• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 1,407 Views, 23 Comments

Nightmare Ponyville - Super Ponyman

Sequel to Dark Star of Shadows, Thr nightmare tribe escapes, this time targeting every member of the main six, with only the Fire Alicorn Burning Star, the White Knight Shining Armor, and his Dark clone Shadow Armor to save them!

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Chapter 6: Hot Tubs and Cold Legends

Author's Note:

Hello everypony! Let's check up on a joint chapter between Celestia and Burning Star...

Also, Lore Time with Celestia and foreshadowing of main villain.

(Maneami Beach, Celestia and Burning Star's Room)

Celestia sleeping peacefully, dreaming of Twilight's foal, and what it would be named. The night before was emotional, Burning Star showed genuine compassion and love for her former student was apparent. In fact, it rivaled the love between Shining Armor and Cadence, and that love was pretty powerful.

Celestia woke up to the sound of humming, she looked around and saw Burning Star sitting out on the balcony. She crept closer and heard the tone, somber and sad.

She crept out and said to him, "You're up early Burning Star, any reason why?"

Burning Star looked up at the night sky, before sighing and saying, "When I was under the tutelage of King Sombra, I woke up before him to train my normal magic abilities before he wanted to train my dark magic abilities."

Celestia leaned in, "You know Dark Magic? How well are you proficient in it?"

"I will show you, Princess of the Sun."

Burning Star's horn lit up with green and purple sparks of energy and his eyes turned sickly green. He looked out upon a group of trees in the distance.

Celestia stepped back and covered herself with a shield, she wanted to keep covered if the spell backfired.

Burning Star yelled, "Black Crystal Torrent!" As a beam of dark magic hit the ground below them, Before a ridge of black Crystal spikes erupted from the ground and uprooted the group of trees and tore them to splinters.

Celestia dropped her shield and saw what remained of the trees, there was a small crater and broken branches littered about everywhere!

She looked to Burning Star and said, "In the name of myself, that is King Sombra's favorite spell. How did you learn it?"

Burning Star looked at Celestia and said, "when he was asleep, I went to read his spell books. Also, did you really think that King Sombra would not keep these spells out of my learning program?"

Burning Star put a hoof on the balcony railing and said, "you know I once had a friend that liked looking at the stars..."

Celestia saw a tear in Burning Star's eye, she asked "is he still around?"

Burning Star shook his head, his jet black fur on his face stained by tears. "No. He tried to preform a spell that would make him an Alicorn like me and Twilight... substituting Dark Magic instead Instead of normal magic." he said, still gazing up at the stars,

"It worked, but he was too powerful, and he disintegrated himself from the sheer release of magic."

Celestia knew Burning Star was getting overwhelmed, and she put her wing around him, saying "You don't have to talk anymore, I understand."

She gulped, then said "You want me to show you how I raise the sun?"

Burning Star nodded, wiping the tears out of his eyes, "Sure."

He then said something that shocked Celestia, "Can you teach me how you raise it?"

Celestia shook her head, trying to process what she just heard. "What?"

Burning Star repeated himself, "Yeah. Teach me how to raise the sun."

Celestia said nervously, "You sure you want to do that?" I mean it's a pretty complicated process, you have to take into account the sun's mass and..."

Burning Star thought to himself, "Ok this is going to take a while..." and ignited his horn, he slowly raised his head as the sun rose over Maneami Beach smoothly.

Celestia's jaw was on the floor, she stammered out "b-b-but I thought you didn't know how to..."

Burning Star put a hoof on her mouth to silence her, "hehehe... gotcha. I wanted to ask you to teach me how to raise the sun so I wouldn't be impolite when I did it on my own, I already knew how to raise the sun, its a big ball of flaming gas and plasma, and I can manipulate fire and plasma, it was easy to pick up how... you ok Princess?"

Celestia shook her head to snap out of her awestruck state and walked inside, she said to him. "I-I'm fine! Just get ready for the day, and comb your mane!"

Burning Star gave her a smirk, "Sure thing Princess."

He said under his breath, "You sound so much like my mom you know..."

(Maneami Beach, Silver Sand Spa)

Celestia and Burning Star were across from each other in the hot tub, it was just a normal tub a first, then Burning Star ignited his tail and things got really relaxing.

Celestia stretched her front hooves out and said, "Ah... I haven't had a spa day in hundreds of years, you sure this isn't an inconvenience for anypony here? I mean I am a princess after all..."

Burning Star shook his head, "Nah, the majority of Maneami Beach's population is in a perpetual state of stoned, they wouldn't recognize you. I once took King Sombra here and he really enjoyed the local gentleponies clubs, if you know what I mean..." He pulled out his wings and began to preen them with his horn, which leaked a light red jelly.

Celestia looked at Burning Star's horn and said, "What is that jelly coming out of there and why are you sticking it to your feathers?"

Burning Star stopped for a minute and put some of the jelly on his hoof to show Celestia, "This is Romane Fire. I often apply it to my wings to create the basis for one of my most powerful attacks, the "Romane Fire Storm."

