• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,414 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Ten: Contracts and Obligations

Kanathara sat in stunned silence atop Tirek’s hand. Beside her rested her familiar, breathing heavily as she inspected herself. With the adrenaline rush fading and reality kicking in, Kanathara only now realized how close they had come to truly being defeated. Not only that, but they had managed to overcome all odds and make it out with their prize and without harming many of the guards.

“I still can't believe that thing healed us so well. I thought you said healing magic of that strength usually backfired in some way,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Kanathara looked away from the army moving beneath her to the curious familiar lying next to her. “What? Oh well, I suppose it did in a way,” Kanathara murmured.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“My legs still ache, and even now they feel weaker than normal. Nevermind the fact that your eye is still messed up,” Kanathara pointed out.

Rainbow Dash blinked and waved a hoof in front of her face. “Oh shit, would you look at that. Give me a second to… hrrng.”

The demon strained, but couldn't seem to regenerate the organ no matter how hard she focused or turned to smoke.

“Rest now,” Tirek exclaimed, his powerful voice briefly deafening the two demons. “We are nearly at the temporary base above Canterlot.”

Kanathara nodded slowly, settling in next to her familiar, who lay back down with an indignant huff.

“I guess it could be worse,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“We’ll adapt. We always do,” Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash nodded to herself and joined her mistress in staring over the windswept cliffs. The towering centaur maneuvered the narrow passes and steep drops with ease, using his long legs to bypass most obstacles. Below them, the gathered horde of imps, cultists, and summoned demons did the same, utilizing various spells to get the same effect as the giant.

Among their number Kanathara spotted her mother’s signature armor and even the golden bulk of a particular wrath demon. All were making their way towards a small encampment that was coming into view as they rounded the Canterhorn. After they had crossed over a rather treacherous divide, Kanathara was saw something strange rising up over the horizon.

The sun was gone, having been replaced by its darker sibling that now hung malevolently over the world. Darkness spread across the land, swallowing everything in a cloying, unnatural shadow. Yet it was the moon itself that grabbed Kanathara’s attention, as the mare within had begun to move.

The face laughed cruelly, the scattered craters rearranging themselves into the cackling face of a demonic alicorn. Then she turned her gaze down to Equestria and grinned, baleful intent sparkling intensely within her strange white orbs. Her mouth opened wide, as if the mare was intent on swallowing the world, before her features split and shattered into a thousand pieces.

“The Nightmare is free,” Kanathara murmured.

“And she’ll be coming for the Elements soon,” Rainbow Dash added.

“We won't even be able to stall for long, not with the contract holding us back,” Kanathara remarked.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to respond, only to point down to a pillar of smoke rising from the distance. “Woah, what is going on down there?” she asked.

“The Nightmare’s forces are already on the move,” Tirek explained. “The Equestrian civil war, which has remained dormant for centuries, has been reignited.”

“The second war in heaven has begun,” Kanathara added grimly.

“Are they already attacking Canterlot? Damn, they must have been waiting for this moment,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Kanathara looked down to find that was indeed true, as numerous districts within the walled city were already ablaze. Sporadic fighting could be seen everywhere, with demons and cultists alike rampaging through the streets. Guards, both royal and otherwise, stood with their paladin allies, fighting wherever they found the enemy. Though the defenders were clearly outnumbered and only held the upper levels of the ancient settlement, the righteous held firm.

At least for the moment.

However, that wasn't the only place Kanathara could spot conflict, as nearly every town and village she could see was under siege. Enhancing her already hawk-like vision with a simple spell, she narrowed her gaze and observed the fighting closer.

A town near the Everfree was besieged on all sides by what appeared to be demonic timberwolves while another was beset by a more conventional force. What looked like griffon and minotaur mercenaries were using several trebuchets to assault a walled town near the base of Canterlot. Not all of the Nightmare’s forces were organized however, as demons of various types rampaged through the countryside, destroying empty farms.

Turning her attention towards Ponyville, Kanathara was saddened to see that the barrier which protected the town was flickering. She could tell from a glance that it likely wouldn't last long, though she couldn't make out what exactly was attacking the village. It was clearly in danger however, and given how far from Canterlot the settlement was, reinforcements seemed unlikely.

