• Published 26th May 2018
  • 7,987 Views, 7,460 Comments

Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 43 – Bang



New York, USA


8:41 a.m.

Karen Page shoved Daredevil against the brick wall, practically yelling in a hushed whisper, “You are… unbelievable, you know that?!”

Foggy Nelson remained behind her, turning his concerned gaze from Karen, to Matt, and back to the rest of the group taking a much-needed rest in the nearest alleyway they could find. Things could have gone better for them the past twenty minutes. The streets of New York were practically a warzone, alien ships flying every second and searching for moving bodies down below. Misty Knight, Claire Temple, Colleen Wing, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil made it their duty to get the group of civilians to the police station in Harlem. Thankfully, they didn’t run into any aliens on the way. So far, that is.

Taking a well-deserved respite for everyone to catch their breath as they moved from one alley to the next, Karen and Foggy made sure that no one else was around the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen when they finally were able to confront him. And confront him they did.

Matt groaned as his back hit the brick wall, the soreness flooding his muscles and tendons still not fully recovered. He expected hostility from Karen the second she got some alone time with him. And how could he blame her? The last she ever heard of him was when he was supposedly crushed to death when that building came crumbling down following the defeat of the Hand. For all he knew, she was probably still mourning. Of course she would look furious to see him standing alive and almost well before them. Nothing compared to Foggy’s expression, though. He wasn’t angry, he wasn’t relieved. He just looked betrayed. They needed an explanation, and fast.

The thing with that was that Matt didn’t even know if he could give a clear enough one.

Forcing himself to meet her fiery glare, Matt held up his gloved-hands in a clear sign of defeat, finally admitting to her, “I’m sorry, Karen… Foggy. I barely understand how I got out of that mess, too.”

He spoke so low that Karen and Foggy had to lean in even closer to listen. Karen’s eyes were bloodshot, both from the smoke and ash burning the air and the pain she constantly felt seeing Matthew Murdock still alive and breathing before her. Her long, blonde hair was a disheveled mess. Foggy was no better, soot and cuts fresh on his face and a dangerous gash across his forehead. Other than that, they were alive. They were safe. Matt would guarantee that.

Taking a quick peek to his right to see if anyone was looking their way, Matt could tell that nobody was, and returned his focus on his two closest friends. “Well, you had to have gotten out of it somehow! Jesus Christ, Matt!” Karen whispered sharply, slapping him with both hands in his chest one more time. He offered no resistance, taking every hit he knew he deserved.

Karen kept her palms pressed to his suit’s chest, staring directly into his red eyes. She silently scoffed, shaking her head. “Do you realize what we had to go through?”

“Do you realize what I went through?”

And just like that, Karen’s anger slowly began to diminish. Her hands fell away from his chest, finding refuge by her sides. She wasn’t alone, thankfully, as Foggy was right by her side, both staring into Matt’s unknown expression with the devil mask constantly shielding his eyes. Even then, it was still hard to tell what he was thinking. They learned to envision Matt’s emotions through his voice and actions, the former especially.

Especially then.

“I had her back,” Matt stated flatly, let it rest in the open for Karen and Foggy to fully digest. “I finally broke through whatever the hell the Hand forced into Elektra’s head, whatever they made her to be. She was herself… just for a few seconds… and then the world separated us again. I lost her not once… but twice now. As far as I know, I died under that building and those nuns didn’t save me.”

“Nuns?” Foggy asked.

Matt nodded. “They pulled me out of the wreckage. Practically pieced me back together. I don’t think they saved her.”

Foggy took a step forward. “You didn’t ask them?”

“I… I was a little preoccupied, what with one of the sisters actually turning out to be my mother who I haven’t seen in thirty years. I guess I just forgot to—”

“Your mother?”

Both Matthew and Foggy turned to Karen. Her anger had completely vanished, leaving just an awestruck and almost heartbroken expression. Matt even had to catch himself when he finally put the pieces together. It was no secret that he and Karen had been a “thing” together for a while, yet over time, their relationship only seemed to deteriorate. Things between them didn’t get any simpler when Elektra fell into the picture.

