• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,616 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Mainframe and Past Stories

I slowly opened my eyes. That was a good sleep indeed after the whole mess with Shilow and queen freaking Chrysalis. I felt very rested. But that sense of peace in my senses was put to a abrupt end as I had immediately noticed upon recognizing in annoyance the pony above me. A blue maned purple stallion watching me from above the coffin with a crazed face, who was another member of the alternate Granite Daggers.

Oh, great, another demented way to start the day.

"I had finally found you, Allen," He said. "It's me, Agade. I'm-"


"Freeze out." I said deadpan with the Freezing Gauntlet equipped hoof at Agade.

I had instantly froze Agade by my gauntlet. Since Arga tried that surprise attack while I was sleeping, there's no way I could fall for that a second time. Speaking of him, Agade was feared by the cult for his ability to turn every cells of his body in a complete, living plague that would had shredded the bodies of his victims, but was also scorned because he was too interested to toy with his enemies before killing them instead of following orders. Hopefully he has the bad habit to monologue, depending of the person he was about to torture.

Hopefully, he's currently a living ice scream for worms. I had immediately pulled off my shotgun and finished the job by shooting one projectile at him.


His body shattered into pieces, scattering all over the place. Soon after, the ice pieces melted, with a bunch of dark embers rising along with the vapor for a few seconds before dying off.

I was about to return to sleep when I noticed one something wrong with the door way of my mound. Instead of the outside, there was a light-blue light illuminating the dark room and almost blinding me. My eyes were hurting for that. The sunlight was at least more merciful than this one.

I slowly came out of the coffin and take a step forward. I thought that was a dream at first but then I remembered what happened yesterday. The Videogame Logic, responsible for o messing up my life, has invited me in his place. About fucking time. I'm going to settle the score with him... In a figurative sense.

"Well, here goes or nothing."

I headed toward the doorway and entered inside the light. With closed eyes because I cannot afford that hurting my retinas. I pressed on without even looking, not expecting nothing by this classic space among the spaces and stuff. I continued that way for about a minute before stopping. I slowly opened my eyes, expecting any kind of... gaming mumbo jumbo chaos that the Videogame Logic will be about throw me at.

But instead, it was all white. No, it's white. The entire place in which I am into is a white space, with two exceptions. The rectangular ground below me being made of violet crystal leading toward the giant metallic cylinder in front of my sight, with glowing lines scrolling across it's metallic surface and a doorway leading to a black void. There was a red stallion with a spiked, white mane standing nearby, facing me.

I was dumbfounded to find a pony in this very space. That was case until a possibility wormed inside my head, which seemed more obvious to me.

"This pony must probably be the Videogame Logic. Time to put a end to this nonsense."

I was about to approach the pony with intention to confront him, but before I could do anything, he spoke with anticipation.

"I'm no the Videogame Logic if that is what you are going to ask," He said with a grumpy and yet familiar tone before pointing at the doorway. "The one that is constantly screwing you over is inside this structure."

That voice... Wait a second, I heard that before. But where?

"Are you... some kind of gatekeeper?" I asked.

"Tsk. Not entirely. I'm just there under the request of one person."

I studied him, more convinced of my hypothesis. "I'm sorry if I have to ask you but... Who are you exactly?"

"Just a former Azure user, the one who used to have a Soul Eater and, more than that, I am the non Entitled who had sacrificed his own existence to give everyone in my original world their own possibilities." He shrugged his arms. "I didn't expect you to understand that."

I stared at him in shock. That information was indeed a vague. Yet, there are some reference that I couldn't possibly ignore. Among the absurdities that I had saw so far, that was the one that I wasn't expecting at all.

"Ragna The Bloodedge!?" I shouted in disbelieve.

"Not entirely," Ragna replied. "I'm just a backup copy of it's existence with the sole purpose to observe every possibilities without screw the things up. I took a look at this one and I had saw a problem with that. This one is currently hijacked."

I blinked. "Wait, what do you mean with that?"

"The Videogame Logic is the entity responsible for having interfered with the continuum of Equestria's history." Ragna informed. "And not, this is place not Takamaghahara. Is a totally different space."

"So I'm not the only one who got screwed. But for what reasons?"

"I will tell you what is it's deal with Equestria. But first, no, it has nothing to do with the dreadful appearance of the alternate Granite Daggers members in that world. They would had hunted you anyway, no matter what life you were living. I feel pity for you."

