• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 1,407 Views, 23 Comments

Nightmare Ponyville - Super Ponyman

Sequel to Dark Star of Shadows, Thr nightmare tribe escapes, this time targeting every member of the main six, with only the Fire Alicorn Burning Star, the White Knight Shining Armor, and his Dark clone Shadow Armor to save them!

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Chapter 7: Love Overdose

Author's Note:

Surprise Treat! I'm not going to start back in Ponyville, I'm going to be doing a Shining Armor, Queen Chrysalis, and Shadow Armor chapter first.

So we last left off with Chrysalis changing into her new form... or was that just an extremely good hallucination on her part? Or was it a bad dream?

Now Shining Armor, Shadow Armor, and Burning Star must look through the joints of the Maneami Beach night life in order to find the Changeling intruders.

(Maneami Beach, Goldenmane Hotel, Shining Armor's room)

Shining Armor woke slowly, he felt as if he had ran a marathon then did some sparring with Shadow Armor.

He muttered to himself, "In the name of Luna, what happened last night?"

Shining heard a very familiar voice from the other side of the bed, "You made a queen very, very happy Shiny!"

Shining Armor looked over to his left, and saw Queen Chrysalis, her black chitin face smiling wide. He looked around the room, there was green cocoons everywhere, each holding an infant changeling.

Shining Armor bolted out of bed and backed up against the wall, and into a puddle of greenish goo. He turned around and saw him, suspended in it!

(Maneami Beach, Goldenmane Hotel, Shining Armor's Room (Reality))

Shining Armor screamed and jumped out of bed, beads of sweat down his face and his mane was a mess and his eyes were bloodshot.

He shook his head and said, "Just a bad dream Shining..."

Shining Armor had barely any time to react as his door was blasted open, and in came Shadow Armor with two energy swords in his magic grasp, he said in a loud voice, "What happened?! Who is there?!"

Shining Armor got out of bed and combed his mane down before saying, "It's alright Shadow Armor. I just screamed because I had a nightmare..."

Shadow Armor dematerialized the energy swords and rushed over to Shining Armor and said, "You mean you screamed... because you had a nightmare... and you were not being attacked? Why?"

Shining Armor clarified what he meant, "You know how there were indications of Changeling Activity around Maneami?"

Shadow Armor nodded, "So, Let me guess, you had a nightmare about sleeping with Queen Chrysalis, and she laid a bunch of eggs, and then you saw yourself as a changeling in a cocoon?"

Shining Armor looked shocked, "How did you know?! You deduced that all from just a sentence?"

Shadow Armor replied with a smirk, "I had the same dream too, hay for brains. You should remember that I'm linked to you, Shining Armor. I know you're darkest thoughts and actions, including the incidents involving Chrysalis and the Changelings..."

Shining Armor frowned, "For the love of Celestia, can you NOT mention that?! I would rather not relive that anytime soon."

The black knight shouted back, "You brought it up, Shiny. Not Me."

Shadow Armor went out of the room and brought back a brown food bag.

Shadow Armor tossed Shining Armor a breakfast wrap. Shining opened it up and chomped into it. It tasted delicious! "Wow, what is in this thing?"

Shadow Armor said, "lettuce, tomato, and bacon. Why?"

Shining spit out the food immediately, "I'm a pony, I don't eat meat!"

The dark pony looked confused, "I thought you liked it?"

Shining Armor shook his head, "No! I do not eat meat!"

Shadow Armor shrugged, them lifted his lips to reveal a set of fangs and canines, "however I do eat meat. I guess the waitress thought i ordered two BLT wraps, oh well."

Shining Armor rolled his eyes and went to Burning Star's room, knocked on the door and said, "Hey Burning Star! Aren't we going to investigate the changeling sightings tonight?"

Shining Armor heard a distant "coming" as Shadow Armor walked up alongside Shining Armor, a smirk on his face.

