• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,617 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Hunted and Sniper Show

Rotatory abilities:
DNA Twister
Plasma Cannon
Ryu Hayabusa's Abilities

I woke up in the early morning and went out of my mound, wearing a magenta hood and carrying my black bag. Having already took a look at he black orb, I was obviously pissed upon seeing the Book of Healing and the Gravity Manipulator being replaced.

Especially since some bastardous sniper shot me in the leg when I was hoovering in the sky with the Gravity Manipulator's powers, a few days ago. And I still don't know where he could be. Not to mention, I have still that bullet depicting a human skull in my possession... Which reminded me of something but I don't know what.

The only consolatory fact is that the DNA Twister was the only thing that I had retained.

"Although that won't help me that much since that bastard seems to had saw my real form." I murmured.

Needless to say that I had passed the previous day to investigate his whereabouts, but I didn't got any luck in the pursuit. So I went to sleep, but not before going to the mountain that was now presided by Fafnir, the stone dragon that I had stole from Melkior and converted into a really badass metallic one, and asked it to soar the sky in search for that sucker.

I am aware to have missed the part where Rarity was still freaking out for the fail at the fashion exposition. But really, I wasn't interested to see her melodrama generating machine abilities. Let's be honest, I know already she would get better because of her friends, so my presence isn't needed... I hope.

"I will save that for later. So, today is the Pinkie Sense parade," I said with a deadpan tone, a moment before grinning as a idea struck my mind. "Let's have some fun."

.... Aaaaaaand I stopped to grin soon after.

"Without getting shot, of course."

Problems aside, I ran in ninja speed, headed toward the Everfree Forest and arrived at the other side of the cliff, with only the pillars acting as a fragmented bridge.

I was tempted to face the hydra with the Plasma Cannon, but then I remembered that would make me more villainous in the eyes of the Mane Six, Fluttershy included.

I hidden myself behind a rock and waited for Twilight and her group to come. Obviously being chased by the hydra, of course. That is a fine opportunity to deal with her sudden habit to make stupid decisions when being pursued by a giant beast..

"Since I have to wait for them to come, I will put up some music," I said with anticipation as I put the earplugs of my iPod and listened some music.

After two hours of boring waiting, I saw Twilight and her gang coming out of the forest and getting closer to the cliff, chased by the hydra of course.

"Finally," I announced as I removed my earplugs.

Just as I had expected, Fluttershy, Applejack, Spike and Pinkie passed the cliff by jumping on the stone pillars and arrived on the other side, unaware of my presence.

Twilight was the last to arrive, but as soon she reached the edge of the cliff, one of the heads of the hydra charged toward her. The unicorn dodged the attack by jumping upward and landing on the creature's neck as the head was stunned by the impact. However, most of the pillars were destroyed by that blow, making impossible for her to traverse the cliff.

Which for me is a complete bullshit.

"What you have to do is just teleport here, Twilight!" I screamed inside my head, a moment before realize with horror something that almost escaped my attention. "Now that I notice... Did your friends forgot that you can do that too!?"

"T-T-T-twilight! " Pinkie said, still shuddering due to her predicting shenanigans. "You have to ju-"

"Nope!" I loudly interrupted her as I went out of the wall and showed up in front of them while taking off my hood to reveal my face, causing Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack to gasp in shocked surprised.

Twilight simply went wide eyed upon seeing me. Spike, however, never saw me in his entire life, so he didn't react this much.

"Violet?" Twilight called in shocked surprise.

"What?... You are that Violet guy Twilight talked about?" Spike asked.

"What the hay are planning this time?" Applejack demanded with a glare.

"Oh, c'mon, Shroudy Mcshady," Pinkie muttered with sarcasm. "We don't have to waste in your meddling?"

"Whatever." I said nonchalantly, rolling my eyes.

"Violet, I don't know what you are up to!" Twilight said with an almost irritated tone. "But this-"

Before she could ended finish his sentence, the hydra roared ferociously, startling her. The creature ferociously charged toward her. Twilight looked at it with fright, and then glanced back at me, nervously.

"Lady, you have a very simple way to avoid that hydra!" I said with a calm tone. "You should know at least what to do!"

"Do what!?" Twilight asked me, almost hysterically.

"Well, for starters, TELEPORT YOUR ASS HERE, DAMMIT!!" I shouted frustrated.

Twilight was about to retort but froze upon grasping my instruction. Such thing gave a moment of brief embarrassment upon realizing to have forgot that she can do that before facehoofing.

Without wasting any time, she glowed her horn in disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared on the penultimate one of the two pillars that separate her from me and her friends...

Which suddenly crumbled, causing her to fall down to the swamp beneath her, much to my shocked incredulity.

"You the hell is going on!? THAT PILLAR WASN'T SUPPOSED TO CRUMBLE!" I screamed in my mind.

"TWILIGHT!" Fluttershy, Applejack, Spike and Pinkie Pie screamed at the unison.

"NOOOOO!" Twilight screamed as she was falling down.

I rushed toward the edge of the peak and looked down, only to see Twilight falling on bubble, being launched upward by said bubble and flying in my direction, whizzing past my ears and crashing against the wall.

"Ow!" Twilight moaned loudly as she collapsed on the ground.

"Twi!" Applejack shouted as she and the rest of the gang rushed toward her.

"Twilight, are you alright!?" Fluttershy asked concerned.

Groaning softly, Twilight slowly rose up, partially dizzied. "Yes... Sorta."

"How could Twilight had forgot that she can teleport?" Spike asked to himself before facepalming.

"Spike, please, is just so embarrassing of me," Twilight muttered

Applejack slowly approached me to confront me when the hydra on the other side roared menacingly, getting her attention and that of the others. I looked at the creature and, now that I am looking at it, its actually scary to see in live. However...

"No offense, but I preferred the badass hydra from Castlevania Dracula Chronicle X."

Unable to reach us, the hydra turned around resigned and was about to walk away.

Until Fafnir suddenly showed up from above, grasping his body with his metal claws and taking that sucker in the sky. The mares, and Spike, looked at the scene with a mix of bafflement and awe. I, on other hands, was just shocked to see him.

"Fafnir!? What the fuck are you doing here!?" I screamed mentally as the dragon's figure was disappearing from my sight.

"W-what the... What in the tarnation is this creature!?" Applejack exclaimed, chilled by Fafnir's appearance.

