• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,602 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Fiery Day

Rotatory abilities:
Face Palmer
DNA Twister

I was in the outskirts of Ponyville, where Spike and the Mane Six, except Fluttershy, are preparing a spot to watch a once-in-a-generation dragon migration. I am very informed about the dragons and how many of them are jerks while others are not. The problem here? They didn't had learned that yet.

Also, Reiko sent me there to escort Twilight as her pseudo body guard, all the while without mentioning the whole Remodeled Corpse thing since she was currently resurrected as one by me. I am still ashamed of myself for screwing up her life with that choice. So of course Reiko was right asking to keep that a secret to prevent any further trauma. But mostly because I don't want Twilight to see me as the villain. Again.

The Mane Six were discussing about the dragon migration and how much scary they were. And of course, they started laughing because Spike was wearing an apron, right after he says that dragons are forces to be reckoned. Yeah, that reminded me of Magic the Gathering's dragons, Spyro or even the Dragon Emperor from Seiken Densetsu 3.

"You leave him alone, Rainbow Dash! Spike's style is unique. He doesn't have to look like other dragons." Rarity said, being protective over Spike.

"Or act like them." Twilight said.

"Act like what?" I asked.

"You know? Act very fiercely and dreadful like they are," Spike replied. "No, really. I am indeed a dragon like them, right?"

"Oh, not even close!" Pinkie said.

"But why would you want to, Spike?" Applejack asked perplexed.

"Yes. You've got something those dreadfully fierce dragons can only dream of." Rarity said.

"What's that?" Spike asked confused.

"The cutest widdle chubby cheeks! Ooooo!" Rarity said cheerfully.

"Cute?! Dragons aren't supposed to be cute! Right?" Spike asked with a fed-up tone.

"Look at the positive side," I said frankly. "Not all dragons are fierce and greedy."

Twilight and the other mares looked at me dumbfounded, and them almost glared at me. That reaction cannot be avoided, but I don't give a fuck about that.

"How you can tell that?" Twilight asked. "Apparently the dragons are too rare and too scary to try to talk to or study! Besides, you never had met one."

"And once again, the drama of the ignorance is omnipresent," I said. "Seriously, I understand that dragons are so rare and scary to try to talk, study or anything. But, in substance, you are telling me that, because of that, was no pony who had bothered to check their nature and study their history?"

"I hate to admit that..." Twilight paused. "That's probably the case."

"....That's bullshit." I retorted. "That motivation is so bullshit. That's beyond fucking stupid. There's no way you can tell that all dragons are all savage. I mean, only the majority of them are real jerks... But there's only a few of them who had a piece of saving grace."

"Ehm, Allen," Applejack said. "How you can tell that?"


I couldn't continue my rebuttal that our conversation was interrupted by a academic looking, green maned silver stallion who passed here by chance.

"What you said wouldn't be the case," The academic stallion said. "In our current situation regarding them, they are indeed guided by only barbaric instincts."

"R-really?" Spike said, almost scared.

"..... You are talking like that in front of a child," I stated crudely. "Watch your mouth."

"That was inopportune." Fluttershy added.

"Besides, what do you mean with your current situation?" I asked, being on the verge to be triggered.

"Is true that we know almost nothing about dragons," The academic stallion said. "According to our research-"

"NO!" I interrupted him. "What research!?- Oh, the research back in five hundreds ago and it's psychological profile of dragons a are super duper valid - Shut the fuck up!"

"But-" The academic stallion couldn't had continued that I had interrupted him.

Seriously. I was really triggered in that very moment. I know that should had leaved him the liberty of speech, but ignorance and unwillingness to check up the facts are something that I won't tollerate.

"No," I insisted. "If you want really know everything about dragons, you should had found them, checked them up and establish their nature very deeply. What I really want is that you should get really informed."

"....... I have no words," The academic stallion said deadpan, a moment before turning around and leaving the area.

"That was stupid," I murmured and then turned toward Spike. "Also, Spike."

"W-what?" Spike asked timidly.

"I am sorry for ruining your day," I said apologetically. "But if I have to express my opinions. Somehow."

