• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,619 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Enter Sukeban

Rotatory abilities:
Void Ring
Face Palmer
Gravity Manipulator

Due to the absence of vote, the choice of the level up reward will be chosen automatically.

I wasn't playing at the DETHLOSENSICAL 91 for once. I was reading a book named "How to cook your own meat in 10 seconds". It's not a culinary book but rather a thriller regarding a killer who can toast his victims in ten seconds, which plot regarding it can be easily considered a very, comically trashy one since it ended in a very ridiculous way.

"Seriously, why I am wasting my time into this?" I said, putting away the book. "I have many problems to take care of. Starting by finding my other gauntlet."

To be honest, I was still pissed because of the disappearance of my Berseker Claw, an artifact so dangerous if it ends up in the wrong hooves. i was so distracted with the search of Nero's frozen body that I wasn't paying attention to my stuff.

I mean, there are so many complication I should take care of before it's too late. Hopefully, the rotation was so clement to give me the Gravity Manipulator. I went out of my mound and flew across the sky of Equestria, without acting I was Superman of course. I don't have time to screw around.

I landed in the Rock Farm of the Pie Family without getting noticed and began my search for the gauntlet...

Which proven to be fruitless. I thought it was there. I had checked everywhere, from the field to the mines of minerals. I checked all of the places except the family's house. Because I didn't want to have problems with them. I wasted two hours without having any concrete results.

I was desperate.

"I must be really a cretin to have dropped something dangerous like that," I sighed heavily in resignation. "That's it. I'm going back home."

"Stop right there!" Igneous' voice said from behind me.

"You gotta be talking out of your..." I murmured to myself and then turned around to see a very worried Igneous... Which was completely unusual for me. "I never thought to see you like this. What's your problem?"

"Although I don't know if consider your visit a bless or a curse," Igneous stated. "I have to actually ask your help. My daughter Marble Pie has gone missing for about since yesterday."

"What!?" I said incredulous as the worst possibility came into my mind. "Don't tell me that the claw has fallen into her hooves and she had gone Doom Guy again."

"That's right," Igneous said desperately. "We tried to look for her for entire days, but she was nowhere to be found!"

"...... I didn't had saw that coming," I said with an almost bothered tone.

"Who cares," Igneous said. "You can even ask Princess Celestia for help, but please. You or somepony else had to find her!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Alright, let's see what I can do."

I hoovered from the ground and, not caring about Igneous' shocked reaction to it, I flew away. I had made my way back home empty handed. I was frustrated in every considerable way. The travel lasted about twenty-five minutes without suffering any jet lag. As I landed nearby my mound, the level up tone ranged again and the green text box had appeared.

What I saw was quite both interesting and controversial at the same time. At least for my tastes in fact of abilities.

Time Compressor: A remote that allow the owner to skip the episodes of the MLP series.

"A time compressor? Really?" I demanded incredulous.

"Exactly," Yomi said, appearing from freaking nowhere.

"AH!!" I flinched. "Not scare me like that! I told you that before!"

"And I don't care," Yomi replied. "Anyway, this little object will help you to skip some events without damaging the continuum temporal space, but... C'mon. A noble soul like yours doesn't need that, right?"

We stared at each other, with Yomi steadily turning her calm expression into a worried one. And for a valid reason the he know too well.

"Actually... I wanted to skip up three episodes." I said.

"Oh c'mon, Allen. Really?" Yomi said with a upset tone. "Why not going straight to the last episode then?!"

"Hey, you gave me this tool," I retorted. "By the way, no. I won't go that far since I would end up in a bad future without even realizing that if I cannot find Nero, Marble Pie and my gauntlet."

"And yet you want to skip three episodes."

"...... One: The cakes episode sucked, and Two: the other two were so ok that doesn't need my intervention."

Yomi was about to retort but then he pondered about what I said before and then decided. "Ok, fine. But let me tell you. You can use this remote only one time per day,"

"Ah... Now that make sense," I said calmly. "Thanks for the info."

"No problem, King Crimson rip-off," Yomi said sardonically.

"Wait, what?"


And then Yomi disappeared in the same way he had appeared, leaving me in a temporary confusion. Without any further delay, I pressed a few buttons and then... This happened.

