• Published 26th May 2018
  • 7,987 Views, 7,460 Comments

Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 15 – Chaos War


In Orbit of Earth and Equus

Remnants of the Moons

Present Time

Discord could only watch from his elevated position as the vortex, of which the alien army spewed out of, slowly dissipated until it was gone.

Taking an extra-long drink from his soda, Discord released his claw from the drink and let it float aimlessly in the weightlessness of space. He stroked his goatee in thought, cloven hoof resting over his lizard leg. He sat alone on his throne, said throne floating amongst millions of chunks of Earth’s moon and Luna’s moon. While some chunks of rock did seem to be straying too far away, the two largest pieces of landmass of which the two moons once were did seem to be caught in each planet’s orbit. The largest hunks stayed relatively close together, a few miles apart each, and the smaller pieces drifted away or fell towards the planets, where they would burn up before they even reached the ground.

But with the moons dealt with, those were the least of his concerns. His only concerns relied solely on keeping his focus on maintaining the shields around the two worlds, and now wondering just what happened to the portal the alien army came from. Just moments ago, more and more alien warships and serpent-like beasts exited the vortex and charged towards Earth and Equus. After Discord created the golden shields surrounding both planets, the alien army ceased the attack, choosing to remain just hovering over the shields. Discord made an example of them and destroyed the warships that lingered too close. The remaining armada fled to the outer orbit of the worlds.

Discord gently tapped his throne, the lion paw shimmering a bright gold, just as the shields he created were. It was the oddest thing, Discord thought, trying to puzzle the situation together. Why would the portal close now? Surely the full weight of the alien armada hadn’t left the portal, so why would the powers that be cut off their army when only one-third made it through?

Discord slowly smirked. Probably to keep them from dying by Discord’s disfigured hands. Whatever the reason be, Discord knew his mission was a success. The worlds were protected from the alien threat, he would deal with the remainder of the alien armada very soon, he would figure out a way to put the planets back to their original place in the galaxy, and he would return to Equus and his dear, sweet Fluttershy as a full-fledged—

“Just what do you think you’re doing?”

Discord’s smile vanished when he heard those words whispered right by his ear. Not only his ear, but from within him, within his very being, within his twisted heart, and even… in his mind. The voice was strong, powerful, and held a sense of dread and foreboding that almost made Discord’s skin crawl. Almost.

“What’s this?” Discord asked himself, his neck spinning fully around, observing his surroundings. Aside from the cluster of moon debris surrounding him and his throne, there was nothing. Nothing but space, the stars, and the two planets hanging directly ahead of him, dangerously close to one another.

The voice came back, making Discord frown as he felt it reverberate within him. “You have the power to hold back my armies with just a snap of your fingers. I call that impressive… but not unheard of.”

Discord slithered around his throne like a serpent would, eventually coiling on the back and gazing into the remnants of the moons, where they had collided. “And who might you be?” Discord asked, his chaotic tone heard even through the silence of space.

It was like that for several seconds, just silence. The remnants of the moons slowly orbited above and below him, chunks hitting one another, floating alongside Discord’s throne around the two worlds. Then, the voice returned, Discord’s ears flicking at every syllable.

“I have suffered through so much, lost so many. I would have only one goal, and that is to see balance brought to the universe, to save itself from the extinction I nearly experienced. The longer you protect these worlds, the longer you prevent me from attaining my goal. I’m afraid I cannot allow that to happen.”

Well,” Discord stated matter-of-factly, standing up on his throne. He didn’t know where to look, or who to speak to. So, he just spoke as loudly as he could to whomever was present that he—for some odd reason—couldn’t see. “The longer you—whoever you may be—keep trying to attack these worlds, then the longer I—the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony—will keep having to protect them! If you wish to keep up with these cowardly mind games, then perhaps we could settle this with some good ol—”

And just like that, Discord’s mouth had vanished. Beyond his control. Feeling his voice leave him, Discord looked down to see butterflies fly away from where his mouth used to be. Surprisingly enough, they didn’t die instantly within the vacuum of space. They fluttered away as if their wings actually beat against air.

“You talk too much.”

Snapping his claws, Discord’s mouth reappeared. “That can’t be right,” Discord muttered, slowly narrowing his crooked gaze across his surroundings. The deathly silence of space was his only companion for a time, several chunks of the moons impacting one another above his head. “Where are you? How did you—?”

