• Published 26th Jun 2017
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Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Three: Power [R]

Reality was a funny thing, really. It was elusive when it wanted to be, evading Kanathara’s mind like some sort of exceptionally slippery fish. At times the imp might catch a glimpse of something she felt was solid, and real, only for it to twist shapes, change colors, or simply cease to exist. Dreams, memories, forms, and thoughts blurred together until reality itself was something of a distant memory.

Throughout it all the imp felt as though she was at war with something inside her, a force, both primal and terrible that was desperately attempting to rend her very soul. It was a powerful opponent, that much she was certain, as it both managed to keep her subdued and confused while taking away her ability to focus on it. Over time the filly abandoned any and all attempts to reach for a concrete reality and instead rode the waves of strangeness as they carried her from one moment to the next.

This adaptability seemed to catch the force off guard, and it reacted with confusion at first, and then, when it was already too late, anger. Kanathara seemed to have beaten it, though she knew not how she had managed such a feat, or even why they were fighting in the first place. Memories that were not hers began to wash over her as the other entity bled out its essence, and indeed its very soul has been rent asunder. Now, while it was on death’s door, its collected experiences seeped out of it, and into the mind of the one who had beaten it.

At first, the imp drank deep of these memories, only to quickly find that she did not have the mental capacity to hold it all, and thus she gave up on the impossible task of taking it all in and instead began to sift through it. She analyzed the memories for meaning, and intent, and only gathered the bits and pieces the original entity thought were important. The force was not quite as dead as she thought though, and in its death throes, it thrashed and wailed.

Curses in tongues Kanathara didn't know were shouted through the twisting nether they found themself in. Though pain was a fleeting thing in this realm, it did indeed exist and this was something the filly knew for quite a while, her form being wracked with agony stemming from the entity’s actions. The curses, the flailing, it all had its effect, and Kanathara knew there was little she could do but bear it as she continued to expunge herself of the entity’s fleeting essence.

All the noise and pain died with the last of the creature’s essence, the final curse coming out more as a desperate, pained whimper than the defiant cry Kanathara had come to expect. With the last, flickering string of memories fading into oblivion, the filly pulled back and analyzed what she had gained.

A great well of power seemed to now reside within her, and yet she couldn't seem to draw from it. The well was so deep, so torrential in its potential, that the filly knew at once that she could not draw on it without being overwhelmed. Though that made her angry at first, the imp cursing its physiology once more, that anger slowly died as she realized this was not a problem she would always have.

In the future she would be stronger, she would be more, and for now, she would be patient. She had beaten back a fully-fledged demon with little more than her wits, and her friend, who had betrayed her.

The filly lingered on that fact, but couldn't bring herself to truly hate her familiar or even really dislike her. Kanathara should have known better, after all, she had seen the signs at the edge of her vision, and yet she had simply dismissed them out of hoof, her lust for power overriding any urge to speak with her friend. Rainbow Dash’s reasoning and desires also could hardly be faulted, and though she felt as though they were silly reasons, Kanathara recognized that opinion was coming from a perspective informed by the knowledge that there was no going back from demonhood.

Something Rainbow Dash hadn't known.

With a sigh, the filly continued to float through the void, absently working her way through the last of the creature’s essence and memories and filing most of it away for later consideration.

Time, which up until now had been a fleeting thing, began to reassert itself, and Kanathara quickly grew bored with the abyss she floated within. Squeezing her eyes shut, the filly tried to imagine herself waking up, getting out of bed, and getting back to her training.

At first, nothing happened, then she heard something. A distant sound that made little sense as it had echoed within the void for so long that it had long since been rendered unintelligible.

The sound continued though, varying in pitch, volume, and substance, until finally, after what felt like forever, Kanathara began to understand it. The conversation was a hectic one, with three separate voices all speaking one after another, one was relatively calm, with only a hint of worry, another was so filled with worry that Kanathara couldn't help but pity the voice’s owner. The last was the strangest, as it lacked any such concern, and was instead filled with pure confidence, stating things in a calm, centered tone of voice that unfortunately did little to assuage the worries of the other voices.