Celestia asked another question, "I thought I made that substance illegal! And now you're producing it-"

Burning Star put a hoof over Celestia's mouth, "Its all magic, Celestia. But, here is how the move works.

Burning Star got out of the tub and dried off, so did Celestia.

Burning Star spoke, spreading his wings out, and started his explanation, "My feathers can ignite because they are covered in a special oil. Now I can shed these feathers while they are coated in the Romane Fire," he shed a few to demonstrate. "and when they make contact with the ground, I can detonate them like bombs and spread boiling oil on the ground and plaster Romane Fire on anypony unlucky enough to be standing nearby. If you get Romane Fire stuck to you, you are as good as dead..."

Celestia put up a shield as Burning Star's horn lit up and the feathers on the ground exploded into a fireball that dripped burning oil and tar everywhere. She saw that the gaps where the feathers had dropped out of grew new ones instantly.

Celestia replied in a combination of horror and amazement, "why so many ways to kill, Burning Star?"

Burning Star leaned in and said, "I was a student of King Sombra... you had to prove that you were the best of the best by any means necessary."

Celestia nodded, shuddering at the idea of being it the situation of constantly having to fight for your life.

Celestia pulled out a book from her bag, "I know you have been taking notes on the events that have happened in this world, but there is one even that the history books never tell you... that Luna and I had a brother."

Burning Star pulled out his notepad and raven feather pen, "Yes go on..."

Celestia opened the book and began to read "My sister and I had a brother named Prince Eclipsio, he was the youngest Alicorn until Candence, You, and Twilight."

Burning Star asked Celestia "What happened to him exactly?"

Celestia continued, "My brother controlled the process of eclipses and distortion of space. Unfortunately for us, he grew jealous and angry that he never got to use his powers as much as we did."

She kept reading, "Eventually, as he tried to cause an eclipse and shroud the world in unnatural darkness... Luna and I stopped him and he was furious beyond belief!"

Burning Star was writing down everything Celestia was saying, "Yes. So what did he do? Why is he not revered as you two are?"

Celestia sighed and continued to read, "Eclipsio was so angry that he used his powers to distort the fabric of space-time and tried to cause a black hole in order to swallow up the planet and eventually the entire solar system. Eventually with the help of King Da'irko and at the time, Prince Sombra, Queen Madamas of the Changelings, and the King of The Nightmare Tribe Noctus, He was subdued and banished to the far reaches of the galaxy for 1,500 years. His excess energy created a black hole 2 light years away."

Celestia shed a single tear, "I hope that one day he will finally forgive us for doing that to him, but he wanted to annihilate all of ponykind."

Burning Star wiped a tear out of Celestia's eye, "do you think he will ever come back?"

Celestia nodded, "Yes. And he will succeed, if we do not unite the races again to stop a foe that wants to destroy EVERYTHING."

Burning Star closed his book and put it away, "yeah. When he does return, I'll be ready for him."

Both Celestia and Burning Star heard cries of distress from a pony rushing up to them. It disappeared in a puff of smoke and Discord appeared in front of them.

Burning Star reared up and said, "What are you doing here Discord?!"

Discord said in a worried tone, "Something evil is happening in Stalliongrad! Somepony called "Tantabus" is transforming ponies into Nightmare Ponies."

Discord pulled out a hanky from nowhere, "it even transformed the police and I overheard that they got The mayor as well..."

Burning Star said to the mishmash of creatures, "What are they doing with them?"

Discord responded, "Tantabus said something about giving everypony a "gift" I'm guessing that gift isn't chocolates..."

Celestia poked Burning Star and said, "Come on! We have to go rescue them!"

Burning Star motioned Celestia off, "I've got to stay here and find these Changelings with Shining Armor and Shadow Armor, you can handle this on your own right?"

Celestia nodded, "Yes. As long as they don't get too many members, I should be able to expel the nightmare tribe back to the moon." Celestia took flight and said, "I will send you a message if I need help!"

Burning Star waved, "Ok! Bye!"

When Celestia was out of sight, Discord and Burning Star laughed hysterically.

Discord bowed, "I have to say that was one of my favorite pranks yet! The nightmare tribe is in Ponyville, not Stalliongrad!"

Burning Star asked Discord, "Really? Huh, are they doing anything wrong?"

Discord shook his head, causing his eyes to wiggle about as well, "Nope."

Burning Star sighed a sigh of relief, "Good. If I know the Nightmare Tribe from the stories and from personal encounters, they will not engage in conflict unless provoked... we should be good for now."

Burning Star turned to Discord, "Hey, Discord. You want to go get a massage with me?"

Discord snapped his bird claw and a robe appeared around him, "Actually, that sounds wonderful!"

(The Moon)

Meanwhile on the barren space of the moon, A lone Alicorn was looking on at the world of Equestria.

He said, "Its been so long since I've seen the beauty of my home. I see it hasn't changed much..."

He opened his red eyes and clenched his teeth, his face was hidden behind a mask.

"Pity I'm going to destroy it. But I'm a pony of my word..."

The Alicorn said into the airless vacuum of space.

"Good News sisters.

"Your brother is finally home..."