• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,385 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Ten: Exposé

Rainbow Dash snickered. “Oh, I like her. She's got balls.”

“H-hey, I’m a filly!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“It's not literal. She means…” Applejack sighed. “We’ll talk about this later. We got more pressin’ matters to discuss.”

“Eeyup,” agreed Big Macintosh, leaning heavily on the pommel of his hammer.

“Speaking of which,” Pear Butter began, turning expectantly to Kanathara and Rainbow Dash. “Would you mind giving us a bit of space?”

“Of course. We’ll just have a little chat with Applejack in the meantime,” Kanathara replied, raising her voice at the end.

“Sounds good. Just, uh, break it slow to the girl. We haven't given her the news yet,” Applejack remarked.

Pear Butter nodded. “I’ll be as gentle as possible.”

Together, Kanathara, her familiar, and Applejack watched as the wrath demon walked over to the porch.

Where a confused Apple Bloom was scratching her head. “Wait. Why aren't we fightin’? I thought demons were the bad guys? Or were the dead folks just the bad guys?” she openly wondered.

“Eenope,” Big Macintosh replied.

“The truth is a bit more complicated than that,” Pear Butter began.

Big Macintosh snorted. “You can say that again.”

Rainbow Dash snickered. “He may be a stallion of few words, but everything that comes out of your brother’s mouth is absolute gold.”

Applejack chuckled along with the demon. “Yeah, ol’ Mac sure has a sense for these kinds of things. Now then, I figured y'all came here for a reason. Other than savin’ our skins, of course.”

“That was part of it,” Kanathara admitted.

“We were also hoping you’d tell us where the others are,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Others?” Applejack questioned.

“Like-” Kanathara began, only to be cut off when Apple Bloom shouted suddenly.

“N-no way. That's impossible! You can't be her!” exclaimed the filly.

Pear Butter quickly whispered something to assuage the young pony, and their conversation continued on once more.

Kanathara cleared her throat and motioned towards the barn. “Why don't we give them a bit more space, hmm?”

Applejack nodded. “I was thinkin’ the same thing.”

The trio trotted out of earshot, taking position in front of the large red building.

“Like we were saying,” Rainbow Dash began, glancing at Kanathara.

“Right. We were hoping you could point us towards Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie,” Kanathara continued, only to pause. “Oh, and now that I’m thinking about it, you should probably also let us know what the hell all that was.”

“Since when did Equestria have a necromancer problem?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Ahh, they’ve always been a thorn in the guard’s side,” Applejack began. “All the high level spells are rarer than a cockatrice though. So they usually aren't even worth chasin’ down.”

“This one seems different though,” Kanathara offered.

“Hit the nail on the head,” Applejack replied. “This head honcho of theirs got his hooves on a few powerful spells and managed to wrangle a whole bunch of ponies into doing what he says. Not really sure how, but a bunch of honest, decent folk were seen helpin’ him out.”

“Do you know what spells he has access to?” Kanathara questioned.

Applejack shrugged. “He apparently made off with some secret spell book of some kind that was scheduled for disintegration. Other than them spells being mighty tough to cast, I don't know a lick about ‘em.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “We’ve fought a bunch of his minions already, and they were chumps. How tough can this guy be?”

“Tough enough to put the guard on the back hoof,” Applejack retorted, only to frown. “Though that ain't exactly difficult, given how many folk were called to Canterlot.”

“Is there anything else you can tell us about this necromancer you’ve been dealing with?” Kanathara pressed.

Applejack grunted in disgust. “Yeah, a bunch unfortunately. The nutcase came by and monologued at us before heading off into town. He claimed that his family owned all of Ponyville at one time, and that he was here to take back his ancestral home.”

“What a wackjob,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Yer tellin’ me,” Applejack snorted. “My family’s been living here since this place was nothin’ more than a patch of forest gifted to us by Princess Celestia herself. Before that it was just crown land as far as I’m aware.”

“Land claims aside, is there any tactical information you could give us? Or maybe a description?” Kantahra continued, rolling her hoof in the air.

