• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 1,407 Views, 23 Comments

Nightmare Ponyville - Super Ponyman

Sequel to Dark Star of Shadows, Thr nightmare tribe escapes, this time targeting every member of the main six, with only the Fire Alicorn Burning Star, the White Knight Shining Armor, and his Dark clone Shadow Armor to save them!

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Chapter 9: Stars Collide!

Author's Note:

With Pinkie Pie now a Nightmare Pony, the Nightmare Tribe should lighten up a bit...

But let us check up on our heroes shall we. They should have arrived in Ponyville, right?

Also Burning Star is confronted by a friend of Twilight's turned foe...

(The Equestria Train Line, Destination: Ponyville)

Shadow Armor and Shining Armor were sitting at the table in the private train car Burning Star got for them, they were drinking cider and were pretty tipsy now.

Shadow Armor said to his good counterpart, "You know, *hic you can really fight well Shining Armor if you actually put your *hic heart into it..."

Shining responded to Shadow's comment, "I know that, but *hic unlike you I have some restraint when it comes to dueling my opponents, while youuu..." Shining was leaning over, "Have none!"

Shadow Armor laughed, "Yeah, but *hic I'm not the target of affection of *hic a giant bug! I bet she just needs your *hic love to rebuild her race."

Shining Armor said in a smug tone, "at least I *hic have a wife. You don't got that *hic yet!"

Burning Star sat in his chair, reading the newspaper, his eyes widened when he saw the headline.

He motioned over to the two knights and Discord and said, "Hey everypony, take a look at this..."

Everypony and Discord looked at the headline of the newspaper and stared at it, jaws on the floor.

"Evil Alicorn In Ponyville!"

"Local residents report sightings of a Black Alicorn destroying the Sugarcube Corner."

Discord said in a panicked tone, "Oh Dear! That's where Pinkie Pie is! Where am I going to get my everything cupcakes now!"

The three stallions looked at Discord with an "are you kidding me" face, making the chaotic creature smile sheepishly.

He cleared his throat and said, "But Pinkie Pie is more important that cupcakes, sorry about that."

Burning Star continued to read,

"Residents of Ponyville have seen this Alicorn, it bears a resemblance to The Fire Alicorn Burning Star, but it is only a vague resemblance to him. This Alicorn has been wrecking buildings and parks across Ponyville ever since it arrived. Astronomers have concluded that the Black Alicorn came from space, they have a clear picture of him here."

Burning Star lifted up the newspaper to show the group.

The Alicorn was clad in pitch black Armor and his fur was colored pitch black as well. He had dark purple blanks for his eyes. His wings were not feathery like a normal Alicorn, they were dragon wings and were peppered with a few hole-shaped cuts in them. His hooves looked like hell and also had hole-shaped cuts on them, his horn was all mangled and his mane was colored a dark maroon.

Discord instantly recognized him, "Hey! That's Prince Eclipsio, but I thought that Celestia and Luna banished him to the cosmos thousands of years ago?"

Both Shining Armor and Shadow Armor asked at the same time, "Who the heck is Prince Eclipsio?"

Discord pulled out a book and began to read about Prince Eclipsio to the two knights, who pulled thier seats closer.

"Celestia and Luna had a younger brother that controlled the process of eclipses and distortion of space. Unfortunately for us, he grew jealous and angry that he never go to use his powers and tried to destroy Celestia and Luna. Because of his rage and hate, he transformed into Black Abyss."

Discord pointed to the photo in the newspaper, "Yeah that's him alright."

Shining Armor asked Discord, "So what did you do?"

Discord responded, "With my help, we managed to banish him into the darkness of space for 1,500 years..."

Shadow Armor asked Discord, "So why isn't he listed in the history books like Nightmare Moon is?"

Discord continued, "Because he nearly wiped Equestria out using a black hole! Celestia and Luna decided to erase all evidence of his existence on Equestria so the populace could live in peace and comfort knowing that he was gone..."

Shining Armor chimed in, "That makes sense, having the nagging fear of somepony that dangerous lingering on everypony's mind would make everything really hard to do..."

Discord closed the book and popped it out of existence, he then leaned down to Burning Star and said, "I think we should focus on Eclipsio first instead of the Nightmare Tribe. You know they actually helped us way back when we sealed Prince Eclipsio away, so maybe their new rulers will work alongside us."

Burning Star raised an eyebrow, "Maybe, but I feel as if we should tackle that issue first."

He got up and said to everypony, "I propose that we arrange a negotiation with them to find out how to deal with this effectively. What do you all think?"

Shadow Armor said to Burning Star, "I agree, resorting to violence is only going to aid Eclipsio in achieving his goal of destroying Equestria and everything else easier."

Discord explained to the stallions, "He is right on track, Abyss has the power to feed off negative emotions. Emotions such as hate, fear, anger, and jealousy. He is also attracted to sources of those emotions like a moth to a flame."

Burning Star shivered, "Yikes... if he is attracted to negativity, then I can see why he has returned. Our battle against Daybreaker and King Sombra was rife with conflict and destruction. Let's just hope nothing else happens until we get back to Ponyville..."