Looking away from the numerous battles happening below her, Kanathara glanced down to find that they had arrived at their destination. Several scattered tents had been clustered around a large teleportation rune that Kanathara recognized as her mother’s design. The small camp was already in the midst of being broken down, and several dozens of imps scurried busily about.

As they drew close, Tirek began to shrink, gently placing Kanathara and her familiar down near the runic array. As his body returned to a more normal size, the fear demon winced, clearly in no small amount of pain. The process was over remarkably quickly, and when it was done, Tirek was caught by Pear Butter before he could collapse.

“I got ya, old man. Don't you worry none,” Pear Butter exclaimed.

“If I had known that such size was unnecessary, I would not have grown so large. Now I merely feel like a fool,” Tirek murmured as they trotted over to where Kanathara was resting.

“If nothing else, it was a comforting sight,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Tirek smiled. “Then it was well worth it.”

A familiar armored mare broke through the ranks of cultists and imps which milled about the area. A succubus trodd eagerly next to her. The demon stood a good head and shoulders above the pony, a wide smile on the sparsely armored creature’s face. Wearing only a circlet over her brow, a tight form-fitting breastplate, and a short wavy purple skirt, she did not seem armed for battle.

Kanathara found her quite attractive at first glance, with her pale white skin, bright emerald eyes, and flowing, waist-length black hair. Something was off, however, and Kanathara only really figured out why she felt that way when the succubus got close. It was then that Kanathara realized that the other demon had only a single tattered black bat wing on her back, and that she was missing a leg. From the knee down the limb was simply gone, having been replaced with an artificial metal substitute that resembled her remaining cloven hoof.

Her arms were also not natural, as a pair of glowing green limbs extended from her shoulders. Not only that, but she also bore numerous ugly scars across her face, though that didn't stop her from smiling like an excited filly. She even limped ahead of the mare to her side, approaching Kanathara and kneeling in front of her.

“Oh, and you must be Kanathara,” she cooed in a slightly gravelly tone. “Your mother has told me so much about you.”

“Velvet, who is this?” Kanathara inquired.

The unicorn hastily trotted after the demon, who she swatted on the upper thigh. “You were supposed to let me introduce you two,” Velvet exclaimed.

“But I was too excited. It's not every day you meet your new daughter-in-law,” replied the succubus.

“Wait, you got remarried, and to a succubus no less? Damn, Mrs Velvet, I didn't take you for a player,” Rainbow Dash commended.

“I didn't- that's not…” Velvet groaned. “This is Kith. She was the demon I made a pact with. And no, we did not get married.”

“Not yet anyway,” Kith replied, flashing Kanathara a wink.

“Well, it's nice to meet you,” Kanathara awkwardly replied, offering a hoof.

The succubus shook the limb with one of her glowing green hands. “The pleasure is all mine, Kanathara. Though I must say, Vel, you chose an interesting time to start returning my letters.”

“Yes, well… I’ve been busy,” Velvet murmured.

“Enough of your awkward attempts at flirtations,” Tirek interrupted. “Is the array ready?”

“It will be in a few moments,” Velvet replied. “Don't worry. We’ll get out of here before the locks are put in place.”

“Locks?” Kanathara inquired.

“The Nightmare plans on using a powerful dimensional locking spell to ensure that no one can rapidly enter or leave Equestria,” Velvet replied, gesturing all around her. “They will be up in less than an hour.”

“She’s tryin’ to make sure that no one is able to stop her from killing Celestia and usherin’ in one helluva long winter,” Pear Butter added.

“So what's the plan?” Rainbow Dash offered, rising from the ground. “‘Cause I for one ain't a fan of getting turned into a popsicle.”

“Oh, I like her. She reminds me of you,” Kith whispered.

Velvet coughed into her armored hoof. “We leave. After returning to the cabin, we will gather our forces and begin our march on Canterlot. While doing so, we should be able to unite the scattered remnants of the guard.”

“That won't be enough,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “And even if it is, how will we defeat a prime evil?”