“Oh, uh, sure…” Applejack scratched her head. “Tall, dour, with a scraggly dark grey mane, off white fur, and purple eyes. Same color as his magic.”

“Lemme guess. He also wears way too much black,” Rainbow Dash offered.

Applejack nodded. “Unlike his cultist buddies, he at least dresses the part of the count he claims to be. Big pointy collar, plenty of buttons, and a big ol 'cape.”

“This guy is awfully… cartoonish,” Kanathara pointed out.

“Figure he’s likely small-time, probably got promised Ponyville from whoever is causing trouble up in Canterlot and is just here to make a mess of things,” Applejack exclaimed.

“That makes sense.” Kanathara’s eyes popped open. “Oh yeah, and the thing causing trouble is an ancient prime evil trying to wipe out all life on Equestria by blocking out the sun.”

“That's uh…” Applejack frowned. “Intense. Y'all got a plan, I presume?”

“I do, and it's why we asked you about the others. We need to gather you up in order to defeat her,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Huh. Well as much as I hate to say it, I trust ya. Though I can't just leave without taking care of my family,” Applejack exclaimed, gesturing towards the house.

Kanathara nodded. “Don't worry. As soon as we figure out where this guy is holed up, we’ll deal with him.”

“Permanently, I hope,” Applejack remarked with a snort. “That bugger raised a bunch of my ancestors, and I don't rightly appreciate having to beat great aunt Willow Reed’s head in with a stick.”

“Wait. Did he bring back Pear Butter’s body?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Err, yeah. That was… weird. Just a burnt pile of bones barely held together by anything,” Applejack muttered.

Kanathara cleared her throat. “I think we’re getting off topic here. Where can we find this guy exactly?”

“He calls himself Count Flintheart, and don't bother looking for him at his base in the Everfree,” Applejack began, a frown crossing her face. “The nitwit announced that he was going to return after dealing with some issue in the Everfree and claim the house if his minions haven't already done so for him.”

“Perfect. This is going to be the easiest mission in years,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still need to figure out what these spells of his are,” Kanathara cautioned. “He might have chained the souls of innocents to his own life force or stolen the spirits of loved ones.”

“Is that really possible? How would you know?” Applejack whispered in a low tone.

Kanathara chuckled. “I know because those are all spells I’ve studied. Either way, a spell like the one I described would make sense, given that he's apparently press-ganged innocent ponies into his service.”

“Huh,” Applejack muttered. “That certainly complicates matters.”

“So we’ll have to draw him out, get him monologuing, and figure out what matter of spell he is using,” Kanathara declared.

“Wait. Why can't we just kill him?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“‘Cause he might have something that makes that a bad idea,” Applejack half stated, half asked, glancing expectantly to the keeper of secrets.

Who nodded. “If he has a soul transfer, he may be able to possess his servants on death. Or by killing him, the injury might be transferred to some innocent pony he has tied up in a basement somewhere.”

“So draw it out, make him play his ace, then squash him. Got it,” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Pretty much, but we…” Kanathara trailed off when she heard the pitter-patter of small hooves approaching.

Turning around, the demon watched as Apple Bloom trotted up to the small group, her steps faltering somewhat when they all turned to her.

“Uh, hi,” she awkwardly greeted. “My name’s Apple Bloom.”

“I’m Kanathara, and this is Rainbow Dash,” replied the keeper, gesturing to her familiar.

“Sup, kid?” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Err, nothin’,” Apple Bloom gulped. “So uh. Are you two really my sisters?”

“Sort of?” Kanathara rubbed the back of her neck. “Think of us more like stepsiblings.”

“If that,” Applejack muttered mostly to herself.

Rainbow Dash chuckled and grabbed the farm mare around the shoulders. “What? Don't want to admit you're related to a pair of demons? I mean, your mom practically raised us, you know. There ain't no escapin’ that.”

“So you did know my mom when she was… gone,” Apple Bloom murmured.

“Yeah, we sure did, kid,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Applejack gently, but firmly pushed Rainbow Dash away. “Think of them more like your cousins from Appleloosa.”