The time itself instantly sped up. Day and night were alternating their domains with a fast pace, and the clouds moved very faster. The time skipped in a span of twelve seconds until it stopped and resumed it's normal course.

The current day was the one were the events of The Last Round Up were happening. The power of this remote not only amazed me, but made me feel so ashamed too. Using that was like cheating, but it was always better than living the events of a really bad episode.

I hoovered into the sky and started the search for Marble Pie and the gauntlet, time starting by Dodge City. I landed in town and asked the inhabitants if they had saw her but none of them was able to tell. I was expecting her to appear for a sudden surprise attack against me, but nope. She wasn't there.

"I expected her to appear during this event," I murmured. "I guess I was wrong."

I was about to leave when a exorcist like voice thundered from afar.

"Applejack!You Pinkie promised!" Pinkie Pie's voice said with a distorted voice.

I sighed, knowing what was going on. "I don't have time to interfere with this event." I paused, thinking about a possibility. "Maybe I should check if Marble is going to show up."

That being said, I flew out of Dodge and went after Applejack's stagecoach. I managed to get closer to her. She noticed me flying and flinched in shock for that.

"Allen!?... H-how are you-" Applejack stuttered.

"We need to talk," I said calmly.

"I have not time to waste with ya," Applejack retorted.

"Fine..." I grinned, just to troll her. "I will my powers doing the talk."

With the imposition of my hoof, I blocked Applejack and the other four ponies and levitate them in mid air, along with the stagecoach. Various medals fell from Applejack's saddlebag as she was putted in a upside down position. Since I don't want to humiliate her any further, I slowly putted them down to the ground.

I turned around and saw Twilight arriving on the scene, aboard of a cart pulled by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. They looked just surprised and annoyed to see me.

"Is that possible that you are going to be everywhere?" Rainbow lamented.

"What are you doing here?" Fluttershy demanded timidly.

"I was searching for a missing pony when I found Applejack escaping from you, although I don't know why," I lied.

"Fine. Now you know." Applejack said in disappointment.

"Know what?" Twilight asked.

"Well, just look!"

"I am. You won an amazing number of ribbons, just like Miss Jubilee said!"

"Don't you get it? There's every color of ribbon down there. Every color... but... blue. I came in fourth, third, even second, but I didn't win one first prize, and I certainly didn't win any prize money."

As their talk continued, I looked around, waiting that Marble Pie would suddenly appear out of nowhere but nothing happened. I wasn't even paying attention to what the Mane Six were saying since I was absorbed in my thoughts.

"In retrospect, maybe I should check the Ghastly Gorge again." I thought.

"But what about the mayor? I don't think I can face her and tell her I didn't get that money to fix the broken roof." Applejack said.

"Applejack," Fluttershy said. "We can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof. But if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts."

Rainbow sniffled "Darn it! Now you got me acting all sappy!" Rainbow then looked at me suspiciously. "Wait, what has Allen to do with that?"

"Now that I reckon," Applejack said incredulous. "Since by then you had gravity defying powers?"

"Ability rotation. You should ask Yomi for that," I replied.

"Ya mean the one who had gave you these mumbo jumbo gadgets and abilities?" Applejack asked sternly.

"You named it," I said.

"Why you were after me anyway?" Applejack demanded.

"Trolling," I said, a second before I flew away from them.

I hoovered above the desert, looking every single part of the terrain. Why? I just wanted to simply enjoy the panorama, because I wanted to take a break from the research for a moment. Seriously, even this time I was left empty handed. I took my time to pondering about what to do.

My reflection, however, was interrupted by very familiar voices coming from below. I knew already that were Rarity and Pinkie Pie. I looked toward their direction. It was a little funny seeing Pinkie and Rarity making their way back on a hoofcar after being knocked off the cart during the chase to catch Applejack. Pinkie is chattering incessantly, and Rarity is muttering dire implications for Rainbow Dash, who refused to go back for them.

"At least I got something to do." I said calmly and then shrugged my arms. "Alright, let's give them a ride."

I slowly descended upon them and landed on their hoof car. My sudden apparition accidentally scared the hell out of Rarity, who flinched in shock while Pinkie Pie was just amazed about my gravity manipulative powers being displayed in that way.