He then said to Shining, "Personally, I would have slept with Chrysalis if I had the chance, She is a Queen after all... and since I'm you're darkest desires I think you feel the same-"

Shining Armor snorted and used his magic to loosen the ceiling tile above Shadow Armor's head, causing it to fall on him and knock him out.

Burning Star opened the door to see Shining Armor scowling at Shadow Armor's unconscious body.

He asked, "Did I miss something?"

Shining Armor snorted out, "NO!"

(Maneami Beach, Exotic Avenue)

Burning Star, Shadow Armor, and Shining Armor walked down the busy streets of Maneami Beach, it was dark now. The clubs would be open, and that was the first place they would start.

Burning Star and his entourage approached the nightclub "Pink Rides" it had a giant neon sign above it of a dancing pegasus pony. It looked well managed, with clean walls and dark oak doors.

This was obviously one of the clubs that young stallions with no love life went to go blow their hard earned bits.

Burning Star heard loud music from inside, he turned to his fellow stallions and said, "Ok Stallions, here's the plan. We go in there and have a good time. Just keep an eye out for anypony with weird eye color or something out of place similar to that."

Shining Armor asked Burning Star, "How, Burning Star. How do you know so much about the changeling species?"

Burning Star blushed a bit, before saying nervously, "I had... intimate relations with one in my past. It was a brief thing, she only needed to feed. Don't judge me, ok?"

Shining Armor looked at him in disgust, "Really? That's not healthy, you know."

Burning Star hit Shining with his left wing, clearly annoyed.

Shadow Armor gave a hmph of satisfaction, "So that's why you know so much about Changelings... you slept with one."

He patted Burning Star on the back, saying with a amused voice. "Good going on your part."

Shining Armor rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, Burning Star and Shadow Armor followed. They were immediately stopped by the clubs bouncer, a giant earth pony.

He said in a grumbling voice, "Are you on the list?"

Burning Star shook his head, "Did we need to be on a list to get in?"

The bouncer pushed the three stallions away from the door, shouting at them. "Yes. Now get going!"

Shadow Armor snorted out a response, "For Celestia's sake, We do not have time for this act!"

With a wave of his horn, Shadow Armor picked up the bouncer with his magic, before tossing him into the trees in the distance.

Shining Armor looked at Shadow Armor with a concerned expression, "Don't you think he will come back?"

Burning Star opened the door and went inside, Shadow Armor followed suit and said to his light hearted counterpart, "Yeah, and if he does I'll toss him farther away next time."

(Pink Rides Gentleponies Club)

The three stallions entered the club and immediately were hit by flashing lights and loud dubstep music.

Burning Star activated a telepathy spell on Shining and Shadow, he said via that spell "I'm going to go look around. The changelings should be disguised at hot mares of any race. We need to trick them into revealing thier forms."

Shadow Armor nodded and walked up to a Unicorn mare and whispered in her ear, she then screamed out "Girls! There are Stallions here!"

The music cut off and every mare in the building suddenly turned thier eyes towards the three stallions, who all suddenly looked scared.

Burning Star said nervously, "Hi Mares, heh. Do you want to party?"

Shining Armor said to Burning Star, "Maybe we should get going..."

Suddenly, the entire mare population in the club was engulfed in green fire, revealing a whole horde of changelings!

Shining Armor heard a familiar voice coming from the balcony, "Well, Well... looks like we see each other again Shining Armor!"

Shining Armor looked up to see the monstrous form of Queen Chrysalis standing proud, her horn ignited and eyes narrowed with determination.

She would not let her precious Shining Armor escape this time!

Both Shining and Burning Star heard a grunt of pain as Shadow Armor had a changeling biting into his shoulder. He threw it off with his magic slammed its head into the wall, knocking it out.

Shadow Armor said to the group, "Yeah they are changelings alright!"

The changeling swarm started to approach the three stallions, who all ignited their horns.