"I Never saw a dragon who is this scary," Fluttershy demanded, trembling in awe while covering her face with her wings. "More scary than the last one that I had met."

"Fluttershy, I think that the smokey one was kinda sympathetic if compared to this," Twilight stated.

As they got distracted with the dragon, I took the opportunity to rose up, turning around and walking away from them, but...

"Violet, wait!" Twilight called.

I halted and turned around to face Twilight and her distrustful friends, although Spike was just confused. "What now?"

"You just came here to remind me that I can still teleport because I had forgot I can do that?" Twilight asked.

"Well, if you preferred to do a leap of faith like Pinkie was suggesting," I explained. "Then who I am to prevent you to do that."

"Leap of faith?" Twilight looked confused.

"You make no sense, buffoon," Applejack retorted.

"No, he's awfully right!" Pinkie replied, semi astounded. "He predicted that before I could say that!"

"What!?" Applejack exclaimed surprised.

"Really?" Fluttershy said, equally surprised.

"Not really," I lied since I saw that episode. "It was just a hunch. Besides, I came here because there was something that nopony expected to happen. Is the hydra?"

"The hydra wasn't the doozy." Pinkie denied.

"Doozy?" I demanded, pretending confused but knowing what that means.

"WHAT!?" Twilight exclaimed shocked.

"And is not even that metal looking dragon that took away that poor creature if you ask," Pinkie informed. "Although even I wasn't expecting it to come. But still, I'm still getting the shudders." She shuddered again. "You see? There it is again. Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bogg, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened."

"Huh? But I- WHAT?!" Twilight stuttered, almost loosing it. "None of these two monsters isn't the doozy?! How could any of them not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than them?!"

"Dunno, but it just wasn't it." Pinkie replied.

Hearing that, Twilight gritted her teeth and, unable to take any longer. She jumped in the air and, I am not even kidding, spontaneously combusted, literally bursting into flames with pure, groaning rage, a moment before returning normal with trails of smog, assuming a resigned look.

"Oooh... I give up," Twilight said with a tired tone as she descended roughly on the rocky terrain.

With that, Twilight talked with Pinkie about how she was right about that. I wasn't paying too much attention to it since I know where this is going. But mostly because I was too distracted by what happened before.

Seriously, seeing Twilight on fire gave me that weird imagery of Twilight becoming her own version of Cinder from Killer Instinct and starting beat the crap out of everything standing in her way with the Inferno playing as a background music.

"Well, time to go," I murmured and attempted to leave, until Fluttershy stopped me.

"Mister Violet," Fluttershy said hesitantly. "I still don't know if I can trust you like Twilight said I should, but... Is that story about demonic entities entering into Equestria being kind of true?"

"Well, yes," I responded bluntly. "I have to defeat them... But then again, I can understand if I still look like villainous to your eyes, so I won't even bother to convince you of the contrary."

"Wow. Then Twilight was right," Fluttershy said impressed. "You are not even trying to defend yourself."

"Violet doesn't need that," Applejack retorted. "Because we know who really is."

"A villain, right?" I asked, guessing the obvious.

"No, just an annoying wrongdoer." Applejack replied bluntly.

"Oh," I was surprised and yet bothered to hear that. "I thought worse."

"But didn't Princess Celestia told us that he saved Ponyville from one of those entities?" Spike reminded that.

"Spike, ya know what Ah think about him," Applejack explained. "Ah couldn't trust somepony who'd double crossed both us and Nigthmare Moon."

Knowing that the conservation was going to take too long for me, I pondered about a way to get out of their sight with serenity and without any problem. Still, Applejack's words leaved a little, if not tiny, space of trust in me... Maybe.

"Could you at least explain why you were so interested with Pinkie's indications?" Twilight asked with suspicion.

"Just curiosity," I said with a tired tone. "Really, is like-"

"STOP SCREWING WITH THE MULTIVERSE!!" Pinkie suddenly screamed.

Startled by that sporadic declaration, we turned toward the Element of Laughter, who was looking at me with a very upset expression while holding her tail, which movement was more frantic and crazy than usual. By the way, what she said didn't make any sense... Or does it?

"What?" I said, feigning ignorance.

"I don't even know what's going on with my tail," Pinkie said with an disturbed tone. "But its surely sign of the fact that your actions are somehow related with you."

"You... Don't make sense in this moment, Pinkie," Twilight said perplexed.

"Twilight, it has to be addressed!" Pinkie affirmed convinced. "Something is going on with him, and he is responsible."

"How the heck you can tell that?" I demanded, avoiding any precision F-Strike.

"Why you don't ask to my tail?" Pinkie dared me as she released her tail from her grasp. "Watch!"

In a nanosecond, her tail vibrates in a very startling speed and began to flail the air uncontrollably, with his tail being shaped in a very warped. His motion emulating Chun-li's Lighting Kick, with sound effect included. A butterfly passed nearby it in the wrong time and was struck by one of the kicks, causing Fluttershy to gasp with dismay.

Noticing this, Pinkie blocked her tail with her hooves, but the damage was already done. The yellow pegasus rushed toward the butterfly to treat it and the turned to Pinkie with a quickly upset face.

"Pinkie! Be careful with you tail!" Fluttershy scolded her.

"Sorry." Pinkie replied meekly, trying to hold her still flailing tail.

"Now this is getting even weirder and weirder," Twilight commented, weirded out.

"Do whatever you want," I said as I turned around and leaved with a very startling speed. "Later!"

"Hey! Get back here!" Applejack roared.

But by the time I fled the scene, I was already far away from them. After a long run, I reached my mound and slowed down, feeling exhausted. I stepped inside and entered into the stone coffin, laying on my futon to recover my strengths. I passed the rest of the day to read various books, the ones that weren't made of plastic.

As soon as I had awoke, Lilly dragged me into her usual duties and brought me in some place where maybe one of my enemies will show up. This time in the Cloudeseum in Cloudsdale, where the competition of flyers was going on. Once I had arrived, I was a little nervous about being in a city suspended above the sky because of vertigo and stuff.

Arriving in the coliseum, I had inspected every room and every seat before the competition started. But even in this cheerful place surrounded by clouds, there was no trace of the sniper. At that point, what remained for me to do was to look around as the competition started.

