• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 66 – The Burning Sunset



Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility, Lower Levels

8:00 p.m.

The doors opened and everyone saw the ponies.

The ponies and the young dragon. And he had wings. Spike had wings. Steve smiled, almost breathed a laugh through that grin.

A separate set of species divided, one standing at the opposite end of the room, the other right dead in the center of it, where the portal slowly but surely fizzled out and died. With the loss of such light and life in the room, all that was left were the eight equines and one baby… one young dragon. They all—especially Spike—looked older since the last Steve Rogers or any of the other Avengers had seen them. But they knew who they were. They knew their friends when they saw them.

Almost every single one of them: Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Starlight Glimmer, Spike… and a newcomer. Another unicorn. Her golden coat shimmered in what little light there was, her fiery red and yellow mane slightly bouncing to her flinch. She flinched at just how many people were in the room, how many Avengers she recognized and others completely new to her, people even Twilight hadn’t described in her stories. And she, like the many others in that room, was silent. And waited.

Watched as the two sides slowly… very slowly… came together.

It took great strength, enormous courage, and enough reluctance for either side to make the first move. For several moments, both were frozen. Both only saw the pain and the misery of the past still plaguing, still tainting the ground before them, preventing them any access forward. Twilight’s first hoofstep caused a brief flash across her vision, the sight of a bloody and beaten Bucky in the arms of Captain America, both nearly shrouded in the snowstorms of Siberia. When she blinked and breathed again, she only saw Steve Rogers standing in the middle of the massive group ahead of her. Then she froze again.

Steve’s first step created a vivid and terrible image of Twilight Sparkle launching a beam of magic right into Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor, blowing it to bits and sending the Iron Man falling on his backside, unmoving. Steve stopped after one step, breathing so very softly. He and the many others who stood with him were just as frozen in their movement, only able to gaze ahead and see the ponies and dragon as they were.

Not as they used to be.

Not what they could be.

Only as they were.

All of them looked absolutely winded, bags under their eyes, bruises and scars on their faces and bodies, bandages concealing dreaded wounds. Nothing good. They looked to be just as beaten and broken as Tony Stark and his team were, which got Steve thinking on why that might have been. Something bad must have happened on Equus, from what little Stark told Rogers. Twilight and her friends could have shared the same thoughts, seeing Steve Rogers and his team of Avengers just as filthy, unkempt, and ultimately… changed since the last they saw of them. Beneath the different color hair, the different outfits, and even the facial hair, it was still the same Avengers they had befriended years ago. The same Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers.

Captain America.

Twilight’s ears fell when she didn’t see his shield. Her heart fell even harder to see the star removed from his chest.

Then there were others, others Twilight or any of the girls had yet to be properly introduced to. One was a middle-aged man wearing a tight black jacket and the other two were stern-faced Asian women, one with silver gauntlets and the other with a scowl that could melt steel. They both stood with the middle-aged man, the man meeting Twilight’s stare. Almost all of their stares. He smiled in the most mysterious way. Other than them, it was all familiar faces.

All familiar pasts.

All familiar pains.

That didn’t stop Rainbow Dash. Hardly anything ever did. Despite the bandages on her wing, she flew clear across the room and practically tackled Steve in a hug.

Several gasps broke out, some too quiet to even recognize. Hushed murmurs, a few uncertain glances, but nothing more than that. Rainbow didn’t care. She didn’t care for what the room, the world, or the universe saw. She didn’t care if the Steve Rogers she saw was a fugitive, one of if not the most wanted man on Earth. She didn’t care if he was criminal anymore. She didn’t care how others saw her decision on where she stood. She knew exactly where she was, with her friend, finally together again.

Tightening her hooves around his neck, Rainbow felt a painful burn growing in her eyes, the mare sniffling and shaking her head. “That is the coolest beard I’ve ever seen,” she said with a strong grin, chuckling and burying her face in Steve’s shoulder.

Steve chuckled, closing his eyes tight to keep the wetness concealed. He gripped onto the mare even tighter, Rainbow returning the gesture in kind.

The rest followed suit.

Pinkie Pie was next, bounding into Natasha’s arms with warm tears and cheerful cries. Romanoff held onto the pony in her arms with as much strength as she could give. With as much love for her friend as she could give. Pinkie stroked Natasha’s hair, observing her white bangs in her hoof, chuckling and whispering in her hair, “I like this color better.”