I then looked at the Mane Six, who were visibly freaked out by my reaction. And without said another word, I leaved the scene, headed to my mound. Once I reached that, I took a red cape and went out again, headed to Ponyville. That travel took me two hours, but it was still a good walk.

I secretly followed Twilight like a shadow, without being noticed by no one. I was overhearing her conversation with Spike. And once again, I feel like a stalker.

"What am I? Where am I from? Who am I supposed to be?" Spike asked worried.

"Uuugh! I don't know! For the last time," Twilight replied. "Spike, you were given to me as an egg. I don't know who found you or where they found you."

"Seriously? That's all you know?" Spike asked.

"I am sorry, Spike," Twilight said. "Also, regarding Allen reaction-"

"Oh, don't worry," Spike said. "Still... Do you think that what he said about dragons was true?"

"Spike, we cannot be sure that what he said was true," Twilight said. "Allen is not a bad guy, but he's not so reliable too. I mean, he was right about Zecora, yes. But dragons? He didn't had met one in his life. Not even in his past life."

"I need some answer! I feel like I'm... I'm looking at a complete stranger. Oh!" Spike said while looking at the mirror.

"Listen to me, Spike," Twilight said calmly. "I have a idea. Why don't we do some late-night research? See what we can find out."

Twilight was technically right about that, but what she said about me being unreliable made my hooves itch. I have currently a good knowledge about the dragons but I had no proof of the 'reliability of my statements'. I was about to follow them when somebody put his hoof on my shoulder. I turned my head toward it's owner and found out that was actually Midori Yurikawa, one two, now ponified, zombies summoned by Reiko.

Midori doesn't say anything. She simply gestured me to leave, like she wanted to take my place and take over the duty to protect Twilight. I gladly accepted her offer and returned to my mound. Once I had arrived, I entered inside the stone coffin and went to sleep on my own futon. Is not like I have anything else to do... For now.

"I would had wanted to avoid all of this."


"I wish the things would had gone differently."


"I am sorry for Kiro. He was like a real brother to me."

"You don't have to. That's not your fault. What he really needs right now is for me to stay true to myself. And you have to do the same thing. Got it?"

"... Maybe you are right, Primula."

"I will have a hard time to stay strong. Is not easy at all."

"I know that."

"Just don't get reckless and get yourself killed. Can you promise me that?"

"... Primula."

I woke up with a start. There was no cold sweat. Just my heart beating faster and my breath being a little bit heavier. I shook my head to snap out of my pseudo trance and went out of my mound, wearing the red cape I wore yesterday. I traveled to the former smoky mountain and climbed my way toward the cave were Fafnir, my metal dragon, was situated. The creature had just woke up form it's slumber and growled a little bit upon seeing me.

"Yo, dawg." I said. "Can you do me a favor?"

Fafnir nodded as he growled loudly.

"Just reach me in the caldera of a volcano before the fall of the evening." I said. Got it?"

Fafnir roared in agreement, almost scaring me. Seriously, I had a hard time to remain composed when is about my own dragon. After that, I went down the mountain and headed toward Ponyville, where I found Midori seemingly waiting for me in front of the entrance. It was a miracle that there wasn't the typical death stench that the zombies normally had. She gestured to go to Twilight's house.

"Didn't you had told Reiko that I was apparently stalking her, right?" I asked.

Midori sternly shook her head and took her leave. I went in front of Twilight's house and took my precaution. I used my DNA Twister to turn myself into dragon. A very though one. My intention? Following Spike as he goes out alone. Ignorance is one thing, but the gesture of Twilight, Spike's guardian, to allow him to get out alone despite the danger of the travel is just unforgivable.

"Don't tell me you think he should go?" Rainbow Dash protested.

"Yes, Spike." Twilight said. "I couldn't answer your questions. My books couldn't either. I understand why you want to look elsewhere. I truly believe you need to go on this quest. And we have no right to stop you."

"............................. You are the worst guardian ever," I commented with a tough voice.