Celestia was present to the even with the Wonderbolts, making me realize that she would be targeted by that bastard to lure my attention. But maybe is just my paranoia, which was currently justified.

"Hey, stay focused," Lilly half ordered. "I know you are not a Royal Guard, but you better ready yourself."

"I already had." I murmured quietly but nervously about feeling being aimed.

After a brief speech from one of the organizers, the competition started. There's no secret that Rarity's dress and make up, in contrast with her wings, looked a little ridiculous to me. However, tastes are tastes.

And yes, I got to see Rarity's ego induced Icarus fly backfiring miserably and Rainbow Dash saving her and the Wonderbolts from falling while making her iconic Sonic Rainboom. Seeing it in live was kinda impressing, and pretty colorful to amaze every pony in the arena. Hopefully nothing bad happened, but I was still nervous at the possibility of being shot from a moment or another.

Once the competition ended, Celestia probably went to crown Rainbow Dash the winner. But at that point, I had already left the Cloudeseum and waited for Lilly, who went to see the Princess, just to report her about my progress... Or her own, but at least she won't spill the beans about the time I had corrupted her, literally.

"I wonder if I can continue like this," I said to myself.

"I wasn't expecting you to be there" A familiar female said from my left.

I was about to open my mouth, but froze upon recognizing that voice. Hesitantly toward the speaker... Being none other than Celestia herself, who towered on me with a solemn face. My face wasn't this solemn since I flinched, startled for her sudden appearance, not having noticed she nearby me.

"Whoa! Did she finished to talk with the Mane Six and Lilly already!? How much faster she finish a conversation?!"

"Oh, its you, Celestia," I said while scratching my head for a bit of embarrassment. "Well, to be honest, Lilly dragged me there when I was half sleepy. Did she told you something about me?"

"Well, judging by how she talked about you," Celestia said. "You have indeed defeated most of the demonic entities invading our land and saving my subject several times. However, you seems to slacking off when there is no danger."

"At least I got some book," I replied calmly. "Except that I'm not in the same level as Twilight."

"Speaking of her, Twilight told me about your interaction with her and her friends," Celestia pointed out. "I know that they doesn't trust you and that will take some time to adjust, but you are not even trying to convince them."

"I'm not even complaining about that," I said calmly. "I mean, I had almost destroyed their chance to awake the Elements of Harmony and the possibility to purify Luna."

"Hopefully you didn't made that happen," Celestia said, a moment before looking at me with a bit of suspicion, mixed with perplexity. "However there's one thing about you that bothered me, Other than being a hunted hero, you are also kind of a, how I can describe... Weirdness magnet."

I blinked, confused. "What?"

"Nothing serious, but since your arrival," Celestia began. "Strange things happened in the past days. The fact Iron Lilly became less cold and more tomboyish, if not suspiciously quiet for a few occasions, is just normal in comparison."

"What strange things?"

"For example, when I came to the Whitetail Woods to see a Iron Pony competition, I heard of a hooded pony falling from the sky, crashing in the middle of the race. That could be a just pegasus who loosed its balance, but strangely enough, he suddenly hoovered above the ground without even using any kind of magic or wings and flew away."

I flinched nervously. "Oh, shit! I forgot that she came a few moments after the race was finished! I had left to many witnesses! Sure, I was in a different form, but I how can I explain that?... I think that Rainbow Dash told her about that!"

"F-for real?" I said, feigning ignorance. "But wasn't he supposed to die from the fall?"

"That is what I thought," Celestia replied. "But that's not all. During a storm of a few days ago, somepony swore to have saw big ice shards falling from the sky, diving on a specific point of the forest. Which was where your mound is located"

I know what she was referring to. That was that night when I used my ice ninja technique in a stupid effort to secure my mound from the rain. That was also the moment in which the ice shards that I had invoked had accidentally killed two female pegasi and that I had resurrected them as Remodeled Corpses. I won't have to explain that to her.

"I was sleeping in that moment," I lied, because of my obvious reasons. "I didn't had heard that much."

"You know, one day I will pay a visit to your 'home'," Celestia said with narrowed eyes, a moment before recalling something. "Oh, was forgetting. For some reason, Photon Gladion, the most stoic of them, had suddenly left his office to pursuit a strange pilgrimage to 'cleanse his flawed way' after the same night he was guarding you."

I went wide-eyed upon hearing that. Ok, Celestia has no idea of who Photon Gladion, so finding his behavior strange was legit to her. But honestly, the most stoic of the guards? He was a maniac who was obsessed with Luna and his ill idea of a perfect squad of alicorn Royal Guards, being also a outright coward that escape in fear when Melkior ambushed me.

"Yeah...Lilly showed me his letter." I said, hiding my lingering disdain toward him. "You had read it?"

"I know that, and to be honest..." Celestia almost cringed very uncomfortably, which slightly surprised me. "I wasn't expecting him to have this weird regard of love toward my sister."

No, its called mentally unstable obsession. Pure and simple. And I hoped he wasn't a yandere too, because otherwise that would be a screw up case of affection.

"It happens." I said sporadically, shrugging my arms.

Celestia looked at the Cloudeseum for a moment. "I came to know that you were injured multiple times. You can ask our help if you want."

"No, thanks," I said tranquilly. "I will continue this task on my own."

"If you want so," Celestia said with a resigned tone. "Just don't exert yourself too much."

"I will try," I assured her.

After that surreal conversation, Celestia glowed her horn and disappeared in a white flash. A few seconds after that, Lilly went out of the Cloudiseum and approached me with a tired expression.

"Did you found anything strange," Lilly asked with a half tired ton.

"Nothing whatsoever," I responded with a impassive tone.

Without saying anything else, we leaved Cloudsdale and went our way back home. By the time we had arrived nearby my mound, the sun was already setting. Eight hours.

Since Lilly was sleeping nearby her guard post outside the mound, I took the opportunity to take a brief nap inside the stone coffin before dinning. She didn't even noticed the trapdoor leading to my basement, which was fine. I should probably put a carpet on it.

As the night fell, I went inside the coffin and took out the bullet from my bag, observing the human skull being depicted into it.

"I saw you somewhere else... But I can't remember where or in what context."

Putting back the bullet, I took a look to the doorway of the entrance, where Lilly was guarding. I thinks she is probably annoyed by that. I wonder if there would be someone who will replace her properly. Hoping that is not some psycho like Photon.