"ALLEN! Are you going to give me a heart attack!?" Rarity lamented.

"That's wonderful! How did you can fly?" Pinkie Pie asked enthusiast.

"Listen to me, I will give you a ride if you keep quiet for a moment," I informed them.

"What ride?" Rarity asked suspiciously.

"This one." I concentrated my powers on both the mares and made them levitates in mid air.

Rarity was just scared and confused, not knowing what was going on, and Pinkie Pie was simply... Enjoying the fun of being levitated in the air, I guess. Anyway I flew away from the place while dragging Rarity and Pinkie in the sky and escorted them back to home. Specifically, I escorted them to the Carousel Boutique.

Pinkie Pie couldn't help, but praying me to do that journey again, while Rarity was suffering a heavy case of jet lag. In fact, her head was spinning, to the point to make her faint for the exhaustion. Especially since it took me one half hour to reach Ponyville.

"Pinkie, it's better for her if you escort her into her house," I recommended. "Ok?"

"Oki doki." Pinkie answered and tried to wake up Rarity in vain.

I leaved them on their own and flew my way toward the Ghastly Gorge.

Arrived on the scene, I noticed some holes on the rocky wall. They were there, as somepony else punched through that. There's no doubt about that. Marble Pie might be there. I was about to open to say something when a very intimidating voice echoed through the gorge.

"There's nothing wrong with you that I can't fix... WITH MY HOOVES!"

"It's her," I said as I galloped in the voice's direction.

That should be her. There was no doubt. However, as I was accelerating, someone screamed.

"The hell?" I said a little bit startled.

As I arrived on the scene, I had finally found Marble Pie... who wasn't in the full Doom Guy mode at all. Instead, she was the usual timid Marble Pie, having the gauntlet being equipped on her hoof.

As I was approaching her, I spotted a white haired red pony laying on the ground nearby her, with his body dissipating in black embers. I managed to see a iron claw being equipped on his hoof before it disappeared as well.

"No way... Darko," I murmured. "He was professional slasher killer, one hell of a official executioner of the Granite Daggers. It's hard to believe that, but I think that Marble Pie had single handily taken him down... Ok, who cares. I found her. That's all that mattered to me. One problem down."

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Y-yes, I am..." Marble said reluctantly.

"Can you give me that... claw, please?"

"Was that... Yours?" Marble asked.

"Yes, it is." I confirmed. "Now give it back to me, please."

And, reluctantly, Marble took off the claw and handed it over me. For the rest, I escorted her back to the Rock Farm with my powers without mentioning anything about the claw's powers and her time she was insane. Igneous thanked me for having found her daughter, but at that point, my mind was concentrated on other things.

After that, I made my way back home and entered inside the stone coffin, literally relaxing upon my futon. A few minutes later, I was already into the dream world.

"It's good that you decided to use your powers with more responsibility."

"Look, Primula. I am not Spiderman, but I will consider that as a good start."

"Allen, promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"After this whole story with the cult is over... I want you being at my side as long as you live. Can you do that."

"You can count on it. I already am."

I woke up with a sense of deja vu.... Which was pretty normal since I can feel it in the air. Today was day in which the Flim Flam brothers put their hooves in town to bring the Apple Family out of business. As I got out of my bed, a familiar buzz ranged. A text box appeared on the screen... And the message was the most dreaded one.

A new soul has been reborn into Equestria

"No. Fucking. Way." I said incredulous.

I went out of my home and made my way toward Ponyville to investigate.

In my arrival, there was a horde of ponies that were eager to have their apple cinder being distributed by the brothers themselves. I knew already they were scumbags to the core, so why not paying a visit to them? ... And I already forgot the reason I came here in the first place.

Anyway, I had just arrived in time to see Flim Flam brother's false victory.

"We... lost?" Applejack said incredulous.

"Daww, too bad, Apples." Flim said.

"Guess you'll just have to find a new line of work that doesn't match your names quite so... perfectly." Flam said.

"I think that's lie!" I said sardonically, getting their attention and that of the others, Applejack included.

"Allen, what do you mean with that?" Applejack said.

