• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,412 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Six: Posession

“Are you sure this is the only way?” Fluttershy whispered meekly, the pegasus shifting from hoof to hoof in the center of the hotel room.

The usual cloud floor had been replaced by enchanted wood, which conveniently allowed Kanathara to inscribe the necessary spell matrices onto a solid surface. The room itself was rather small, though with the queen-sized bed pushed into a corner, there was at least some space for Kanathara to work. With just enough room leftover for Rainbow Dash to recline on a much too small chair near the entrance.

“Come on, Fluttershy. I know it's weird, but it's not like we’ll be able to read your thoughts or anything,” Rainbow Dash offered, shifting her weight forward and causing the chair to clack audibly on the wooden floor. “Besides, it's not so bad having someone else read your thoughts in the first place.”

“I’d rather my thoughts remain private,” whispered Fluttershy.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “We won't be able to read your mind, Fluttershy. Even if we’ll technically be occupying the same body.”

“How exactly does that work again?” Fluttershy questioned, glancing down at the magic circle she stood at the center of. “Because this is a lot of magical stuff.”

“And remember that we don't have three hours for you to go into a lecture there, boss lady,” added Rainbow Dash pointedly.

Kanathara sighed and put down her piece of enchanted chalk. “I am well aware of this fact, Rainbow Dash. And to answer your question, Fluttershy, demons don't have normal bodies as you probably already know. Instead our souls create bodies for us upon reaching a plane, thus we can possess most mortal beings who have more than enough space.”

“Wait, are you saying my soul doesn't fill my body?” Fluttershy pressed.

“Sort of,” Kanathara remarked, chewing on her lip as she looked down on her work. “The mortal body has room for the soul to grow in case they become more powerful or pregnant. I will spare you the philosophical details, but suffice it to say that your soul is not particularly large.”

“You can tell why she was such a hit with the men,” whispered Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy couldn't help but chuckle. “I think I get it now.”

“Good, because I will not be explaining it again.” Kanathara lit her horn briefly, causing her chalk to vanish. “We’re ready, by the way.”

“Oh um, what do I do again?” Fluttershy murmured.

“Nothing. You just gotta focus on letting us in, so to speak,” Rainbow Dash remarked, the vengant stepping next to Kanathara. “It’s an instinctual thing.”

“Yes, unfortunately it's not something that can really be explained with any significant degree of accuracy,” Kanathara stated. “You will simply see smoke seep into your body and then feel a desire to throw up.”

“So just relax and you’ll be okay. I promise this won't last longer than absolutely necessary,” Rainbow Dash stated confidently, smiling faintly.

Fluttershy gulped, her heart thundering in her chest. “A-alright. I’m ready.”

“See you on the other side,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash before her body turned to smoke and flowed into Kanathara.

The keeper of secrets shuddered, growing an inch or two in height after absorbing the other demon, her horn bumping against the ceiling. “Curse these tiny pony rooms,” muttered the keeper before cracking open her grimoire and fixing Fluttershy with a firm look. “Are you sure you're ready? You don't need to use the washroom again, do you?”

“N-no,” Fluttershy stated hastily.

“Good, because I do not miss having to ‘heed the call of nature’ as it were,” Kanathara exclaimed in disgust. “Now then, let us begin.”

The keeper’s book rose slowly on its silver chains, while at the same time Kanathara’s horn began to glow. Almost immediately Fluttershy’s skin began to crawl, and she looked down to where the strange runes had turned the same color as Kanathara’s magic. The entire room was soon bathed in the same light emanating from her horn, overpowering the afternoon sunlight spilling in from the lone window.

After a few tense moments, Fluttershy could see the keeper’s lips begin to move, though no sound came from her. Slowly the light grew brighter until Fluttershy was tempted to close her eyes, though she resisted that urge. Even when Kanathara’s spell flashed suddenly, Fluttershy kept a keen eye on the demon, observing as the creature’s form began to dissipate.

Deep purplish-red smoke billowed up from her hooves and towards Fluttershy’s body, with the keeper continuing to mutter incantations under her breath. When the sootlike smog brushed against Fluttershy’s body, the pegasus suddenly felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. A shudder ran down her spine as what felt like a thousand thousand insect legs caressed her body.