Almost as quickly as she came back into Matt’s life, he found himself falling back into hers, the two rekindling the old flame they once held together. Matt didn’t seem as if he wanted to believe it anymore, especially with Karen around, but he had fallen back in love with Elektra. But love could be focused for later. For now, he refocused all of his senses onto Karen, finally answering her question with a swift and stern nod.


“They didn’t find Elektra?”

It was a little longer pause for Matt, but he still shook his head regrettably. “No.”

Karen’s expression was even more difficult to pinpoint. A part of her looked somewhat torn on that idea of Elektra being lost to the collapse, but it was overwhelmed by her feelings for Matt’s well-being and happiness. Seeing him absolutely crestfallen by that admission, Karen slowly nodded her head, stuttering softly, “I’m sorry, Matt.”

He nodded to her, appreciating the honesty she put in that statement, no deceit in her heart from what he could hear. And even though she already made her position and concern clear and true, she sealed the deal and hugged him in the end. With her arms held tight around him, Matt slowly eased himself into her embrace, having not felt it in nearly a year. How he hadn’t smelt her wonderful scent, or felt her warm, shivering body close to his, or heard that unforgettable heartbeat right by his very own. It was comforting. It was just what he needed.

Foggy joined in and patted his shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, buddy,” Foggy said, smiling softly in Murdock’s direction. Matt smiled at that, the first one directed at Foggy in a long time.

“Fall in!”

The group of three broke apart, turning accordingly to Misty Knight’s voice and where she brought everyone’s attention. The civilians obeyed without questions, listening to the one with the handgun and the robotic arm. Not much else to do in a situation like that. While Danny, Colleen, and Claire tended to ease the crowd from the chaos unfolding outside of the alleyway, Luke and Jessica stepped forward to Misty.

“What’s the story?” Luke asked.

Currently on her phone, Detective Knight grumbled and brought her phone down, nothing but screams unfolding on the other end of the line before it was cut short. “Shit,” she cursed, turning back to the duo behind her. “Just got some bad news. The station in Harlem was just hit by more of these flyin’ things. And get this…”

Daredevil, Karen Page, and Foggy Nelson joined the small crowd building in front of Misty. She looked to each one of them her jaw unhinged as she said it. “The officers who made it out… they said it was the same goddamn aliens that attacked New York six years ago.”

An unsettling silence filled the crowd, not only the small one in front of Knight. The citizens actually quieted down for a short moment, the screeches, explosions, and screams from outside being the only sound. Daredevil grit his teeth at that. “The Chitauri?” he asked for clarification.

Misty just nodded grimly.

“Looks like they’re back for seconds,” Jessica groaned.

“We can’t head to Harlem if those things are crawling around there,” Misty explained, pocketing her phone away and gripping her pistol with both hands. “If there’s another station nearby, then maybe…”

“Where are we exactly?”

They all looked to Danny Rand. Claire and Colleen kept their focus on the civilians while Rand joined Luke, Jessica, Matt, Karen, and Foggy. Misty stared at him for a moment, shrugging and saying, “Probably just outside Hell’s Kitchen.”

An explosion rocked a nearby building, debris shooting out into the road and the crowd of civilians crying out at that. As Colleen and Claire quieted them down, Danny only shook his head, scratching his stubble. “Okay… I say we head back and find a police station in there. Probably somewhere the aliens haven’t hit already.”

“Either that or a sewer,” Jessica muttered.

While not technically the most appreciative suggestion, Misty Knight would have taken anywhere except where they were. Because the moment Jessica finished that statement, something hovered downwards to the street, slowly facing towards the alley where she and the others stood, trying to hide in the shadows. Yet it still saw them.

“Shit,” Knight whispered, ripping his pistol forward, right above all of their heads. “Get out!”