After the voices, Twilight began to perceive light, and with it her body.

The void was disappearing, slowly fading away, the swirling mass of colors, emotions, memories, and thoughts becoming more and more solid as reality seemed to come inexorably into focus. This was a slow process, however, but Kanathara was nothing if not patient in this moment, knowing full well that rushing would do little to help her during whatever predicament she may soon find herself in.

The voices could now be heard and understood fully, though Kanathara paid them little mind. The light became more and more present, until finally the imp could feel every one of her limbs, and most importantly, her eyelids. Opening her eyes, Kanathara yawned suddenly, extending her limbs in all directions and stretching out in a long, exaggerated motion.

Joints popped, voices fell silent, and just when Kanathara felt as though the ensuing silence was becoming awkward, the rambunxious voice of Rainbow Dash suddenly spoke up.

“I told you!” the demon exclaimed in an irritated tone.

“You say that like she wasn't just at death’s very door until a few minutes ago,” the voice of Pear Butter growled back.

“Be silent,” Tirek commanded, making the other demons hold their tongues and wait patiently as the imp blinked several times and looked around.

Kanathara was on a bed, it was not small, but it was different, with unused straps hanging from the sides, and numerous tools both of a surgical and torture-based nature were suspended overhead. Looking around the room revealed that she was in one of the private medical rooms, the large space being more or less filled by a nervous Pear Butter, a sheepishly grinning Rainbow Dash, and a rather irritated Tirek.

Who wore a simple red and gold robe that Kanathara recognized as one of his more relaxed outfits. His gaze was harsh but was also tinted with worry, and he stared down into the filly’s eyes for several seconds before he nodded suddenly. “You are back,” he stated, a tiny, ghost of a smile coming to his lips. “I hope you enjoyed your rest.”

“Permission to speak, boss?” Pear Butter asked hesitantly.

Tirek nodded, gesturing to the filly. “Go right ahead, Pear Butter.”

The wrath demon all but sprinted up to the bed and scooped the filly up, pressing the imp against her chest. “You had us so worried! When I heard you were injured I just about squished that poor little Cervantes fellow. Are you alright, how are you feeling?”

Kanathara chuckled weakly, gently tapping the wrath demon’s shoulder in order to get a reprieve from her deadly grip. “I was fine when I could breathe,” Kanathara whispered.

Pear Butter blushed hard and gently lessened her grip on the filly’s midsection without letting go completely. “Better?”

“Better,” Kanathara replied, looking up at the still-nervous face of her surrogate mother.

“Are you sure you are alright?” Pear Butter whispered, gently placing the filly back into her bed.

“Really, I’m fine,” the imp replied.

“Okay. But if you start getting dizzy, feel sick, or get any weird aches or pains you are coming right back to medical. Got it?” Pear Butter replied sternly.

Kanathara chuckled, gently wiggling her way back under the thin covers. “I promise.”

“See? What did I tell you guys?” Rainbow Dash announced, stepping forward and gesturing to the imp. “I knew she was going to be fine.”

Pear Butter glared down at the smaller demon but refused to say anything, her jaw clenching and unclenching before she finally let out a tired sigh and took a step back. “I suppose you were right. This time.”

Kanathara stopped and blinked, only now noticing that something seemed to be off with her familiar. The bald bat-winged demon had gained a slightly darker scaley exterior that had also changed her wings, and talons to the same darker greyish-black color. A strange, ethereal fire seemed to be burning on her head, though it was unlike any fire Kanathara had ever seen. At the base, it was a deep black, and at the top it was a vibrant crimson, fading from one color to the next, her new tail held similar colors and properties as well. She was also larger, her eyes mirrored her flaming mane, as the sclera and iris had merged into one mass of black, while the pupil had lengthened into that of an old dragon’s, having also changed color, becoming a deep red.