I went in front of the entrance and waited for Spike. After eighteen minutes, I finally saw the little dragon, who stopped and stared at me with an awed curiosity. True to my current form, he didn't had recognized me yet.

"You are the little dragon who wanted some answer about 'who you are'. Right?" I asked.

Spike flinched. "Wait, how did you know about that?"

I took off my hoof, revealing my draconical face. "I am dragon too. And I think you want to know your answer so badly. Is that right?"

"Y-yes. Yes. Of course you are." Spike said. "But what do you want from me?"

"Simple," I said. "I will escort you to the lands of the dragons. I know the way. What we have to do is simply following the dragon migrations."

"Ehm... Why I should follow you?" Spike asked.

"Because of the dangers that you may encounter on your way," I said. "Besides, I think your guardian should be insane in his mind to send you to your quest all alone."

"Why I should trust you?" Spike asked sternly.

"Just trust your instinct," I replied. "You want your answers about who you are or not?"

".......... Ok, I will follow you." Spike said reluctantly.

"And to answer to your question: Because I have more experience than you." I explained as I put back my hood. "Now let's go."

We followed the dragon migration, crossed snowy peaks and deep dark forests. We wandered for about three days until we found a group of adolescent dragons roosting in the caldera of a volcano. That group being that of Garble. And yes, I was fully aware about being followed by Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. They were also wearing a hastily-constructed dragon costume. Spike was about to ask them something, so I stopped him.

"Let me do the talk." I said. "Just for a moment."

".... Whatever you said, sir," Spike said reluctantly.

"Hey, you." I called, getting their attention. "If I can get your attention, that would be appreciated. You are dragons right?"

"Yeah, so what?" Fume said and then noticed Spike. "Who is this little one?"

"My name is Firebrand," I said and then took off my hood. "And this one is Spike. We came here in search for answers."

"You sure his name is Spike and not Shrimp?! Fume said sarcastically, a moment before he and the other dragon started laughing.

"No, it's Spike! I'm not, I mean, I'm sure about that..." Spike said reluctantly.

"You look more like Peewee to me." Clump said and the dragons laughed again.

"Hey guys, c'mon, seriously. Leave him alone or he might fly away." Garble said. "That is, uh, if he had any wings!"

They continued to laugh, which wasn't funny at all. I took a look at Spike, who didn't know how to act in a situation like this. I am still in time to tell the truth.

"You fly in on your mommy's back during the migration?" Clump mocked.

"Not-" Spike was about to answer, but I had prematurely interrupted that.

"Don't even bother to answer," I said. "These ones are not real dragons."

The group of dragons stopped laughing an then glared menacingly at me. "You say WHAT!?"

"Let's go," I said to Spike. "I won't waste our time with a bunch of bullies."

"You are not going anywhere, you chuck head!" Garble declared.

"You got a problem?" I asked.

"We are indeed true dragons," Garble said enraged. "The same thing can't be said for your and this little dragon of yours! There is something about him that is obviously funny to us."

"What if I tell you that this unfortunate child comes from Ponyville?" I asked.

"Hahaha! Ponyville? That explains it!" Garble mocked. "I knew there was something vaguely pony-ish about you! If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was part pony!"

"Who? Me?" Spike said as if he was provoked.

"Let me do the talk." I said and then returned my attention to Garble. "He is indeed a real dragon, deep inside."

"Oh, yeah? Prove it." Garble said.

"Well... how?" Spike asked.

"By acting like one!" Garble answered.

"In this case, I will just watch him prove his worth," I said.

Spike flinched. "What?"

"You have a valor to prove, little one." I said to him.

"Wait. You have no intention to join us?" Garble asked.

"I prefer let him do the talk." I said.

"Are you a coward?" Garble said sarcastically.

"That would be you," I said while making a wide smile.

"GRR!" Garble looked triggered. "Fine."

"Let's skip the belching contest." I said. "What about if we check up his resistance to lava?"

Spike flinched. "What!?"

"That's too premature," Twilight said with a deep voice from behind me, talking from inside the costume.

Garble blinked his eyes as he noticed the costume. "Wait, who is this weirdo?"