He felt the laughter around his heart, making it feel… cold.

Then the voice said, “Is it so insane to imagine filling the vacuum of space with breathable air, changing gravity to fit my will, or to project my voice to be heard amongst the death-filled silence?”

Directly behind him, a similar vortex to the massive one he had seen earlier appeared. Discord slowly turned, his eyes widening to see the aliens step out from the portal and land to the piece of a moon beneath them. They were five in total, two larger than the others, three smaller than the rest. But only one led them. He stepped forward on Luna’s moon, dust spewing upwards from his steps. He approached the throne, confronted Discord and smiled to him. Discord just stared, just as silent as the space surrounding him.

And Thanos lifted the Infinity Gauntlet, the Reality Stone glowing brighter than the others. “If so, Spirit of Chaos… then you really need to rethink your reality.”

Embedded within the Gauntlet on his left hand, a red gem shimmered brighter than the other two. And as he clenched his fist, a piercing ring broke out through the silence of space, and Discord heard it. He actually heard it, just as he heard the voice from the Titan. As if it wasn’t strange enough, Discord’s throne completely evaporated into nothing but a red mist, forcing Discord to take flight and hover several yards away. At least, he tried to. The red mist his throne had transformed into suddenly sprang forward, several red tendrils shooting out and wrapping themselves around Discord’s limbs, neck, and body, keeping him completely immobilized.

Struggling to escape but finding not means of doing so, Discord gritted his teeth and looked downwards. Below him, Thanos and his Black Order approached closer, but only Thanos was able to prepare the Power Stone for use. He clenched his left fist, the purple gem glowing, and fired a single beam of violent violet energy right for Discord’s heart.

He snapped his talons at the last second, the draconequus vanishing from the tendrils as they were blown into nothing from the purple blast.

Bringing his gauntlet back, Thanos stared at where the Spirit of Chaos once was. A flash of white appeared behind him, causing Thanos to spin towards the disruption. And what he saw was a single tail strike each child of his, sending them spiraling through the weightlessness of space, directly towards several debris of the two moons.

Cull Obsidian crashed into a smaller piece of Earth’s moon, breaking through it until he came to a rest on a sturdier and much larger piece of Luna’s. Corvus Glaive landed on his feet directly above, hissing as he looked down and glared at the draconequus several yards beneath him. Proxima Midnight nearly flew out into the emptiness of space, yet she caught herself by digging her claws into the nearest rock she could, eventually rising up and planting her spear on it in order to stay grounded. The Ebony Maw slowed to a halt, hovering amongst the masses of two massive pieces of the moons. Using the will of his own mind, the Maw hovered in place, smiling down to the draconequus. A worthy opponent at long last.

As for Thanos… he simply chuckled at the strange creature. Discord readied himself, smiling Thanos’ way, and using his talons to egg the Titan on. He waved him forward, saying, “Perhaps we haven’t met. I’m Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, and I know a thing or two about shifting reality.”

Before Thanos could even say a word, Discord snapped his talons and the rock beneath Thanos split in two and crushed him between them. Dusting off his paw and claw at a job well done, Discord’s smile vanished when the rock erupted into a blast of violet. Discord shielded himself, lowering his arms when he noticed that Thanos stood without a scratch, the purple gem glowing violently.

As the Power Stone slowly dimmed down, Thanos eyed Discord closely and smiled. And for just a brief moment, a flicker of unease passed through Discord’s features at that smile. Still raising the Gauntlet, Thanos said, “And I’m Thanos. I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but—”

He crushed the Gauntlet into a fist, the Reality Stone reacting upon his command. And that command was to turn Discord into a mouse, to which he did and hit the moon beneath him with a quiet squeak. Thanos chuckled at that, approaching the tiny rodent with the Power Stone shimmering brightly.

“It really hasn’t.”

He fired a continuous beam of purple energy right for the mouse. Discord’s eyes widened at that, his little legs scurrying off to avoid the direction of the beam. He frantically dodged and weaved, through holes in the ground and across moon rocks, the beam quickly trailing. Soon enough, and thankfully for him, the edge of the moon he ran on was approaching. He hopped off the edge, where the power of the Reality Stone had shifted gravity earlier and caused him to fall. He snapped his tiny paw just in time and emerged on the other side of the moon chunk as a massive dragon.