“I think I know how,” Kanathara murmured, shaking her head. “But it doesn't matter. The contract dictates that I return the Elements to Nightmare Moon as soon as possible.”

“But there are so many enemies between you and Canterlot,” Kith began, gesturing back to the city. “To leave now would potentially lead to accidentally returning them to Celestia, and you can't have that.”

“True,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “I guess we’ll have to go back to that cozy cabin for a little rest first.”

“Then we must send a letter,” Kanathara interrupted.

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Ahh, come on. Surely there is a ‘we really need to rest’ clause in that thing?”

Kanathara chuckled as she shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Rainbow.”

“It's fine,” Velvet exclaimed. “We’ve been able to come back from worse. Besides, it was bound to happen eventually.”

“Allow me,” Tirek offered, picking up a pen and paper.

“Right,” Kanathara cleared her throat. “Dear Nightmare Moon. I have managed to acquire the Elements of Harmony. I am retreating back to my safe haven at these coordinates.”

“Short, sweet, and to the point,” Pear Butter remarked. “Though I would have called her something unpleasant if I were you.”

“It was tempting,” Kanathara admitted.

“It appears as though we are ready,” Velvet exclaimed. “As soon as the letter is sent, then we can retreat.”

“I got it,” Rainbow Dash interjected, snagging the sheet of paper and exhaling a black flame across it.

The entire thing vanished in a puff of smoke that zipped down the mountain and towards Canterlot. With that done, Kanathara felt a weight lift from her shoulders, only for it to settle firmly on her heart. Her obligations may have nearly been over, but that only meant that the last responsibility she had was to save Equestria and by extension this entire world.

No pressure, Kanathara thought to herself.

“We are ready,” Kith offered.

Kanathara blinked and looked to find that the imps and other forces had assembled nearby. Their ranks were tight, yet even still they just barely fit within the circle, bodies pressed shoulder to shoulder. Around Kanathara were her friends and family, each waiting patiently for the keeper to give the signal.

“Right. That's everything we need to do. Get us out of here,” Kanathara declared.

“Standby for shift,” Kith exclaimed, her ram horns glowing brightly.

Then, after a short amount of build-up, they simply appeared on a slightly cluttered field which lay before what had once been a cabin. The grounds themselves had grown considerably and now sported a moderately sized wall of stone that wrapped around the perimeter. The fields had also been expanded, the old defences torn down, and the cabin added onto so much that it resembled a small mansion.

It was a remarkable amount of work, given the short time that they had been away, and though there was more to see, Kanathara ignored it all. Instead she merely plodded into the home without uttering so much as a single solitary word. Around her, the various creatures and ponies quickly scurried to their next assigned task while Kanathara’s family joined her.

“You alright, boss?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Kanathara winced as she walked up the short stairs that lead to the entrance. “I’m fine. Just grappling with the fact that we finally managed to get them all and now we have to give them to her, of all creatures.”

“Well, it's not like we have much of a choice in the matter,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I know. That doesn't make things any easier however,” Kanathara muttered.

Together the duo was followed by the small group comprising of Tirek, Pear Butter, Velvet, and Kith. Upon entering, they were also joined by an expectant Pythias, who wore a slightly nervous smile on her face.

“We did it,” Kanathara muttered.

Pythias sighed knowingly and gestured to a nearby table where she had set out enough tea for the entire group. There were also some snacks, as well as what looked like a stack of reports, but Kanathara didn't pay them any mind. The only thing she had eyes for was the rather unique smelling reddish liquid waiting for her in a dainty white saucer.

“Is this…” Kanathara sniffed. “Oh, it is.”

Pythias nodded and pulled out a chair for the keeper, inviting her to sit, which she did.

“Broke out the good stuff, did you?” Velvet inquired as she shucked off her armor.

“Wonderful choice. This will surely aid our exhausted friends quite a bit,” Kith remarked, helping to remove the pony’s protective coverings.

“Doesn't really feel like we deserve it, to be honest,” Pear Butter added, seating herself next to Tirek.

Who greedily grabbed his cup and took a deep sip. “Speak for yourself. This is exactly what I needed,” he muttered between gulps.