"Yeah, don't even remind me of that," I replied, still annoyed upon thinking at what I had gone through. "So, what is the story here?"

Judging by his face, Ragna took a moment to think about the exact words, then he let out a bothered sigh while scratching his head and began.

"You won't believe of the demented absurdity of what I'm going to tell, but basically, this mess started when this entity observed the last season of MLP. He was indeed crestfallen for that but he wasn't discouraged by that. He has a hope for the next generation... But... That generation failed it's expectations, something that raged him like no other. He felt betrayed by that and wanted to teach that a lesson. This until he came out with a idea. He had literally hijacked the reality of Equestria and reverted back to season 1. But reset that wasn't his intention. He wanted to create his new possibility."

"............................ What?"

"And that was the part where you came in," Ragna said. "To be fair, he wasn't responsible for you being brought into Equestria, but used your existence to create this possibility. His own very, screw up possibility. This logic had subjected that world to his rules and tried to use your mistake and role to change the instances. But your constant attempt to maintain the status quo and other things had literally bored out of his mind. That obviously leaded you there."

I remained silent.

"I'm sorry to put the things in that way, but that is exactly what is going on," Ragna said.

I tilted my head.

Ragna sighed, seemingly knowing my reaction. "Now you can give your honest opinion."

I charged my hoof, in a way of speach, and facehoofed so hard that I wished that smashed my head a little bit.

"He's.... fucking... SERIOUS!!!?" I screamed.

Ragna nodded. "You heard it."

"I..I... I can't believe this," I said, shaking my head. "This is by the far the most demented, psychotic, spoiled, inconceivable, inexcusable, nonsensical, stupid reason I ever heard in my entire life!! I can't believe that! The Videogame Logic that continued to screw me over was just a complaining douchebag with... That bastard used me as a tool!!"

"What are you going to do? Beat him up?" Ragna asked.

"No." I said, trying to calm myself up. "I have a idea about that."

"Hmm?" Ragna looked curious.

"I want to give this idiot a taste of my life," I said with a serious tone, heading toward the door.

Ragna didn't even bothered to follow me, but I wasn't paying attention to him. I entered inside the door, getting through the seemingly endless darkness. I continued my march forward without having any visual reference of where I'm actually going. I didn't cared about that. I am currently pissed upon knowing to be used by someone, or something as it's own tool. I pressed on, expecting to find the Videogame Logic's real appearance and fix this idiocy as soon as possible.

After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly in the middle of the darkness, I spotted a partially illuminated point. I galloped to see what it was. Upon reaching it, I finally had to see his real form.... And I don't even know where to start with this one.

I was looking at the torso of a bothered young, pale, scarlet haired, black eyed, bothered boy attached to a machine. It was a metal thing with eyes made of glass. There was also a golden plate being attached in the part above the boy's head with the words 'no scrubs' written on it. As for the boy, his nails are shaped as plectrums, with kanjis, runes and instruments being depicted on each one of them. There are also deformed pipes being wore by him as shoulder pads and there was a swarm of number ones and zeroes circling around his pupils.

I looked at his appearance twice just to convince myself that I didn't had gone completely insane. I and then recovered a bit of my composure and to do my talk.

"Here we are," I said.

"I have been waiting for you, so I didn't had made you wait," The boy said, seemingly disinterested.

"You know, you are not getting away this time," I said when I had recalled that... Incident that happened during my fight with Vaelox. "Ok, I had to admit, you had saved my position after I had accidentally killed Twilight... Even if I hate Corpse Remodeling with all of my passion. I take full responsibility for my own screw ups... But I don't need all of these powers and stuff to live. That alone is the reason why I am currently feared in Equestria. All because you were using me as your pawn."

"So the bigmouth told you about me." He said even more disinterested.

I looked at him perplexed. "You are not... even trying to defend yourself, aren't you?"

"Does that even matter?" The boy said, almost lazily. "I give up."

"..... Really?"

"But is not just because you are constantly maintaining the status quo of Equestria's history, oh no. There are also these stupid enemies of yours, constantly ruining the things. I shouldn't have brought you into this."

"Too late, I already am." I remarked.

"You weren't even try to break the scheme of the things," The boy complained calmly. "Although you were tempted to put your own touch in the events. Unfortunately you were still going to leave the things being still the same... Let me tell you my motivation for me for doing so."

