• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 1,407 Views, 23 Comments

Nightmare Ponyville - Super Ponyman

Sequel to Dark Star of Shadows, Thr nightmare tribe escapes, this time targeting every member of the main six, with only the Fire Alicorn Burning Star, the White Knight Shining Armor, and his Dark clone Shadow Armor to save them!

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Chapter 14: Black Sun, Alicorn of Tartarus.

Author's Note:

Yep! I went with a plot twist again!

Black Sun will have to be explained to Burning Star and his stallion friends.

Also, explanation to why Black Sun isn't a child... and what Black Sun really is... well... you will see.

(Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Throne Room)

Nightmare Twilight Sparkle fainted on the spot, Black Sun looked around, the place was wrecked...

He cursed to himself, "Buck... this doesn't look good. I've got to go get this Pony somewhere safe, away from sunlight."

Sunlight meant that Celestia could see Black Sun... and see what horror Sunset Shimmer loosed from Tartarus.

Black Sun looked around, seeing the stairs up to what he assumed to be Twilight's bedroom, so he ascended the stairs.

He thought to himself, "The bedroom of the royals was always on the right, right? It had admittedly been a rather rushed procedure for Sunset to give him life. Or more accurately, for her to give IT life.

Unfortunately for Black Sun, his intellect, while impressive, did not include the layout of Twilight Sparkle's castle.

Perhaps, Sunset should have just NOT created Black Sun... it would be a much better existence than being treated like everypony's worst nightmare... after all,

Black Sun was literally and figuratively a walking corpse!

(Twilight's castle, Twilight's Bedroom)

Black Sun opened the door, only to find the Fire Alicorn standing at the door with his two stallion bros, Shining Armor and Shadow Armor.

Burning Star saw the Demon Alicorn holding Twilight Sparkle, and said. "So! You're Black Abyss!" Burning Star whistled and Shadow Armor and Shining Armor slammed the demon pony against the wall.

Burning Star approached the pony and put his horn to his neck, "Ok. Start talking, Now!"

Black Sun spoke out, "I'm terribly sorry for this, two knights..." Black Sun slammed his hooves against the ground, sending the two knights skidding across the floor, then he locked horns with Burning Star, speaking directly to him.

Black Sun said to the now flaming Alicorn, "Before you decide to kill me, hear my side of the story at least..."

Burning Star let go and said, "What's wrong with Twilight?"

Black Sun said, "She has become a nightmare pony, Alicorn of Fire. She is also pregnant..."

Burning Star nodded, "I see both of those statements are apparent... anything else before I end you?"

Black Sun added a fact in that made everypony's jaws drop. "...with twins."

Burning Star stepped back in shock, both Shadow Armor and Shining Armor just stood there, mouths hanging open.

Black Sun then said, "Stop being so melodramatic, you three. Now that the small talk is over and done with... I'd like to introduce myself."

Black Sun bowed, "My name is Black Sun, Demon Alicorn of Tartarus and offspring of King Sombra and Sunset Shimmer..."

Burning Star just stood there, slack jawed, before he said "What? How is that possible exactly? We only locked up Sunset Shimmer 8 months ago... can you explain yourself a little more please?"

Black Sun went to Twilight's bed and lay her down, then he said to everypony. "Well, I was not exactly "born" rather, Sunset Shimmer created me using magic."

Black Sun began his explanation, "Before you defeated her as Daybreaker, Sunset was working on a project called "Black Sun" it was a back up plan just in case she lost to Celestia, which she thought was an impossibility. But despite her best efforts, she lost to you, Burning Star and Twilight Sparkle. Which I must say, was very impressive on your part."

Burning Star asked Black Sun, "Anyways, what ARE you exactly? You said you were created by Sunset, not born."

Black Sun pointed to his horn, "As everypony has probably noticed by now, I've got the horn of the Shadow King Sombra, the silver mane and tail of Tirek, and dragon wings... there is good reason for that." Black Sun projected an image of King Sombra and Daybreaker speaking. Everypony looked on as Black Sun began to narrate.

"During her time as Daybreaker, she mind controlled King Sombra, as you probably already know. But during that time, Sombra gave her one of the most valuable secrets to any aspiring wizard or witch. The ability to create..." he paused for a second, to build the drama, "Life."

Shining Armor cut in, "wait, so you are saying that you were created by Sunset Shimmer, like literally built by her?"

Black Sun nodded, "Exactly, but Sunset needed a large amount of dark magic to do this, so she began to harness the sorrow and regrets of the dead bodies of ponies in Tartarus and... she also harvested innards from them to build my body. Eventually, she discovered the essence of King Sombra magic and essence of Tirek's magic and began to build me."

The image changed to the body of Black Sun on a table, with stitches lining his body where the joints of his legs and neck would be.

Shadow Armor asked, "So you were built from corpses... that is disgusting, and that explains why you are grey-black and have white hair."

Black Sun continued, "She worked for weeks, but eventually she built my body with the parts of other ponies, giving me something from each species and severely increasing the strength of them so that I could outdo anypony I encountered. She increased them so that I am 20 times stronger than any pony living or dead..."

