• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,385 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Three: Assault

“Okay, so the enchantment is visible, as is the binding line,” Kanathara remarked offhandedly. “What was next?”

Mistmane pointed down at the dense glowing line that emerged from her chest and went straight north, disappearing through the solid wall. “Focus on it with all the entropic energy that you can control and begin tearing it apart.”

“I may have some of the abilities of an entropy demon, but I can't wield the full power of one, you know,” the imp commented, gritting her teeth as she stared down at the line. “Furthermore, I don't see Rockhoof’s. Shouldn't we deal with his first?”

Mistmane shook her head, her long hair tumbling over itself. “His connection is secondary to my own by the looks of it, meaning you are going to have to free me first, and then work on his.” The elder demon pointed at a small, almost imperceptible part of the line that was not teal like the rest and was instead an off-yellow. “See?”

The imp frowned, and nodded, mentally noting just how difficult this was going to be. “You sure don't make things easy, do you?”

“Nothing worth doing is easy,” Mistmane commented, smiling as she watched Kanathara focus her magic on the line and begin worming her influence through the cord of connections that bound the keeper to her mysterious master.

Behind them, Rainbow Dash sighed, grinning and tapping her right forehoof against the stone floor, staring intently at her mistress. “She's pretty cute when she focuses, eh Rockhoof?” she asked, elbowing the mountainous creature that stood next to her.

The creature snorted derisively, hoping that his conversation partner understood just how little he cared about the tiny imp.

“I knew you had good taste, Rocky, I mean look at her, that tight little butt, that adorable scrunched up face.” Rainbow Dash smirked, her tail swishing a little faster than usual.

Kanathara blushed, and shot her familiar a glare. “Would you quit looking at my butt? I’m trying to work over here and you are distracting me.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself, and kept on staring anyway. “Sorry boss, you know I can't lie to you, but don't worry, I’ll keep my comments to myself and Rockhoof.”

Kanathara grumbled silently to herself, the blush remaining on her face for nearly an extra minute as she got back to working on the enchantment.

Meanwhile Mistmane was busy holding back a giggle at the brief back and forth she had witnessed. “Oh my, you two are just adorable,” she remarked, finally breaking down and giggling to her heart’s content.

Kanathara grunted, keeping her concentration on her spell, unwilling to split her attention at such a crucial juncture. “What about this one?” the imp pointed out, gesturing towards a particularly thick line that was bound in runes of various sizes.

“Focus on the smaller supporting enchantments first, the big ones are much easier to deal with after you weaken them,” Mistmane commented, watching closely as Kanathara’s magic began to pick apart the weak points of the enchantments, until the entire thing dissipated suddenly, dissolving into nothingness.

“Huh, that's different,” Kanathara commented.

“Yes, Starswirl is rather thorough with his enchantments.” Mistmane frowned, her jaw clenching tightly. “It's the only real area of magic that he truly excels in.”

“Wasn't he the one that figured out the fundamental imperative?” Kanathara inquired, never wavering from her fixation on the line, and the many defencive spells that kept the keeper of secrets bound to the archmage.

“When he taught magic, he forced all his students to sign over any discoveries they would make while being taught, it’s where most of his quote unquote achievements came from,” Mistmane remarked, only to sigh. “That arrogant old prick is good at two things, trickery, and enchantments, and fortunately this falls under both of those things.”

Kanathara grumbled silently to herself, trying to continue her work, only for her curiosity to get the better of her. “How did he end up down here anyway?” she blurted suddenly, keeping her gaze locked on the binding enchantment she was working on.

“It's a long, and sad tale I’m afraid, one that I do not wish to tell. Though I suppose if you do end up taking my soul, you will have the ability to witness the event for yourself,” Mistmane remarked idly, running a hoof through her mane and sighing.

The imp’s glare intensified on the enchantment that barred her from her goals, briefly filing away a reminder to look into the mare’s soul once she claimed ownership of it. Though a part of her simply wanted to figure out how exactly this Starswirl individual had managed to trick somepony as upstanding as Mistmane was there was also a part of her that wondered what exactly the mechanisms for such a transformation were. She wanted to pretend like this was merely a morbid curiosity on her part, but she couldn't help but wonder what she could do with such a power in her arsenal of tricks.