"I think he's Crackle's cousin." Fume said.

"BWAAGH!" Cracked belched.

"Oh, that explains it." Garble said.

"Then what about tall wrestling first?" I proposed.

"Look, I don't know why you insisted to skip the belching contest," Garble said suspicious. "But you know what? I don't care. So let's do your way. Cocky chuck head."

"Fine." I said with a deadpan tone.

With that, I had avoided Garble disrespect Celestia since Spike didn't had belched that out. Backdraft and Charcoal, the two lesser dragons, are the first to go. I didn't even bothered to check who had won because they both sucked. Then it came the turn of Spike to wrestle against the fictitious tail of the costume that Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were wearing. Spike won this round against them.

"That's... A flawless victory, I should say," I said.

"Oh, c'mon, sir," Garble said calmly. "He hasn't exactly proven himself as a dragon yet."

"So... The next test?" I asked.

"That one of course." Garble said. "King of the hoard!"

The king of hoard consisted into dragons battling against each other to prove their worth. Spike had accidentally won by sheer luck. Of course. And then here comes the a lava cannonball contest. Oh man. That was a hard time for him since he is on his own. Much to my calculation, he passed the test through a belly-flop instead of a cannonball, because the older dragons are sufficiently impressed to declare him an official "rookie dragon".

The dragons then started their ritual party, in which consisted into a gem buffet. I abstained to join them because I didn't got used to eat some gems. Although I wondered what gems taste like.

"Man, was that a great party." Spike said.

"Wait a minute. Man?" I thought surprised. "I thought that the Ponies never had met any human in their life. I mean, I know that Twilight used the word 'girls' during- argh - nevermind. Stupid verbal technicality

"Great?" Garble said. "Huh, maybe by Ponyville standards. Stick with us, Spike. We still got plenty to teach you about being a dragon."

"I'm not going anywhere. The way I feel right now, I could hang out with you guys forever." Spike admitted.

I knew he would had said that, and I think I could metaphorically hear Rarity, Twilight and Rainbow Dash saying 'Forever!?'.

"I am afraid that won't happen at all, Spike," I said.

"Wait, why not?" Spike asked confused.

I face-palmed. "I told you before. They are only a bunch of bullies. They didn't have the answer you were seeking this whole time."

"Hey, what was that now?" Garble said with a peeved tone.

"Let me guess," I said as put on my hood. "You are going to teach him to steal phoenixes' eggs and then eating them or even smash them?"

"Yeah, so what?" Garble asked.

Spike flinched in shocked horror. "WHAT!?"

"I thought that dragons show their dominance against opponents of their size," I said sternly. "Not against those who are weaker than them."

I didn't have time to answer that a sudden explosion coming from afar roared. We turned toward the source, only too see a bizarre, armored beige pony with a red mane and clawed hooves, wearing a visor covering his face that flying with fire-made wing, emulating an phoenix. He channeled his hooves a flaming aura and shot a flaming sphere toward us.

I took the time to take Spike with me and escape the blow. Twilight did the same by teleporting herself and her friend out of here. The sphere struck Garble and his gang in a fiery explosion. The dragons survived that but were propelled away during the impact. As for me, I took Spike into the woods beneath the volcano and hidden him inside the bushes.

Wait a minute... Armored? Claws? Wearing a visor and having fire wings... Oh no. It's him. I know that guy.

"Attention, you bastards!" The armored pony declared. "It's Fenix the oppressor that had arrived upon your asses. That's not a simple title. Oppressing living beings is my cause!"

I knew there was something familiar in this guy. I could tell that by his own trademark appearance. Fenix is a pyrokinesis practitioner, ruthless torturer and the type of the guy that enjoys to burn and destroy everything in his path. But more importantly, that guy was a friend of one of the Iron Ghosts that killed Kiro and was defeated by me.

"That's not good," I murmured and then turned to Spike. "Stay here."

"Were are you going?" Spike asked.

"I am going to deal with that guy." I said.

"Wait!" Spike exclaimed.