Pythias gestured invitingly to the arrangement, encouraging the group to indulge themselves freely.

“Don't mind if I do,” Rainbow Dash murmured, downing a cup of the oddly fragrant liquid before throwing a hoofful of cookies into her mouth.

Kanathara ate and drank at a much more sedentary pace, enjoying the quiet, for she knew it wouldn't last. Strength slowly filled her battered body, and though exhaustion continued to weigh on her, the demon knew a short rest would do the trick. The magical liquid merely meant that she didn't have to indulge in a soul or two in order to recoup the last of her lost reserves.

Around her, the other demons and sole pony of the group did the same, though Velvet’s cup contained a less powerful brew. Together they enjoyed the moment, staying quiet for the most part, though there was the odd word spoken quietly amongst them. It couldn't last forever though, and as things were beginning to wind down, an imp ran up to Pear Butter’s side.

“Psst, boss lady. We got a big black thing incoming. What do we do?” he whispered.

“Bring her to us and do not point a weapon at her,” Pear Butter hissed back.

“Are you sure? ‘Cause she looks really, really scary,” murmured the imp.

“If you do, then you will all die,” Kanathara interrupted.

The imp’s eyes narrowed briefly before he hastily scampered away, yelling commands to his compatriots as he did so. With him gone, the temperature of the room dropped significantly, and Kanathara couldn't help but dread what was coming.

“Stay strong, dear. You can do this,” Velvet whispered, placing a steadying hoof on Kanthara’s shoulders.

“I know,” Kanathara murmured.

It looked like Tirek was about to offer his own words of encouragement when Pythias approached before he could do so. Placing a hand on Kanathara’s other shoulder, she pointed to the keeper of secret’s forehead and then her own.

“Go ahead,” Kanathara replied in a slightly puzzled tone.

Thank you. I’ll keep this brief, but do you remember that moment I told you would come? Pythias asked.

“I do,” Kanathara answered.

This is it, Pythias added before pulling back her hand and stepping away.

“Wait, what do you mean? Should we not give her the Elements or what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Pythias remained silent and impassive.

“Pythias, come back, I need to ask you…” Kanathara stopped, a shiver running up her spine.

“Too late,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Everyone turned to the entrance, where a heavy, almost oppressive aura was emanating. The temperature of the room plummeted so far that the sole mortal present clutched her torso and shivered. Noone could utter a word, and all sat in rapt silence as the door creaked open to reveal the towering figure of Nightmare Moon.

Clad in only the night, the demonically possessed alicorn had more limbs than Kanathara had expected. Two sets of forehooves grew from the inky black mass that was the mare’s torso, each one ending in a split hoof that looked more like claws than hooves. Her great leathery wings sparkled briefly before they returned to her side, folding away until they were nearly invisible.

Her fur was as dark as the night sky at her back, the alicorn blending so well with the background that her features were difficult to make out. Only the twin sparkling oceans that were her deep purple mane and tail were clearly visible, that and her four slitted eyes. The narrow pupilless voids shone with a teal radiance that made Kanathara’s skin crawl and her soul ache.

Ducking through the entrance, Nightmare Moon’s long, sharp, and oddly curved black horn narrowly avoided the top of the doorjamb. Once inside, the mare gazed around the interior with an amused expression on her face, one that quickly settled on Kanathara.

“You have my Elements,” the prime evil exclaimed in a deep, yet whispered tone.

“I do,” Kanathara croaked.

Everyone else in the room subtly moved out of the way as Nightmare Moon strode towards the keeper of secrets. Upon nearing the former unicorn, the alicorn’s smile widened even further, and she extended a hoof.

“Give them to me and fulfill your end of the bargain,” Nightmare Moon demanded.

“I… just a moment,” Kanathara murmured.

“Do not make me wait long, Keeper. You have earned my patience, but I have much to do,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

Kanathara chewed on her hoof, her mind gathering every bit of information she had on the twisted alicorn. The first thing she considered was simply refusing her outright and fighting the ancient demon and her dark will. That, of course, was a foolish thought.