“So, how long have you two been together?” Mistmane asked suddenly, lounging idly in her bed of pillows and forcing Kanathara to grumble and adjust her spell work, crouching in order to stay close to the bundle of fibres.

“Eighteen years,” Kanathara replied quickly, her face screwing up tightly as her magic continued to worm its way through the enchantment, pulling it apart and revealing layers upon layers of spell work that had been just beneath the surface. “There's no end to it, is there?”

Mistmane shook her head. “No, there has to be an end somewhere, I don't think Starswirl figured out how to make a truly unlimited enchantment and his self-repairing ones don't work on living targets.”

“He made self-repairing ones?” Kanathara gaped. “I’ve been trying to do that for years, how did he do it? Was it the-”

Mistmane chuckled, smiling at the enthusiasm from the imp. “I have no idea how he managed it, though again, you may wish to peruse my memories, you may very well find what you are looking for.”

“Hmm, I suppose that will have to do, though I would bet a good number of souls on the solution lying in the submatrix cohesion equation. That area of study seems the most likely to reveal something of value,” Kanathara remarked idly as she continued, her magic pulling apart another strand, the magic that held it together dissipating quickly.

“Maybe…” Mistmane shrugged and leaned a little closer, her nose mere inches from Kanathara’s. “Tell me truly, little imp, how long have you been together with her?”

“I just told…” Kanathara’s spell fizzled as she looked up into the mare’s eyes, a blush suddenly overcoming her features. “That's none of your business.” She mumbled before turning quickly back to her work.

“Oh, I would say it is my business, considering you are going to be the ones to kill me and my husband very soon,” Mistmane remarked, smirking as she noticed the imp’s blush grow ever brighter.

“Your husband?” Kanathara asked, jerking her hoof in the direction of Rockhoof, who was listening to Rainbow Dash who was rambling on about something he was clearly uninterested in. “That lunk?”

“He was not always that way, obviously,” Mistmane replied sadly. “Some beings are simply too loyal for their own good.”

“True…” Kanathara muttered, her gaze lingering on Rainbow Dash for several seconds.

She continued to stare until the vengant noticed the attention and suddenly flashed her mistress a winning pose, one that saw her right foreleg and left back leg extended and flexing, showing off her impressively muscled physique. Kanathara blushed profusely and turned back to the task at hoof, her face becoming surprisingly red for someone who had dark, leathery flesh. Behind her, the imp could hear Rainbow Dash laughing, and Rockhoof breathing heavier while Mistmane chuckled in a more polite tone.

“Oh you two are absolutely adorable,” Mistmane murmured. “You remind me so much of these two young fillies we met in Manehatten back when…” Her voice petered out suddenly and the keeper shook her head. “My apologies dear, this old mind wanders sometimes.”

“Don't worry about it, my father does that all the time when we are alone,” Kanathara remarked, smirking at her own boldness. “He only does it when it's just me and him, but sometimes he forgets anyone else is in the room before he starts going on another one of his rants.”

“You mean Tirek actually did have a kid, and with a pony no less, interesting...” Mistmane remarked with a wide smirk, as if she already knew what Kanathara would say before she said it.

Rolling her eyes, Kanathara remained fixated on her work, refusing to let the mare distract her. “You know very well that we are not truly related by blood. I would think Starswirl’s spy network could figure out that much at least.”

“Oh he has, though I’m curious as to what you think of the old centaur,” Mistmane exclaimed, leaning in closer and whispering to the imp, “You know he used to be quite the terror back in the day.”

Kanathara gritted her teeth and glared at the keeper. “You will not disrespect my father in my presence, or I will ensure that your end is as painful as physically possible.”

Mistmane recoiled as if struck, the switch from someone she thought of as a mere child to a true, full blown demon happening so suddenly that the shift very nearly gave her whiplash. “I’m sorry dear, I shouldn't have said that. I’m afraid it's hard to stop poking my nose in where it shouldn't be after two thousand years of doing just that.”

Kanathara glared intensely at the mare for several long seconds before sighing and looking down, resuming her work once more. “You are forgiven, but do not let it happen again as there are two things I will not hear ill of and that is my father, and my familiar.”