He didn’t give Thanos the pleasure to gaze upon his chaotic will. He breathed a torrent of flames that covered the Mad Titan from head to toe. He went on for several seconds more before sealing his jaws and gazing at the scorched moon surface. Through the smoke that faded away, all that was left was a blue portal quickly vanishing.

Then a terrible war cry came from above, prompting Discord to twist his neck back. Using the power of the Space Stone, Thanos opened a portal directly above Discord’s head. He came hurtling downwards, the Reality Stone shifting gravity in his favor. He reached back, unsheathed his massive blade, and drove it right into the side of Discord’s neck.

Discord screeched in pain as the blade tore through his scales with ease. Swiping at his neck, he caught Thanos with his left claw and pushed him away. Thanos crashed into the chunk of the nearest moon, using his blade to slow himself down. He shot up his head, his wild eyes watching the dragon slash back and forth, continuing to bellow in pain.

“Now!” Thanos yelled, ripping his blade out of the moon rock and placing it back in his holster.

Ebony Maw raised his hands and, using the power from within the darkest portions of his mind, ordered several pieces of moon rock to break from orbit and bend to his will. He fastened several chunks of the two moons to sharpened points, hurling each piece towards the flailing dragon below him. At such speeds and velocity, the blade-like moon chunks hit Discord’s body relentlessly, breaking through the scales and drawing blood. Discord howled in pain, using his massive arms to block the projectiles.

Leaping from moon chunk to moon chunk, Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive charged with their respected weapons in hand. With the added weightlessness in space, they flung themselves from their positions, one below the dragon and the other above. Corvus caught himself on Discord’s swinging tail, the added gravity from the Reality Stone making him nearly slip free. He tore his glaive through the beast’s flesh, eventually finding his footing and rushing up the dragon’s tail. Proxima Midnight chucked her spear from above, the weapon impaling Discord near his eye, barely missing. She held out her hand, the spear pulling her through space and towards Discord’s head.

He swatted her away with his claw, scratching once at his face and dislodging the spear. It fell where Midnight did, on a far-off moon chunk resting several yards from where Thanos stood. Cull Obsidian charged forward, several yards higher than Discord’s position, and leapt off the moon piece, hurtling straight towards the screaming dragon. In the corner of his vision, Discord could see the approaching alien, but couldn’t turn fully to face him.

Cull Obsidian slammed his hammer against Discord’s face, completely breaking the beast’s jaw.

That was it. Willing not to be their target any longer, Discord snapped his claws and returned to his original draconequus form. He healed his own jaw in the process, snapping his talons to the three in his immediate line of sight.

“Something a bit more fitting!” Discord declared.

Corvus Glaive, who had nearly reached the dragon’s head before it vanished, was turned into a teddy bear with a toy wand. He floated away, Ebony Maw’s mouth falling in shock. He, too, was transformed by the snap of Discord’s fingers, but into a toy plush of Squidward instead. Cull Obsidian was changed into a toy truck in a flash of white, all three of them floating about aimlessly above Discord’s head.

The draconequus laughed. Truly taken aback by Discord’s power, Proxima Midnight stared up in bewilderment to the fate of her siblings. All of that changed when Thanos raised his gauntlet and the Reality Stone shimmered. When he clenched his fist, all three of his children returned to their original forms in a bright flash of red. Discord shielded his eyes from the brightness, crying out in pain as Corvus drove his glaive right into Discord’s chest. Ebony Maw pushed Discord into the moon beneath them with just a flick of his wrist. And Cull Obsidian finished it by slamming his hammer right into Discord’s head, crushing it into the moon.

And for a moment, everything was still. The Black Order slowly came together, Ebony Maw floating down to join his two siblings who had supposedly slain the powerful creature. Proxima Midnight joined her father, standing mere feet away from Glaive and Obsidian. Their weapons remained within the draconequus, almost like they didn’t know whether to remove them or leave them be, as the fate of the beast was still uncertain.

In Corvus’ glaive, he felt a pulse. His twisted gaze slowly looked down, to where the blade had pierced. Right into the beast’s heart. Another pulse. Then another. Faster and fast—

Discord raised his talons and snapped them.