"Dude, you don't need to tell me that." I said. "I know already."

"I was selfish... ok?" The boy admitted, something that I wasn't expecting at all. "I was so mad at the creators of the new generation to have screwed the things up. And now I had hijacked this universe in order to create another story. I had even used you... I have no excuse for this."

"And you expect me to believe that?" I asked sternly.

"Absolutely no." He replied.

"So... What you are going to do?" I asked.

"You want to live your own new life correctly, right?" The body said. "Well... I will just reverse the time again. But this time, I will leave the things as they are while giving you something to put your enemies at bay without any difficulty."

At this point, I don't even know I have to sympathize with him already or just scoff him. Beside, his confession was very genuine and yet too sudden. He was even giving me a help to prevent my enemies to come... I will check up something first.

"Before you do what you are going to do, let ask you something." I said with a serious tone.

"I have to?" The boy replied annoyed by that.

"Yes, you have, cretin." I responded, "Starting by telling what kind of life you lived."

"Eeeeh?" He looked very confused. "I don't know what are you going into but...." He groaned. "Fine, you will have it," He paused. "However, just feel free to call me Yomi."

"You version, please," I insisted.

"I am just a entity born into a dark space that was filtered in this one," Yomi complained. "I had played with the fate of other worlds for funzies before, so Equestria wasn't the only one... Well, that is kind of a lie. I had only interfered with their history in order to fix their problems and I had always succeeded only through pawns."

I stared at him with justified irritation. "So you are basically someone who thinks is above anything else?"

"Don't exaggerate," Yomi replied. "That may look very petty to you, but that is how I roll."

"In this case, I will refuse your offer to fix my new life and giving you a proposal of mine," I said without any mercy.

Yomi stared at me for a moment, with shocked wide-eyes, hoping to not having hear the last part coming from me. "What?"

"I am serious." I responded.

Yomi shook frantically his head, with his face being slowly filled with raging incredulity. "What are you trying to say with that!?"

"I don't trust you in any case,"

"Why not!? I was just about to restore your new life to normality while helping you to deal with your enemies. Besides, like I said, I give up screwing with that world's reality."

"And there's a problem with that," I pointed out.

"What makes you think of such a thing!?" Yomi said, loosing his cool.

I brought him where I wanted. I would had accepted his offer for sure if I hadn't suspected on thing.

"Because, even without your interference, you will still have won," I paused. "But to be more accurate, you had lost instead."

"What!?" Yomi looked very confused.

"There are still the problem of my enemies coming into Equestria to hunt me down," I pointed out. "So, as long I am there, they won't stop coming. Reversing what we had done so far isn't enough. Which is why I will ask you to put me into somewhere else after the new time reversal."

Yomi flinched very nervously, taken aback from that. "What!?... That is impossible! I can only reverse the history of each worlds, create objects and add some personal touch and mcguffins on my own... But I can't warp reality or even displace you into another world from there."

"Are you screwing with me?" I asked almost pissed.

"It's true. I can't interfere with the worlds history," Yomi explained. "But my powers can't interact with the living beings, so I can't even move people into other worlds. Look, if you had thought that I am powerful enough to kill you or even destroy a world on my own... You are wrong. I had always used pawns to do the job for me."

I had no words in that moment. That was just... Wow. I had no words to express my disdain and utter disbelieve for if not covering my face and groaning in disappointment before looking at him again with a dead serious face.

"What useless enitity." I said bluntly.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not this powerful. What do you expect me do to?" Yomi asked.

"You could see other world's history, right?" I asked.

"Well.... Yes, but why you ask?" Yomi demanded.

"Show me a part of that of my own world," I demanded. "Specifically, my own struggle with the Granite Daggers."

Yomi trembled with a almost panicked face, but for other reasons. "Y-you are going to see your own tragedy. Look, I never saw that part since I never had interfered with your world, but what are try to gain from that?"

"Just do it." I insisted.

He remained silent, looking at me with pure confusion, unable to understand my intentions. He then sighed heavily and raised his hand. A big, shapeless rectangle resembling a screen appeared on my left.

Images of a event were depicted on the screen. Something that I almost avoided to remember. Cerebus syndrome could barely describe what I'm seeing.

That would be my story.