Burning Star said to the pair of knights, "You all ready for this?"

The both said at the same time, "Ready!"

Burning Star ignited his mane and tail, then said, "CHARGE!"

The entirety of the changeling swarm, including Chrysalis, charged the three stallions who rushed at them as well.

Shining Armor launched a five pointed star of energy at the swarm, it exploded and sent a few flying into the walls. He was tackled to the ground by a larger changeling and narrowly avoided a crushing blow from its hooves.

Shadow Armor generated a pair of energy swords and began to clash sword to horn with a giant changeling. He managed to slice it in the legs, before he jumped on its back and plunged the swords into its spine, killing it.

Burning Star only managed to fire off a single stream of red lightning before he locked horns with Chrysalis, she hissed in his face and knocked him him into a table with her front hooves.

Burning Star shouted at the Changeling Queen, "When did you get so strong Chrysalis?! Last time we fought you were a pushover..."

Chrysalis unleashed a beam of green plasma at Burning Star, he shielded it and it bounced off his shield, carving a large hole in the wall.

Chrysalis spat back at the Black Fire Alicorn, "Ever since Discord walked in and I knocked him out with one of my spells, I've been feeding off his love of chaos for hours now!"

She pointed to Shining Armor and said in an aroused voice "This time you're mine dear Shiny! I won't let anypony ruin our chance at love!"

Burning Star had an idea, he said to the pair of knights with his telepathy, "I've got an idea Shining and Shadow, we overload Chrysalis's capacity for love by pressuring her with all of our attacks at once."

The two knights nodded and turned towards Chrysalis, thier horns lowered and locked on the queen's ugly form.

Burning Star smirked, "Get ready for our ultimate attack Chrysalis!"

He turned towards the two knights, "Now!"

Shining Armor fired a laser beam of blue magic and Shadow Armor and fired his laser beam of dark green magic. They both merged into a twisting beam of energy.

Chrysalis put up a shield and laughed, she began to draw more magic from Discord's body, which was surrounded in a cocoon.

Chrysalis said to the three stallions, "You can't break my shield, I have Discord's magic flowing through me!"

Burning Star smirked, "Well let's see how you stand against the full might of love between FRIENDS!"

Burning Star fired a beam of fire into Shining and Shadow's beam and they all shouted together.


The bright white beam of energy utterly smashed Chrysalis's shield and she screamed in pain, before collapsing on the floor.

The three Stallions cheered, they had won!

The cocoon holding Discord broke, and he flopped to the floor, he got up and said "What happened? I just had the weirdest dream... a giant bug encased me in a cocoon of green liquid."

Discord looked down upon the unconscious form of Queen Chrysalis, "Oh... its you."

Chrysalis got up and took flight, blowing a hole in the ceiling and saying, "Mark my words Shining Armor, I will have you be my source of love one day, even if-"

Burning Star cut her off and said, "Discord, stop her!"

Discord snapped his bird talons and Chrysalis shrunk to the size of a parasprite, he then put her in a jar and gave it to Burning Star.

"I believe that this pest is officially caught, If I may ask what are you going to do with her Burning Star?" Discord said with a curious look on his face.

Burning Star smiled, "The most fitting thing I can, give it to Shining Armor."

Shining Armor looked shocked, "What?!" he said, backing away.

Burning Star explained, "So that you never lose track of her, and she never escapes."

Shining Armor sighed, "Ok fine... but I don't think my wife will be happy that our mortal enemy is sitting in a bug jar in our room."

Shadow Armor chimed in, "Since we stopped the Changelings, if I remember correctly, we have to get back to Ponyville to stop the Nightmare Tribe."

Discord clapped his hands, "Yes that's right! We need to get going!"

All four of the males rushed out the door, ran back to the hotel to grab thier stuff, and ran to the train.

Shining Armor said while running,

"Celestia help us if the Nightmare Tribe gets ahold of Twily..."