The moon beneath their feet erupted, and out came several of Discord’s own arms impaling a different member of the Black Order. Discord’s second lion paw shot out from beneath Cull Obsidian, impacting his abdomen and throwing him into the moon chunk directly above their heads. His body disappeared into an explosion of white dust as he made impact. Discord’s second eagle claw grabbed Corvus Glaive by his shoulder, flinging the alien back until his body disappeared into the moon cluster. A third of each of Discord’s arms shot out in different directions, one grabbing Ebony Maw and forcing him several yards back into a piece of Earth’s moon, keeping him immobilized. The other grabbed Proxima Midnight, covering her entire chest and slamming into the moon’s surface directly beneath her, continuously pushing her into the ground and crushing her.

And Discord rose up, spun around, and glared at the one who remained. His pupils glowed a bright red, his teeth sharper than normal. “Enough!” the Spirit of Chaos screamed. Seven more arms shot from the moon beneath him, all of them charging towards the one who remained standing.

All seven of them were caught in an aura of blue. All seven of them burned into nothing but a purple flame. And only Discord remained, Thanos firing the Power Stone’s energy right for his heart. It struck its target, launching the draconequus into the moon cluster. He eventually made impact, his back crashing against the face of a piece of Luna’s moon. Several cracks against the moon’s surface appeared, Discord head dropping, the pain in the back of his throat building.

He looked up and nearly vanished in time once Thanos’ gauntlet struck the moon’s face.

RAH!” Thanos screamed, the Reality Stone giving his jump that much-needed speed and force when he eventually impacted his target. At least, almost impacted his target. The Gauntlet, which was meant to burn Discord’s body away into ash once he connected, only broke the moon chunk he landed on, a purple wave of energy breaking through the moon piece and shattering it.

As clusters of moon debris shot out from the showing of the Power Stone’s strength, Thanos flinched as a flash of white caught his attention on the left. He turned that way, seeing Discord appear and trying to catch his breath. Thanos grunted, swinging his right arm 180 degrees across and slamming it where Discord was, and once more, he vanished.

He appeared a second later, and this time Thanos was ready for him. He shot out his gauntlet and gripped the draconequus by the throat. Discord’s flow of air—of which came into existence from Thanos’ Reality Stone—was frozen once the Mad Titan sealed his palm, nearly crushing Discord’s throat. And he intended to do just that, if the draconequus hadn’t smiled and spread his wings. His tail wrapped tightly around Thanos' hand and forearm.

“Let’s go for a ride, shall we?” he said.

Before he could react accordingly, Thanos felt himself be pulled straight through the moon cluster, Discord's wings beating furiously as Thanos continued to hold on to him. But gaining enough speed, Discord spun around and managed to break his hold on him, flinging the Mad Titan straight for a group of large chunks of moon. Thanos hit each one, the zero-gravity causing his body to bounce off each moon and eventually crash into the furthest one. The one where Discord could see that it lined up perfectly with him. A straight shot right for Thanos.

Using a pair of binoculars and a protractor, Discord vanished both away and snapped his claws. In his eagle claw, a large trident appeared, to which the draconequus analyzed it before shrugging. “Namor won’t mind if I borrow this for a second,” he said, aiming the three points right for his target.

“And…” Discord slowly said, aligning his target just perfectly to where each point would make a devastating—and quite possibly deadly—impact. Then he found it. Then he snapped his talons again and a pair of rocket jets appeared on his backside.


He was gone. The rockets ignited and sent the draconequus traveling at speeds he had never gone before. He traveled hundreds of yards in mere seconds, the trident still jutted outwards, still intending to impale his target as it quickly began to approach. And he had almost succeeded. He had nearly reached his target.

He nearly did.

Thanos raised the Infinity Gauntlet and stopped him. The trident’s tip was mere inches from Thanos’ chest. And Discord, awestruck as he ever was before, could only stare, not only at the glowing blue Stone, but at Thanos. At what he did. But more importantly, at the small trail of blood dripping from his lip.

Thanos, using the power of the Space Stone to keep the draconequus at bay, frozen and unable to move even his eyes, brought up his free right hand. He breathed steadily, gently caressing his lower lip and staring at the wet residue he felt. Bringing his finger forward, he stared at the red splotch that painted it, nothing but breathing being his response to that.

Until he lowered his hand and glared at Discord. Then he smiled, and it was so vile and wrong that Discord actually felt his heart beat a tad faster, with a coat of ice quickly surrounding it.