The keeper glanced up at Rainbow Dash who was vividly describing some past battle that apparently she and Kanathara had participated in. The vengant waved her hooves around as she continued her story, heedless to the fact that Rockhoof was no longer paying any attention to the other demon. “You know…” Mistmane began, only to get another glare from Kanathara and raise her hooves defensively. “I promise I am not trying to pick at anything, I was merely going to compliment you.”

“You better,” Kanathara murmured, her horns glowing brightly as she tore another thread away.

“As I was saying.” Mistmane cleared her throat and shuffled her body slightly, finding a slightly better spot from which she could rest easier. “You should probably work on laying traps or securing the perimeter. I already have a spell in place that would stop them from simply coming through the walls or the window, but I’m afraid I have been compelled to not do the same when it comes to the front entrance.”

“I’m already on it,” Kanathara muttered, leaning closer to the thread and pulling apart one final enchantment, causing one of the minor binding strings to dissipate, and bring a smile to her face. “In fact, the spell should be done any second, after that Rainbow Dash will work to secure the bottom floor.”

“Interesting,” Mistmane murmured, realizing that the duo was more skilled than she had first anticipated.

As she watched, wisps of black, smokey magic emerged from the ground and gathered in Kanathara’s hoof, creating a perfect recreation of the bottom two floors in three dimensions. “Ahh, there we are. Here, Rainbow Dash, come take a look,” Kanathara commanded, gesturing to her familiar.

Who reluctantly concluded her story and flew over to the imp, landing on her right side. “Both have been mapped completely?” Rainbow Dash asked as she leaned forward, looking closely at the visual representation of the tower’s bottom two floors.

“The spell came back without issue,” Kanathara remarked with a shrug. “It should be complete, though I think there is something off about the first staircase, make sure you give it extra attention when you check it out.”

“Will do, boss,” Rainbow Dash remarked, before turning and flying away, disappearing down the spiral staircase in the corner of the room.

Kanathara grinned as she watched her familiar go, her gaze lingering on her tight flank muscles and long, flowing fiery tail. When she turned back to Mistmane, that smile vanished the instant she saw the other mare’s smirking face. “What is it now?” she deadpanned, already expecting some playful jab or otherwise irritating comment from the keeper of secrets.

“Oh nothing, dear, nothing at all,” Mistmane replied defensively, before leaning in, her smirk growing ever wider. “I’m merely curious about why you are so kind to your familiar, you do know that she is bound to follow your every command to the absolute letter and nicety isn't entirely necessary, correct?”

“It is,” Kanathara replied instantly.

The keeper raised an eyebrow at the imp, looking at her closely as she continued to chip away at the binding spell. “Have you never commanded her to do anything she did not want to before?”

Kanathara shook her head. “A few times, but that's only because she was being whiny, or she wanted me to.” The imp grinned, a small blush crossing her features. “It's only natural for us to work together and be friendly with one another as we are bound to one another for all eternity after all. If she was working against me and only followed my orders out of obligation, it would make things difficult, and constantly looking over one’s shoulder is tiring. Why not get someone else to do it for you?”

The elder demon continued to look down on the imp, contemplating her words carefully. “You say that, but something tells me your kindness is not purely out of logical necessity.”

The younger demon shrugged. “Of course, demons who try and pretend like they are little more than pure, undiluted evil are fools, sentient beings cannot be entirely evil, or entirely good, sentience grants choice and choice grants the ability to become what you desire. Be it good, or evil,” the imp remarked, her face screwed up into an expression of tight concentration.

“I admit I’ve never been interested in philosophy before, but that is rather interesting way of looking at it,” Mistmane remarked.

“Besides, unit cohesion is better when trust is built, and you can rely on one another. Which is why I am more of Rainbow Dash’s team leader, rather than her uncaring mistress,” Kanathara muttered, her attention fixated on a small bundle of defensive enchantments that resisted her efforts.

“Well put, my friend,” Mistmane congratulated.

“Now if you don't mind, I need to concentrate,” Kanathara muttered, her eyes narrowing as her horns glowed brighter still. “Though I have the ability to wield entropy, I am by no means an entropy demon.”