Without any reason to remain awake, I lay down on my futon and went instantly to the dreamland in the wait for the next day.

Waking up in the next morning, I noticed Lilly not being there. I took this occasion to get out of my coffin and took a look outside the doorway. There was a gentle breeze, a placid sun and a perfect silence. It was a perfect opportunity to take a stroll.

Until I remembered that the sniper being still on the loose.

"Scratch that" I said with a very bothered tone, until a idea struck me. "Could that be."

Without any delay, I focused my mind and projected my image. What followed was a clone of myself suddenly appearing in front of me, being my doppelganger that I had created through my ninja skills. The result gave me a very chilling impression.

"I never I could had to see myself without a mirror."

Eager to perform a experiment of mine, I took not one, but three black hoods and putted them on my clone, until his entire body, hooves included. I had then instructed him to get outside, slowly. As his covered head went out the doorway...


That damn gunshot thundered and my hood covered clone suddenly flopped lifeless on the grass, a moment before disappearing from beneath the cloth mass. The blow probably struck his head. That was a real waste of clothes and clones, but I hope to have managed to fake my death.

I put on both the Freezing Gauntlet and the Berseker Claw, went inside the coffin and waited him to show up, knowing that will took a few hours.

Or less, because a half hour later, I heard hoofsteps coming in my way. That sounded normal, except that the sound looked more metallic. They got close to my doorway with the pass of the seconds.

"Yeah, I fucking dare you after the shit that you had thrown at me during the past days," I whispered with grim anticipation before.

After a short time, they stopped, meaning that he had already arrived. I slowly rose up and gave a quick look at my visitor looking at the holed hoods that were once wore from my clone. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a bizarre helmet. He was also wearing something resembling a power-armor, which I didn't saw being wore by any other pony.

Since he wasn't holding any weapon, I jumped out of the coffin and pointed my freezing gauntlet. "FREEZE, ASSHOLE!"

The freezing bullet was shot, but that masked pony immediately noticed that and rolled away from its trajectory, missing it. I ran two legged at a very fast speed toward him, who was already escaping. I shot another projectile, but he dodged even that.

"I am not done yet! Come back here you bastard!" I shouted.

I chased that sucker through the forest for a while, shooting projectiles that end up being dodged by him. I was almost reaching him thanks to the speed that my ninja skills were providing until we have arrived nearby a cliff. I expected him to stop.

Instead he nonchalantly jumped down, much to my shock. As I reached the edge and looked in the bottom, he already disappeared. I am not sure if he survived that, but if he had gone down on purpose, that means that was not over yet.

"Clever son of a bitch..." I murmured with a pissed off tone.

Empty handed, I turned around and went inside the forest once more, always two legged. Usually I hate backtracking at the last minute, but I didn't cared that much in that moment. I wasn't even minding my own surrounding.

Until I heard two unsettling laughs that caught my attention. That gave me a very bad vibe. Cautiously, I walked toward the source of that. As I was getting close, their laughs ceased. I spotted two quadrupedal figures in the distance, standing in front of a third one laying on the ground being none other than Rainbow Dash, who was currently unconscious and very battered. Shocked but not stupid to gasp loudly, I hidden myself behind a tree, studying the appearances of her aggressors.

They were female earth-ponies with the must screwed up looks, both wearing two a unsettling metal mouth mask. One of the was a silver maned purple mare wearing a mouth mask with rectangular fissures. The other was a golden maned azure mare, whose mask was shaped in a very atrocious scream.

"Now that is some creepy dynamic duo that you don't want to meet," I commented with a low volume.

"She would be a perfect killer of the best caliber," The purple masked mare said with a chilling calm as her hoof glowed in a dark-violet aura.

"We may be in another world, but a great speedster like her would be a good start to reform our organization," The azure masked mare added gleefully as her hoof glowed in a dark-green light. "After we have purified her mind, of course."

Not under my watch.

Since I don't want have to kill her and resurrect her as Remodeled Corpse like Twilight and the two pegasi, I focused my mind on them and materialized a cyclone that suddenly formed beneath the two masked mares, who were dragged toward the sky before they could even notice that, screaming.

I took the opportunity to rush toward Rainbow and turned her into a cat with the power of the DNA Twister. I put her now tiny body into my bag and returned my attention to the two mares, who surprisingly managed to land two legged in front of me. Their mouths were covered, but I could see by their enraged eye that they were now pissed off.

"Who do you think you are to steal our prey?" The purple masked mare said menacingly.

"Wait, weren't pony supposed to not be able to walk two legged?" The azure masked mare demanded surprised. "There's something wrong with this dredge."

"Look, if you are trying to intimidate me," I said without any empathy toward them. "You failed."

Both the masked mares went wide-eyed upon hearing my voice, which confirmed a vague and yet obvious hint that I had regarding them.

"That can't be... Allen?" The purple masked mare said surprised, a moment before laughing almost maniacally. "I never thought to meet you there, and with new tricks."

"Now that's insanely rich!" The azure masked mare added, seemingly amused.

"Let me guess," I said disdainfully. "You were alternative versions of Granite Dagger members from another universe."

"Be sarcastic as you want," The purple masked mare mocked. "Not that your arrogance will lead you anywhere."

"Ihihihihi. There's plenty of things that we have in store for you," The azure masked mare informed deviously. "And is not limited to pain."

"Just who the hell are you?" I demanded irritated.

"Pretty legit considering that our originals never had the chance to met you. My name is Omione." The purple masked mare announced.

"And my name is Tera." The azure mare proclaimed.

Hearing their names was like searing needles stabbing in my heart. I heard those names before. These two are different since they came from another universe, but I didn't had forgot that the original Omione and Tera were the same cultists that kidnapped Kiro, Primula's brother, and brainwashed him to their cause. Due to Mio having already slain them, they never had the chance to face me.

However, these two mares having the same names were in front of me. And considering they were about to brainwash Rainbow at the exact same way as Kiro, I should be furious off. But then again, thanks to Mio, he was already avenged, so trying to exact vengeance on them was literally unnecessary.

But that doesn't mean that I couldn't kick their asses with style. After all, wipe out the cultist was still my duty... Unfortunately.

"Sorry, screwheads. But I will be the one to take the first move," I announced as I walked toward them.

"Pretending badass and stuff, huh? Then DIE ALREADY, YOU PRICK!!" Tera shouted as she pointed her hooves at me and start shooting a barrage of bone needles at me.