Misty unloaded on the Chitauri chariot hovering just outside of the alley. The four Defenders and two civilians in front of her all ducked accordingly, Luke Cage less so and instead focusing on the direction of Misty’s shot. He spotted that same chariot, the bullets bouncing off of it without harm dealt to the aliens. The creatures responded in kind to the gunfire, unleashing several bolts of blue energy from their rifles down into the alley. The civilians screamed and made a run for it the other way out, without the help from either Colleen or Claire despite their best efforts to keep the peace. They ran with them, trying desperately to escape the alien blaster bolts.

Misty Knight and the remaining Defenders and civilians were right behind them. They made it outside almost immediately. Looking back momentarily, Luke Cage could see as the chariot managed to fly its way inside, scraping the sides of the brick buildings and shooting sparks all across the alley floor. Noticing the chariot’s lack of mobility while trying to chase them down, he looked over to the large, green dumpster to his left. He gritted his teeth and approached it, both hands gripping the sides of the dumpster and chucking it straight into the air, right at the chariot. Luke blew the alien ship right out of the air, already feeling that small sense of victory leave him when that burning husk of a chariot came teetering downwards his way. And where…

Colleen had managed to direct the civilians safely onto the other side and out of the alley, yet there was one who was still standing just outside of it. One who was helping, as well. Luke didn’t waste a second longer and tackled Claire out of the way, the chariot crashing and sending burning shrapnel out of the alleyway.

The resulting crash spewed fire and metal out into the street, but the civilians were already safely on the sidewalk, watching the events unfold before them. Luke and Claire groaned as the man lied just on top of her, the two finally meeting each other’s gazes for the briefest of moments.

“Come on! Come on! Get up!”

Both Luke and Claire turned to Misty Knight, fumbling to their feet and brushing themselves off, trying desperately to hide their blushes. It was easy to do so with the fire in the clouds over their heads, everyone’s attention literally focused anywhere else but on the ground. Chariots soared in the air, firing down upon the buildings that remained standing, down into the streets, down where the screams were ripe and hopeless. Misty Knight stumbled about, her robotic hand gripping her pistol, the other not knowing what to do. Just like herself.

“What’s the plan now, Detective?” Jessica sneered, trying to round up the civilians like sheep.

Several Chitauri flying by caught her eyes, Misty watching as they sent a volley of alien gunfire upon a building at the end of the street and escaped before even watching the building come crumbling down in a heap of dust. Misty flinched as a far-off explosion sounded off like it was right next to her, the usually well-kept detective slowly deteriorating. “We need to get these civilians somewhere safe!”

“Where?!” Danny roared, clearly tired of not having a clear location to turn.

He was somewhat satisfied with her response. “Anywhere but here!”

“Daredevil!” Danny yelled, a chariot flying over his head, a gust of wind trailing.

Murdock paused on the sidewalk, tilting his head slightly, listening for a serene and safe location. A place with no war. No death. He found it, just dead ahead. “This way!” Matt screamed, waving everyone towards him. “Follow me!”

He led them straight into the street, the area littered with abandoned vehicles and where nothing but more and more aliens flying above remained. Almost hesitant, the crowd looked to their protectors for a solution and watched as they followed behind the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. They took that as a close enough guarantee of a safe haven and ran for it. Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Jessica Jones, Colleen Wing, Claire Temple, and Misty Knight protected all the sides surrounding the crowd, keeping them in one group, keeping them moving forward.

All up until a Chitauri landed on the car in front of Daredevil, crushing it beneath its feet. The creature slowly rose to full height, the chariot it leaped off of flying away. Matt slowly looked up as well, the crowd behind him doing the same. The alien was light gray in color, golden armor and robes decorating its body. A large gun was attached to the creature’s left arm, the end of the barrel glowing a bright blue. Without even seeing the face beneath the golden mask, Murdock could already tell the creature was glaring at him. He heard the low, near-silent growls.

He could see as the world burned around him, the flaming creature raising its gun right for him. “Shit,” Matt cursed.

A brick hit it right in the head before it could pull the trigger, a splatter of dark blue liquid shooting out from the impact. The creature yelped and fell behind the car, not coming back up afterwards. Daredevil looked back, heard Jessica’s increased heartbeat and saw her burning face behind him. She scoffed a chuckle, shrugging her shoulders.