That was practically my story as Allen Nitrol, a slightly aloof boy who was also being nitpicking, a little bit lazy and sometime blunt. Hopefully I was also emphatic and comprehensive to compensate that. I was also a sucker for videogames, movies, memes and other stuff, which are hobby that I put into practice only in the free time. And I had also friend of mine, being Primula. She was the typical tsundere student council president, and the only one who admit to be one. Thank god.

That was a ordinary life. until Vaelox, the real one and the first of the Granite Daggers, partially murdered most of my classmates during a trip. I was about to die if wasn't for a armor that gave me a unnatural power, tremendous enough to defeat him or killed him. I didn't know what happened to me when I was approached by a monk who had explained the situation that I had gotten into.

And speaking of my powers, he told me that I wasn't human anymore and that I had become a Iron Ghost. That wasn't totally accurate since a normal Iron Ghost is someone with the ability to abandon his body and possessing a artificial battle body to control. In my case, my body and the armor I was supposed to possess had become one. As a result, is like I was in a battle body for the whole time.

The monk told me about Vaelox and the Granite Daggers, a cult of Iron Ghosts who are the same as me and the organization in which Vaelox was part of. Their goal was merge the world with hell itself, a sick idea conceived by their leader, Plaguer. He also talked about another cult, being the Dark Saints, which fair enough, are just normal Iron Ghosts who had nothing to do with them. Not that made them completely innocent anyway.

Because of the slaughter, I, Primula and the students who had survived that had transferred into another school. There I met Matthew, a timid boy and aspiring artist. We had talked and helped with each other for the studies for about two weeks. He had a future... Until Arga showed up and made him suffer a agonizing death after having gruesomely stole his eyeballs.

Furious for his death, I had confronted that demented bitch and made use of the powers in my disposal. Controlling plasma energy, invoking very long dark chains to use as weapons, enhanced power, resistance and speed, and, most notable, the corruption, which was like the Corrupter that I had acquired by the Videogame Logic, with the only difference that it allowed me to corrupt Arga's armor and body, and us it to forcing her stabbing through her chest. I would had watched her die in agony but since I'm not this sadistic, I then opted for smashing her head with a blow.

Primula was greatly furious for my methods and decided not have anything to do with me. Is pretty much understandable. The way in which I defeated Arga was very despicable. I didn't bothered to apologize to her but not because she won't had listened, in my opinion. I leaved the things with Primula be in this way because I wanted her to stay away from me in order for her to avoid being caught by the Granite Daggers.

A hope that didn't happened anyway as she was then kidnapped by Melkior. Luckily I managed to defeat him but when I saved Primula, she was literally battered and was sent into the hospital. I spent a few days with her and apologized to her for having involved her in this mess. Primula... Not only forgave the abuse of my powers but also asked me to stop his brother Kiro, being one of these cultists as well.

In the following two years, I continued to fight the Granite Daggers as a relentless vigilante. That happened wherever they decided to show up, but most of the time, I ended up seeing friends die, being mutilated or, in worst scenarios, even joining them. For each fight, I had learned to be a little more humble and less arrogant. However I had also become a little sociopath, if not going borderline Deadpool territory where I will simple had to be optimistic even in the macabre situations.

I had eventually met a group of Iron Ghosts who are fighting the cultist as I am, leaded by Jolen and Sigurd. They asked to join them. I didn't had accepted them until the time was perfect.

I was looking for Kiro until I stumbled into a normal Iron Ghost who wasn't very fond of my vigilantism and tremendous power of mine. A dreadful black haired school girl's soul in a mechanic, pink-haired, lethal doll named Mio Amisato. She was blocking my way and tried to take me down. I had a hard time to deal with this lady. She was able to cut almost everything, including some pieces of my altered body, and is immune to the corruption.

Anyway, the duel ended in a draw, mostly because we were surprisingly almost equal in term of power, so I was about to leave. Mio blocked my way and explained that Kiro was killed by two Iron Ghosts being Firepuppet and Ramstorm, and that she had already informed Primula of that. She also talked about herself and her deal with the Dark Saints, and said that she tested me because she was obviously worried about me having a tremendous power. I had assured her that I won't end up being like Plaguer or any other member of his cult.

Primula was obviously traumatized by her loss, and yet she promised him to stay strong to honoring the memory of the brother Kiro used to be. Independent and strong before they managed to capture him and brainwash him through their members, Omione and Tera. Which Mio already took care off, which means that Kiro was practically avenged.

