• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 1,407 Views, 23 Comments

Nightmare Ponyville - Super Ponyman

Sequel to Dark Star of Shadows, Thr nightmare tribe escapes, this time targeting every member of the main six, with only the Fire Alicorn Burning Star, the White Knight Shining Armor, and his Dark clone Shadow Armor to save them!

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Chapter 8: Laughing into the Abyss

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie Chapters... they are hard for me to do since I'm not sure how to write a self-aware character.

Tantabus is going to have a headache after dealing with the Pink Party Pony, believe me...

You will get the debut of Prince Eclipsio, and his Nightmare Moon-like form, "Black Abyss!"

Ow the Edge...

(Everfree Forest, Dark Cave)

The Nightmare Tribe was busy as honeybees, they had recieved word of their new Queen, Nightmare Fluttershy, and were immediately at work preparing something special for her.

Shadow Fright shouted at the busy Nightmare Tribe, "Come on! Move your butts! We have to be ready for the arrival of our new queen!"

The Nightmare Pegasus bent down, "What is taking you so long?!"

The Nightmare Pony he spoke to responded in an annoyed tone, "We are moving as fast as we possibly can pal. I don't see you lending a hoof, so why are you complaining that we are going slow when YOUR'E NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING TO HELP!"

Shadow Fright slapped the Nightmare Pony with his hoof, "You will not speak to me like that! I'm giving orders, that is more than enough work."

Shadow Fright heard a scary voice from the entrance of the cave, "Actually... I agree with the pony you just scolded, Shadow Fright... you should be doing work as well

Shadow Fright turned to discover source of that retort, it was Nightmare Fluttershy!

She stood at the opening to the cave, her teal eyes fixated on Shadow Fright with a stare harder than diamonds.

The voice and gaze of Nightmare Fluttershy sent chills down Shadow Fright's spine as he rushed up to her and knelt before her, saying "I'm sorry my Queen! Please forgive me, please!"

Nightmare Rarity walked in to see Nightmare Fluttershy standing at the entrance to the main cavern, she put a hoof on her friends shoulder and said, "Only 15 minutes as ruler and you're already making the subject grovel before you... I'm impressed Fluttershy."

Nightmare Fluttershy's face softened, "O-oh, I didn't mean to scare them. I just wanted to establish some authority over them..."

One of the Nightmare Ponies, a large dark gray Pegasus flew forwards and landed in front of Nightmare Fluttershy. It gave her a stare that made her quiver slightly with fear.

It then hissed at her, "This is one of our new Queens? She is a coward! She can't scare anypony."

Nightmare Fluttershy stammered, "w-w-what? We would have to scare other ponies? Why?"

The Pegasus smiled and laughed, "Because we feed off fear little mare! And that will let us conquer this kingdom!"

He waved his hoof as to shoo Nightmare Fluttershy away, "Now go! Leave this place, it is no place for cowards."

Nightmare Fluttershy's tone changed from scared to dark, "Oh... you think just cause I'm not all big and scary that I can't lead?"

The nightmare Pegasus nodded, "you act so passive-aggressively its funny!"

Suddenly, Nightmare Fluttershy's gaze hardened to the density of a neutron Star, and she pinned the Nightmare Pegasus underneath her hooves.

She opened her mouth and said in a tone that would probably have scared even the toughest of ponies, "Let me make myself clear, you Pegasus Wuss..."

She showed him her fangs, "Just because I'm soft spoken doesn't mean I'm a coward or that I cannot instill fear, because believe me... I know what fear is."

Nightmare Fluttershy pushed down harder on the Nightmare Pegasus's chest, "Fear is the feeling that your life is in somepony's hooves and he or she can snuff it out as if it were a lit candle."

She turned to the rest of the tribe, "So, Since your life and everypony else's lives are in our hooves I suggest you all stop complaining and get back to work, NOW."

Nightmare Fluttershy smiled as all of the Nightmare Tribe started to work harder, but the pony below her feet was quivering with terror.

Nightmare Fluttershy let him go and said, "Don't try to intimidate anypony ever again or I'll be back... you got that?"

The Nightmare Pegasus nodded, bowed, and then rushed to work.

Nightmare Rarity looked at Nightmare Fluttershy with amazement, she then said, "Darling, Where did you learn to do that?"

Nightmare Fluttershy smiled and said, "By watching Burning Star do it..."

Nightmare Rarity chuckled, "Well you certainly learned fast..."

(Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie's Room)

Tantabus arrived inside the Sugarcube Corner, and licked its figurative lips.

It said with a chuckle, "I have seen some weird things before, but a building made out of sweets? That just takes the cake... literally."

He heard a high pitched voice followed by a pink blur, "Hey! Nice One!"

Tantabus turned around to see the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie, sitting on her bed. The majority of her room was also made of sweets, and Tantabus felt hunger, even though it could not eat.

Pinkie Pie bounced over to Tantabus and said, "Soooo... I guess you're here to transform me into a Nightmare Pony, Huh?" Pinkie bounced up and down, waiting for the ethereal being to answer.

Tantabus backed up and turned yellow, shocked that Pinkie Pie knew about its plan, it stammered out "H-How did y-you know?"

Pinkie put one of her hooves around Tantabus's body, "I saw you do it to Rarity and Sweetie Belle a few nights ago, silly! If im going to turn out like them I'm fine with the transformation."

She stood on top of the bed, suddenly wearing a cape and crown out of nowhere, "I also heard that you would make me a queen of an entire tribe of ponies! That sounds absolutely amazing!"