“You were just standing there with your dick in your hand.”

“Yeah?” Matt said, pulling out his billy club. “Move to your left.”


A Chitauri landed behind her, another chariot zooming by. Jessica spun around, actually having to look upwards just to meet its heightened gaze behind its mask. “Oh, shi—!”

Danny tackled her just as the Chitauri swung down for Jones. Matthew shot out his billy club and charged forward, the end meeting the Chitauri right in its forehead. Growling at that, the creature was unprepared for Murdock when the billy club shot right back in his palm, the Daredevil sliding forward and striking the beast in the kneecap, instantly cracking it and making the alien crumble. Before it could even let out a tormented cry, Daredevil rose to his feet and spun around, gaining momentum as he struck the beast with the side of his billy club hard enough to crack bone.

And crack it he did. The creature’s skull split with a resounding crack, the beast resting limp for a second or two before it fell forward into the road, face-first and without another sound leaving it. Matt remained standing, breathing heavily and gripping his bloody billy club. Danny pushed himself off of Jessica, offering her his hand. She offered a glare in return, but gripped his hand with her own eventually. Once Danny pulled Jessica to her feet, that’s when more chariots flew past them.

That’s when more Chitauri dropped and landed in the streets.

That’s when every single one of them surrounded the civilians.

That’s when the Defenders took action.

A Chitauri foot soldier bellowed an alien cry, reaching back and whipping out its rifle. The weapon unfolded in its claws, the barrel pointed directly towards Claire Temple and the citizens behind her. They all screamed in unison once the creature fired at them, shielding themselves and their loved ones once the blaster fire shot right for them. Claire shielded the crowd with her own body, fully intending to give her life for others. She heard the blaster bolts make their impact, but felt no pain.

Slowly lifting her head, Claire took notice to the large, burly, yellow shield standing in front of them. The Chitauri lowered its rifle, the beast just as awestruck as the crowd that Luke Cage protected. Glowing on his chest, several impact points from the Chitauri’s rifle shimmered and smoked, but other than that, he was completely fine. Still standing. Opening his eyes and glaring at the creature.

Before the Chitauri could even return to reality and raise its rifle, Luke Cage charged it, rearing back and grunting as he delivered an earth-shattering punch directly into its chest. The armor plating completely failed, the beast’s bones shattering once Luke’s fist made contact. The Chitauri flew backwards like a rocket from the strike, impacting the side of an abandoned, burning vehicle and crumbling to the street.

A Chitauri Commander growled at that, raising its fist in the air and screeching to its fellow soldiers. They moved in on the crowd, poised for the kill. Misty Knight and Claire Temple responded in kind by unloading their pistol magazines onto the approaching aliens, dropping only a couple before being forced to retreat. They split the crowd into the two, Misty taking them behind a bundle of cars on the side of the road and Claire doing the same in a relatively safe distance apart from Misty’s group. The two slid behind the cars the civilians packed behind, rising up only to retaliate with pistol fire from the Chitauri’s far superior alien blaster bolts.

As the Chitauri moved in to strike down the unarmed civilians down the street, the only thing that stood between them and an easy victory were five individuals refusing to back down. Refusing to die. The five who just wouldn’t seem to give in against the overwhelming odds. Because they didn’t know the meaning of quit, even when the aliens that attacked their city six years ago were back, delivering that final, killing blow onto New York.

Because they would do whatever it took to defend their city.

Daredevil didn’t give the Chitauri any room to fire, charging right into their discomfort zone and delivering strike after strike with his billy clubs. He swung low, striking the first Chitauri in front of him right in its sternum. As it bent forward clutching its wound, Daredevil jumped in the air, swinging his legs as he did so and smacking the alien directly behind him across its faceplate. As the beast behind him twisted its neck at an unnatural angle, Daredevil finished off the one in front of him with a hit across its face. The beast growled and gurgled on its own blood, falling to the street with a dull thud. Daredevil didn’t let up, not even for a second, twisting his head and hearing the beast’s growl several yards away. Quickly approaching Jessica with her back turned. He reared back, tossing his billy club with such speed and precision that it killed the Chitauri it hit on impact.