And then someone gleefully say that having a tremendous power and a very tragic story is badass. Whoever had said that should put himself in my shoes and the come back to tell the tale he was so hyped up to live.

After a month, I joined Jolen's group in occasion of the final confrontation with the Granite Daggers. Mio eventually catch up with us and decided to help us with her own terms. We stormed inside their hideout with a massive surprise attack, decimating most of them.

"That was fun," Jolen said confidently. "Let's just hope that they didn't saw that coming."

"That is gonna a helluva surprise." I had commented.

Then hell fell upon us, with a entire army of cultist trying to decimate us. A wave of frenzy and destructive energy was about to overwhelm us. But at that point, I had got used to.

"They are coming!" Sigurd exclaimed.

"Quite of a tempest, isn't it?" Mio commented.

"Still got them, Allen." Jolen said exalted.

"Let's do it!" I had shouted.

The cultists rushed toward us aggressively, being more powerful than the once we had fenced. The battle was a pure bloodshed in which we lost even most of our allies, including Sigurd and Jolen. I stormed toward the ceremonial room with Mio and battled with Plaguer, being assisted by his back up soldiers being the Four Blades. I managed to keep up with them and almost killing the leader.

Unfortunately, he managed to cut deeply my torso before I could even give the coup de grace. Blood erupted out of me and I had instantly began my descent in the darkness.

"ALLEEEEEEEEEEEN!!" Mio screamed.

I had already expected her to react like that. I know her story. She saw her friends die too.

I feel on the ground, being unable to move and going deeper in my downfall, but not before Plaguer could had spat on me his last, venomous, disgusting words.

"Hmpf. You really deserved a really gruesome fate like this... Before your descent into the abyss... That Cocytus may not have mercy of you."

The last thing that I heard was his own laughter, that of the remained member of the Four Blades and that of the remaining cultists gathered to see my demise. That was unavoidable. I had overpowered them so much that they end up hating me.

I don't know what happened to Mio and I don't even know if she managed to take him down, since my life was already sent to the realm of the dead... Not expecting me to go in Equestria in any case because I found that stupid until that happened.

After that, the screen suddenly became a bright, blank white and shrunk into the void before disappearing.

I was looking down to the nonexistent floor, without any word to say. It will take time for me to recover from this replay. Putting aside the positive moments, it wasn't a pleasant thing to see that again.

I looked back at Yomi, whose face was struck in shock. He looked very shaken from what he saw in that projection.

"That was the crudest part of my life, sir. Although, yes, I acted arrogantly most of the time but I had also learned my lessons. However, I'm not some pawn that you can manipulate me for amusement or fate wheel screwing like a jackass. I'm just someone who wanted to have a break from that struggle."

"But I can still fix your new life," Yomi invited.

"No, dude. As I said before, I refuse your offer." I paused. "Which is way I wanted to continue your game."

"WHAT!?" Yomi exclaimed, even more confused.

"But keep in mind, I won't live according to your whim and I'm not doing this for you," I informed him bluntly. "I will do that to make sure that they won't do anymore damage. I would be ashamed if Equestria got screwed over because of my connection with those bastards. Still, thanks for your gifts. Sure, I'm bored to be overpowered, but at least they helped me."

"Said the sociopath who turned a owl into a pony to fix Twilight's future douchy behavior toward Spike," Yomi remarked. "Or even froze up Trixie during her show to humiliate her, or briefly corrupted Photon Gladion. You are indeed a hypocrite."

"Ok, I concede that," I replied before grinning. "Besides, another reason for me to do that is because I want to screw up Equestria's canon in my own way while maintaining a bit of status quo."

"But that's my job!" Yomi muttered.

"You can't do shit and I am your supposed pawn," I pointed out. "So you better accept this new possibility that you tried to make so desperately. What you see-"

"Alright, I got the message." Yomi interrupted me with anticipation.

We both fell silent, looking at each other. There's no romance involved. Only Yomi looking at me slightly angered at me for the fact that I was forcing his own luck.

Basically, I was blackmailing a powerful entity.

"By the way, I will continue your experiment if you follow four requests of mine." I informed.

"And what could possibly be those one?" Yomi asked scornful.

Damn, I think I had humiliated him a little bit. Then again, I won't have sympathy for his childish behavior.