Overall she was much more intimidating, her wings having become larger, as had her fangs, two of which now poked out of either corner of her mouth. The sight would have made Kanathara envious but she had a newfound understanding of patience and knew that her own transformation would come soon.

“Wow, Rainbow Dash. You look great,” Kanathara mumbled, her voice croaking due to disuse.

The familiar beamed under the praise, no longer having the hesitancy she had every other time Kanathara had complimented or even mentioned the familiar’s looks. Indeed she seemed to revel in the attention, flexing her wings and striking a pose, her three-toed talons stretching and showing off the impressively sharp edges on them. “Yeah, I am pretty cool, but that's not all that's changed,” Rainbow Dash remarked, casting Kanathara a sidelong smirk.

The imp blinked, cocking her head. “I am not sure what you are talking about. Did your magic change as well?”

“I mean a little.” Rainbow Dash shook her head and pointed to the filly. “But that's not what I am talking about. Just look at yourself, boss.”

Kanathara blinked and looked over to Pear Butter who was smiling and holding a small mirror aloft with her weak magic. In it, there was a small, strange-looking imp that had changed quite a bit since the last time Kanathara had seen her. She now had dark purple leathery skin, eyes that now resembled that of a goat, having gained a disturbing, square pupil, as well as what looked like a pair of small horns that were beginning to bud out the side of her head at around where her temples were.

“Whoa,” Kanathara muttered.

Tirek chose that moment to take a step closer, smiling widely at the filly. “You have both done very well, and, incredibly poorly,” he began with a chuckle, the centaur shaking his head. “I am frankly as impressed as I am disappointed.”

“I am sorry, father, I just-” Kanathara began, only for Tirek’s stern expression to silence her completely.

“If it wasn't for Pythias’ warning, I may very well have not made it there in time,” Tirek remarked, gesturing to the room’s other occupant who had been standing so far back that Kanathara hadn't noticed her until now. “You may wish to thank the seer, as you owe her your life.”

The imp struggled to her hooves and ducked into a low bow. “Thank you, Pythias.”

The seer smiled gently, giving the filly only a simple nod in return.

“Before we speak of punishment and the future, you will also be happy to know that you've grown quite a bit stronger,” Tirek exclaimed, gesturing to the filly. “As your changes would insinuate, you are stronger, and have an increased magical potential as well as gained the unique designation as an entropy imp.”

Kanathara sat back down, her shaking limbs reminding her that she hadn't used them in what felt like days. “But I’m still an imp.”

Tirek chuckled. “You are much more than a simple imp. Indeed in some ways, you are more powerful than an average demon. Imps with subtypes are rare, and as you know, entropy is a rare and potent subset of abilities that I am sure you will find useful.”

“Booyah!” Rainbow Dash yelled, pumping a hoof into the air. “I told you the boss was amazing!”

“She is quite something, isn't she?” Pear Butter muttered proudly.

Kanathara didn't have a chance to revel in the compliments for long though as something suddenly hitched in her throat. The filly gagged, trying to hold down the strange burning sensation rising in her throat. Whatever it was resisted these attempts, however, and with one last retching noise, Kanathara spat out a wad of what looked like tar.

Tar began to burn through the metal table next to her bed.

Tirek’s frown morphed into one of curiosity as he watched the tar-like substance sizzle and pop, the metal beneath it becoming weaker and weaker by the second. The various demons in the room looked on curiously as the substance burned its way through the metal and made an audible splat as it hit the stone ground.

“Shouldn't we do something about that?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing to the blob.

Tirek shrugged. “It shouldn't be enough to eat through the floor, so…” The centaur’s line of thought suddenly stopped as the blob hissed loudly, the floor beginning to smoke. “Actually, Pear Butter, do you remember that shield spell I taught you?”

“On it, boss,” Pear Butter replied, conjuring a golden circle of force around the blob and lifting it off the ground, revealing the fact that it had sunk nearly an inch into the stone floor. “Uh, where do I-?”