Of which shattered when Thanos said, “I like you.”

Both the Space and Power Stones lit up, and Discord, still within the grasp of the Space Stone’s aura, felt the burning sensation of the Power Stone eat away at his skin. The aura of the Space Stone caved in on him, slowly but surely crushing the draconequus right there. The rockets on his back slowly crumbled, sputtering until they both died. The trident was twisted until it resembled more like scrap metal if anything. And Discord…

He screamed. Not in anger, not in a triumphant way… but in pain. A pain he had never truly felt.

What was once a formality now became a life or death situation as he tried desperately just to snap his talons, but he couldn’t even flex his palm, let alone move his fingers. His body continued to burn and crumble, his tail following and becoming nothing but flaking, purple ash. His cries of pain grew louder and louder, his eyes shining a blinding white. And just before things couldn’t get any worse, Thanos roared and flung his left fist to the right.

And Discord… was thrown straight through a piece of Luna’s moon. Completely through it. Completely shattering it and tearing through the moon piece. He shot out like a burning asteroid, a trail of moon dust following him as his body fell to the largest piece of Earth’s moon that had remained intact from the collision.

When he crashed upon it, his eyes blinded through the pain and dust, he felt something rather… strange. When he came to a rest on the moon’s surface, he noticed something about it. It was… smooth. The moon’s surface wasn’t usually smooth, mostly rough and rocky. Breathing steadily despite the pain, Discord weakly pushed himself up, his bleeding eyes rising up to observe his surroundings.

He barely had clear vision, but even Discord could see he was near the center of an abandoned city resting on the Moon.

Towering structures that barely held together stood in the distance. Large cracks covered the surfaces of several gray-colored buildings. Discord couldn’t tell, but he presumed to be in what appeared to be a market of some kind, several smaller dwellings resting to his left and right. Probably for selling goods. Or he lied where someone called their home, and they were the dwellings of families. All of it was abandoned, and all of it led to the largest structure in the entire city. Lying in the center of it all, a massive castle stood proudly, watching over the city with not a single life in it, at least to Discord’s knowledge.

Still quite taken aback by his discovery, Discord finally came back to reality when he heard the crash of feet against solid stone behind him.

“No more games.”

With the Space Stone, Thanos opened four different portals, each of which a Black Order member hopped out of and stumbled forward. They collected themselves, gripped their weapons, and centered their attention on the draconequus, quickly glaring at him. Discord gulped the saliva he didn’t have, turning back to Thanos. He snapped his claws, ready to end the fight and turn Thanos into the raisin he always saw.

Except nothing happened. Discord snapped again, and still nothing. Thanos kept getting closer, the Reality Stone constantly glowing, constantly protecting him from Discord’s magic. Desperate now, Discord snapped several times, and still nothing would happen to Thanos.

“No more tricks.”

With the Reality Stone, Discord’s entire left arm turned into bubbles, each of them popping in Discord’s face. He gasped, raising his lion paw and ready to snap, ready to bring his left arm back. To escape in a flash of light. To do anything to retaliate. It, however, was caught by Thanos, the Infinity Gauntlet encompassing Discord’s entire right arm. All three Stones shimmered right in Discord’s face, the draconequus trying to pull away and failing against Thanos’ far superior strength.

He stopped struggling when Thanos looked right at him, prompting his gaze to meet the Mad Titan’s. “No more discord,” Thanos whispered, his face as solid stone.

The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony… lost.

Thanos kept his solid gaze centered with the draconequus’. Discord tried to break free, tried to snap his fingers, but Thanos’ grip on his only remaining hand and arm was tight, far too tight for Discord to even move his hand. The struggling continued, the draconequus’ breathing rapidly increasing until Thanos gripped his head with his empty palm, forcing his eyes to meet his own.

“Destroy the shields,” Thanos said. So calm. So collected. Nothing at all like Discord at the moment.

All that fear, all that worry and desperation completely vanished when Thanos said those words, because they brought to light what would happen if Discord did just that. The alien armada would be free to attack both worlds. Thousands, possibly millions of lives would pay the price, and the life of his dear, sweet Fluttershy… could be one of them.

He could never take that risk. Never. So, he replied the only way he could. “Never,” Discord growled, trying his hardest to keep a furious glare.