That feeling of being covered with crawling bugs was accompanied with an odd pinching sensation in the mare’s chest. A sensation that only became more prominent when Fluttershy took a small, nervous breath. Smoke filled her lungs, and though her mind wanted to cough, it did not burn like Fluttershy thought it would.

By now most of Kanathara’s body was gone, leaving the keeper as little more than a floating, whispering head. Gazing down on Fluttershy, the demon’s eyes flashed with a strange inner light before the rest of her was little more than smoke. That smoke rushed towards the pegasus and slipped past the edges of her eyes, into her ears, and up her nose.

Though panic now coursed through her body, Fluttershy forced herself to think about the promise she had made to the demons. She would help them get in, and that was it, after that Kanathara would teleport her away before Fluttershy could come to any harm. That thought soothed the scared mare, and she focused on it as she suffered through the strange process of possession.

Then it came, the desire to throw up suddenly bubbling to the surface, and for a moment Fluttershy very nearly gave into it. Only the realization that they would have to do all this over again kept her from submitting to that desire. Her body became rigid and unmoving as she felt more and more of the strange magical smoke flow inside of her.

Slowly the feeling of strangeness dissipated, as did the weird pinching sensation, leaving the mare oddly heavy for some reason. It was almost like she had eaten a large meal and had put on a large burdensome coat of some kind at the same time. Cracking her eyes open, Fluttershy looked around, noting that the magical circle was gone, the chalk having consumed itself during the ritual.

“Is it over?” Inquired Fluttershy.

“It is. We are ready to move when you are,” whispered a ghostly voice from directly behind Fluttershy’s head.

Spinning around, Fluttershy found that there was noone there. “Who was that?” she shouted, backing up towards the window.

“Kanathara, remember? We went over this,” remarked the keeper in an exasperated tone.

“Oh, uh, right. You just startled me, is all,” muttered Fluttershy, one hoof over her heart.

“Don't worry, noone else will be able to hear me or Kanathara when we talk to you,” added Rainbow Dash, her voice gaining the same ethereal quality that Kanathara’s had.

“Well, that's good,” Fluttershy murmured, taking a weary step forward.

Though the pegasus expected to find her legs to be heavy and unresponsive, that didn't seem to be the case. Instead, they almost felt lighter now that she was moving, and even her wings felt fuller for a lack of a better word. The closest experience Fluttershy had to gauge it against was after her magic began to develop during puberty.

Stepping out of the room, Fluttershy swiftly locked it behind herself before turning towards the exit. “Okay, in and out. You can do this, Fluttershy,” she whispered to herself.

“Did ya hear that, boss lady? You aren't the only one who talks to herself when stressed,” remarked a giggling Rainbow Dash.

“I don't see what the problem is. It helps me focus,” huffed Kanathara irritably.

Fluttershy blushed. I hope we don't run into any problems. I’m not sure how long I can do this, she thought to herself why the two demons argued behind her.

“Nice flying back there, Fluttershy. You must have been practicing,” remarked Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy shook her head as she banked around a cloud house. “I haven't actually. I had a real fear of flying for a long time, so the most I did was glide.”

“Strange, and here you are putting out a considerable wing power without any noticeable strain,” pointed out Kanathara.

Fluttershy blinked, only now realizing how fast she was going. “I didn't even notice.”

“It must be all that awesome inside you,” teased Rainbow Dash.

“I guess so,” murmured Fluttershy, cheeks bright red.

“Eyes up, we’re coming to the compound,” Kanathara whispered.

Fluttershy looked up to find that the demon was indeed correct, and the large tower of cloud homes was now looming before them. “Where do I go?” whispered Fluttershy, the pegasus looking up and down at the many possible landing locations.

“There, third landing from the top. Where the group of pegasi are standing,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Following the demon’s instructions, Fluttershy looked down to where several pegasi seemed to be training. Most were doing push-ups, while others were stretching or merely observing them as they went through their routine. The home that stood on the platform was one of the larger ones, and on its grounds were several stiff-legged earth ponies wielding crossbows.

Fluttershy gulped and angled her wings down, silently hoping she didn't get shot out of the sky the second she got into range. It wasn't long before one of the patrols noticed her and two pegasi broke off from their lazy route in order to intercept her. As they neared, every fibre of Fluttershy’s began to scream for the pegasus to turn and fly away, but instead she merely began to slow to a hover.