Natasha smiled and shook her head, closing her tear-filled eyes and holding the mare close.

Ponies like Applejack, Rarity, Starlight, and Twilight Sparkle reunited with Steve’s team, meeting them with warms hugs and friendly greetings, ensuring them that there was nothing in the past for them anymore. Nothing to hold them back. The Avengers were home, and their friends from Equus were there, gladly there to be with them, to unite with them once again. Ponies who once stood against them during the Accords now sealed the wounds and cleaned up the blood, mending what once was torn. Others like Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Rainbow Dash reacquainted themselves with Black Widow—surprised to see her standing with Rogers—Sam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff. Their smiles, their hugs, their tears, they all meant something genuine. No grudges, hardly any guilt, just friends finally happy to see one another again.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

And perhaps… just perhaps… make some new ones along the way.

Turning accordingly, Twilight broke away from Steve only momentarily, just nearing her hug with him, and faced the new face behind the new voice. Standing in his black jacket, still holding that mysterious smile, the man stared down at the Princess of Friendship. With him stood the two women, arms crossed, hands on their hips, all staring blankly to the Alicorn.

“We’ve heard a lot about you,” he said. He held out his hand—the one without the black glove—to her. “My name is Phil Coulson, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Welcome back to Earth.”

Twilight smiled, laid her hoof in his hand, and shook it. Daisy and May finally smiled too.

New Avengers Facility, Living Room

8:21 p.m.

Sunset Shimmer stared into the burning sunset. From the burning city of New York.

Things had gone swimmingly since the equines’ return to Earth. Steve’s Secret Avengers laid all past sins and mistakes with the ponies completely behind them, taking a brief moment to just… catch up. That brief moment turned into several minutes, nearly half an hour of just mingling in the facility.

Rainbow Dash spoke with Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Wanda over their past adventures in hiding from the government, especially Romanoff considering Rainbow never even knew of her following with Steve after the disbanding of the Avengers. She was still eager to know more, but there were things even Steve was willing to keep from her. Stuff even the Secret Avengers had to keep secret.

Fluttershy sat with Thor and Banner near the couches, near Melinda May and Daisy Johnson, finally meeting the two young women for the first time. Loki stood behind them, resting near the end of the room with Frank Castle. Hardly either of them paid a glance towards the mares, the Punisher shining his shotgun and pistols, sharpening his knives again and again. Loki just couldn’t wait to leave.

Applejack stood with Tony, Parker, and Rhodes, telling them all about Twilight’s plan for coming back to Earth in the first place. Stark was especially intrigued with the Avengers part of the plan. As they discussed it, the Guardians of the Galaxy were busy readying themselves for what was surely the next big fight ahead. With Nebula by their sides, they checked their weapons, sharpened their blades, and went over the Soul Stone’s location, Gamora telling them everything.

The Defenders remained within earshot, not particularly ecstatic as the Avengers were when the ponies came back, but accepting of their company nonetheless. More so Matthew, Danny, and Luke, as Jessica hadn’t removed the scowl from her face since the Badlands. Maybe it was the fact that she got dragged into some universal war for existence, a war she never wanted to be a part of, and now she was willingly—or perhaps unwillingly—fighting it to ensure the safety of the universe. Either that… or she was still reeling on the fact that she got her ass kicked by some alien grape man on a pony planet. That alone was a hard pill to swallow, and Jessica hadn’t uttered a word since. She sat alone in a chair at the edge of the room. Matt, Danny, and Luke were talking amongst themselves, trying to figure out what their next destination would be. With the Avengers, it could be anywhere. Homer flew back and forth around the room, offering food, drinks, and medical aid to those who needed it. And Sunset…

Sunset Shimmer stared into the burning sunset. From the burning city of New York. And Phil Coulson stood with her.

She didn’t know why, but the way he talked, the way he knew things, his knowledge, humor, and seemingly steel-edge of authority in his person made Sunset gravitate towards him the most. Others like Spike, Twilight Sparkle, and even Pinkie Pie took particular time in learning more about Daisy Johnson from Quake herself. Then there was Rarity and Starlight speaking with Melinda May on the couch. All of them just… talking. Meeting one another. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Equestria finally, truly coming together.