“True, this is going to be a costly, and long procedure most likely,” Mistmane explained.

“What are your estimates on the arrival of Starswirl’s forces? Would I have time to release you at least?” Kanathara inquired, her magic twisting and writhing throughout the band of magic, working its way beneath the first layer of enchantments and tugging at its underlying strings.

“I don't know, I could not so much as look at the binding enchantment before now, so I know not how long it would take. In the end, it matters little though. The dice is cast, and one way or another, someone is going to die, and I pray it is not you,” Mistmane replied solemnly, sharing a nervous glance with Rockhoof, who was busy staring out the window, a contemplative expression crossing his face.

“This Starswirl fellow doesn't sound nearly as decent as the books make him out to be,” Kanathara remarked with a snort. “Was he always such a jerk?”

Mistmane couldn't help but chuckle, a laugh that even Rockhoof joined in on. “Oh, he was always a miser. He never shares, doesn't give anything without a fight and holds grudges longer than I think even your father does.”

That drew a smirk from the imp, who despite being focused on the binding enchantment still laughed. “Oh, now that's rich. My father has been trying to get back at Starswirl for nearly twenty years for merely attempting to purchase Rainbow Dash before he could.”

“Which gives you a little context as to why Starswirl hates you and your father so much, given that in his mind you two stole something he already considered his,” Mistmane explained.

Kanathara sighed. “Don't tell my father I said this, but sometimes I worry that his ego and his grudges are going to end up killing him for the final time.”

The keeper chuckled and made a zipping motion over her lips. “My lips are sealed.”

“With that in mind, do you expect Starswirl to throw the usual rabble at us first, and the more elite members of his army shortly after?” Kanathara inquired, grinning as another nearly invisible line of magic snapped and vanished.

“Most likely,” Mistmane replied with a shrug. “He is surprisingly predictable at times, and has a habit of using any circumstance as an excuse to accomplish something else entirely. Knowing him, he will probably use this as an excuse to knock down one of his lieutenants and give him a taste of humility or to test another that is rising through the ranks.”

“Hmm, we’ve dealt with that before,” Kanathara murmured before reluctantly pulling back her magic and focusing on casting a different spell. Once it was complete, the imp summoned the replica of the bottom two floors, analyzing them carefully before opening her connection with Rainbow Dash. “Activate guerilla plan six. We have an ego to knock down or a newbie to quash.”

Oooh I love plan six, Rainbow Dash thought back, shivering with excitement. It's a good thing we restocked our little pocket dimension, something tells me this is going to use up most of the traps we built the other week.

“Most likely,” Kanathara remarked. “Let me know if you need any of my magic, until then you know what to do.”

I love it when you boss me around, Rainbow Dash thought back, giving Kanathara the distinct impression that she was touching herself lewdly at that very moment.

Blushing slightly, Kanathara shut off the connection and went back to her work once again, doing her best to ignore the amused expression that Mistmane was levelling at her. “Don't say anything.”

“I was just-” Mistmane began, only for Kanathara’s growl to cut her off.

With a shrug, Mistmane sat back and watched as the imp tugged at the wrong part of the enchantment and received a nasty shock that sent her skidding back across the ground. “Dammit, that hurt,” the imp muttered, rubbing her smoking chest.

“I was going to warn you,” Mistmane remarked, sticking her tongue out at the imp.

She sighed, and trotted back over to the keeper, her chest already having healed the minor damage she had received. Sitting back down, Kanathara grumbled angrily to herself and lit her horns once more, pulling at the stubborn enchantment and making sure to properly destroy its defences before trying to pull it apart at the seams. “It is as you feared, I am afraid,” the imp remarked with a slight sigh. “Rockhoof’s bindings are beneath yours, meaning you will have to be freed first.”

“That will cause issues, as he will be bound to protect me to the full extent of his abilities even if I am free,” Mistmane murmured, glancing over to Rockhoof and allowing her gaze to slowly run over his giant, muscle-bound form. “I will only say this once, my young friend. Do not underestimate my husband. He was a powerful warrior in life, and down here that power has been increased tenfold. The only weakness he has left is the fact that he is bound to strict rules that guide his actions.”