The billy club struck the Chitauri in the side of its head, the beast crumbling mid-swing with his rifle. Just as it was about to slice Jessica Jones in half. As for the detective, she was caught in-between two Chitauri, ducking down and sending a punch right into the gut of the alien directly in front of her. As the beast fell forward flat on its face, Jessica quickly rose up, unprepared when the Chitauri behind her wrapped its larger arms around her skinnier frame, trying to subdue her. Jones was having none of it, breaking the creature’s arms with just her palms and flinging it forward, a painful cry leaving both it and its companion once she slammed its body forcefully against the other.

Blowing the hair out of her face, Jessica turned to her right once she saw a Chitauri land on the roof of a car. It aimed its rifle at her, but Jessica was faster and kicked out the car out right from under it. The vehicle skidded across the cement, the alien falling flat on its chest. Before it could even get up, Jones silenced it with her boot, her foot crashing down and crunching its skull beneath it. Grimacing at the black and blue liquid painting the bottom of her boot, Jessica turned to the next Chitauri, the one of the many endless hordes hurtling their way. She caught its rifle swung for her, delivering a powerful punch right into its face.

Colleen Wing rolled forward, dodging the Chitauri swinging its bladed edge of its rifle right for her head. Rising to her knee, Colleen sliced at where she presumed its Achilles tendon would be. She struck something, as its piercing cry and dark blue blood exploded out from the cut. Colleen didn’t stop, ducking as the beast swung once more for her head. She appeared in front of it, slicing upwards with her katana and beheading the creature. Its head bounced against the gravel, the Chitauri falling alongside the rest of the bodies dotting the road. Colleen snorted, twirling her katana and focusing her eyes on the next target. And the next. And the many more.

In the edge of her vision, she could see Danny Rand dealing with the Chitauri surrounding him fairly well. He always could hold his own pretty well, but that was against common thugs, drug dealers, and even fellow students back at K’un-Lun. Danny didn’t know what to expect from actual extraterrestrial life. It turned out, they hardly fought any better than punks trying to pick a fight in the streets. For Danny, that is. A single Chitauri foot soldier fired away at the Iron Fist, but Rand was too fast, dodging and weaving as the blaster bolts zoomed past him. Once he was close and personal with the alien, Danny offered several quick, precise, and devastating blows into the Chitauri’s chest, what he had presumed to be weak points. They always worked on people, and it appeared that the aliens weren’t any different. The creature’s arms went slack, dropping its rifle and allowing Danny to deliver the killing blow. He jumped backwards, performing a flip and sending his foot right into the beast’s chin. Its head shot upwards, a sickening snap following its body hitting the road.

Danny wasn’t done, back on his two feet and flipping once more as he heard the Chitauri behind him swing for the back of his head. He could feel the Chitauri’s back against his own as he rolled directly over the creature, landing on his feet and already spinning around, striking the beast across its face with his foot. The Chitauri spun halfway around from the hit, falling to its knees and eventually its chest. Danny watched it fall, quickly turning his attention to the several aliens surrounding him. He raised his fists and backed away, eventually hitting another backside. And another. And another.

Spinning with his fists leading the way, Danny froze momentarily to see Luke, Jessica, and Matt standing behind him, just as surrounded as he was. They all shared a look before turning about, staring at the many Chitauri raising their rifles to them, growling an alien tongue to one another. Communicating, having their prey finally cornered and defeated.

Luke Cage just breathed, looking over his shoulder and down to Rand. “You ready for some patty-cake?” he asked.

Danny slowly smirked, nodding once. Jessica frowned, looking from Danny, to Luke, and finally settling on Murdock. Neither one of them had a clue as to what they meant.

Then, before any of the creatures could flex their claws and pull the triggers to end the four Defenders right there, Danny’s smile fell, just a tight, determined, and focused frown on his face. He lifted his right fist, the creatures actually gazing in wonder and shock as his fist glowed a bright gold. Jessica and Matt saw what was coming, Jessica moving behind Cage and Matt in front of Rand. Then Danny spun around, slamming that glowing fist right into Cage’s palms.