I went into the depth of the forest in order to not be noticed by others. With that done, I used my DNA Twister on myself and revert to my original form. I then putted the Freezing Gauntlet and the Face Palmer, just to have two hands. Although I putted them on for style too.

After having prepared myself, I followed Fenix on his tracks. I ended up reaching the top of another volcano. A very huge one this time. Arrived on the scene, I saw something very brutal. Garble and his gang tried to fight Fenix with their dragon abilities but ended up being beaten up and tortured. I hate to admit, but now they were the bullied one.

"Could you please tell me where is your homeland without making some resistance?" Fenix asked cruelly. "Because I am in the eager to gleefully destroy your cultural heritage!"

I stood up two legged, ready to give him a real beatdown worth of a Iron Ghost. I removed my cape, revealing my appearance.

"Hey, you!" I called, causing him to turn away from Garble and the others.

"That voice..." Fenix turned toward and then pointed his claw at me. "ALLEN! You had finally showed up, at last."

I was on my own, dealing with Fenix and his hunger for devastation. Being inside a volcano never so climatic and appropriate for this fight. The fire was his element after all. I couldn't see his expression because of his visor but I could feel his anger being exuded from him.

"It's just you and me, Fenix," I said calmly.

"I have been waiting for you, Allen," Fenix said. "I didn't had forgot what you did to Firepuppet. He was a real, hardcore mother fucker who was also my friend and master with fire manipulation. He taught me how to get the true potential of destruction and you taught him to die. And now I will taught that to you."

"I feel no sympathy for him," I retorted.

"I warn you, Allen." Fenix said menacingly. "You can't win this time."

I made a wide smile. "Bring it, dumbass."

"You will be DESTROYED!" Fenix shouted as he charged his hoof with a flaming aura and made a high jump toward me, intended to punch me really hard.

I leaped away from his trajectory, causing him to punch the ground so hard that it caused a flaming shockwave. I shoot a freezing bullets at him to get him by surprise, only for Fenix to turn notice that and shot three fire waves from his visor.

The waves melted the bullet and traveled toward me while raising walls of flames in their wake. I jumped very high and summoned my black chains in mid-air. I thrown them at him to catch the armored pony. I thought to have caught him, but instead, he managed to grab the chains and use them to slam me against the wall. I groaned in pain as I fell abruptly on the ground.

"Fuck if that hurt." I murmured as I slowly rose up on my two legs, a moment before being tackled by Fenix and slammed against the wall for a second time.

Having putted me into a corner, Fenix imbued his claws with his own fire and prepared to deliver a fire punch. On the positive side, he was closer enough for me to charge my Face Palmer and shoot a dark wave of energy in the face, propelling him away from me. However, he managed to readjust his balance and brake himself. He lifted his head toward me. Again, I can't see his see face but I think he's clearly glaring at me.

"Let's see if you can survive this!" Fenix shouted as he generated a flaming sphere and launched it against me.

I ran away from it's trajectory while avoiding touching the walls that had been generated by the previous flaming waves. I managed to dodge that but the impact of the fiery explosion caused threw me to the ground. I quickly stood up and saw two other flaming spheres being whizzing menacingly toward me. I used my DNA Twister to gain dragon wings and flew away.

Fenix furiously flew toward me with his fire wings and shot another flaming sphere as he got almost closer to me. In that moment, I used the twister again to lose my wings and avoided being it by falling down. I wasn't flying at a very high height, so I landed without getting a scratch. I looked up and saw Fenix creating a literal pillar of flames from his claws.

"My turn." I said, fed-up of being on the defensive.

I channeled my hoof with plasma, but I was then distracted by that wretched 8-bit level up sound ringing out of nowhere, startling me. The result? Fenix took advantage of that and slammed the column of flames to me, causing a row a pyroclasms that burned my body and launched me in the air.

I whizzed very high, until I surpassed Fenix's altitude. As I was about to fall, that pyromaniac caught me by grabbing my head with his claws. And boy, those said claw were so hot that were practically burning my face. He didn't give me the time to yelp in pain that he flung me toward the lava beneath me. I was falling pretty fast and the burning mark.