Tirek waved his hand and teleported the blob away, answering Pear Butter’s question before she could even speak it. “That is most intriguing,” the centaur remarked, turning to a blushing Kanathara. “Do you think you could summon such acid again?”

The imp paused, and focused her magic inwards, quickly realizing that she could feel another mass of tar ready to be expelled whenever she so needed it. “Uh-huh.”

“Fascinating,” Tirek muttered, tapping his chin and looking down at the filly curiously.

“So does this mean we are getting the bigger room after all?” Rainbow Dash asked suddenly, flapping her way up to the bed and grinning.

Tirek sighed. “I suppose I did mention that, didn't I?” The centaur uncrossed his arms and shrugged. “You two are progressing faster than anticipated, and I suppose you have earned that much.”

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pumping a hoof in the air triumphantly.

“But,” Tirek began, raising a finger and stopping the minor demon before she had a chance to get too excited, “you both will be expected to help on missions, as well as going through extensive, and difficult training, which will count as your punishment.”

“That doesn't sound so bad,” Kanathara muttered.

“You will have new teachers, a series of tests, as well as a practical exam that will be overseen by myself and Cervantes,” Tirek concluded.

Rainbow Dash shrunk, her wings folding onto her back. “Well, that sucks.”

Kanathara, on the other hoof, didn't seem to mind and had just now realized the implications of the centaur's words. “Wait, does this really mean we can start going on missions for you?”

“Soon,” Tirek replied. “You are not quite ready to join anything big, but you will be expected to contribute where you can, when you can.”

The imp nodded slowly. “And the room? It wouldn't happen to be near the dungeons by chance, would it?”

Tirek raised an eyebrow. “No. Why do you ask?”

The filly frowned. “I just got used to the sound of screaming while I was falling asleep and the new room is too quiet.”

“Now that you mention it, that does explain why it was so hard to sleep,” Rainbow Dash added.

Pear Butter chuckled. “Aw shucks, if that's all you two need to get a good sleep then I’ll flay a prisoner outside your door every night for a week.”

“You would do that for us?” Kanathara asked, her eyes growing large.

“If your old man will let me, of course,” Pear Butter replied.

This meant that the centaur was now under the gaze of two furiously pouting young demons, melting the centaur’s will and causing him to sigh and run a hand down his face. “Fine, but only for the first week. After that, you will have to use recordings or just get used to it.”

“Yes!” the two demons yelled, high-fiving one another.

“But remember. Training will be far more intense now, and I will be expecting far more from you two, Kanathara especially,” Tirek added, pointing a finger into Kanathara’s chest. “Increased power comes with increased responsibility and trust me when I say you will be tested quite thoroughly.”

The imp stood up, puffing out her chest and putting on a brave face. “I won't let you down, father.”

“Good, because after that you may very well be ready for your graduation test,” Tirek explained, a cheeky smirk crossing his face.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “What does that mean, boss?”

Kanathara shook her head. “I don't know.”

“It means you might be finally ready for your first true challenge, and the next level of your training,” Pear Butter added, smiling down at the pair. “I just know you two will pass with flying colors, just don't rush it. Got it? This isn't a race and I’m sure your father would understand if you took your time and did things correctly.”

Kanathara nodded. “Yes, mom.”

Pear Butter recoiled, blushing furiously. “Oh my gosh,” she whispered under her breath, suddenly turning to Tirek. “She called me mom!”

The imp blushed as well, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. “That isn't bad. Right?”

Tirek seemed on the verge of reprimanding the filly and Pear Butter equally, only for their combined cute looks to dash that thought. “Yes, I suppose that's fine,” he muttered.

The wrath demon squealed like a filly and suddenly hugged the centaur. “Oh thank you, boss!”

The fear demon sighed and rolled his eyes, brushing off the golden demon. “Yes, yes. Now if you are ready to get up, Kanathara, your golem will guide you to your new room where you can rest properly.”

“Yes, father.”