Burning Star asked him, "Ok that is freaky, even for me. So what parts of other ponies do you have?"

Black Sun sighed and motioned to the various parts of his body.

"I have the legs and torso of an Earth Pony, the wings of a bat pony, the wing muscles of a Pegasus, the intellect and horn of a Unicorn, the dark magic proficiency of an Umbrum, hence why I have King Sombra's horn, The Magic stealing powers of Tirek, and the magical mastery and ability to manipulate others from an Alicorn. She then gave me life using the spell King Sombra told her while she was masquerading as Daybreaker, and loosed me on Equestria, hoping to obliterate it."

Burning Star stood back, saying "Well that is both amazing and horrifying at the same time. How come you attacked us then?"

Black Sun finished his explanation up, "I am pretty much the Frankenstein of ponies... yet I have one weakness, I have no soul..."

Black Sun lowered his head in shame, "Which is why Sunset created me... you can easily control something without a soul. So she outfitted me with a black mask that made me her puppet, and called me Black Abyss. She also spread the rumors that I was Prince Eclipsio because I looked like him."

Black Sun collapsed to the floor, tears running down his cheeks, "I just want a soul, so I can feel like a normal pony"

Black Sun peeled back his skin, showing the various stitches running up and down his body. "I am a walking corpse... I never feel pain, and never get tired."

Nightmare Twilight woke up to see Black Sun and Burning Star talking, she also saw Shadow Armor and Shining Armor.

She asked the pair of knights, "What's going on?"

Shadow Armor replied, "Black Sun is apparently made up of all different body parts of ponies stitched together like some sort of Frankenpony's monster, has no soul inside him, and wants to find a soul. That's just a quick summary of what I heard."

Nightmare Twilight walked over to Burning Star and said, "Hey... you don't mind if I look like this for a while right? I am apparently a queen of the nightmare tribe, along with my friends..."

Burning Star shrugged, "Hey, we all got to make sacrifices in life..."

What he said next made Twilight pass out, "Oh yeah you're pregnant with twins, by the way."

Nightmare Twilight Sparkle passed out and Shining Armor rushed over to her, catching her mid fall. He tried to wake her up, but to no avail.

Black Sun walked over to her and waved his horn above her, instantly waking her up.

He then said to her, "Nightmare Twilight Sparkle, Sunset is doing everything in her power to destroy you, and I feel as if I should share with you a few of my spells..."

Nightmare Twilight said in her new deeper voice, "But don't those spells require immense amounts of magical energy, both light and dark?"

Black Sun said to her, "That should not be a problem for you, Twilight. As the Element of Magic, you literally have limitless magical energy at your hooves."

Nightmare Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Then how come I get tired while using a lot of these powerful spells?"

Black Sun smiled, "That is because your physical body cannot maintain that much magical energy at once, and thus you experience a state of exhaustion."

He put one of his hooves on Nightmare Twilight's horn, "If you let go of all your restraints, you would be able to do preform incredible spells. Heck, with enough practice, you can learn spells that can bend the laws of physics to your will!"

Burning Star said in amazement, "Really!? That's incredible. What do these spells do to physics exactly?"

Black Sun began to explain again, "I am able to harness these spells easily because I am technically not a living pony, so I never get tired. But here is a few spells that you could learn..."

He took a deep breath and said in a voice very similar to Burning Star's speech voice, "You could control the flow of time around you, speeding it up to where hundreds of years pass every second, or slow it down to where one second lasts one year. You could influence the time around ponies to increase or decrease their age, slow down or speed up their movements, or freeze time completely, rendering everypony around you frozen in time, you can even freeze somepony from aging, making them technically immortal."

He continued, "My favorite is altering the very fabric of space and the cosmos. You could create wormholes to travel millions of light years in the span of a few days. You could turn a tiny flame into a blazing star, you could move and create entire planets by building them with the tiny amounts of matter available in space, you could even create dimensional rips in the fabric of the universe, or my favorite, create a black hole to swallow up entire solar systems."

Black Sun still continued to speak, "Altering gravity with a wave of your horn, twisting reality to your will, creating life from nothing, all of these powers are at your disposal!"

He looked at everypony, "What I'm trying to say is, ponies may say that they have limits, but that is entirely wrong, everypony contains limitless power, they just don't know how to harness it yet."

Everypony stood in shock of this revelation, then said altogether "wow."

Shadow Armor asked Black Sun, "So on another note, if Sunset Shimmer created you, wouldn't that mean she had escaped from her cell?"

Black Sun nodded, "Yes. Is that a problem?"

Everypony (including Shadow Armor) panicked. Nightmare Twilight spoke out and said, "We need to find her before she goes and spreads her destruction across Equestria!"

Shining Armor said in a reply, "But we do not know where she is, currently! So, how do we find her?"

Black Sun chuckled, "Well, where would the first place Sunset would go to destroy?"

Nightmare Twilight went wide eyed and said,

"To Canterlot..."