“What is your business here?” demanded a gruff, slightly bulkier green pegasus mare.

The pony had a curved sword strapped to her left side, and a small one-hoofed crossbow on the right. She also had a green gem dangling around her neck on a small brown cord which happened to be something her companion also had. He was slightly smaller and sported an off-pink coat, mint colored hair, and a nervous look on his face.

“I was hoping to speak to my parents,” Fluttershy whispered, her voice barely audible over the flapping of their wings.

“And what makes you think they’re here?” retorted the larger pegasus, her eyes narrowing.

“Oh, um, because they said they would be,” Fluttershy replied. “Their names are Nimbus Shy and Whisper Shy.”

Both pegasi turned to look at one another, with the smaller pony shrugging.

When the larger pony turned back to Fluttershy, she seemed more curious than defensive, and her hoof no longer lingered near her weapon. “If that is true, then you must know the password, right?” she questioned.

“There’s a password?” pondered Rainbow Dash.

“Quiet, Fluttershy needs to focus,” reprimanded Kanathara.

“Male parta, male dilabuntur,” Fluttershy stated as confidently as she could muster.

The female pegasus raised an eyebrow. “Impressive. I wouldn't have taken you for the sneaky type.”

The male grinned. “Good to see another of you joining the cause. Soon we’ll take back what is ours by right.”

“Oh, um, right. Absolutely,” whispered Fluttershy nervously.

“We’ll guide you in, though I think your parents were both in the middle of something,” exclaimed the female.

“That's fine, I can wait,” replied Fluttershy.

“Alright, then follow us,” stated the mare, who flicked her wing at the male before turning and gliding towards the training grounds.

“Well, that was easier than expected,” stated Rainbow Dash.

“Don't celebrate yet. The shield should be coming up,” Kanathara muttered gravely. “We’ll find out if our plan worked in a few seconds.”

Fluttershy gulped, the pegasus beginning to descend with the male a few feet behind her.

For several seconds the only sounds were the faint whistle of the wind and Fluttershy’s pounding heart. Worry flooded every inch of her being, and for a single terrible moment Fluttershy wondered what would happen if Kanathara’s spell failed. Fluttershy couldn't help but imagine herself slamming into the barrier like it was made of stone or having her very soul torn out of her body.

None of the things happened however, and her body merely tingled briefly. It was akin to flying through a light shower, the strange sensation only lingering for a moment after she had passed through. Breathing a little easier, Fluttershy continued to follow the other mare as they came in for a landing.

The earth ponies and pegasi lingering on the grounds below didn't give her a second glance after she landed. Looking up, Fluttershy was surprised at just how large the building before her truly was. The structure had been built in typical pegasus style, with large white pillars and numerous balconies, though it didn't seem to have any visible windows.

The deep grey exterior was also layered with what looked like compact storm clouds. The balconies didn't seem to have an obvious method of entry, and each one was manned by an earth pony or unicorn. All of whom were armed with some manner of ranged weaponry and had a glazed, distant expression on their face.

“I don't like the look of this,” whispered Kanathara as Fluttershy’s gaze lingered on the strange sentries that stood outside.

“You think they are using some kind of mind magic on them?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“They must have had a unicorn collaborator at some point,” Kanathara reasoned. “Though I have no idea why a unicorn would ally themselves with pegasi supremacists.”

The female guard stepped forward, and held her gem up to the center of the door before giving it a slight twist. A second later the solid mass of black clouds creaked open, allowing Fluttershy to peer nervously within. Where a long black hallway awaited her, the floor of which was covered by a light grey wood and illuminated by small fluorescent lights hanging overhead.

Though the exterior of the home looked like a refurbished mansion, inside it resembled an asylum or hospital of some kind. The doors that lined the hall were thick and numerous, every single one lacking any sort of indicator as to what lay within. No signs marked the halls, and no natural light found its way into the interior of the building, giving it a claustrophobic atmosphere.

“Well, this place sure is creepy enough to be the center for some secret cult,” remarked Rainbow Dash.

“I can sense some form of spatial magic at play. This entire house feels larger on the inside than what should be possible,” added Kanathara.

“Right this way, ma’am,” announced the female pegasus, who trotted forward.