“You sure, boss?” Rainbow Dash asked nervously. “If you are not feeling up to it I can carry you back.”

Kanathra nodded. “Don't worry, Rainbow Dash. I feel much better now.”

Despite her mistress’ assurances, Rainbow Dash remained close by the imp’s side as she made her way off the bed and out the door. The rest of the room’s inhabitants all funneled outside, with Pear Butter nearly floating out of the room, her grin lighting up the room. “Oh, and Kanathara,” Tirek began, “good job.” The centaur reached down and gently ruffled the filly’s mane, before turning and leaving behind a beaming imp.

Pear Butter also paused and gave the filly another squishy hug. “I am so proud of you!” The wrath demon pulled back and held the filly at arm’s reach. “Now you better get plenty of rest. Got it?”

“Yes, moom,” Kanathara whined, crossing her hooves over her chest.

The wrath demon let out another girly squeal of delight before placing the filly on the ground and leaving as well, waving over her shoulder and glancing back every few steps. Kanathara sighed and nodded to Pythias, who was the last to leave, doing so after exchanging one last weak smile with the imp.

With no knowledge of where this new room was, Kanathara sighed. “Rainbow Dash, where is our room?”

“I don't know, boss,” Rainbow Dash replied with a shrug.

The imp turned and found their golem standing a few feet away, waiting patiently. “Do you know where our room is?”

The golem nodded, turned, and began walking away, leaving the two demons to shrug and follow the animated pile of rocks as it made its way deeper into the tower, towards their unseen goal. The regular hustle and bustle of the castle halls was no longer present, leaving the two demons to walk silently through the long passageways. One was calm and patient, her mind filled with thoughts of her most recent change and what it might mean for her and her familiar. The other walked awkwardly, a step behind the first demon and glancing down at her occasionally, nervousness getting the better of her.

Kanathara was not oblivious to this change, but merely filled that information away for now, waiting patiently for the time when they would have some peace and quiet before addressing that particular issue. In the meantime the imp merely kept an eye out on their new surroundings, noting that they were getting fairly close to the library.

Then, just as they were a single hall away, the golem stopped and began ascending a small, hidden staircase Kanathara had never seen anyone use. Without stopping, she quickly followed the small creature, ascending the stairs with a nervous Rainbow Dash in tow.

Several flights of stairs passed them by relatively quickly, and when they finally emerged, it was into a small landing that led to a large metal door that lacked a handle or ornament. The only reason Kanathara even knew it was a door was due to the small matt laid just outside.

“Uh, is this it?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking around at the small ten-foot by ten-foot area that the three beings were standing in.

The imp rolled her eyes and gestured to the door. “How do we get in?” she asked the golem.

The stone creature lifted a rocky hand and pressed it against the door, before looking at the imp, not so subtly telling her to mimic the action.

When Kanathara did so, the door immediately lit up with pale purple light, illuminating several runes and spell matrixes inlaid in the door. A second later the light dulled, and the door opened soundlessly, allowing the imp to push it the rest of the way open. The weightless door swung open easily, giving the pair of demons a view of the much larger and more luxurious room.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash muttered, looking around the room and noting that the pair’s few possessions were already here, placed atop a nearby chest of drawers.

“Wow is right,” Kanathara echoed.

The room was a lot like their old one, only doubled in size, and with the addition of a small area near the door that had a rack for weapons, another for armor, and a third for normal clothes. It also had a small area that had a simple table, two chairs, and what looked like a stove, as well as some cabinets and a fridge.

“Ooh neat, a fridge,” Rainbow Dash muttered, trotting over to the the appliance and quickly opening it. “Daw, there's nothing in there.”

Kanathara chuckled, shaking her head. “I think we are going to have to get the food delivered here first.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Rainbow Dash muttered, closing the door and giving the thing a kick. “Still would've been nice to get some water or a steak.”

The imp turned to the golem standing nearby. “You may wait outside.”