It happened. None of the Chitauri could have seen it coming. The resulting shock wave from Rand and Cage’s combined teamwork filled the road they occupied, tossing cars through the air and ripping right through the Chitauri foot soldiers and commanders. Their bodies flipped about through the air as the gust of energy ripped them from the ground. Cars fell on top of bodies, the other Chitauri silenced once they hit the ground. The air was quiet for a moment, the resulting boom from Danny’s fist finally settling.

Once his fist finally broke away from Luke’s palms, Danny stared at it for a moment before finally returning to the area around them. Matthew and Jessica looked about, almost awestruck at the power Rand held in just his fist. Luke flexed his palms, flinching as did the rest of his team when the bombardment of alien gunfire fell around them. Both Luke and Danny shielded themselves—Matt covering Jessica with his own body—turning accordingly to the sky to see two chariots flying down to them, firing more and more blue bolts to strike them down.

Danny reacted instantly, shooting his stare downwards to a lone taxi cab abandoned in the street. With his fist leading the charge, Danny ran forward, reared back, and drove his fist into the side of the car. He grunted heavily, actually screaming as the punch sent the vehicle straight into the air, flipping it several times where it impacted both of the chariots. Luke stood in front of Danny as the resulting residue from the explosion fell over them. Matt pulled Jessica underneath Cage, waiting as the fire and metal impacted the road.

Then all was silent.

Minus the sounds of warfare and slaughter occurring outside of their fight, the Defenders slowly stood back up to full height. The surrounding dust and smoke in the area was lit up once Danny’s glowing fist appeared out of the darkness. That light finally settled, Rand breathing heavily as Jessica and Matthew stood directly in front of him, just as winded as he. The remnants of the chariot burned around them, keeping a small pocket where they stood completely bare. They all looked over to Luke Cage, nodding appreciatively to him. Luke nodded back, patting the flames eating away at his shoulder.

Colleen Wing stood with her katana soaked in a dark blue and black substance, her white shirt almost as filthy. Behind her, she and the Defenders looked back to see Misty Knight and Claire Temple still alive, still holding their ground with the civilians as safe as they ever were before. Their fight, however, was long from being finalized. Misty pointed her finger to the sky, down the road, where her pistol faced the same direction. Colleen followed. The Defenders followed.

Several more chariots turned the corner at the end of the street, soaring right for them, dropping even more Chitauri foot soldiers into the street to meet the Defenders. Those chariots flew past, only one remaining hovering in the center of the road, facing the resistance.

“Ready for round two?” Matt breathed, twirling his billy clubs once.

None could answer him. He took their conjoined sighs, growls, and increased breathing as answer enough. Jessica tightened her fists, glaring at the Chitauri weaving between and hopping onto the vehicles, pulling out their rifles and aiming right for them. Luke narrowed his frown, taking the first steps forward alongside Danny and Murdock. Jones joined them, all four of them beginning their slow approach to the inevitable fight.

Then they stopped when they heard the bang.

It broke across the air, silencing even the distant warfare for a brief moment. The Defenders all paused, even Colleen did, even Misty and Claire did and stared headlong at the chariot that was shot right out of the sky. Whatever hit it didn’t cause the chariot to explode. If anything, the pilot was taken out, the remaining ship falling down and impacting the street where the explosion followed through. The Chitauri looked about, several confused, all of them turning to the buildings to find where the shot had come from. Another bang, and a Chitauri’s head was blown off its shoulders. Then another. Then another.

Bang, bang, bang!

Until nothing remained. Until all the Chitauri in the road were dead. The skies above the street were momentarily cleared, the resulting silence almost making the rest of the invasion disappear for a moment too long. “What?” Danny gasped, lowering his fists and gazing to the street and the buildings.

There were no more resounding blasts from what was clearly a gun, a sniper rifle to be exact, as far as Matt could identify. The four Defenders looked around, noticing no more enemies. Nothing left to fight. They all spun around, Danny’s confused expression meeting Colleen’s puzzled one. They all seemed to share the same fate.