Fluttershy nervously followed her, the pony doing her best to keep her teeth from chattering. “This certainly is unique,” offered Fluttershy, trying to distract herself from the oppressive atmosphere that hung over her.

“It connects to most of the other homes that make up our compound. It's why there aren't many doors on the others,” explained the male.

The taller guard turned around and shot him a glare. “She isn't in yet, you idiot. That's supposed to be a secret.”

The stallion snorted. “Her parents are the Shy’s, of course she's in.”

“That isn't for you to decide, now come on. It's just through here,” retorted the mare, who walked through a seemingly random side exit.

Which opened up into another long identical hall, one that was filled with even more doors than the last one had been. Upon entering, Fluttershy felt as though she had passed through an invisible portal as the temperature changed slightly. The air pressure also felt slightly different, and when she looked closely, Fluttershy realized the floorboards were a slightly different shade of grey.

The shy pegasus also noticed that her escort was getting away from her. Fluttershy nervously trotted after her, trying to keep up. So flustered was the mare that she almost didn't notice passing by the only unique door she had seen so far. Though it was the same size and look of the rest, just glancing at the wooden portal made Fluttershy feel oddly repulsed by it.

“That's a strong ward,” remarked Rainbow Dash pointedly.

“I wonder what they’re hiding in there,” added Kanathara curiously.

I don't know, and I don't want to know, thought Fluttershy, who merely kept her head down and her attention focused on the guard’s backside.

After a few more twists and turns, Fluttershy found herself stepping through into a much more welcoming hallway. The walls were made from what looked like cedar while the door handles were brass, and the floor was made from a slightly lighter brown wood. The harsh lighting was also gone, replaced by wall sconces that held a trio of candles which burned brightly. There was even a window at the end, though it had small, almost hidden bars within the pane, ensuring it couldn't be broken easily.

“Well, this looks nicer. I wonder whose home this used to be,” Kanathara remarked absently.

“It was mine,” blurted Fluttershy in shock, her mind filling the now empty walls with all the pictures that used to be there.

“Heads up, Fluttershy,” whispered Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus shook her head just in time to notice the curious look the larger guard was giving her. “You alright?” she asked.

Fluttershy nodded. “I’m fine, just remembering something. Is this the right place?”

The guard nodded and opened the door. “The higher-ups have already been alerted to your presence no doubt, so if you’ll just wait in here, I’m sure they’ll be by soon.”

“Oh, um, okay,” whispered Fluttershy nervously, the pegasus peering into the small waiting room.

It was cramped and had space for little more than two couches, a coffee table which sat between them and two chairs on either side. The only decorations were a pair of potted plants which rested on the lone windowsill below a reinforced window. In one pot was a tall pink flower with vibrant yellow leaves, while the other had an equally tall teal colored grass that was dotted with light straw colored spots.

Stepping around the first couch, Fluttershy sat on the one underneath the windowsill, allowing her to see the entire room. “Will I be waiting by myself?” Fluttershy asked after noticing that neither of the guards were following her into the room.

“I’m afraid you will be,” replied the female. “I’ll go make sure that your parents know you are here while Sprout here guards the door.”

“Good. One less guard should make this that much easier,” remarked Rainbow Dash.

“But he seems nice,” whispered Fluttershy.

“Did you say something?” asked the guard pony curiously.

“N-no,” Fluttershy hastily replied, shaking her head.

“Alright, just hold tight. Won't be long now,” exclaimed the guard, who closed the door.

And with that Fluttershy was alone, or as alone as one could be with a duo of demons possessing their body. Letting out a deep sigh, the pegasus deflated into her seat, all the built-up stress releasing itself as a long exhale. Now her only worry was just getting out of here before Kanathara and Rainbow Dash put their plan into action.

“Does the door lock?” asked Kanathara.

Fluttershy perked up and walked over to it, peering down at the handle. “It does, give me a second.”

Fluttershy flicked the lock before sitting back down on the couch.

“Give us a second, and we’ll get out of your hair,” whispered Kanathara.

“And out of your everything else, for that matter,” added Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus merely nodded, waiting patiently for the moment where she would be alone in her own body once again. Sure enough, it only took another few seconds before smoke billowed out of her in a great wave, emerging from her every pore. Though not nearly as disturbing as the initial possession, it certainly wasn't pleasant, and Fluttershy couldn't help but shudder in disgust.