“I understand, Mistmane, and don't worry, I already have it all worked out,” Kanathara replied confidently, her magic tearing asunder a large bundle of connections. “And so far, everything is going according to plan.”

Rainbow Dash’s forelegs slowly solidified once more, black smoke seeping out of the stone ground and rejoining the rest of the demon’s body. The vengant smiled down at her latest trap, noting that it appeared perfectly natural and was almost undetectable save for the small opening between two of the floor tiles. With a shrug, she turned and moved deeper into the tower, keeping one eye on the solitary door that lead to the outside.

The demon turned and flew past more of her handiwork, noting that everything seemed to be in order, and that what little spellwork she had wrought, was perfect. Status? Kanathara’s voice demanded suddenly, popping into the vengant’s head.

“Things seem fine down here, I have the first floor almost completely trapped, but we are running out of supplies,” Rainbow Dash replied robotically, her attention focused on her hoof and magic as she took stock of the pocket dimension she was rifling through.

Will you be able to trap the rest of the tower and have enough spears left over to harry them when they get here? Kanathara inquired, her attention clearly divided between the conversation and whatever she was doing.

“Oh yeah. I made sure to make a ton of shadowbolts ever since we ran out that last time,” Rainbow Dash replied with a smirk, the demon hefting one of the ashen spears in her hoof. “I’ll have about thirty of the things left over, depending on how things go with the second floor.”

How are your shadow pits working? Kanathara asked, her interest peaked.

Rainbow Dash smirked and thought back to the trap she had just finished setting. “Perfectly. After I figured out how to get past the stone, it was a simple matter to hollow out a few feet of dirt beneath it, I even got some practice in with that little extra dimensional trick we were working on.”

Excellent. I can't wait to see it in action, Kanathara announced excitedly.

“I personally can't wait to see the look on their face when they step into a pit trap on the second floor, they are going to be so surprised.” Rainbow Dash snickered as she hefted a trio of the black spears and got back to work setting up the next trap near the bottom of the stairs.

Me neither. Do you have any other concerns? Kanathara asked, all joviality vanishing from her thoughts.

“Yeah, I was hoping to borrow some of your power and reinforce Mistmane’s shield,” Rainbow Dash muttered as she rammed the spear into place. “She seems trustworthy, but I just want to make sure she can't bring it down without us knowing.”

Agreed, her mistress replied, before the familiar’s body suddenly coursed with foreign energy, making her grin as the magic pulsed through her.

“Alright then, let's get to work!” Rainbow Dash announced with a smirk, leaping off the ground and making a beeline for the third story.

So you are just going to let them come and use the bottom floors as a killing tunnel? Sisyphus asked, his thoughts ringing in the young imp’s ears.

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m going to do,” Kanathara replied impatiently, not having the attention to answer back in the form of her own thoughts. “Starswirl is arrogant, and taking advantage of arrogance is our expertise.”

I guess, but it just seems like the tower of flesh all over again, Sisyphus remarked with a haughty chuckle.

Having incredibly sharp, dagger-like teeth made grinding one’s teeth together difficult, but that didn't stop Kanathara from doing just that. “This is not like that time. We have more experience, more traps, and allies.”

Well, I’ve already given little Rainbow all the extra supplies I’ve got on me, so I’m heading back to the portal. Sorry kid, but you know how your old man gets with orders, Sisyphus announced, his tone implying that he was still very much wishing to get relieved from his reluctant guard duty.

The imp refused to rise to the bait though, and merely shut off the connection between herself and the trickster demon, refusing to even listen to another word the goat demon had to say. “They should be coming shortly, it's been nearly an hour at this point,” she murmured, her gaze still fixated on a much smaller, but still quite complete binding enchantment. “Does Rockhoof see anything?”

Mistmane lifted her head from her pillow and let out a yawn, looking over to the window where Rockhoof had remained for the last hour, the twisted former pony staring out over the wasteland, unblinking. “Do you see anything, darling?” she asked.

For a second the massive creature didn't move or say anything before slowly nodding his head and gesturing with a large, gnarled hoof down to somewhere near the base of the tower.