“Is everyone all right?” Daredevil called out, watching as Colleen’s fiery form spun around.

“We’re good!” Claire said, giving Matt a thumbs-up, obviously referring to all the civilians present, Misty Knight, and herself. Daredevil checked everyone’s heartbeats just to be certain, sighing with relief in the end.

“What the hell was that?” Danny asked, his head darting back and forth, his body swiveling about. Misty, Claire, and Colleen came together with the remaining four Defenders, the crowd of concerned and shaken civilians right behind them. Most were quiet, keeping their terrified eyes to the buildings around them, almost expecting another shot to go off and pick them out one by one.

“Those were sniper shots,” Luke said. He pointed down the street, towards the building facing them at the end of the block. “I got a flicker.”

“I got it, too,” Matt said, listening in closer in the direction Luke had pointed out. He silenced all else around him, only focusing on the building. He could hear heavy footsteps against the floor of the building. High up, probably the tenth floor, moving back towards what sounded like a staircase. The heavy footsteps—now sounding like large boots—traveling quicker, moving downwards.

And just then, Karen’s phone rang, breaking Matt from his concentration. Almost every eye shifted her way, Karen quickly handling her phone and hoping to get the attention off of her. She fumbled with it, finally sliding her finger across its face and bringing it close to her ear. “H-hello?” she stuttered, remaining silent as the heavy voice on the other end spoke only to her.

It was short, the other end cutting off before Karen could even start to question the caller. Yet her expression seemed to hold no sense of wonderment. Lowering her phone, Karen looked over from each Defender, to Matthew, and finally settling her gaze on Misty Knight. “We need to head towards that building.”

“Excuse me?” Misty said, turning on Karen with an incredulous look. “You want us to go towards the sniper fire? And who the hell’s on the other line?”

“Just…” Karen said, almost pleaded, “… trust me… okay?”

Shaking her head, Misty turned around to face Claire and the others. She eventually nodded, turning back to Daredevil. They both saw him nod. Misty checked the skies, seeing that it was clear for the time being. She sighed, nodding Karen forward and holding her bionic arm to her. “Lead the way.”

And she did, walking right alongside the Defenders down the street and towards the building amongst several others. With hardly anyone else other than the main four leading the group, Karen sent an appreciative smile Matthew’s way. He smiled back, yet he could hardly hide the grim expression. The sole reason he trusted Karen’s judgement on the situation was because he was quickly starting to deduce who was firing from the building. His voice on the other end of the line only confirmed Matt’s suspicions.

As for Detective Knight, she walked alongside Colleen Wing and Claire Temple, the group of civilians close behind them. They followed right behind the four Defenders and Karen Page, Misty constantly on edge, constantly shifting her uneasy gaze back to the lonesome building ahead. “Whoever it was, they didn’t shoot us,” Claire said, coming up on Misty’s side.

Misty’s lips fell into a straight line. She gripped her pistol even tighter in her robotic hand. “Let’s just find out who it was.”

The large group descended deeper down the street, eventually coming to a rest in the front of the building. Its unrelenting and somewhat haunting shadow fell over them, and even in the much-needed coolness of the dark, many still felt a pang of unease rush over them. It didn’t help to constantly hear the distant screams and explosions consuming New York like an ever-growing virus. But finally, their fears were settled once the person’s shadow appeared from beyond the glass doors of the building. That darkened figure continued to approach, closer and closer towards the Defenders and the civilians behind them.

Karen Page held her breath with every step the figure took, finally breathing again when he came face to face with the doors. He pushed the doors open with his Marine Scout Sniper Rifle, stepping outside into the morning light and under the bright, fiery skies.

And Frank Castle didn’t look happy to see them.

“Castle?!” Foggy exclaimed.

“Frank…” Karen whispered, Matthew looking back towards her. Their eyes met for a second, Matt’s hidden behind his red lenses. Their feelings were still mutual on the subject, each having known one way or the other who was on the other end of the line.