"They had won abso-fucking-lutely nothing," I declared. "And let explain why-"

"ALLEN!" A very familiar voice said.

My eyes widened. "No way."

I turned up to the cinder barrels and saw a white maned red stallion standing atop of one of them, equipped with a... Iron claw?

"Darko!?" I said incredulous. "I thought you were-"

"Are you confusing me with my brother?" 'Darko said. "Do you think I am so stupid to get killed this easily just like him."

"... Then you must be Okrad." I stated.

I had forgot that Darko had a twin brother. The only difference was that Okrad wasn't so appreciated by the cult like Darko was. Differently from Darko, Okrad was slightly inferior to him and that made him hate his brother. He's a coward who takes on innocent girl just to compensate his inferiority complex.

"You cannot escape this time," Okrad declared proudly. "I have you under my grasp."

"You are welcome to try but you will fail miserably," I trolled him. "Besides, your brother died in a very sweet way."

"Why you..." Okrad prepared to attack. "That's should have be done by my hands. YOU WILL PAY F-"

He didn't had the time to talk that something very scary happened. A chainsaw blade popped out from the barrel beneath him and split his body in two, much for the shock of the Flim Flam brothers and the other ponies. His divided form began to disappear in black embers.

The chainsaw blade carved it's way through the wooden surface of the barrel, opening it in two and revealing a very bizarre scene. There was a black maned gray mare standing two legged and wielding a chainsaw toward the Flim Flam brothers.


Wait... I know the way she talks, but that's not all. That chainsaw looked familiar. It's handle was a yellow one, equipped with buttons. And the face of the mare looked very menacing and reminiscing of a horror manga character.

"No way... GEEKO!?" I flinched.

The mare turned toward me in confusion. "Wait, how do you know my name?"

"The real question is WHY THE HELL YOU WERE INSIDE THAT BARREL!?" I blurted.

Geeko turned off her chainsaw. "Why? Because I got sucked in this barrel after the tree in which I was hiding got sucked and trimmed by these two bastards. Beside, this 'apple cinder' tasted like shit."

The inhabitants looked at their mugs suspiciously and then back at the brothers.

Cherry Berry was the first to drink and then spitted out. "Bleah. I can't get the taste off my tongue!"

"Mine's got rocks in it!" Sweetie Drop said.

"I hate to admit, but the chainsaw mare was right," Comet Tail said. "I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!"

The inhabitants proceeded to give the brothers a moral sanction to their brothers, who had remembered that they turned off the quality control. Seeing that their product isn't wanted, and also fearing an angry mob and one reprisal from Geeko herself, the Flim Flam brothers promptly skip town, returning Sweet Apple Acres to the Apple Family.

However that doesn't resolve my other complications of having other souls being reborn into Equestria. First one was Nero Aoi... And then here comes fucking Geeko Okamura, Nero's nemesis and self proclaimed delinquent who used her chainsaw to hunt down Nero and her army of remodeled corpses. Since her methods won't be so welcomed in Equestria, I have to act faster.

"Ok, Geeko. You are coming with me," I said as I used my gravitational powers on her.

"What are y-" Geeko didn't have the time to say something that I was levitating her above the ground. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"

Ignoring the shocked expression of inhabitants, and the Mane Six facepalming for that, I flew away from ponyville while dragging the screaming Geeko along the way.

After a few minutes, I had arrived in Canterlot. I was very intentioned to put her in the jail for a while.

However, I didn't had considered one thing.

Princess Celestia was there, waiting in front of the entrance. She looked very sternly at me but gasped in surprise upon seeing Geeko, whose reaction... Sounded calm and yet disturbed.

"Did I had just smoked out some drug without even realizing yet?" Geeko asked dumbfounded.

"Celestia, if you permit, I have to explain you something," i said reluctantly. "I am in trouble, I guess."

"Not entirely" Celestia said. "However, I need to talk... with both of you."

Which means I had screwed up, big time.

Next Level Up:-3

1)Power Limiter: A gauntlet with power to nullify the magic of every living creature.

2)Money Rifle: A shotgun that uses money as bullets.

3)????: It's up to the public to see what it is, so don't be shy and unleash your creativity.