Discord nodded, "I have to go now. I've got to delay Black Abyss as best as I can, good luck."

With that, Discord teleported away, leaving no trace.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard as the back door of the train car was blasted open, hitting Shining Armor and Shadow Armor and sending them flying into the side of the car, knocking them out.

Burning Star managed to put up a shield in time to block the attack. When the dust cleared he saw his attacker, and he narrowed his eyes in rage.

Before him stood a light pink unicorn mate with a purple mane and tail, both had a single teal stripe down them. A cutie mark of a pink star with a trail of light was on her flank.

It was none other than the unicorn known as Starlight Glimmer!

Burning Star growled at the unicorn, "What was that about Starlight?! You could have hurt me!"

Starlight snarled out, "No, I should have hurt you, but you're stupid shield blocked it!"

Burning Star noticed that her eyes were emitting a red mist, and he saw what was around her neck.

It was The Alicorn Amulet! The very same thing that caused so much trouble when Trixie put it on, now Starlight had it on, and Burning Star could feel the hatred emanating from her.

He silently cursed in his head how many times does that thing come back from being lost?"

He asked Starlight, "Weren't you on a journey of your own to get better at magic?"

Starlight fired a stream of electricity at Burning Star, he deflected it and it blew a hole in the roof of the train car.

Starlight screamed at the Alicorn, "I was Twilight's student in friendship, and when I leave you just slip in and take my place?!"

She unleashed another stream of lightning, "Not Cool!"

Burning Star snorted back, "What are you talking about? You abandoned your lessons and left." He shot a bolt of fire at Starlight, hitting her before her shield went up.

Starlight got up and used her magic to levitate and fly out the hole in the roof, Burning Star spread his wings and took off after her.

He thought to himself while chasing Starlight down, "Why do I get the feeling of deja vu when I said that?"

(Equestrian Skies)

Burning Star tore through the clouds chasing down Starlight Glimmer, he needed to get that Alicorn Amulet off her so she can become able to be reasoned with.

Starlight stopped dead in the air, still levitating, Burning Star hovered a few hundred feet away from her. They both stared each other down, neither one wanted to lose the inevitable battle that was about to begin.

Starlight screamed out "Taste This!" As she unleashed a quintet of red energy beams.

Burning Star weaved out of the way and countered with a burst of light, which blinded Starlight and let Burning Star slam himself into her covered in fire. He then launched a few kicks from his front hooves, sending Starlight flying backwards.

Starlight recovered quickly and said, "Are you serious? Is this the best you got?" She shot a ball of magic into the air, which detonated and rained bolts of Electricity on her opponent.

Burning Star put up a shield and said to himself, "I doubt I can hurt her and she can definitely hurt me badly if I'm not careful."

He clenched his teeth, "I've got to end this quickly..."

When the Lightning Rain spell ended, Burning Star flew forwards right at Starlight, he shot upwards to avoid another one of her blasts.

He said in his speech voice, "Feather Storm!" Burning Star rapidly shed his feathers, which blanketed Starlight and floated around her.

She laughed, "C'mon now, Feather Storm?! Really?! You got to be kidding me. I heard you were one of the strongest Alicorns alive, but apparently you're not too bright are you?"

Burning Star smirked and said "I am one of the strongest Alicorns alive! And what I just did was my best move."

Starlight laughed, she would regret doing that.

Burning Star closed his eyes and said


Starlight Glimmer had no time to react as the feathers coating her and floating around her detonated in a massive fiery blast, she screamed in agony, the explosion sending her falling out of the sky with the Alicorn Amulet ripped off her neck.

Burning Star swan dived to catch the light pink unicorn and the amulet, then landed on top of a cliff.

Starlight Glimmer shook her head, saying in a disoriented tone "Ow, what happened to me?"

She turned around to see the shadow of Burning Star standing over her.

Burning Star said to the unicorn, "What were you thinking Starlight Glimmer?! You know that thing is dangerous right?" He pointed towards the amulet, which was laying in the dirt.

Starlight bowed her head in shame, "I thought that I could control it... I thought that I could be a better student if I was stronger."

Burning Star lifted her head, and said to her, "Starlight... There is a reason that things like the Alicorn Amulet are hidden Starlight, because they aren't meant for common ponies to control."

Starlight nodded, before saying, "Hey! Don't you have to get back on that train?"

Burning Star had no time to answer before Starlight teleported him back into the train car. It was wrecked from the battle.

Burning Star looked around and said, "Well that was quick, I think. Jeez this place is a mess..."

Shining Armor and Shadow Armor finally got up, the both said "What happened?"

Burning Star turned to them and said, "Got into a magic duel again..."

Shadow Armor sighed,

"Why must every day be you fighting somepony? Even I'm sick of it..."

Burning Star snorted out, "Hey! This pony Attacked me!"

Shining Armor rolled his eyes, before getting up and walking to his bed

"Why can't we just have one day where nopony fights anypony?"