I was both burnt and dizzied by that blow. My whole body was hurting me everywhere and the burning marks that Fenix leaved on my face didn't helped my situation. As the lava was getting closer, I mustered my strength to use the DNA Twister and turn my coat into dragon scales, right before entering inside the scorching lake. Once inside the magma, one thought traversed my mind.

"Damn... That's really hot. I always wondered how much the dragons were resistant to everything related with fire. Why didn't had done that as my first move... Like Batman with the kryptonite spear in Batman Vs Surpeman. Also, I can't believe that my bag is immune from lava. I hope I can say the same thing for my inventory."

Without any delay, I emerged from lava and returned to my surface. Before I could do anything, Fenix shouted from above me. "Don't you dare to delay your death!!"

True to his words, Fenix channeled the flames inside his visor and shot a fire beam that traveled toward me. I rolled away from it's trajectory, reverted to my original form and shot another dark wave from my Face Palmer at him. He dodged by hoovering at a very high height and dived toward me, charging his hooves with his fire.

I channeled the Freezing Gauntlet with my powers and shot three plasma spheres, which size wasn't so exaggerated like that of a plasma cannon. He obviously avoided being hit by them. I was about to shoot another one when the green text box appeared on my left in a very opportune situation like this.

What I saw wasn't helping me at all.

Money Rifle: A shotgun that uses money as bullets.

Seriously, I had almost died by the hands of psychopath because I was distracted by the level up sound and ended up getting a very stupid reward. I mean, who in the whole existence, excluding Final Fantasy characters, uses money as bullets. Was Yomi screwing with me again at big time.

Pissed, I hastily rummaged inside my bag, pulled out the infamous gun and threw that at him. Fenix backhanded the weapon, causing it to fly somewhere else while continuing his diving rush. I waited for him to get closer, and once he was a few inches nearby my range, I caught him into my trap.

"CRADLE MASS!" I exclaimed.

At that point, my Stand materialized itself and put my idea of punishment to practice. The ability of Cradle Mass consist so defy any type of resistance my opponents can even put, hit a specific part of his body with the precision of a sniper and, most of all, inflict pure damage at him. And for pure damage I mean a unblockable barrage of punches raining down of Fenix's face.

"FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA! FURA!" Cradle continued to punch and then charged his last one. "FURAAAA!!"

Cradle Mass punched so hard that he broke Fenix's visor and sent him flying. He ended up rolling on the rocky terrain for a few yards until he stopped. He was apparently immobile, as if his fierce fighting spirit was suddenly crushed. But I didn't had trust that this much.

The flaming walls that infested the place continued to burn. My Stand slowly disappeared afterwards. I slowly approached Fenix's body while preparing the Corrupter to finish the job.

Without any warning, Fenix unleashed a flaming shockwave that propelled me away from him and threw me on the terrain. As a Iron Ghost with a enhanced endurance, I was pretty much resistant to flames, that those ones were so intense that were burning my body. Again. The flames died off after a handful of seconds, but my body ended up exuding fumes from my burnt coat.

"If I have the Healing Book, I would had fixed my wounds and the burning mark on my face in this moment." I thought. "I need a vacation."

As for Fenix, he was still alive. Since I had destroyed his visor, I could see his face... Or maybe not. I lifted my gaze toward him and saw what his face looked like. There was nothing more than a pair of eyes and very deep, flaming void. That didn't looked like a face at all, which was really disturbing.

"I am relentless," Fenix said with a hardcore tone. "I will burn you with everything that I got. I am not done with you....... That's why you should fear me!"

"In your dreams, fire dickhead!" I mocked.

"I won't give you the time to get up," Fenix declared as channeled his fire within himself. "As it is true that the my name is-"


That was the typical sound of a shotgun, and I didn't had pulled out my own in that moment.. Something struck Fenix behind him. The armored pony didn't flinched at all. As he continued to channel his own power, Fenix turned around to see who did that, only to be hit by a magical beam that struck him in the stomach, causing him to lose his focus. That made me realize who did that but I didn't had the time to find out.

