• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,602 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

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More Intermission

Rotatory abilities:
DNA Twister
Gravity Manipulator
Book of Healing

Being Celestia's agent brought my memories to the old times I was arrogant Iron Ghost vigilante. That made me consider if sometimes I will fall in the same mistakes or just becoming better than I was in the past. As I was reflecting on this aspect of my previous life, I was also playing Fallout 1. I wondered why not put any Fist of the North Star twist in the story, but then I decided to not even try to imagine this kind of operation.

Also, it was raining outside my mound and I also know that Sweetie Bell had an arguing with Rarity. I won't even interfere with that since I know that the problem would be fixed by itself.

I turned off the console after saving the game and went out of my basement slash living room, only to find Iron Lilly waiting for me from the entrance with a stern look. This time slightly more grim than usual.

"So, how does feel being Celestia's personal agent," Lilly said. "Despite the ruckus that you had provoked until now?"

"It wasn't by my choice," I replied. "I would had remained inside my jail if it wasn't for that cultist that was wrecking your castle."

"Allen, if your videogame logic thingy is true," Lilly explained cautiously. "Then that means that you are more powerful than you can even imagine. For instance, you can be actually more dangerous-"

"I know, I know what you mean. A danger for the whole Equestria." I sighed. "And besides, my abilities and some items are rotatory. And more than that, I have no interest into overthrow Celestia. I have done enough mess during the time with Discord."

"Yeah, you should be in the Tartarus for this but I will talk about that later," Lilly turned around and took her leave. "See ya."

After that awkward discussion, she flew away and I went inside my coffin. The futon that was inside was never this soft, which means the comfort was still present. I was about to close my eyes but then I thought what Lilly said about my powers. I guess that Celestia wanted obviously to keep me in check.

I began my sleep after I putted aside those doubts.

"I was too reckless. I was too arrogant. Well... I am a idiot for not having realized yet.

"I know. That's why I forgive your deeds. None one is perfect."

"Primula, I don't know what to say."

"Allen, I want ask you one thing. My brother Kiro disappeared a long time ago. I found out he joined the Granite Daggers."


"Tell me that you are going to stop him without killing him."

".... I will try."

I woke up and went outside my mound to take a stroll. My destination was obviously the place where the contest was going on. Suddenly, I heard some muffled voice coming from a bush. I examined it only to find Sweetie Bell... What?

Yea, she was supposed to be at the contest, but instead she was there, wrapped in bandages.

"What the fuck?" I murmured as I released Sweetie from the bandages.

She started to gasp almost frantically for the lack oxygen she was suffering. She then turned toward me.

"Allen, I don't even know if thanking you or being legitimately scared." Sweetie commented.

"Whatever. Who tied you up like that?"

"Someone who resembled me. Applejack is in danger!"

What? Another case of Changeling or some shit? I thought I had resolved Chrysalis attempt to invade weeks ago. That must be something else.

"Ok, give some second."

I used my gravitational powers to lift both me and Sweetie Bell and flew at a very fast speed. We arrived at the contest, where a "Applejack" covered in mud, who turned out to be Rarity had already won with that "Sweetie Bell".

"SIS!" Sweetie called Rarity, getting her attention and causing her confusion. "That filly is not me!"

"A-another Sweetie Bell?" Rarity said confused. "What the-"

"Ok, enough is enough." "Sweetie Bell" said before dissolving into a impressive swarm of wasps and recomposing themselves into a silver maned blue mare with an arrogant smug. And stings on her hooves for claws.

"Zalva!" I exclaimed.

"I couldn't even win a race in which I wasn't invited, am I?" Zalva said annoyed. "At least my swarm had surrounded the whole place. And, as you remember, they are very poisonous and ravenous wasps. My fateful lovers."

It was the truth that a entire swarm had surrounded us and was ready to feast on us. Zalva is one sadist that had almost killed me. Defeating her was now more difficult than before.

"Allen! Do something!" Rarity bellowed.

"Do rush me, dammit! We are in a very delicate situation." I retorted.

"A very hot one to enjoy since I will spill your blood on me." Zalva said gleefully.

Oh, I forgot. She also that kind of pervert. And just than the situation was about to get worse, the 8-bit sound ranged and I took the following prize in the text box.

Stand: A embodiment of the owner's spiritual energy.

Great, talking about JoJo references during a hostage situation. Well, if I have to risk everything even this time, then I guess that I cannot refuse the invitation.

"Ehm... Oh, yes.... Cradle Mass!" I invoked, causing a humanoid figure to appear out of nowhere, much to the shock and surprise of the others, Zalva included.

"W-what is this? A Stand?" Zalva said incredulous. "What in the hell is even possible!?"

"Cradle, could you please get ride of the swarm?" I asked to my Stand, who snapped his finger, causing an aerial shockwave that stunned the wasps and made the fall on the ground.

A very legit silence fell on the scene, only to be interrupted seconds later by a furious Zalva.

"You are not allowed to ruin my fun and get away with it!!" Zalva said while turning herself in a swarm of wasps that rushed toward me.

Big mistake.

"Kick her perverted ass, please." I asked to Cradle Mass, who started his barrage of punches on the wasps at lightning speed.


All the wasps were completely massacred and ended up falling on the soil before dissolving into a coil of embers resembling Zalva and disappearing from the scene."

My Stand disappeared from my sight and the crowd of ponies awkwardly started to clap, unable to decide to cheer me or lynch me because I was the main reason for the cultist presence.

"Don't worry. Planeswarker spark will be reconsidered soon." Yomi's voice said out of nowhere.

Dammit, Yomi. Stop trolling me.

"Ahem, Allen." Rarity called me. "Although I am still considering you a despicable pony... I would still thanking you for saving us again. Including my sister."

"But wait a minute. Why taking my place in the race?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Because she need a cover to provoke a carnage with the wasp and make it pass as an accident," I informed.

"How horrible!" Rarity flinched.

"Yeah, and frankly, I rather put this thing behind already."

"Another thing I would add."

"Yes, Rarity?"

"..... I am grateful that you have saved my sister, so I want trust you... Just for once. But still, what was that thing?"

I think Rarity is referring to Cradle Mass.

"I'll tell you about that later."

Next Level Up:-3

1)Invisible Aegis: An invisible barrier that blocks any type of bullet.

2)Neptune gauntlet: Allows the owner to breath underwater.

3)Animator staff: A rod that allows to gives life to inanimate objects.