c-can you hear me? Sir, systems are failing. I can’t stop it.

Tony closed his eyes at that. He pursed his lips, tightened his expression, and breathed.

“Homer, reroute yourself to the satellites. Get out of here.”

Sir, I can’t. My systems have been cut with the satellites. Ultron’s Fortr-tr-tress is disabling all communica-a-ations I have. All I have left is the Mark 85,” the AI replied. Despite being just a program, an unfeeling, inhuman application, Tony could have sworn he heard a hint of dread and fear in Homer’s voice. Stark could see the transmissions fading in his static HUD.

Homer seemed to carry that fear onward, muttering, “I think I’m cl-cl-clocking out here.

“No, you’re not,” Tony tried to argue, his breathing rapidly increasing and his chest rising and falling. “No, come on… Stay with me.”

There’s no other option here, sir,” Homer said, and continued to surprise Tony with the rising emotion in his robotic tone. It had shifted from the dreaded fear to warming determination, all leading to that bold sense of acceptance. “You can’t go on in this suit; it’s too damaged. You kn-know what you need to do. Don’t try and d-d-deny it. You always find a way. Just go. It’s okay, sir, I’m ready.

“Don’t do this now,” Tony whispered, almost begged. “No, no, you’re coming with me… Homer, come on, buddy.”

He closed his eyes once more, whispering to the program like he was speaking to an old friend. Maybe he was. Maybe it was for the last time. Maybe he didn’t want to accept that and instead tried to convince himself that what he could make could be worth something, that it could last. That it was something that didn’t die because of him.

Homer never saw it that way. The AI spoke only to his creator, his friend, and believed in him.

Good luck, Tony. It’s been an honor, sir.”

The canopy protocol was activated outside of Tony’s command. The Mark 85 split apart and the Arc Reactor died, unveiling Tony like a newborn child into the world. He gasped for air, clutching his throat and coughing as he gripped the ends of the suit and pulled. He rose up, planted his feet on the dirt, and instantly fell. Once Tony pulled himself free from the suit, the Mark 85 crumbled into a pile of shattered nanoparticles, shreds of metal hardly holding together. He stared to it longingly, sadly, and somewhat fondly to hear those final words of encouragement from the AI.

But he had to get back up. His war wasn’t over. Planting his shivering fists into the ground, the man without the suit slowly rose and planted one foot in the dirt. Only to nearly fall back down when Friday landed in front of him.

Tony gasped when he saw the suit, the familiar Mark 45 nearly stumbling as the female AI knelt to him. Together, the two were on just one knee, face to face, and eyes rising to meet one another. Tony almost breathed a smile.

Friday gave him a once-over, saying, “Looks like you’re in dire need of an upgrade.”

The familiar Irish accent was almost too much for Tony to handle. Her request was even more straining on him, Stark dropping his gaze and trying to breathe again. “Friday, I can’t. I…” he mumbled, voice stricken with loss, uncertainty, and grief. He lifted his eyes and met the piercing blues of her mask.

“I won’t lose another AI.”

He saw as she shook her head, declaring boldly, quietly, “You won’t.”

She held out her hand for him to take.

After a moment of thought, hesitation, and whatever lingering demons clouded him still, Tony Stark gazed to the open palm and saw it for what it was. What it truly was. Another step towards the right path. He took it without a second thought, Friday pulling him to his feet and opening at that exact second once they rose to full height together. Tony spun around and fell inside of her, the armor closing, locking, and enlightening his vision with a full and healthy HUD. Tony gazed to it all, the blue light illuminating his face amongst the darkness.

Systems online. Rerouting control to your HUD,” Friday’s welcome and feminine voice said in his ears. It felt even more welcoming to hear her say it. “Welcome back, sir.

Iron Man couldn’t help himself and let that triumphant smirk sneak its way onto his lips.

“You ready for one last ride, Friday?”

Aye, Boss.

Author's Note:

“First time as long as I can remember I don’t have a war to fight. I guess if I have to be honest, I just… I’m scared.”

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