“They are coming,” Mistmane replied, staring closely at Rockhoof and deciphering what he meant from the way he grunted and moved. “They are rallying a good distance away. Do you see it, Rainbow Dash?”

The keeper turned to her right, where Rainbow Dash was sitting next to her, smokey black sphere sitting atop her outstretched hoof. “I do,” replied the familiar as she gazed within the orb, where many variously sized demons were all piling out of a portal and getting into a rough marching order. “Their cohesion is weak, and they have a lot of imps, as you expected, mistress.”

Kanathara nodded. “Stick to the plan, I will need another half hour before I’m able to free Mistmane, and another hour or two after that to get to Rockhoof.”

“I don't know if we have that kind of time, boss,” Rainbow Dash replied, a frown creasing her face as she continued to watch the assembling troops. “We've seen this before, and chances are after the first wave is gone, they will send someone actually capable.”

“I know,” Kanathara replied sternly, looking up at the vengant. “We will cross that bridge when we get there.”

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly, knowing that phrase was code for she had a plan, one that she would tell Rainbow Dash when the time came for it. “Got it, boss.” Her eyes lit up when she turned back to the orb. “The flyers have launched, they will be checking the shield and the window first no doubt.”

“Notify me if they manage to break through, otherwise remain silent while I work, it's getting trickier the further down I get,” Kanathara all but whispered, her attention so focused on her task that her words trailed off at the end.

“Got it.”

The flame-haired vengant watched as a few of the winged imps, and other minor demons flew towards the tower, some silently, others yelling battle cries or random obscenities in a language she could not understand. In the tower, the vengant smirked, studying the loose, almost random formation they flew in, a formation that completely fell apart the moment they neared their target.

“Fools,” she muttered as the first of the imps crashed into the shield, splattering against the formerly invisible barricade that stretched over the window.

The rest of his fellows were not so quick to follow the first few imp’s demise, and spread out, landing all over the structure and testing where the barrier was weakest. The dull thump of flesh meeting shield resonated from all around them, the demonic creatures entering wherever they could. Claws, hooves, fire, and spell met shield, and though it sounded chaotic from within the tower, the shield itself did not crack or strain a single iota.

“It seems as though your reinforcement was unnecessary,” Mistmane remarked pointedly.

Rather than be annoyed by the less than hidden jab, Rainbow Dash shrugged. “It never hurts to be prepared.”

“Yes, well, I suppose I can't blame you for your warriness, still, I’m glad I was able to display my trustworthiness first hoof,” Mistmane exclaimed.

The vengant nodded solemnly, unbothered by the comment. “If it stays up for as as long as you say it will, the commander will most likely end up using the winged demons as cannon fodder in the end.”

“One can hope,” Mistmane remarked, watching closely as the imps and other demons continued to pick away at the shield.

Below them, the rest of the demons waited patiently just outside the front door, having assembled into a loose formation that saw most of the low level demons and imps in the front. The implication was clear to the vengant, and as she watched, she noticed that several of the larger, more well-armed demons at the back were already growing antsy. One war demon covered head to toe in plate mail went so far as to tear the head from an imp that had bumped into him.

“Idiots. They are doing my work for me,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a snicker, watching as the commander, a bright red greed demon whom was half snake, reprimanded the war demon for his insolence.

Just when it seemed like an argument was going to break out, the snake-tailed demon backhanded his charge to the ground and barked at his troops, reforming their formation and preparing to charge. At the middle a trio of pit fiends raised their lashes and brought them down on the backs of the back row of imps, causing a panicked stampede of demons to make a break for the door. A second later and the flying demons were almost all recalled, only a trio of them being left behind in order to keep trying to find a weak point in the shield.

Rainbow Dash’s gaze focused on the door, where the first imp had thrown open the portal, allowing the avalanche of minor demons to flood down the hall. At their back the pit fiends continued to push the imps forward with curses and pain, driving the minor demons into a frenzy and causing them to surge forward with even greater ferocity.

As the vengant watched, she noticed how her hidden pressure plates seemed to do their job and none of her traps went off, until they reached near the end of the first floor where an enormous spike-filled hole opened up, swallowing nearly every last imp. The pit fiends had evidently been a little too eager in their efforts, resulting in a wave of imps too blood drunk to even notice what was happening until nearly every last one of them had fallen into the hole. Being unable to see past the imp in front of them, the ones in the back shoved the ones in the front forward, causing just about all of them to end up impaled on the spears Rainbow Dash had placed.