"One I want to your game's rules to be nerfed." I said with a grin.

"You want to be..." He paused wide-eyed, realizing what I had said. "You want me nerfing my rules!?"

"Let me explain," I said while raising my hoof to stop him. "If you are bored, what you had to do is just remove some useless or over advantaging rules and fix the other ones just to makes the thing more interesting."

"Well... That isn't a bad idea... Not that I'm willing to do that anyway." Yomi said reluctantly.

"Two: I want you remove all the objects and other abilities in my possession and turning them into objects after I had returned in the present."

"Wait, remove all the things that I had given to you, including the ones that you got during the level ups? Are you a idiot!?"

"I just want to live according to my will, ok?" I responded. "Besides, I had the third one that will still give me a way to fight these cultists without all of that overpowered stuff."

"Just tell me that already," Yomi said impatiently.

"And Three: I want you to give me the powers that I have when I was a Iron Ghost."

Yomi stared at me with a awfully surprised face. "You want to have your powers back?"

"If I have to live and fight, I will do it with my own forces. Got it?"

"..... But them you have still the problem to keep your powers and identity a secret, you know?"

"I will find a way." I assured him.

Yomi took a handful of second to think about the rights words to say. I could tell by his pondering face, adorned with a frustrated visage. He was got owned by me exploiting his own flaws.

"Fine, you won," Yomi said with a mocking face. "I will do whatever you asked, but only because I don't want to see your face again. Now get the out of my mainframe!"

Yomi hastily raised his hand and unleashed a white stream that engulfed the entire room, devouring the darkness in instant. Everything was white, without anything else being in my vision.

In that point I felt something dragging away. I couldn't see that but I know what it was.

It was Yomi kicking me out of his lair. All of that happening while being accompanied by multiple images of event happening in front of me.

In a blink of a eye, I found myself in my mound. Looked to the floor, being soaked by the melted frozen fragments of what used to be Agade. Which means I am in the present. The blinding light disappeared from the doorway. It was still morning on the outside.

Everything looked the same. Yet my body was telling me something else.

My powers were back and my body felt like the one that I had in my past life as a Iron Ghost... And yet there is something with me. I also discovered some new memories inside my mind and a new powers.

"Let me guess. Yomi just cheated on our deal?"

Without any warning, a 8-bit creepy ring startled me. If I can remember, that was the one that ranged yesterday before Yomi's message appeared.

The text box appeared just in time, because I started to think that he tricked me. I took a look at the message.... I was right.

You got your powers, you almost got what you want and, yes, I nerfed some rules but guess what. I don't appreciate being blackmailed by you, so I decided to put this rule into practice.

"I have already a vague hint about where this is going."

Soon after my statement, the text box disappeared and reappeared with a new message.

Here's the chaos rule. You will have only a max of three objects or powers for time. After a long period of time, they will be replaced with other objects of powers at random. You will also retain you original powers, the Freezing Gauntlet, the Shotgun, the Corpse Remodeling cube, the drops and the extra items. Enjoy my gift, sucker.

As text box disappeared, I maintained my calm for about a twenty seconds before losing my cool. I was about to burst until another text box appeared.

Oh, by the way, I will let you enjoy the power that has currently replaced your Ninja Gaiden mcguffings with something else, which may be removed from the list during the replacement. However, if someone borrows a non-extra item of yours, It won't be replaced and the space can be still filled with another power of item. I will eventually explain the new rules. But not today

"That is actually a honest offer and reasonable thing... Except that is coming from that doucebag,"

Punctual like a clock, that wretched 8-bit level up sound ringed out of nowhere. I wouldn't vent anymore stress on him since I had always knew that Yomi was practically screwing me over. With pure disinterest, a took a look to the test....

Said disinterest was then blow out upon seeing this.

Endurance Package: A increment of endurance that was added on your powers as a Iron Ghost.

"So I am now some kind of tank?... That is actually a good thing for e, who was smacked around like a ragdol," I pause, still angered. "Not that will excuse his actions."

I would had tested my powers but not now. I had two things to investigate.

First off, the message regarding Ninja Gaiden's power being replaced with something else. I still remembered how to do that acrobatic stuff but I wasn't able to do that correctly anymore. I mentally checked my new memories and discovered that this.... No.