Despite the fact they were piercing me, I only merely flinched. I continued to press forward without giving a shit about what Tera was throwing at me. I should thanks Yomi for the enhanced endurance since I was tanking her attacks like nothing.

Tera stopped, visibly shocked as I was getting closer. "What the... Why you won't fall back!?"

"Who cares. We have to slaughter him." Omione said irritated as she turned her hooves into a blade and swung in my direction, unleashing a slashing wave.

I jumped away from its trajectory, leaving the wave to cut a pair of trees. As I landed, the duo was about to deliver a ranged onslaught on me. I was prepared for that.

Without them having realized yet, I teleported in front of Omione and punched in her face very hard with my Freezing Gauntlet, sending her to fly against a tree.

I then noticed Tera rushing toward me with her hoof being turned into a dreadful looking halberd. I pointed my gauntlet equipped hoof with anticipation and shot a freezing bullet at her. The azure mare dodged the blow but wasn't paying attention at me as I had dashed nearby her at lighting and backhanded her, sending her fly too.

Having set Omione as a first priority, I turned toward her, only to be met by a stream of red lightnings. Yelling in pain for moment, I remained still, resisting to the electric shock. Sure, I have a high endurance but this surge began to become annoying. As she interrupted her electrical charge, I rushed toward her.

"I can't believe it," Omione said surprise and turned to her partner, who slowly rose up. "Tera! Do something!"

"Don't you dare to repeat that twice!" Tera exclaimed as her body was engulfed with plasma and exuded a tide of destructive energy coming toward me.

I leaped away from it's trajectory, leaving the wave destroying multiple trees and almost hurting Omione. As I landed, find the two mares were preparing to deliver their combined ranged attack. I was prepared for that.

I concentrated my mind on my body, causing it to quickly charge up electricity and then instantly blasting it outwards as lightning striking everything around them, including the dreadful duo, who collapsed on the ground. They looked really burnt and almost unconscious.

"I'm sorry to not have used my real powers," I commented. "But I refused to take you seriously."

I was about to leave, but in the second I moved my foreleg forward, Omione and Tera quickly stood up, already turning their hooves into their respective weapons, and rushed toward me from both sides.

To show that was a imbecile move, I promptly rolled away from them. They ended up piercing each other without having the possibility to stop themselves. I noticed their masks being destroyed, revealing their skeletal jaws... Which obviously disgusted me.

They looked visibly upset with each other, feeling betrayed, but only for a moment. Knowing who have to blame for that, their turned toward me with a very scornful, creepy faces. I won't even miss them.

"Yeah, fuck you too," I declared while flipping the middle finger at them with my Freezing Gauntlet.

A few seconds after, their bodies dissolved into a coil of black embers before disappearing. There are the bone needles being stuck on various parts of my body, but then went out on their own and fell on the grass before dissipating as well. I wasn't bleeding this much due to, again, my endurance.

I couldn't help but thinking at the obvious. The two alternative versions of the two cultists who had brainwashed Kiro were now defeated... With their own ends. I preferred this way since there's no satisfaction with revenge.

Putting that aside, I felt a little guilty for the poor trees being destroyed by the fight. Besides, that wasn't important since I still have Rainbow Dash in the form of a cat to take to safety.

I groaned in anticipation of another delirious travel do make. "That the delirium begins."

Running with ninja speed, I traveled throughout the woods, that are not part of the Everfree Forest, fortunately. In an ark of twenty-one minutes, I arrived nearby Ponyville hospital without being noticed. I put the still unconscious cat Rainbow nearby the doors and turned back to her real form. I then activated my invisibility technique and strongly knocked at the door. Again. I was about to leave, but not before I got a very embarrassing revelation.

With this out of my way, I turned around and ran at a very fast pace toward my home before Red Heart would show up. I swear, I was so tired from the travel and so rushed that my heart was rebelling. I wanted to halt for a moment to take a break, but since that sniper is still on the loose, I have to go home very fast.

It took me twenty eight minutes due to my fatigue but I manage to reach my mound. Lilly wasn't there and I didn't cared. As I entered inside, I forcefully rushed at the stone coffin and fell inside, roughly landing on my futon. I closed my eyes and waited for the sleep to kick in. But then a revelation struck me in the most brutal way possible.

"I could have become invisible for the whole time to escape the sniper's reach without having wasted my own clone duplicated and those three hoods that were holed."

I think I am, hypothetically thinking, the american idiot that Green Day really deserve.

Ok, I was just almost clumsy, but I was so embarrassed that I facehoofed very hard. I was about to explode... But I was too tired for that.

"I don't want to hear anyone for at least six hours," I murmured.

I slept for about five hours, just so I can recover from my fatigue and the energies to make plan a way to deal with the sniper, and others, who wanted me dead. Everything was quiet, a good thing since that helped both my focus and relaxation.

That was the case, when I heard a familiar voice... And that wasn't Twilight.

"I can't believe it how depressing it is! You seriously live in this tomb!?" A sugar-rushy voice said, awfully surprised. "Do you know anything about furniture and, I don't know, DECORATION!?"

".... How did she got there anyway?" I whispered, slightly annoyed.

I looked upward to see my visitor, being Pinkie Pie, who was looking at me with a perplexed face. Seriously, how many people... I mean... How many ponies know where I live. Did Celestia or Luna just gave them the address? Because that sounds probable to me.

"Ah, its you," I said with a deadpan tone. "Do you want something?"

"I hope you haven't forgot that," Pinkie replied with annoyance. "My tail is still shaking like crazy."

"I'm not responsible for that," I pointed out. "Did that woke up during your sleep?"

"Nuh-huh. It just gave me some occasional vibration," Pinkie explained before jumping on the board of the coffin with his shaking tail. "Its when I got close to you that it acts hysterically. Allow me to-"

"No, thanks," I interrupted her. "I don't want to be kicked in the face by your tail.... So is thanks to that if you managed to find out where I live."

Pinkie blinked before get off the border. "Well, to be honest, Twilight told me that you were living inside a mound and that you were kinda weird. But I never expected it to be this literal. There's has no windows or even colors. The air is rarefied and you are sleeping inside a coffin life the most boring bat-pony ever! Why you choose this place!? ! Just why? WHY!?"

"That was the first free home I had found so far," I informed her. "So don't hammering this much on that."