“Why do you ask?” Kanathara inquired, bending down so she was at head height with the filly.

“Well, Pear Butter said so, but I thought…” Apple Bloom shrugged her tiny shoulders.

“Ahh, don't worry, kiddo. I bet after this whole mess is cleaned up, we’ll come right back for a big old time get together. What do ya say, Applejack? Ready to meet your new dad?” Rainbow Dash teased.

Applejack sighed. “Can we please change the topic now?”

“This ain't the time or place for that, Rainbow,” Kanathara whispered.

The vengant coughed. “Right, sorry about that. So, what do ya need, squirt?”

“Well, I was just wonderin’ if you were gonna help us with that weird old guy and his zombies,” Apple Bloom inquired.

“They are,” Applejack stated, glancing expectantly at Kanathara. “Ain't that right?”

“Of course,” she replied. “We just need to make some preparations, and then we’ll be good to go.”

Applejack leaned down. “Why don't you go help Big Macintosh clean this up, huh?”

“Aww, but I’m tired after all the fighting,” Apple Bloom whined.

“Don't you worry none. We’re going to take care of the bad guy real quick and after that we can relax, okay?” Applejack offered.

Apple Bloom sighed and kicked the ground. “Fine, but I want dessert after this.”

Applejack chuckled, tousling the young filly’s mane. “When we make it through this mess, we’ll eat all the pie we can stomach.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Good,” she proclaimed before trotting back to the porch.

Where Pear Butter was standing, her body having shrunk to nearly half its normal size. This was likely due to the tongue lashing she was receiving from Granny Smith who was talking down to the demon. Though tempted to listen in on their conversation, Kanathara turned her attention back to Applejack.

“So I think you were going to mention where everyone else is located?” Kanathara offered.

“Oh, right,” Applejack exclaimed, clopping a hoof upside her head. “Rarity started some kinda community for diamond dog’s fleein their homes near Ghastly Gorge. Fluttershy is still in Cloudsdale from what I’ve gathered, and Pinkie Pie was drafted into helpin’ the guard out.”

“Do you know where she is by chance?” Kanathara pressed.

Applejack hummed as she rubbed her chin. “I think it was Dodge City. Last I heard, there were a bunch of mercs gathered near town that they were trying to drive off.”

“That must be that town we saw earlier,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Kanathara nodded. “I don't think they managed to get the mercenaries to leave peacefully.”

“Ya’ll were by there?” Applejack asked.

“I’m afraid so, and it seems like they are in trouble as well,” Kanathara answered.

“Then we’d best deal with this guy right quick,” Applejack declared.

“Don't worry. I’ve already come up with a plan,” Kanathara assured the mare. “In fact it's one we’ve done before.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Lemme guess. It's the disney maneuver?”

Kanathara nodded. “You got it.”

“What's ‘the disney maneuver’?” Applejack inquired.

“All you need to know is that you should keep Apple Bloom inside until it's over and we’ve had a chance to clean up the mess,” Kanathara answered.

“Oookay then,” Applejack muttered. “Need anything from us?”

“Nah. Just follow my lead,” Kanathara replied with a smirk.

Leaves crunched under the hooves of a scowling unicorn whose gaze swung over his small entourage of servants. Most of whom were undead, with the only two living members being the pair of earth ponies who walked nervously on either side of him. Ahead and behind strode or shambled a small horde of zombified creatures bound to his dark will.

Ranging from simple animals to nearly a dozen armed and armored skeletal ponies, the small force would have served as more than a match for most. In fact, there were few who would be able to defend themselves against a practiced necromancer and his servants, nevermind his cadre of undead. Yet despite how overwhelming his strength, the grey-furred unicorn couldn't help but feel an odd air of unease settle over him.

He blew a stray lock of dark grey mane from his face and adjusted his cape, yet the feeling remained. Even looking over his hooded and cloaked servants did little to change his mood as he trotted through the orchard. That may have been due to seeing so many of his creations lying inert in odd positions, but that didn't fully explain it.