The creature didn't move at first, looking from one demon to another, seemingly unsure of its next actions. That was until Rainbow Dash flew over to it and glared into the spots where the creature’s eyes should be. “You heard the boss. Get lost!”

Only then did the golem leave, walking outside and closing the door behind it.

“What an idiot,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a snort.

“Hey, don't call him that. He's just doing his job,” Kanathara remarked half-heartedly, hopping up onto one of the beds and plopping down in a comfortable spot.

The other demon frowned and followed suit, sitting on her own bed and glaring at the door. “Well it's true, that thing is a constant barb in my flank. You would not believe how annoying that thing was while you were out.”

“Speaking of which. How exactly did you re-manifest anyway?” Kanathara inquired.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I don't know, to be honest. I just kinda woke up on the floor next to you in the hospital with a pissed-off Pear Butter breathing down my neck.”

“Hmm, odd,” Kanathara remarked, tapping her chin.

“Yeah so…” Rainbow Dash tapped her forehooves together awkwardly, her flaming mane dying down to little more than a simmer. “About that whole… thing.”

“I forgive you,” Kanathara stated simply, settling down on her bed and giving a little wiggle, enjoying just how incredibly soft the bed sheets were.

“I-but you-what?” Rainbow Dash muttered. “I betrayed you! I did the one thing I never said I would do and... and… I betrayed you!”

“I know. And you feel terrible.” The imp shrugged, sighing contentedly as she extended her hooves in all directions. “So I forgive you.”

“B-but you can't do that!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, hopping up on the bed. “I don't deserve it.”

Kanathara rolled onto her side and eyed the imp curiously. “What would you propose then?”

“I don't know! Punish me or something,” Rainbow Dash remarked, falling to her knees, tears budding at the corner of her eye. “Please give me a chance to make it up to you.”

The imp frowned, and glanced between the other demon and the stove, suddenly getting an idea. “You are going to make our meals from now on. Also, you will have weakly reading assignments.”

The other demon frowned and ground her teeth together, but in the end, couldn't argue against the words of her master. “Fine.”

“Good.” Kanathara yawned and wiggled her way to the top of the bed, slipping between the covers and sighing contentedly. “Now would you mind turning off the light and letting me get some sleep?”

The other demon nodded, hopping off her own bed and snuffing the enchanted candles that were all over the room. Once done, the demon hopped into her own bed and while grumbling to herself, crawled under the covers and remained still.

For a while Kanathara merely lay there, enjoying the peace and warmth that washed over her. That was until she heard Rainbow Dash grumble a little louder, hop out of her bed, and noisily shove the two beds together. The imp rolled her eyes, knowing very well what was coming next. Sure enough, her familiar slipped under Kanathara’s covers and wrapped her hooves around the imp’s form, holding her closely.

“Going to protect me from my dreams now?” Kanathara whispered.

“I just want to make sure you don't fall off your bed or something,” Rainbow Dash replied weakly.

The imp rolled her eyes and sighed. “You are such a goof.”

In no time at all, Kanathara found their comfortable spot and settled in for a long night of rest. Only one thing held her back, however, and that was something she knew would remedy itself in short order, all she needed to do was wait.

As she predicted, it took only a few minutes before Rainbow Dash rested her head on Kanathara’s, a content sigh slipping past her lips. “Thank you, my mistress.”

The imp grinned, squeezing Rainbow Dash’s hoof tightly. “It was just a moment of weakness. Something easily forgiven.”

“That's not what I meant.” Rainbow Dash sighed, squeezing the smaller filly tightly and snuggling a little closer. “Thank you, for coming back to me.”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of:
Kali, Craig, Ozzy, Robert, Quill, JPMK, Tommy, Ivar, Mikhaila, Pacsik, Matt, Brendan, Peter, Nicky, Princess Pudding, Nofreedom, T Sparkle, Apollyon, Luckyfanisaac, Azin, Zairvin, Random_Reader, Iamunkown, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Doomgooey, Michael, Ceepert, Diokyo, Starless

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