"Hey, I knows when a place is unhealthy and greasy," Pinkie sighed. "Fine, I leave you on your own and trust Princess Celestia's word regarding the fact that you saved us multiple times, but I will keep you check... When I don't have party to attend, of course."

With that, Pinkie leaved my sight with a bad taste in her mouth. I could hear her hopping toward the exit. As the sound died off, I rose from my coffin to see if there was someone else.

For a second, there was none one, until Lilly arrived me with a baffled face, probably because she saw Pinkie and her tail being constantly hurling around like a hysterical snake. She looked at me, not knowing what to say.

"You know, Violet," Lilly started, confused. "I know only a little about the Pinkie Sense, but I never saw her tail changing forms." He shook her head. "I can finally say that was the most weirdest thing I ever witnessed in my entire carrier."

I lay down. "Whatever. Let's just assume that she was predicting another omen."

"Tsk. Seriously while you were slacking off," Lilly complained. "Rainbow dash was attacked by two ponies, according to her."

"Two evil entities," I responded bluntly. "I took care of them and put her into the hospital. That's all."

"R... Really?" Lilly exclaimed incredulous. "You are not making this up?"

"Let me tell you what happened." I said calmly.

As usual, I had lied to her by telling her that I fought two evil entities and not Granite Daggers members. By the way, what I said to her was still the truth, according to a point of view. Star Wars taught this lesson, although its overused. As for Rainbow, I didn't had mentioned that I had turned her into a cat to make her more transportable.

When I ended the story, Lilly wasn't so convinced but believed me anyway, for a little extent. She then went to visit Celestia to talk about Rainbow Dash's conditions. I felt sorry for her, as I should be. If I didn't found her, Omione and Tera would had probably turned into a cultist as well.

Not having anything better to do, I spent the next three hours playing with my console at Bioshock 1. Once I got tired, I returned upstairs and looked at the doorway. Noticing the night having already covered the sky, I took my own dinner and went to sleep. But not before taking a metal note of mine.

"At least I know that this bastard was wearing a power armor. Now that's a good start."

I said so, but I am not entirely convinced of that. Besides, I would had took a stroll under the nocturnal sky if I wasn't tired and there wasn't nobody trying to shoot me. Just saying.

In the following day, I put on a gray hood, took my bag and turned myself invisible before leaving mound, headed toward Ponyville at an normal pace instead of just running like a ninja and stuff. There wasn't any hurry. As I predicted, the sniper couldn't see me so that was a huge step up for me.

Putting aside that, my intention was to see how Rainbow Dash was. She will still thinks of me as a villain, but I had to make sure that she will recover.

Like the time with Twilight, I approached the hospital and checked every window until I found Rainbow's room. No one could see me, so there's no one trying to complain about that.

Twilight and Applejack were with her, talking cheerfully. Though that the two mares were a little annoyed by Rainbow's arrogance. I was relieved that she wasn't so crippled, but meeting the alternate versions of Omione and Tera, and knowing what they were about to do to her really leaved a horrible taste in my mouth.

"Well, I better go," I said quietly before leaving.

Without anything else to do, I simply strolled through the town unseen, just to pass the time and vent all of the stress of feeling hunted down by that freak with the power armor. I know that today was the time where the Cutey Marks Crusaders' epic fail was going to happen in a talent show, but I didn't gave a damn about that.

Everything looked fine, with the inhabitants talking to each other and stuff. Although that wasn't the same thing as going around my former city in the night, in the human world.

I don't know, maybe I am just being a little sentimental about my memories. Despite this, I was enjoying my time.

Until I heard Rarity screaming from the Carousel Boutique.

"What kind of sick, twisted abomination IS THIS!?"

"Yay. Marshmallow dramafest ahead," I said with a impassive tone before groaning, rolling my eyes. "No thanks I'm leaving."

That was my intention, until I heard someone else's voice. "Its the something I want to understand since its bizarrely terrifying."

I froze for a moment upon hearing that. "Lilly?"

I would had pretended to not had heard that at all, but my curiosity has another opinion on that. I walked toward one of the windows of the workshop and looked inside.

Much to my surprise, Rarity was conversing with Lilly, the wretched dress that Aster was wearing during the Fashion Show that happened five days ago. The same one that gave to the audience of the show, and Hoity Toity, a seizure attack, and that was then picked up by Lilly after Aster threw that away in a fit of rage.

"Why the hell you brought that thing to her!? You saw how dangerous it is!" I screamed mentally in bafflement.

"How bad can it possibly be?" Lilly asked.

"You misunderstood me. Its not bad." Rarity stated. "Is unbelievably delirious! What pony in the right mindset could conceive something like that? I mean, the dress and the colors are both fine, unlike the object that was depicted into it! No wonder anypony who glanced at it was literally stunned by that! Who made this?"

Don't tell my name. Don't tell my name. Don't tell my damn name.

"Some idiot from Manehattan," Lilly lied.

Wow... There wasn't any effort in that lie.

"Is that so?" Rarity said sarcastically. "Because I can't believe that somepony so mediocre actually exists and was somehow able to sell this... Thing! I mean, seriously, this dress is insanity made in cloths," She paused, before suddenly erupting. "And yet Hoity Toity, and others, seemed to like it! In what world we are living in? Weren't old fashioned skirts and shoulder pads horrible enough!?"

Uninterested to see the rest, I leaved the town and traveled through the forest to calm down my mind. However, going home to succumb in boredom wasn't my intention. Instead, I went in depth of the arboreal place with one thing in mind.

"Training wreckage," I proclaimed.

In substance, I went into the most desolated part of the Everfree Forest and I used my ninja skills to clone myself multiple times. I stood up two legged and they attacked me. I repelled every blow and some time judo thrown them. I took a few hits from them, but that didn't mattered to me. My intention was to trying my focus and my attention.

Just because I have videogame abilities, doesn't mean that I had a granted victory.

I trained myself for long time until the sun leaved its place to the moon. Tired, I turned around and backtracked to my house. Entering inside, I turned off my invisibility and took off my gray hood.

I then spent at least two hours reading metaphysical books in my basement, that was also my living room. On the bright side of the day, I wasn't shot by the sniper since he didn't saw me leaving.

Bored, I put back the books the the shelves and returned upstairs. I then closed the trapdoor and entered inside my coffin. As I landed, I felt something soft beneath me. Confused, I glanced down and saw a scarlet haired, black eyed boy.