I exploited his distraction rose up and unleash tremendous geysers of plasma that overwhelmed him in a full blast that mostly destroyed part of his body and hurled him against the wall. He fell on the ground and trembled

With Fenix being temporary incapacitated, looked whatever did attacked them, being two ponies, as I was suspecting. One of them was obviously Twilight... What I wasn't expecting to see was Rarity wielding the Money Rifle with her telekinesis! She was shooting with my money.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I asked worried.

"Just giving you a help, Allen." Twilight said.

"I am having a hard time to use this bizarre item right now," Rarity said.

"Maybe because you are not a sniper," I thought.

"NO!" Fenix screamed as his body was bursting into a coil of flames. "NOT THIS TIME!!"

That maniac was charging his whole body with his powers and was about to explode. We didn't had enough time to escape, so I had to act very fast.

"Time to end that," I said as I unleashed a flux of energy resembling a lightning made chain that entered inside his body.

That's right. I was using the power of corruption on him, but I wasn't corrupting him his mind and appearance like I did with Lilly or Photon Gladion through the Corrupter. I was serious about this one. I was corrupting his armor and body, which allowed me to force him I to delay the explosion and forced him to fly very higher, hoovering above the volcano. All of that done against his will.

"YOU BASTARD! L-L-LET ME GOOO!!!" Fenix screamed, a moment before he exploded in a very tremendous explosion.

The flames had died off after a few second, revealing Fenix's burnt body. Knowing him, he had survived the explosion but ended being gravely weakened by that burst since he had overused his powers. A fact made present by it's own armored body being awfully mangled. His body was exuding a exaggerate quantity of fume as he was defenselessly falling down.

By the moment he almost reached the terrain, I punched the terrain in front of him, causing a pillar of plasma that instantly destroyed his body without giving him the time to scream. His form was dissipated in black embers, which was the only thing left of him before disappearing.

I wasn't proud of the fact I had to use a very controversial power of mine, but I didn't had the think. He wasn't giving me much of a choice either. I took a look at Twilight and Rarity, who looked a little bit disturbed by that. I won't blame them for that reaction.

"Allen... You weren't corrupting his mind like you did with us, right?" Twilight said. "This is the same corrupting power that I had saw in the vision that Discord showed to us."

"Yeah, pretty despicable." I admitted. "I know how you feel about that, but he didn't had given me any choice, you know. He would had exploded in a pair of seconds or two. He was desperate and was about to explode before you could even try to teleport away."

"Corrupting us during the time with Discord was evil enough," Rarity said. "But this one? I don't even know how to feel right now."

"....... I believe you." Twilight said calmly.

"Hmm?" I looked at her, questioning her calm.

"Twilight?" Rarity looked confused.

"I can see that you are not proud at all for what you have done," Twilight said. "Like all the times you have to... Well. Kill another living being in order to protect us. I cannot get use to it... But that doesn't mean that I don't understand your circumstances."

"As much as I hate to admit," Rarity let out a heavy sigh. "You are not totally a bad individual."

I blinked. "You have used the word individual?"

"I should had said pony but, technically, you are not a pony at all." Rarity said, almost cringing.

"However, that doesn't excuse you for turning me into a Remodeled Corpse and ruining my life," Twilight remarked.

"Oh, c'mon," I lamented.

"Hey, guys!" Garble's voice said. "Did you see that?"

I turned around and saw Garble and his gang, looking surprised and shocked to see me. Apparently, they regained consciousness, just in time to witness the fight. I had even forgot they were involved as well. I think that was the time for a remark.

"You better pay some respect for once," I said to them. "A pony saved your asses."

"Really?... That was...." Garble was about to thank me, but then realized that and shook his head to reject that idea. "Just because you saved us, doesn't mean I would had thanked you for saving us. That feels humiliating."

"You can tell that," Fume said.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Twilight protested. "He saved your life!"

"That's why is so humiliating," Garble retorted. "By the way, a pony with powers? Now that's really scary. And that armored one said that he wanted to destroy us. Another reason for getting revenge on you puny ponies once I am in charge as the leader of our proud race!"