Tantabus was slightly concerned about Pinkie Pie's attitude, she seemed WAY to eager to become a Queen and Nightmare Pony.

It said to her in a confused state, "Why are you so eager to do this exactly?"

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Because I want to be with my friends. No matter what form I'm in or they are in, they will always be my friends, and no amount of magic can change that! So, how bad can it be?"

Tantabus asked openly, "What do you desire?"

Pinkie Pie said in a cheery tone, "A hay burger with cheese!"

Tantabus just stared at her for a minute, then said "Really? You're serious?"

Pinkie nodded her head, "Yep! I want a hay burger with cheese. You can get that right?"

Tantabus said, absolutely bewildered. "You know I can just make you a hay burger with cheese, right?"

Pinkie Pie said to the nightmare entity, "I know. I wanted my promise to be simple so you couldn't mess it up!"

Tantabus said to itself, shaking its head, "I'm going to need some lessons on psychology, cause I can't pin down what this pony wants!"

With that it transformed into a cloud of purple smoke and engulfed Pinkie Pie, when she emerged, she was much more powerful.

Tantabus looked upon its work with pride. Like the other Nightmare Queens, Pinkie Pie now stood as tall as Celestia, her normally pink fur was a shining black and her poofy mane and tail grew to an immense size, it had a single black stripe running down it. Her eyes had become a pinkish gold color and her cutie mark was a constellation of stars in the shape of a balloon.

Pinkie smiled, revealing sharp pointy teeth and said, "Oooh! I look different!" She turned around and said to Tantabus, "Thanks!"

Tantabus said to its new master, "you are welcome...? But, You are now Nightmare Pinkie Pie!"

Nightmare Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, shaking the room. "This is great! Oh my gosh, I have to go show Rarity and Fluttershy!"

Tantabus motioned for Pinkie Pie to settle down, "Ok, ok. Let me just see who is left..."

Pinkie Pie grabbed Tantabus's face, "Oooh! Go do Applejack next! If you're honest with her, she will definitely join up with us!"

Tantabus nodded, "Ok then, your majesty."

Suddenly, the roof of the Sugarcube Corner caved in and a Black Alicorn with Dragon Wings landed, he roared before wrecking everything in the building with blasts of dark blue lightning.

Tantabus turned invisible as Pinkie Pie said to her intruder, "Hey! I just fixed that roof since Rainbow Dash crashed through it last week!" She pointed at her intruder, "Just who do you think you are you big meanie?"

The Evil Alicorn responded, "Do you not know who I am?!"

Nightmare Pinkie Pie shook her head, "Nope! Not a Clue!"

The Alicorn smashed Pinkie's bed, before roaring out "I am the emperor of Darkness and Destruction, I am the brother of the Princesses Celestia and Luna!"

The Alicorn stepped back, "I AM BLACK ABYSS!"

Tantabus reappeared next to Nightmare Pinkie Pie and said, "Ow the edge..."

Nightmare Pinkie Pie smiled wide and broke into laughter at Black Abyss's ridiculous name. "Wow! You really fit the part pal, you got the black... and your mood is ABYSSmal!"

Black Abyss turned towards the Pink-maned Nightmare Pony, "Do you dare mock me?! You know that I can easily kill you right?"

Nightmare Pinkie Pie giggled, "Yeah I know you can, but you won't because you need somepony to spread the word to fear you right?"

Black Abyss's eyes filled with hate towards the peppy pony, "T-That's none of your business you peasant!"

Nightmare Pinkie Pie grinned and said, "Yep that is right! I'm a peasant, but I'm a smart one, and I've seen ponies like you."

Black Abyss snorted, "There are no ponies like me..."

Nightmare Pinkie Pie shook her head, "Nope! There are always ponies like you. Sorry to let you down pal. But, I've have dealt with ponies like you before..."

Nightmare Pinkie Pie pulled out a clipboard with a pencil, "let's go over a few things you want, shall we?"

"Edgy Name and Black Color Scheme (Check)"

"Revenge against somepony as a motive (Check)"

"Throwing a tantrum when you aren't being feared by one pony (check)"

Black Abyss stood there getting more and more angry, he then shouted at Pinkie Pie, "Arggh! Not only are you a peasant, but you're also an obnoxious one as well!"

Nightmare Pinkie Pie decided to pour more salt on her insulting comedy, "Besides, you don't even look original, you like somepony made Nightmare Moon a stallion, attached a pair of dragon wings to his back, and tossed her into a cheese grater!"

Black Abyss lost it! He would not tolerate this any longer, he fired a ball of dark magic strong enough to pulverize the house he was standing in.

Nightmare Pinkie Pie turned around and bucked it back into him, sending him flying into the air. He took flight and said, "You know what? I don't have to take this now! I'm leaving, clearly you are too dumb to be intimidated by me."

Pinkie Pie said one last retort to him, "And clearly you're trying too hard, because you're not that scary!"

Black Abyss turned around and screamed in her face "SCREW YOU TOO!"

Tantabus waited before Black Abyss was out of sight, then said. "Well I'm impressed Pinkie Pie, you just drove off somepony who can obliterate worlds by picking his mental flaws apart like a vulture picks meat off a carcass. Where did you learn that?"

Nightmare Pinkie Pie gave Tantabus a playful bump on its shoulder, "You don't learn it, Silly! You just find what makes each pony tick and exploit it until they cave. I saw Burning Star do it to prisoners, its more effective when he does it."

Tantabus chuckled and flew out the window towards Sweet Apple Acres,

And towards its next target,

The farmer known as Applejack...