"WHOOOOOOOA!!!" I screamed, jumping out of the coffin and landing abruptly on my back.

Looking up, I saw the boy emerging from the coffin. I didn't know who he was, but then I recognized him to be none other than Yomi, the Videogame Logic itself and the one who was still screwing with me.

"Bazinga, you blunthead." Yomi said impassive.

"Motherf-" I halted myself as I slowly rose up, abstaining myself from drop that. "What are you doing here!?"

"Like you, I was bored. So I had my own brief and yet interesting fun in this, my dear douche," Yomi replied mockingly.

"Yeah, screwing my life even further in an act of spite sounded reasonable to you," I retorted.

"You are not the only troll here, you know," Yomi stated, an instant before disappearing into nothingness.

I was instantly furious for that unnecessary douchbaggery and became tempted to scream, but then again, knowing him, its not even worth venting my stress. I won't give him any satisfaction whatsoever.

Wanting to have a break from what happened, I went inside the coffin, this time landing on my futon without having anything else beneath me. Due to my nervousness, I had found difficulty to sleep until I managed to take it. Four hours later.

"Seriously, lady. Are you sure about your lifetime fight against other Iron Ghosts?"

"It is my duty to make sure that there won't be any of them causing damage unpunished."

"That would include the Granite Daggers."

"I didn't said I would underestimate them."

"Are you even sure to emerge alive from your crusade? What about your family?"

"Trust me. You don't want know that."

"Has that something to do with your the mechanical body that you are currently possessing."

"I have not the whole night for this talk."

"Well... Take care of yourself, Mio Amisato."

"Same for you. Just... Don't make me rip you apart again."

A sense of dizziness greeted me as I opened my eyes. I immediately shrugged off that feeling. There was something that has to be done. I put on both the gauntlets and turned myself invisible, ready for my tedious search for the sniper.

Like I said, I don't have any hint about his whereabouts, but I considered that he would had took his precautions after the failed trap that I had set on him. If I have to make a guess, he would had probably gone to the Rambling Rock Ridge, where Rarity was kidnapped by the Diamond Dogs during her search for gems.

That guy would be probably after Twilight and her group do come to me. I had two possibilities: Or my reasoning was correct or I would find myself to kick some dog's ass, for trolling.

Which means more marshmallow dramafest.

"Joke aside, let's do this," I murmured with annoyance, hoping to not have to meet her.

Running two legged at ninja speed and unseen, I headed toward the former smokey mountain where Fluttershy 'kicked out' that red dragon. The place was then presided by, who else, Fafnir.

Once I reached the base of the mountain, I switched off my invisibility. Instead of climbing the mountain, I ran on the rocky walls, going upwards like Vamp from Metal Gear would. I reached the top in about five or six minutes and went inside the cave. I was greeted by its unsettling breath, which chilled my blood.

It was dark, but I was able to see its draconic figure and the metallic scales covering its body, reflecting a bit of the dim light coming from the outside. Its eyes darted on me, making me nervous, but that was normal considering its reason to be.

"Yo dawg." I greeted him. "I have a favor to ask."

Fafnir replied with a loud metallic growl that echoed through the cave. I shuddered a little for that.

"Talking about Terminator level of creepy," I commented hesitantly, before regaining a little of confidence. "By the way, could you give me a passage?"

Fafnir responded with another growl, this time less louder. Not that made me feel better any way.

That being said, I went at the top of the dragon and flew toward Rambling Rock Ridge. Fafnir landed nearby the mountains, which was were I needed to be. I would had playing trolling on both Rarity and the Diamond Dogs but I have that jackass in power armor to take care of first.

There was a grotto in the distance, probably a mine. I got off the dragon and went toward it, walking two legged like I was still human. Normally, due to my current anatomy, that would be impossible, unless I have Ryu Hayabusa abilities, but my powers of when I was a Iron Ghost allowed to do that without any problem.

"Alright. Let's see if I can find you." I said with a grim confidence as Fafnir flapped its wings and flew away.

At that point, I was alone with myself, possibly exposed to the aim of a gun. I pondered about my plan, consisting into two things: Simply asking if they saw him or even using them to track him down, with my 'methods'.

"I hope this wouldn't be a pointless travel," I said to myself, a moment before my stomach growled. "I could had at least brought some sweet with me.

As I was getting close to the grotto, I noticed a small tent being nearby it. I headed toward it when I saw three Diamond Dogs coming out from it, whispering to each other like something sinister happened. They weren't the trio who were commanding them since they were actually dealing with Rarity.

But wait, weren't they supposed to help their leaders with keeping the Elements of Generosity in check?

"Hey, can you at least tell me what you are whispering about?!" I shouted them.

The three Diamond Dogs who looked at me with a irritated face, a moment before assuming a surprised one upon seeing me.

"Look. His mane is dark-violet." One of diamond dogs said to another one.

"His appearance is identical," A second one said to the first one and then turned to the third one. "I think we have that said guest that he talked about."

"Huh?" I looked confused.

"Just like that irritating pony had predicted," The third one said with a though voice. "But... Is he really dangerous?"

"Wait a minute, are you talking about a white unicorn?" I asked, knowing Rarity would never recruit thugs for protection.

"But what white unicorn?" Truce retorted. "I have no idea of who he was because he was wearing a strange helm- ARRGH!"

Ram one slapped him. "Do you have to spoil the details to this pony!?"

"S-sorry!" Truce said meekly, almost whimpering.

I couldn't believe at what I heard from them. Don't tell me that they were protecting him, because that would end very badly for them.

"Excuse me?" I said with a nervous grin. "You are just helping that guy?"

"Why not?" Grovel said perplexed. "He promised to give us some gems if we took care of you."

"Are you too dumb to realize that you will get killed after you had accomplished that?" I asked calmly. "Because he's far worse than you."

"You are lying!" The third one said angrily. "He wouldn't even be able to put his hoof at us."

"I guess you won't listen to what I said, I guess," I replied, resigned.

"The only thing that I list is the guarantee to find more gems," The third one said arrogantly turning toward the tent. "Guys! Time to deal with our guest!"

Like being invoked by his order, one Diamond Dog stormed out of the tent, followed by a second one. Who was then followed by third one. Who was then followed by a fourth one.