Earth and Equus finally mending those wounds. Sunset sighed at that thought, Phil turning to her. “When Twilight told me…” Sunset began, closing her eyes. The orange from the burning skylines reflected off her golden coat, making her shimmer under it, “… all about Earth, I… expected something grand. Beyond comprehension. Something better than… the world I come from. A world filled with superheroes… with gods… It was mind-boggling. It was breathtaking to imagine.”

They stood in front of a simple glass window that separated them from the outside world, from the smoke and ash filling the air and blotting the skies. Within those skies, the fires burned bright from the city of New York. The sirens, the cries of depravity, of loss, and human suffering were barely audible, but they were there. Still alive. Still existing. The aliens… they were still attacking Earth, but New York was spared momentarily. No alien warship hung over it any longer. It still burned either way. Still burned from past wounds.

And it scorched the sunset, making it even brighter, even more blood-soaked. Sunset barely opened her eyes, gazing to the carpeted floors and sighing again. “Guess I just didn’t take into account what a world on fire would look like.” The sunset reflected off her geode.

From far outside their conversation, Matt Murdock turned his head slightly in their direction. Other than that, not a word from the Devil.

With his eyes just resting on the horizon, Phil Coulson stared at the fires curiously. Almost breathing them in despite the distance, despite the separation, and truly absorbing the pain New York, Earth, and Equus must have experienced. “We didn’t take into account the size of this invasion. S.H.I.E.L.D. was meant to be Earth’s last defense if all else failed,” Phil explained, Sunset lifting her head and gazing up to him. “Now that we have the Avengers… I still don’t know.”

“You’ve noticed too?” Sunset quietly whispered. Her eyes darted back, trying to be discreet.

“It’s clear as day,” Phil replied, not really keeping his voice low, but low enough to ensure only he and Sunset were a part of the discussion. He didn’t know of others in the room who might have been… enhanced in that category, Murdock slowly keeping his head at a constant swivel.

Phil turned back, staring at Steve Rogers leaning against the counter, the Captain watching as Rainbow Dash tried to explain their recent fight in a place she called the “Badlands”. It didn’t seem to go well. He then turned to Tony Stark standing clear across the other end of the room, arms crossed, brow furrowing to the farm pony beneath him, Parker, and Rhodes. Phil exhaled sadly through his nostrils, once more taking in that distance of separation between Stark and Rogers.

“The way they look at each other from time to time, even if they’re trying to hide it behind smiles and hugs, it’s still there. The divide,” Phil said. He didn’t necessarily keep it constrained to just Tony and Steve when he said that.

“Will they still be enough?” Sunset asked, hope clearly audible in her tone. Deflating hope.

“They’ll have to be,” Coulson replied. “Because even if S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t protect all the world from this invasion, we’ll need them to.”

She wanted to know more. She wanted to ask more, and Phil would have been more than willing to provide the best answers he could, even to the questions he didn’t have the outcome for. “All right!” Stark’s voice called out, the man of the hour stepping in the heart of the living room. “Could everyone gather up, please? Quickly. We don’t really have… time at the moment. Not anymore.”

Tony stood wearing his silver and orange camo hoodie, the freshly-repaired Arc Reactor for the Mark 50 burning a bright and healthy blue underneath the two flaps. Phil and Sunset exchanged a short glance to one another before eventually falling in alongside everyone else. Everyone. From Peter Parker, James Rhodes, Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner, the Defenders, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, the eight mares, and finally Spike. Even Frank Castle stood in the massive circle surrounding Stark, albeit outside the group, but still there. Still listening. Phil Coulson joined shortly, standing between Daisy and Twilight, hands in his pockets, his and all other eyes resting on the Iron Man.

Pursing his lips, shuffling back and forth, Stark began. “AJ just gave us a rundown on the situation, so I’ll just give the basics. Vision is safe. He’s in Canterlot where the two princesses who control the freaking sun and moon are holding a shield over him. Yeah, Phil, I’m serious. Even then…”

He paused, his eyes darting across almost every individual surrounding him. He felt like a minnow swarmed by a hungry drove of piranha fish. God, he wished that were the case. “Twi and the others thought it would be for the best if an Avenger or two stuck around in Canterlot… as a… final means of defense for Vision.”

A few furrowed brows and looks of confusion shot across the room, Natasha twisting her neck over to Steve, and Rogers doing the same. Before they could fully object to the idea, Twilight stepped forth, threw in her own two cents to the situation. Violet hoof held out, she said, “None of you will have to worry about a thing. Canterlot is the most fortified city in all of Equestria. Nothing will break through the shields or even get inside the city with Celestia and Luna protecting it.”