Thanos smiled. The Black Order smiled. His gauntlet tightened up even harder around Discord’s arm, causing the draconequus’ expression to crumble. “Fine…” Thanos growled, the Power Stone glowing violently in Discord’s horrified eyes. “I’ll do it myself.”

In one quick flex of his palm within the Gauntlet, the Power Stone completely burned away Discord’s remaining arm. Discord screamed out, feeling the returning pain amplified and centered solely on his arm. He shot back his head, roaring out to the moon cluster and the endless heavens above him. He tried to pull away, and actually succeeded this time, but only because he noticed his right arm had turned into nothing but ash and rock. Golden flakes of energy burned away as did the remainder of his lion paw in a violet ember, and so too did the magic that encompassed it.

And as Discord fell and laid on his back, he could see the aftermath of the pain he endured, the pain that would surely be felt by billions of others. Thanos, letting the dust fall away from his gauntlet, and his children turned their heads to the planets resting above them. The magical shields fell. They could see the golden light surrounding each world slowly dissipate, eventually fading away into nonexistence.

And Discord could see as the alien warships slowly, so very slowly, descended upon the worlds almost instantly, knowing that no longer was there anything left to protect them. And humanity, along with ponykind, would suffer. His dear, sweet Fluttershy would face their wrath… because of him. Because of his failure. Because of Discord.

“The last three Stones are clear for the taking,” Corvus Glaive said, turning to Thanos. “What happens now, Father?”

Thanos eyed the invading Chitauri warships cautiously, seeing them vanish into the atmosphere of each world. “Send out the Outriders once more to Earth. We need confirmation on the whereabouts of the remaining Stones. They will report to me once they have found them. Go. Obsidian, accompany Glaive,” he ordered. A single portal appeared after the Space Stone began to glow on his gauntlet.

As the two brothers stepped through the portal, Ebony Maw chose to step forward instead, fingers pressed to each other. “And what about you, Father?” the Maw asked.

We,” Thanos said, bringing his head down and addressing the remaining two Black Order, “will lead the invasions in the meantime. Equus may be spared from the Cleansing, but they too will experience salvation soon enough. And Earth…”

He looked up to blue world above, resting dangerously close to Equus. Each planet could be seen reflecting in Thanos’ eyes, Earth in his left and Equus in his right. “I expect great opposition. They know we’ll be coming. They’ll be ready.”

Ebony Maw and Proxima Midnight nodded to that, the Maw asking, “What do you suppose we do?”

“Catch them off guard,” Thanos quickly replied. His two children were silent for a time, causing him to turn back and stare at them. He said, “Burn their cities. Crush all opposition. Ensure nothing stands in our way when we retrieve the Stones.”

Proxima nodded, then turned her eyes to her left and nodded that way. “What about him?”

Thanos turned in the direction she noted, spotting the draconequus lying beaten, bruised, burnt, and broken. He stared at the worlds above him in shock, armless and without any fight left in him. He was done. Put up an admirable resistance, but, like all the others, fell short.

Thanos admired that. “Keep him alive… but out of the way.”

Discord stared on in utter horror. Without the use of his arms, with his body aching and crying out in the pain he couldn’t fix with just a snap of his fingers, he felt completely and utterly useless. Like he had failed, doomed his very life. Not only his own, but the lives of so many more. He wondered how easy it would have been to try and teleport a world to safety, to where it originally belonged. Innocent lives could have been lost in the process, but with the endgame he stared upon, with what was soon to befall the two worlds now… maybe he should have taken the chance.

At least then one world would have been safe. At least Equus would have escaped the terror that would soon arrive like the entire sky falling on top of them, like the heavens burning and chaos raining down from above. And it would be beyond his control. Because of his failure. And he could do nothing but watch, lie in pain, and do something he hadn’t done in many, many years…

Pray that his friends would be spared. His eyes flickered away from the two worlds for a brief second.

It was from their battle that caused a few chunks of the moons to drift away, edging closer and closer to the planets. A particularly large one drifted towards Earth, to the North American continent. To the East Coast. To New York. One that wouldn’t burn up in the atmosphere when it would get close enough. Discord could only watch from where he lay. He turned his head right when a shadow fell over him, when Proxima Midnight slammed her boot against his head.

Author's Note:

Chapter 16 will be delayed until further notice. It's gonna be an Ant-Man and the Wasp chapter. ;)

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