And a fifth one. And a sixth one. And a seventh one... What?

And a eight one.

And a ninth o-

"Seriously, there must be some 2000 Z-Movie level of bullshit going on," I muttered incredulous as the canine creatures continued to came out. "If they can't use magic, then how many Diamond Dogs can even fit inside this small fucking tent?"

And a sixteenth one.

And a seventeenth one.

I'm not kidding. They continued to came out of that tent.

And a twenty-fourth one.

And a twenty-fifth one.

After a handful of seconds, they stopped to came out and I found myself to deal with twenty-nine Diamond Dogs that formed a very nasty block, much to my annoyance. And their smell didn't helped the case, which made me root for the scent of the grave that I perceive in the mound.

"Did I have to knock you out?" I demanded with a fed-up tone.

"You won't survive us," The first diamond dog said.

"Just surrender to us already and maybe will make your life less miserable," The third one announced arrogantly.

"Oh," I grinned. "Let's see about that."

The Diamond Dogs of the block slowly walked toward me, menacingly. I, on other hands, I am planning to beat them up in style. Having the opportunity to put, at least in part, my old powers to practice, I pulled out the ear-plugs of my iPod and put on a very fitting music for this moment.

Well, its the big show.

Its a big man show tonight.


Is going to be one hell of a show indeed.

"Seize him!" The third diamond dog ordered, causing the horde to rush ferociously at me.

Unwilling to get caught by them, I promptly summoned a black chain from my arm and launched at one of the, wrapping his body and blocked him. As the other dogs were approaching me, I threw their companions at them, using him as flail. I managed to hit many of them.

Since I am not a sadist, I put down the now battered and stunned chained diamond dog, and released it. I then turned toward the remaining diamond dogs and their three bosses, who were clearly astounded for my display of power. Unfortunately, there are nine of them that had still the balls to fight me and were about to get close.

Not wanting to appear more villainous of than I was, I charged my hoof wearing the Freezing Gauntlet and punched the ground. Multiple geysers of plasma were erupting, travelling in their directions. That caused the diamond dogs to flee the scene in fear, except the three boss dogs, who remained to see the scene in utter bafflement. Even when the geysers stopped.

"At least there are not dead bodies among them," I commented, scratching my head as I walked toward the three. "I won't have to resurrect them too."

"This is a dream, right?" The first diamond dog asked incredulous.

The second one shook his head, snapping out of his trance. "Who cares! Let's get away from him!"

Taking it as a wise advice, they finally decided to escape.

Too bad I had materialized another black chains and threw that on him, blocking his body. I then pulled his defenseless body toward me and grabbed his neck with my Berserker Claw, that acted as my left hand. The other two ran away, but I didn't cared about them. This one was enough. As the dog meekly looked at me with awe, I raised my other hand upward.

"Y-you are not a normal pony!" The diamond dog exclaimed intimidated. "Just who are you!?"

I didn't respond. Instead I delivered a karate chop on his head, knocking him out unconscious. I then released his body from the chains and took a few steps away from him. Seeing the diamonds dog being defeated, I turned off my iPod.

"I think I had gone overboard with them." I said with a bit of guilty and looked at the boss dog beneath my feet, becoming quickly optimistic. "Alright. Time to interrogate them."

That was the plan: Corrupting them with the Corrupter to both clean up my tracks and making them answer my question. That was, until I felt a bone chilling sensation going through my spine. A very familiar one. Having the impression to know what that was, I leaped backwards.


The gunshot echoed once again as an almost invisible blur whizzed obliquely in front of me and went down to the ground, leaving only a hole. I turned toward the shot and finally found that prick in power armor, being at one of the highest point of the mountain far away from my reach.

He was about to shot again but then looked upward, like he had noticed something. Without any explanation, he ran way, making own expedition useless. Interrogate the dogs was no longer a must.

I was about throw a rant... Only to be interrupted by Rarity's sophisticated lesson of the difference between complaining and whining echoing from inside. It lasted for while until it was replaced by other voices, being that of Twilight, Spike and the other Elements of Harmony talking with her.

Rainbow Dash's voice was among them as well, meaning that she had, at least in part, recovered from being beaten up by that hateful duo. I was also relaxed for the fact that the sniper didn't got them. Which was very strange of him.

"That doesn't make any sense," I said confused, looking at the various aspect of it. "Why not using Twilight and her friends as hostages to make me expose myself to him?" I paused, having a vague revelation. "Was him just toying with me?"

"Violet!" A awfully familiar voice called me from above.

"Oh, shit." I muttered quietly, looking upward. "Not her."

Like an avatar of misfortune, Lilly was descending toward me, wearing a very irritated expression. That wasn't a very good new for me, especially since the whole beatdown that I had committed on them.

"I wasn't expecting to see you," I stated, unsurprised.

"Speak for yourself, Violet," Lilly retorted. "What you doing here?" She noticed the unconscious diamond dogs being scattered to the ground and part of the devastation that I had caused. "And what the heck happened here!?"

"Let's just say that they tried to attack me and I was forced to defend myself," I explained. "What else?"

"Well... Fair enough," Lilly replied, unconvinced. "But that doesn't explain what you were doing here."

"Pursuing one of those evil entities," I responded. "Anything else?"

"There is a chariot going in our direction, so our travel won't be longer," Lilly informed, a moment before looking at my left hoof wearing the Berseker Claw. "Where did you had got that?"

Damn that. Now I have to explain multiple things to her. This is going to be a very long day.

Chapters before Level Up: -1

Next Level Up:

1)Soul Calibedge: A very conflicted and yet dreadful sword who doesn't give any vantage to the owner outside being a huge weapon.

2)Pluto Gun: A gun that can use the coins as bullets which spawns a number of other coins from one to nine every time a living target was hit.

3)Void Ring: A object that allowed the user to become a living void that disintegrates and clean through everything that came across and revert back when is needed.

Author's Note:

As many of you can remember, a few days ago I had put a chapter name Fake Chapter, where there was nothing but an author note. The reason behind that was that I had erroneously pushed the publish button on a incomplete chapter. I had promptly unpublished it and put that note just because I never intended to use the click and bait tactic.

Just to apologize for that, there's is the real chapter. If you find some grammar error or even a difficulty to read it, send me a feedback and I will try to resolve it. I know this is too long, but I hope you can enjoy this chapter anyway,