Nodding at that for her support, Tony looked about the room. “Any volunteers?”

“I’ll go.”

Not even a moment of hesitation. It was almost instant, so fast that Stark hadn’t even anticipated it. When he turned to the owner of the voice, it all soon made clear sense who would react so quickly. Everyone turned to the voice, knowing immediately who would volunteer first without even having to face her. Wanda Maximoff stood with her arms crossed, scars healed and expression hardened. Her eyes were dead set on Stark and her position she took. Steve gazed for a moment or two only at her, uncertainty in his eyes. Pinkie took a moment to hoof pump secretly to herself, hardly containing her squeals of delight.

Nodding slowly at that, Tony turned back to the many. “Anyone else?” he asked.

No one moved. No one said a thing. No one except Steve. After finally accepting Wanda’s stance and decision—realizing how much Vision meant to her—Steve finally nodded to her. To Tony. He said, “We’ll need as much help as we can get. Twilight, is Wanda enough for you?”

Twilight had been hoping more than one Avenger would take up the mantle and join them in Canterlot. But even then, the Scarlet Witch was more than enough help considering how powerful she was. Heck, her last visit in Canterlot nearly toppled the entire city when her brother…

Painful thoughts to think about. They had other pressing matters at hoof. Realizing no one else would step forward, Twilight forced a weak smile and nodded to Rogers.

“Guess that’s settled,” Tony said, clapping his hands rather loudly in order to gain the attention of the room. As if everyone wasn’t already focused enough on him. He pointed to Maximoff. “Wanda, take the girls and Spike back to the portal. You know how it works. Safe journey, all of you.”

Nothing more than that. Not really much else needed. Wanda nodded only once. Steve stepped forth, declaring loudly, “As for the rest of you, stack up in the armory! Get what you need! Our next stop is Wakanda!”

He seemed to deflate only slightly, the severity of the situation finally returning and reminding Rogers what was coming. What was needed of them. What they needed to know in order to be ready for what they would face. Even he was hardly ready. Gazing to every face, all old and new, Steve kept his eyes as sharp as daggers, as hard as the densest vibranium.

“And get ready for the fight of your lives,” he told them.

No one said a word. They hardly could. Jessica Jones slowly closed her eyes and dropped her head, still holding onto her wounded shoulder. A warm palm on the opposite brought her eyes back up, back up to meet Luke’s supportive expression, the strength that she clearly lacked at the moment. It was enough to get her back to her feet and face the battles ahead. And she stood with them through every step forward, stood with Matt, Danny, and Luke.

Short goodbyes were given, everyone and everypony knowing the severity of their situation and moving quickly with the formalities. Quick hugs, no more tears, and constantly moving bodies. Steve and Rainbow shared one last hug before they were forced to break away. While May left to prep the Zephyr One for launch, Daisy and Phil remained in the facility a moment longer, guiding uncertain eyes to the outside world, the massive jet waiting for them. Joining Phil and Daisy outside were Thor, Loki, the Defenders, and Spider-Man. Following Steve Rogers into the armory were Natasha, Sam, Castle, and Rhodes. Wanda offered her hugs and goodbyes, turning to Twilight and the others and telling them to follow her.

She left with them, Twilight pausing momentarily to gaze at the last remaining individuals in the living room. Other than Quill and the Guardians and Bruce Banner, all there stood was Tony Stark himself, palms gripping the edge of the dining table, staring nowhere else but the floor. Staring for a million miles and still seeing nothing. And when he turned to face her, she saw that nothingness.

That loss.

That desperation.

It made her feel all the more anxious. Despite the nod he sent her way, despite the nod she sent back, neither felt particularly at ease when they turned away from each other and went their separate ways. With the ponies walked an Avenger. With Stark walked one less. Neither felt any better, but they ignored those deep, desperate thoughts, thinking only of the positives, of what was needed from them.