The keeper had allies on her side, and a small army of imps, but none of that mattered when faced with a being as powerful as the Nightmare. Their chances would have been vastly improved if Kanathara was well rested, but as it was, she would likely only get off a single spell before the twisted alicorn killed her, Rainbow Dash, and likely everyone else on the property.

There was simply no getting around the power imbalance here, nevermind the contract which hung over Kanathara’s head. She wouldn't even be able to say no, though she could of course fight the second she gave the Elements up. Again, this didn't help much, and Kanathara’s plans were quickly falling apart in her mind.

What is this important decision that Pythias mentioned? Kanathara thought to herself. There has to be something. Think, Kanathara, think!

The demon backtracked and decided to think of what she would even need to win in a fight with the Nightmare in the first place. Vast armies were meaningless against such a powerful entity, as they would be swept aside like they were little more than ants. Kanathara would need a select group, one that was strong enough to fight the Nightmare on a relatively even footing.

No, that's still not enough, Kanathara realized. We need an ace.

The impatient tapping coming from one of the Nightmare’s clawed hooves threatened to shatter Kanathara’s focus, though she ignored it for the moment.

It has to be the Elements themselves, Kanathara declared.

She knew they were strong enough to lock the demonically empowered alicorn in the moon for a thousand years. Yet even if they could figure out how to use the things, they needed bearers, and not just anyone would do. They needed those attuned to-

Kanathara’s eyes went wide when she thought back to the five other creatures that had reacted to the artifacts. Applejack, at the museum, Fluttershy in Cloudsdale, Rarity at the diamond dog town, Pinkie Pie in the train, and finally Rainbow Dash and herself who had both touched and seemingly been healed by the bizarre artifacts during the last fight with Shining Armor.

They had to be the bearers, yet it didn't matter. It couldn't matter, Kanathara thought. If she gave Nightmare Moon the artifacts, they couldn't be used against her, as the alicorn would simply hide them away.

Or would she? Kanathara thought. She has had a thousand years to plot and scheme, the Nightmare will likely grow arrogant in her victory.

“Are you quite done?” Nightmare Moon demanded.

“Yes,” Kanathara quickly replied, lighting her horn. “I merely needed a moment to think.”

With a flash, the keeper deposited the jewelry onto the table in a cluttered heap, much to the surprise of Rainbow Dash. Her familiar gaped in silence, and Kanathara could feel the dozen or so questions the vengant wanted to ask.

Trust me, Kanathara pointedly thought.

Rainbow Dash nodded subtly as Nightmare Moon carefully picked over the mass of gold.

“These are indeed the Elements,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed. “I’m glad to see that you did not think to try and fool me with fakes.”

“That would never work,” Kanathara replied.

The Nightmare chuckled. “Indeed it wouldn't have. The attempt would have been amusing, however.”

The alicorn then gathered up the necklaces, tore a hole within her shadow, and dropped the Elements into it.

“There we are,” purred Nightmare Moon. “Now I just need to deliver what I promised you.”

Kanathara nodded. “Indeed.”

“You know,” the Nightmare began, stepping close to the keeper. “When this is all over, I will require a new second-in-command, and I think you would be perfect for the position.”

Kanathara could tell that nearly everyone else in the room stiffened at the comment, ready to leap at the mare at a moment’s notice. Yet still no one said anything, each waiting for Kanathara’s response before they acted too rashly.

“I’ll consider it,” Kanathara replied.

“Please do so. It would be a waste for you to perish along with this wretched world,” the alicorn spat bitterly.

She then trod over to the door, stopping at the threshold in order to glance back at the keeper. “In seven days, the final battle will begin. You must meet me in Canterlot Castle no later than midnight in a week’s time, lest you miss your opportunity for revenge.”

“And the armies standing between me and the castle?” Kanathara asked.

The Nightmare smirked. “You’re a smart demon. You’ll figure it out.”

A solid flap of the alicorn’s wings later, she was airborne, vanishing into the dark sky.

For a moment no one said anything, then Rainbow Dash leapt from her chair and thrust her hoof into the air.

“She’ll never join a jerk like you!” exclaimed the vengant.