So successful was the vengant’s trap that some that had fallen had managed to survive, the corpses of their brethren creating a cushion for their landing, as the rest of the imps clogged up the spikes that had killed those that came before them. The result was a morbid array of bloody bodies clogging up the killing pit, on top of which several very much live imps stood, partially crushing their fellows.

Rainbow Dash cackled to herself, noting how despite the fact that her spikes were now entirely embedded in demon flesh, her trap was still killing enemies, as the ones on top trampled the ones on the bottom, desperate to escape their fate. “Gods above, these guys are even bigger idiots than I thought,” she remarked, much to Mistmane’s continued disgust.

“Though I hold no love for Starswirl’s minions, don't you think it's a little cruel to relish in their death?” remarked the keeper, looking over the shoulder of the vengant and into the smokey orb.

“If they caught me, they would likely rape me while torturing me to death. I feel nothing for the fools,” Rainbow Dash remarked idly.

Defeated, Mistmane sighed and took a step back, forced to admit, at least to herself, that was likely what would happen. Settling in next to Rockhoof, Mistmane leaned heavily on the former pony, sighing to herself. “I miss Equestria, Rockhoof,” she whispered.

The mountain of mutated flesh nodded slowly, watching closely as Rainbow Dash erupted in laughter when an imp that had nearly escaped the pit trap fell back and landed on the lone spike not covered utterly in demon flesh. He murmured back.

With nearly every imp killed, or otherwise confused and in disarray, the pit fiends looked back to their commander for orders, wondering if they should continue to drive the few remaining imps forward, or stay back and summon more. Whatever answer they would have received was rendered moot when the war demon from earlier brushed his way through the lines, his rage burning hot as he made a beeline for the door, ignoring orders to stay back.

A mighty booted foot kicked down the door, exploding the old wood into a shower of splinters. The great armored demon roared a deafening challenge that shook the floor before raising his shield and putting his head down, charging deeper into the tower.

Mistmane glanced to Rainbow Dash, who she assumed would be annoyed or at least perturbed by the sudden change in tactics, only to note that she seemed completely calm, and even, strangely gleeful. Glancing over the vengant’s shoulder, Mistmane just barely caught a glimpse as the war demon stepped on a pressure plate and instantly received a spear straight through the side of his neck and out the other side. The keeper’s jaw hung open as she watched the creature’s momentum continue to carry it forward, tearing its head from its shoulders and causing its body to stumble forward a few more steps before toppling to the ground in an earth-shaking thump.

“How did you know?” Mistmane murmured, gesturing to the shadowy orb. “You placed the spear there as if you were expecting someone to charge down the tunnel at that exact speed.”

“Duh,” Rainbow Dash remarked offhandedly. “You mentioned that he was going to send someone with something to prove.”

Mistmane frowned, realizing the logic of the statement was sound, though cruel nonetheless. “What is going on?” she asked, noting that the pit fiends had summoned a small horde of imps that were now proceeding down the hall at much more sedate pace.

“They are probably going to stop and feast on the war demon,” Rainbow Dash remarked, wincing when exactly that started to happen, the imps’ serrated teeth tearing through flesh as their tiny clawed hands tore off the dead demon’s armor.

Mistmane continued to watch as nearly the entire war demon was consumed in a single minute, his head having been fought over by a trio of imps who ended up fighting one another to the death only to get crushed by a pit fiend who scooped up the head and ate it himself. “They probably summoned them straight from the lower levels,” Rainbow Dash began, pointing to one such imp. “They are scrawny, starving, and none too bright. They will probably send the imps down while marshalling their forces for a more careful charge.”

“It appears as though you are correct, that strange greed demon seems to be drilling them right now,” Mistmane remarked, pointing to the edge of the orb where just such a scene was playing out.

“Excellent, now the real fun begins,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a smirk, the vengant licking her lips eagerly as she watched the first group begin to march towards the door, and, their doom.

Author's Note:

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