“Do you feel that?” he asked, his deep voice reverberating strangely.

“Er, no,” one of the hooded ponies replied in a quiet, feminine tone.

“No, my master,” he corrected.

“Sorry, master,” she quickly replied.

The stallion’s scowl deepened. “I can't believe these backwater hicks have dealt with so many of my zombies. You told me there were only two of them out here.”

“It's true,” the other hooded pony quickly claimed. “I swear it.”

“Perhaps they had help?” posited the other plaintively.

“That is the only explanation,” declared the necromancer. “A pair of earth ponies are worthless on their own. Doubly so if they know nothing of the dark arts.”

His servants shamefully averted their gaze and said nothing.

Together they walked in silence through the orchard, stopping only briefly when they spotted the farm house. There they quickly noticed the smattering of undead which lay broken and defeated on the grounds directly in front of the structure. Three had seemingly been stomped flat by something very large, while others were missing limbs or even their heads.

“Stars dammit,” muttered the stallion. “Don't tell me they defeated another wave of my soldiers.”

“Maybe they succumbed to their wounds and are inside?” offered one of the hooded ponies.

“Otherwise they would be out here, waiting for us,” added the other.

“Possible,” admitted the stallion. “Either way, we will crush them swiftly, burn down this wretched domicile, and begin construction of my new manor posthaste.”

“Yes, master,” muttered the hooded ponies.

“Go, my minions, search the home. Kill its inhabitants and drag their bodies out into the blessed moonlight,” he commanded, extending a hoof towards the farm house.

“Are you sure that's a good idea, master? We’ll be all alone out here,” whispered one of the hooded mares.

He snorted. “The guard cannot leave the safety of their dome, and there are no other forces in the area capable of harming me.”

“What about the imps of the Everfree? I’ve heard they’ve begun to muster under command of a wrath demon,” offered the other cloaked pony.

The necromancer scoffed. “Imps pose no threat to us. Furthermore, we have the true moon’s blessing. With her support, there is no need to fear any lowly demon. Now go!”

His undead horde lurched forward, filing awkwardly through the front door in a long, single file. Almost immediately sounds of fighting began to echo from within the house, the groan of the undead mixing with the shouts of ponies. Through the cluster of bodies it was difficult to see who was winning, but judging from the fact that his undead continued to pour inside, the necromancer assumed he was.

“Excellent. Flood the home and occupy its defenders. Even if they do not succumb to the horde, they will perish in flames. Now, my servant. Burn this wretched hovel to its foundations,” he commanded, pointing to one of the hooded ponies.

“Must we? I’m sure the farmstead could prove useful to you if-”

“Silence!” he shouted. “You will do as I command, or I will throw your mother’s soul into the deepest pits of Tartarus!”

This time there was no hesitation in the pony, and she eagerly sprinted over to the porch. Rifling through the internal pockets of her cloak, the mare swiftly produced a pack of matches and began to strike one of them. With each flick of the stick, she felt her master’s gaze intensify, causing her to start sweating profusely.

“Aha,” she muttered, raising the lit match victoriously.

Only for a pair of undead hooves to reach up from the ground and snuff out the flame.

“What the…” The pony’s jaw hung open when she noticed that the seemingly defeated zombie was rising up from the crater it had been occupying a moment earlier. “Did you not want me to use the matches?”

The necromancer blinked in shock. “I didn't command it to do that. Cease your detrimental actions and join your brothers inside the house!”

The zombie ignored the command and snatched the matches from the hooded pony’s hoof, tossing them aside.

“Eep,” cried the mare, who swiftly backpedalled away.

“Stop! Cease! Return to your grave!” the necromancer continued to shout.

The undead didn't respond to any order yelled at it, instead stumbling forward, its eyes gaining a strange, reddish glow to them. It was joined by its former comrades, who slowly reassembled themselves and rose up next to their ally. All sported the same glowing crimson orbs of the first undead, that now stared intently at the necromancer.

“I don't think these are yours, master,” whispered one of the hooded ponies.

“Obviously not!” spat the stallion. “Now defend me against these vermin!”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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