To be correct, Fenix said he would had destroyed his cultural heritage, but that works too since he would had committed a genocide anyway. Genocide... What a crude word.

"Are done talking?" I asked. "Because your thanks aren't needed anyway."

"Fine, because I won't even root for ponies like you!" Garble said.

"Oh, yeah," I made a wide grin. "Not even if I happened to possess a very huge creature that is bigger than you."

The dragons laughed their asses upon hearing that. Yeah, keep laughing. You won't be so arrogant during the next five seconds.

"Really? What creature?" Garble asked sarcastically.

"This one," I declared, a moment before I could hear the flap of huge dragon wings.

Before anyone could do or say anything, Fafnir landed right behind me, causing the ground to tremble a little bit. He roared His sudden arrival shocked everyone, especially Garble and his gang, who were left speechless and scared shitless. Twilight and Rarity were stupefied to see the metal dragon being in front of their eyes. In reality, I think that what astonished them was the fact that I own this dragon. Fafnir roared fiercely, scaring the hell out of Garble and his gang, who just flew the scene in panic.

Twilight looked sternly at me. "Allen, what is the meaning of this?"

"You mean Fafnir?" I said calmly. "I used the Corrupter to convert this stone dragon into a metallic one and steal it from the clutches of the Granite Dagger member namer Melkior. Don't get me wrong. I took this during the time I was without my Iron Ghost's powers."

"Well... That explains all," Rarity paused and tossed the Money Rifle at me. "And take back your tool, ruffian."

I caught the rifle on fly. I didn't had played baseball but Rarity surely knows how to throw something.

"I would had asked if you wanted to take a ride," I said. "But I don't think that's the case."

"Thanks for the proposal, but I we are going home by ourselves," Twilight said with a dead pan tone as she glowed her horn and teleported herself and Rarity out of here.

It's good for the two to not trust or even accept my methods. That means that they had more criteria than any other pony would ever have. But that doesn't excuse Twilight for being the worst guardian ever... In part.

"Ok, Fafnir." I ordered. "Time to go home."

Fafnir flapped his huge wings and flew very higher. Technically, he would had took me on the smokey mountain because I need him to keep a low profile. As for me, I don't think this day could get any heavier. I had survived that encounter, but my coat was still burnt and my body was hurting everywhere. In other words. I was exhausted.

"Damn, I really need a rest really badly," I said. "Is the same for you. Right, Fafnir."

The dragon growled as we had arrived in our destination. The only thought that traveled my mind in that moment was what Twilight said about her not getting used to my methods.

What she doesn't was that I didn't had got used to have powers at all. Not even in my past lige. Now that was scary... Or maybe not so much. Who knows.

Next Level Up:-3

1)Mist Cloak: A mantle who turned the user invisible while increasing it's strength and agility.

2)Mirror Shield: A shield with the ability to create a clone of anything that was reflected, including living beings, objects and money.

3)????: It's up to the public to see what it is, so don't be shy and unleash your creativity.

Comments ( 9 )

Mist Cloak is my level up choice.

Mist Cloak. Where is spike? I think I did not saw the part where someone take him with them. I believe that spike is still with Allen up the Metal dragon.

Mist Cloak. That genocidal pyromaniac got what he deserved.

For the third Lvl just to be able to summon an AC-130 gunship. (Take this seriously or not I really don't care)

if i would be in allen's position i would be very pissed at the pony's for there attuitude.

Still waiting, I had not given up.

That was about chapter with Gilda and your made-up word "lamize". Last time I had no idea what does it mean, but now Google Translate actually detects it as Haitian Creole word for entertain. Considering he pretty much tells her to go f herself... that's a form of self-entertainment. :ajsmug:

Hm... Now when I think about it the word had to be lameize. This way it's much easier to recognize the root word used to make it, same as in "marbleize". Ye, apparently that's an actual word. Who'd have thought?

In that moment, I used the twister again to lose my wings and avoided being it by falling down.

That's the most ridiculous way of stopping flapping your own wings.

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