Thankfully the strange smoke quickly formed into the two familiar shapes, who still wore the armor gifted to them by Velvet. Kanathara gave her body a brief once over, ensuring everything was in its proper place before looking around the room. Rainbow Dash meanwhile stretched like a cat, her flaming mane and tail flickering behind her as she sprawled out.

“This is soooo much better,” Rainbow Dash purred, her wings extending and nearly hitting Kanathara in the face.

Smacking the leathery appendage away, Kanathara snorted bitterly. “It wouldn't have been so bad if you didn't get restless so easily.”

“I can't help it. These wings were made for flying and these hooves for kicking butt,” Rainbow Dash retorted, shaking her body.

“Um, is that all you need from me?” Fluttershy asked, the mare tapping her hooves together awkwardly. “Because I’d rather leave now, if that's okay with you.”

“I suppose we don't need her for anything else, right boss?” inquired Rainbow Dash.

Kanathara held up a hoof. “Wait just a minute. I want to scan one of those strange ponies we saw earlier. After that, you should be free to go.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly. “I suppose I could wait for another minute or so.”

Kanathara smiled. “Trust me. I’ll make this quick.”

The keeper opened her grimoire, flicked to a seemingly random page, and after quickly reading it, turned to the door. Flicking the lock, she lit her horn, pushed open the wooden portal and snapped off her spell before the guard could even flinch. He didn't even have the time to turn towards the opening before his body suddenly fell slack, and a smile spread across his face.

“Oh, hey friend, what can I do for you?” he asked, after turning to face the demon who stood next to him.

“Did you mind-control him?” Fluttershy whispered in shock.

“Nah, it's just a suggestion spell,” Rainbow Dash replied quickly. “Makes the target think the caster is their best friend.”

“I suppose that's at least a little better,” murmured Fluttershy.

“These are my friends,” Kanathara announced, gesturing to the room. “And we were hoping to get together and speak with one of your friends as well.”

“That sure does sound swell,” exclaimed the grinning stallion. “Which one of my friends do you want to meet?”

“I was hoping we could talk with one of those earth ponies we saw earlier on the way in,” Kanathara replied.

“I wouldn't say they are my friend. The servants don't exactly talk much,” retorted the guard.

“Well then, now is the perfect time to make a new friend, don't you think?” Kanathara urged.

The pony seemed to mull it over for a few seconds before nodding. “I suppose so. They are supposed to follow our commands, so it wouldn't be hard to bring one of them back here.”

“Good. So if you could do that for me right now, that would be great,” Kanathara pressed, smiling warmly.

The guard nodded eagerly, unbothered by the demon and her sharp teeth. “Sounds good, friend. I’ll be right back.”

“Perfect,” Kanathara declared, closing the door after the male had turned and walked away.

As soon as they were alone, Kanathara’s smile fell away and she sighed bitterly. “I hate that spell. It's always such a chore to act so… pleasant.”

“Well, you know what they say, you get more flies with honey than with vinegar,” Fluttershy whispered, only to blush when both demons turned to her. “Or at least. That's what I was always told.”

“In our line of work, honey is a trap, and vinegar is the closest thing to honesty that you’ll get,” remarked Rainbow Dash, before falling on the couch and snapping all four of its legs all at once.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “How many times are you going to forget that we are in Equestria? They don't exactly make things for creatures our size.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Celestia is apparently a pretty hefty lady, why don't they build their furniture to support her?”

“Because the princess doesn't usually show up to people’s houses,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“That explains these low ceilings,” muttered Kanathara who had to bend her head forward slightly when standing upright.

“Oh, boo hoo. Way to rub it in, why don't ya,” ranted Rainbow Dash only semi-seriously.

“I wasn't rubbing it in, I was just--he's almost back,” Kanathara exclaimed, turning back towards the door.

Sure enough, the guard had returned, along with a glassy-eyed unicorn mare who had a large crossbow strapped to her side. Her fur was bright yellow, her mane an off-white, with eyes that would have been gold. The mare was just barely taller than the guard, though she was thin and appeared much younger than him.

“She looks like she's barely out of school,” stated Fluttershy.