Within the massive armory of the New Avengers Facility, Natasha plucked a few spare magazines off the table and jammed them into her belt. As for James Rhodes, he had just started fitting into his repaired Mark IV War Machine armor, the bulky suit of pure weaponry and malice chugging to life as the red Arc Reactor burned from within the armor. His mask closed shut, the red eyes igniting to life. Sam Wilson collected several magazines for his machine pistols, nodded to Natasha, and made his way out of the armory, joining Rhodes. As for the Punisher, he gathered all he could, from grenades, short blades, shotguns, assault rifles, and even weapons he could hardly identify and shoved them into his bag. If what Steve Rogers said about prepping for the fight of his life, then it only made sense to ready himself for war. Slinging the large bag of fresh weapons over his shoulder, Frank stomped his way outside the armory, joining Sam in his escape to the outside world and the Zephyr One.

He didn’t even look to Natasha nor Steve as he slipped past them. More like shoved past them, both Avengers gazing to Castle’s backside momentarily—thinking why exactly the Punisher was standing with them in the conflict before finally returning to each other.

“How you feeling?” Steve asked, leaning against the wall.

“Things could be better… less awkward,” Natasha sighed twisting her head slightly. She loaded her pistol with a fresh magazine, cocking it pack and sticking it into her side holster. “But overall, I’d say we’re good.”

Steve nodded, eyes staring elsewhere. Nowhere. “We got the team back together. That’s one less problem to deal with.”

Natasha turned away from the weaponry lying on the desk, barely turning to Steve. “Did we?”

Rogers lifted his gaze and just stared at her. Natasha, with her lips slightly parted, not a breath leaving her, just stared right on back. Then she proceeded out the door and left the armory without another word, letting that dreaded silence between the two hang in the air like a toxic fume. Like something Steve didn’t want to breathe in but knew he had to eventually.

He turned away anyway. He tried to. His gaze shot across the armory as he spun to face the exit, stopping just short of it. Stopping just short to gaze at the lone shield hanging on the wall, the three gashes still embedded on it. The star was still proudly engraved in the face of it, facing tyranny and years upon years of those who stood against freedom, safety, and the right of every human life. The circular shield hung on the wall like a memento from a time before, like an antique from an age forgotten.

It hung on the wall, just… waiting there. For something. For someone.

Steve stared at it for the longest time.

Too long. He turned and left it once again.

“You sure you can’t get the Hulk to come out and play?”

Exiting the darkened hallways, Steve came across Tony and Bruce chatting closely with one another. Everyone else was gone. The living room of the New Avengers Facility never looked deader. Pausing just short of their conversation, Steve stood still and listened, watched as Banner shook his head. “I’m telling you, he won’t come out,” he told Tony.

“All right, we’ll get Veronica prepped for you when we hit Wakanda. Might as well make sure you’re at least… somewhat useful,” Stark explained, slapping his palm of Bruce’s shoulder and directing him completely around, facing the exit of the facility. “Get on the jet with Coulson. I’ll see you there soon.”

Although somewhat hesitant, Banner nodded regardless, exiting the facility and entering the near-darkness of the outside world. Leaving just Tony and Steve the only other inhabitants in the place they formerly called home. Stark sighed, his shattered expression drooping to the floor. The only light in the approaching darkness came from the Arc Reactor. Everything else was black, concealed in shadow, as was half of Steve’s face and body. “Got everything you need?” Stark asked without even turning around.

“Just about,” Steve replied with a firm nod, even when he Stark never saw it. He approached him from behind, Tony already starting off at a slow pace towards the exit, almost like he was constantly moving away from him. “How we looking?”

“Quill and his team were headed for their spaceship last I could tell. Guess we’re hitching a ride with you and Phil. What’s our timeline?”

They stepped outside. The sun had nearly vanished, its light fading and only the darkness of the night sky remaining, the twinkling of the stars burning bright, the fires from the eruption of Mount Tartarus still visible on Equus’ surface. Steve didn’t see that, only Stark had, shuddering as he gazed skywards. As they walked side by side closer and closer to the Zephyr One, the Guardians of the Galaxy mingled near the Milano to the far right, a few eyes darting their way. A particular pair of eyes to be exact. A particular Guardian who broke away and trailed the two Avengers.

Steve shook his head, finally answering. “Not good. The Chitauri are about to send their biggest invasion force on Wakanda. I think…”

Tony turned to him after hearing that dreaded pause.

Steve turned back, met Stark’s eyes. “I think we know why.”

“I know exactly why.”

Both men, both Avengers, stopped dead in their tracks and spun around to meet the near-dead expression on Gamora’s face. Almost like she saw a ghost, like she was the ghost. Like she lost her soul.

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