Matt nodded, facing forward and staring at the man before them. The murderer. The Grim Reaper. The Dead Man. “The Punisher,” Murdock finally murmured.

The Punisher stood with his signature scowl plastered on his face, almost like it was forever indented into his facial structure, never to be removed. His short buzz cut was as black as his trench coat and armor, allowing the pale white skull that glared on his armored chest to stick clearly out for all to see and fear. He wore a large backpack, presumably carrying even more weapons rather than just the MSSR he gripped in his hands. Grenades, pistols, magazines, and all sorts of military weaponry were attached to his person, hanging just as menacingly as his frown.

Still, he nodded his head upward, directing his glare at Murdock. “Hey, Red,” he growled. Matt breathed steadily, actually relieved to know that Castle still referred to him by the nickname he gave him, and not his actual name. Page suddenly approached him, the two seemingly knowing what to do. Castle dropped his rifle to his side, holding his left arm outwards and allowing Karen to meet him for a hug. “Karen. Good to see you’re safe.”

“Excuse me,” Misty interrupted, stepping forward alongside Colleen and Claire. All three women stared at Frank, their distrustful eyes meeting with Castle’s hateful ones. Misty didn’t back down, instead pushing forward. “But do you mind tellin’ us why you nearly took our heads off back there?”

Karen broke away from Castle, Frank laying his hand on her shoulder and directing her to Murdock’s side. She followed, listening in as Castle took a step forward, addressing Misty. “But I didn’t, did I?” he said, earning a frown from Knight. “I don’t kill innocents, Detective. I keep ‘em safe from the scum that’s trying to take my city.”

“Does that mean you’re with us?” Danny asked. “You’re trying to protect your city, too?”

Frank turned towards Rand, glaring his way. “Lives come before property, Richie Rich,” Castle told him, earning a frown from Rand at that name. Frank ignored him or whatever else he tried to retaliate with, instead focusing ahead towards the crowd of civilians standing in shock. He pointed their way. “I’m just here to help these people get to a safehouse.”

“Then I guess you’re with us,” Colleen said, almost smirking his way as she gripped her katana.

Before Castle could reinforce his stance that he was clearly not with them, in came Murdock to interrupt him, earning a disgruntled sigh from the Punisher. “A safehouse?” Daredevil asked.

“Got one from a friend,” Frank said and left it at that. He stepped further onto the sidewalk, raising his rifle so it rested on his right shoulder and bicep. He noticed the precautionary steps backwards some of the citizens took when he drew nearer. Ignoring that, Frank nodded them forward, nodded mainly to Knight, Claire, and the Defenders. “Now come on, we’re burning daylight!”

It was a short confrontation, one that led in only one sure-fire direction. A safe haven. A safehouse. Whether or not they could fully trust the Punisher, Misty Knight knew they had no other choice in the matter. Either they followed Castle to his supposed “safehouse”, or they keep looking for God knows how long in Hell’s Kitchen for a station that was probably already burnt to the ground. Not much of a choice, but she reluctantly followed behind him. They all did.

“We’re not the only ones burning it,” Misty muttered under her breath. The chaos unfolding around them continued to assault New York City, more fire and smoke billowing into the sky and surrounding the Chitauri Command Center hovering over the heart of Manhattan. And the Punisher, the Defenders, Karen, Colleen, Claire, Misty, Foggy, Trish, and the remaining civilians walked right alongside the street, remaining vigilant as Frank Castle led them to safety.


Frank looked over to Luke Cage on his right. The well-built black man offered Castle his fist, Frank staring at it for a moment before Luke finally added, “Nice shots.”

Frank lifted his eyes, meeting Luke’s. He nodded to him, tapping his own fist to his. “Nice moves,” he told Cage.

“Nice ass.”

Both men looked back to see Jessica Jones striding right behind them, her eyes clearing trained on Castle’s lower backside. When she brought up her gaze and met Castle’s, she offered a tiny, sultry smirk his way. Frank raised a brow at that, shaking his head and trying to remain focused. For them. For his people.

For his city.

Author's Note:

More Than a Killer

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