Kanathara chuckled as she limped over to the other demon. “Don't worry. I certainly don't plan on it.”

“Good, because for a moment there I almost thought you would,” Tirek murmured.

“Well, I never doubted you, honey,” Velvet interrupted.

“Neither I,” Pear Butter added.

“What now?” Kith inquired.

Kanathara turned back to Pythias with an expectant look. “I needed to come up with a plan, didn't I?”

The seer nodded slowly, a proud smile spreading across her face.

“There were no other options other than to set aside my pride and think of how best to approach the problem,” Kanathara declared.

“Speaking of plans,” Tirek offered. “What is ours?”

“Before we get to that, allow me,” Kith interrupted, closing the door and activating several privacy enchantments.

“The house has several already placed on it,” Velvet pointed out, enabling more spells with a single flash of her horn.

“Much better. Now, Kanthara, please continue,” Tirek exclaimed.

“Simple. We need to get the other Element Bearers together, go to Canterlot, get the necklaces themselves back, and then defeat Nightmare Moon with them,” Kanathara declared.

“That could work. Though I don't think Nightmare Moon will just hand them back,” Tirek pointed out.

“Knowing her, she’ll probably have them displayed somewhere like some kind of sick trophy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with an irritated grunt.

“You’ll still need a small army just to get there though,” Kith pointed out.

“I was thinking of flying,” Kanathara offered.

“You’ll need to move real fast if you don't want to get picked off by some enterprising demon,” Kith replied.

“And that's provided that the Nightmare would even let you get near the city in the first place,” Velvet added.

Kanathara sighed. “I suppose that makes sense. I’m glad we have at least a small force already started then.”

Pear Butter nodded. “That we do, though we will still need far more troops if we are going to make it all the way to Canterlot.”

“What would you recommend?” Tirek asked.

“There are other towns in danger, meaning there are groups of paladins and guards out there fighting. If we relieve them and inform their commanders of the Nightmare’s plot to destroy the world, they will likely join us,” Pear Butter answered.

“I mean, there is still a chance that they don't,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “We are a bunch of demons.”

“Never underestimate a pony’s willingness to band together when faced with a greater foe,” Velvet remarked.

“We will think of some way to talk them into joining us,” Pear Butter dismissed.

“Which just leaves the logistics,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“I think the main force should move to a point just past Ponyville. From there we can set up a base of operations where our forces will gather. Along the way you guys can locate the other Element Bearers and send them to us,” Velvet declared.

“I can handle the majority of the planning and base construction, but I want to be there when you go to Ponyville,” Pear Butter offered.

“Be careful. We don't know what manner of abomination the Nightmare has unleashed on the town,” Tirek warned.

“It will be fine,” Kanathara stated. “Pear Butter, Rainbow Dash, and I will head over after a short rest while you all work on gathering everyone we can at this new base.”

“I’d rather come with you, but I suppose I’ll just have to trust Pear Butter to take care of you,” Velvet exclaimed.

“Ha,” Pear Butter laughed. “After all they’ve gone through, these two will probably be looking after me!”

“We are pretty awesome,” Rainbow Dash proudly remarked.

The ghost of a smile crawled across Kanathara’s face. “Is everyone on the same page now? Because I really need to just lay down and do nothing for several hours or so.”

“That should be everything,” Tirek replied, rising from his seat. “I’ll see about sending out some scouts in order to get a lay of the land before we leave.”

“Hopefully Applejack knows where the others are, otherwise this may take a while,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

Kanathara nodded. “I’m sure she will. If nothing else, we can assume that she’ll know where Pinkie Pie is located.”

“I’m proud of you, by the way,” Velvet interrupted, pulling Kanathara into a brief hug. “You were strong in the face of fear.”

“We raised her well,” Pear Butter proudly declared.

Kanathara coughed into her hoof, dismissing the cloying blush which clung to her cheeks. “Yes, well. I am merely doing what I must. Now let us rest before we are tossed from the frying pan once again.”

“Sure thing, boss lady,” Rainbow Dash replied, trotting happily after the retreating keeper of secrets. “I’m right behind you.”

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