“I got a friend like you wanted,” offered the guard, stepping inside. “I hope you like her.”

“What's her name?” asked Rainbow Dash, gesturing to the expressionless unicorn standing motionless in the doorway.

“I don't know. The bosses tell us to not bother to find out the servant’s names,” replied the male, who sat on one of the chairs. “They say it breeds too much familiarity.”

“Why would they be scared of that?” inquired Fluttershy, who had turned to Kanathara expectantly.

“They are mind-controlled, that much is obvious,” Kanathara began. “If they are worried about familiarity, then chances are they intend on using them in some sort of expendable manner.”

“I don't know about that,” remarked the male, who smiled. “You can know my name, by the way. It's Nimbus Sprout.”

“It's very nice to meet you, Nimbus Sprout,” Fluttershy replied kindly.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and turned towards the glassy-eyed female, pulling her inside and closing the door. “So what's her deal, boss lady? It doesn't look like any old run of the mill mind-control to me.”

“No, that it doesn't,” Kanathara murmured, her horn glowing brightly as she looked the mare up and down. “Oh, that's odd. She doesn't have a cutie mark. Can you remember if any of them had their marks?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Not really. Though I wasn't paying attention, what about you, Fluttershy?”

“No, but I wasn't really paying attention either,” Fluttershy admitted.

“None of them do,” declared Nimbus casually. “I do though, check it out, it's a plant growing on a cloud.”

The male turned to display that he had just such an image on his flank. “My mom said it's because I have a talent for doing the impossible, but I got it after making sunflowers grow in my dad’s greenhouse.”

“That's quite the accomplishment. Normally they don't like high atmospheres,” mentioned Fluttershy.

“Thanks! It all comes down to the pH balance in the-” he began, only to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“Hey friend, would you be quiet for a minute? Can't you see the lady is trying to work,” Rainbow Dash snapped, gesturing to Kanathara.

“Thanks, this is actually surprisingly complex,” noted Kanathara who paused after her horn flashed, and the glassy-eyed mare didn't flinch. “Now that's odd. If it was any manner of compulsion, that spell should have gotten rid of it. Odd.”

“So what does that mean?” inquired a nervous Fluttershy.

“This is something serious, and I have a feeling it's tied to the Element somehow,” Kanathara explained, her horn glowing brightly once more. “One moment, I’m going to try something unorthodox.”

“How unorthodox?” asked Nimbus who leaned forward in his chair. “‘Cause I’m not supposed to let them come to any harm, if I can help it.”

“It won't hurt her,” Kanathara replied. “In fact she won't even notice it.”

“Oh, good. I wouldn't want to have to choose between our friendship and my loyalty to the generals,” Nimbus exclaimed, grinning.

“That spell works really well on ponies,” Rainbow Dash observed. “Like, really well.”

“It probably has to do with their sense of harmony. Now be quiet, please, this will take considerable concentration,” Kanathara remarked, closing her eyes.

The room fell silent, all eyes merely watching as the keeper of secrets began to cast a more elaborate spell. One which seemed to weave itself through the air, filling the room with an oddly heavy sensation that settled upon its inhabitants. As this happened, each creature in the room began to glow faintly, the colors of which varied, though usually stayed close to their coat coloration.

That changed when the spell completed, a burst of light cascading over the ponies and demons alike, changing the glow of some, but not others. The light emanating from Kanathara and Rainbow Dash became mixed, with both becoming half red and half purple. Fluttershy and Nimbus Sprout remained the same, though if one looked closely, they could have seen a strange mix of light swirling in Fluttershy’s chest.

Noone noticed that however, as they were all focused on the unicorn mare, who had changed from a bright yellow to a deep crimson. The light which emanated from the pony also seemed sick somewhow, and it centered mainly on the top of her head. Looking closer revealed that a thin string of red extended from the unicorn, a cord which disappeared into the ceiling.

Kanathara glanced down between her and Rainbow Dash, noting that a mix of red and purple string connected them. Upon confirming that her spell was actually working, the demon’s eyes went wide, and she gasped in shock.

“That's impossible,” Kanathara muttered in disbelief.

“What, what's impossible?” Fluttershy asked, glancing between Rainbow Dash and Kanathara expectantly.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I don't know how, but this pony is someone’s familiar.”

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