I used that power to materialize and dissolve weapons that I can't believe to have: The Arbiter, the Osiris, the Eryx, the Aquila, the Reb...

I dissolved that weapon and reacted in annoyance.

"Now that is ridiculous. These are DMC Dante's powers!.... Really!?" I shook my head. "Screw it. I won't even test those."

And now, I'm going to see what power and item Yomi was removed from me and what wasn't. My ninja skills being removed was confirmed, but I need to take look at the rest. I didn't know where to look until I recalled something that I forgot to have.

"The black orb."

I rummaged in the bag and pulled out the artifact. It didn't wast any time to display my progress, along with a message displaying the abilities in my current possession.

Allen Nitrol
Level: 9
Abilities aquired so far:
-Corpse Remodeling
Rotatory skills:
-DNA Twister
-Plasma Cannon
-Book of Healing
Temporary Ability
-Dmc Dante's mcguffins

I facehoofed delicately. "I need a drink."

I was about to take some water when I noticed a trapdoor one the floor. That wasn't there until now. Curiosity quickly took over, so I opened it, revealing a glow. Noticing the stairs I went descended and found something that I wasn't expecting.

"Or I am stoned or Yomi has something to do with this."

That pseudo basement was actually a really ordinate living room, with a light on the ceiling, three bookshelves filled with books, a sofa, some furniture, a freaking TV and a console. Which is similar to the PS4, but is called, according to his own trademark, DETHLOSENSICAL 91. There are also some games and some movies.

I was wondered by that generous gift... But then I remembered what I was dealing with. I groaned while scratching my head.

"I don't know if you are bribing me because you are desperate or you're simply rooting me in your own way... Which is improbable." I then yawned. "And now I am tired... Which is weird, considering that is still morning.

I went upstairs, closed the trap-door and went outside.

The wind was blowing gently so that was a good moment to take a stroll. I wandered among the trees for a brief time. Despite the good weather, I couldn't help but think about the ones who I left behind.

Primula must be surely heartbroken upon knowing my death, I guess.... But Mio? Her soul was still in her mechanical body and was left to deal with Plaguer and his followers, all by herself when I died.

"Allen just rest easy, they will be ok.... I hope." I said to myself.

I pressed on without having a destination in particular when I was then called by a familiar voice, being no other than Lilly.

"Violet." Lilly said.

I lifted my head to see her descending from above in front of me, with her face being less stern than the usual.

"Is there any problem?" I asked.

"None except what had transpired yesterday." Lilly replied.

"The one with the changelings," I said in anticipation. "Still, the machine was fixed?"

"Unfortunately it's magic components were destroyed as well," Lilly said, almost irritated. "So it's impossible to repair... By why you are asking this? I thought you were to lazy to work."

"At least I was doing something." I assured her.

Lilly stared at me with a puzzled face. She has no idea what I had gone through today. Having her knowing nothing was better than nothing.

"I know there's no reason to ask that," Lilly said unsure of what she was saying. "But..."

"What?" I asked calmly.

"You look very serene," Lilly pointed out. "Which is very unusual since we don't get along this well. Can you tell me at least what happened."

I shrugged my arms. "Nothing in particular."

Chapters before Level Up: -3

Next Level Up:

1)Soul Calibedge: A very conflicted and yet dreadful sword who doesn't give any vantage to the owner outside being a huge weapon.

2)Pluto Gun: A gun that can use the coins as bullets which spawns a number of other coins from one to nine every time a living target was hit.

3)Void Ring: A object that allowed the user to become a living void that disintegrates and clean through everything that came across and revert back when is needed.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for having put the whole exposition for the main character himself, but I had to tell his backstory soon or later. I don't even know how did that came out.

Also, as you see, there is a "Chapters before Level Up:" thing written on. Why? Because instead to put a level up in every single chapter, I decided to trigger that after tot chapters, just to give others the time to vote.

There is also the rotation of three different items for chapters. Sure, that will screw the character over and made him a little less overpowered. But at least that will make the things much interesting in my opinion. Especially since he is still a little overpowered on his own.

One last thing. As I goes in the next chapters, I will give myself the right to ignore some episode of the MLP canon and cutting short the number of chapters from 26 to 13. The last part, however, goes only for season 1 and season 2, so don't panic about that.

If there are some problems regarding the grammar error, the pacing or whatever it bothers you, you are welcome to give me some feedback.