• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,158 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Patching Things Up

Sunset groaned and rubbed her arm as she made her way to her first Field Medicine class. Pris had taken her up on the invitation for a rematch in the gym - repeatedly - and they'd been sparring in every free moment when they weren't working on assignments for their classes. At least Pris had helped Sunset go over the workbooks for Ar-Wing Arwing controls and maintenance, as well as correcting a long-held mistake of how it was written. Not that it was her fault, considering she'd only ever heard it spoken and it sounded like there was a pause there.

She firmly pushed that thought aside. Helping Pris with her other assignments had made her feel less of an idiot in that regard, so at least Pris respected her learning in that regard. Still, she was starting to feel the bruises from their sparring, no matter how tough growing up on Dinosaur Planet and fighting Dinosaurs - and the war against General Scales - had made her, but she refused to use her magic to heal them unless she could do the same for Pris, and she couldn't think of a way to make that offer without making herself or Pris sound weak-

"Yo, Fire-Head!"

Wincing at the volume and the rather heavy blow her left ear flap had taken towards the end of the sparring, Sunset turned with a smile at that call. Pris was running up towards her, towing a Lagomorph - a member of Grandpa Peppy's species - behind her. The poor bunny girl had yellow fur, pink hair, blue eyes, and was trying to hide behind Pris while looking like she would bolt at any moment. She had the same braces on her legs as Pris, showing she had G-Diffusion implants, but rather than full boots she went barefoot...the only part of her other than her head that didn't have some form of armor on her. Between that and the armored pack on her back stuffed with medical supplies, it would be easy to shrug her off as a terrified weakling...until one took a closer look and realized the pack and all its contents had to be five times her weight including the heavy armor she was wearing, which easily had to outweigh her on her own...and it didn't seem to be slowing her down at all.

If she shed all that armor and pack, she might outrun Pris, Sunset thought to herself as the pair approached. "Hey Pris!" she called out. "Who's this?" To her surprise, the bunny seemed to calm and relax the moment Sunset addressed the Avian. Remembering what she'd been told, she continued, "Friend of yours?"

"Yeah, this is Faris," Pris explained, pushing the bunny forward. "She's the reason I haven't spent half my time at the Academy in the medical wing. Figured if you felt anything like I did this morning, you'd want her to take a look at you, too."

"Oh my goodness!" Faris suddenly gasped out as she caught sight of the bruising around Sunset's ear, hopping onto the nearest cabinet to get a better angle as she pulled supplies out of her pack. "Pris, what did you do to her?"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Hey, I gave as good as I got. I'm sure you saw what Pris looked like after-"

"She looks like that after every weekend, one way or another," Faris countered flatly as she started treatment.

"I won't pull my punches or kicks next match then," Sunset teased, though she didn't have much fire in it. She was too busy trying to figure out how Faris was maintaining her balance without breaking the cabinet she was standing on when more than half the weight of her, her armor, and her pack had to be overbalanced.

"You'd better not, Fire-Head!" Pris countered smugly.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Sunset asked finally. "I mean, I've got no problems with nicknames, but what's the point of calling me one longer than my real name?"

"Because Fire-Head suits you better!" Pris countered. "It's a real warrior's name! 'Sunset Shimmer' makes me feel like I'm talking to an exotic dancer or something-"

"W-what?" Sunset yelped as her cheeks pinked. Faris' cheeks weren't far behind.

"I mean, not that you don't have the body for it-"

"Pris!" Sunset cried out in an embarrassed squawk - an actual squawk, as she'd picked up that particular sound reaction from the Cloudrunners - as her cheeks burned brightly.

"-but I don't wanna feel like I should be waving credits every time I try to get your attention," Pris finished with a cheeky grin. "Hey, could you make sure Faris actually makes it to her Field Medicine class today? I'm already running late to my other classes, and she's missed three classes without me to get her there already. Later!" With that and a wave, she dashed away.

Sunset groaned, burying her face in her hands. "By the Eclipse..." she groaned, using an oath she'd learned by accident from Tricky's father that she felt was appropriate.

"Pris is always like that," Faris admitted comfortingly. "It wasn't until I got the breastplate for my armor that she stopped making comments like that about me." She tapped the piece in question, drawing attention to both how it protected her and hid any sort of physical definition in terms of her figure.

"Huh," Sunset murmured thoughtfully. "I'd look into getting one for myself, but I've already been in the news wearing less than this...Krazoa droppings, if Pris sees one of those pics..." She buried her face in both hands.

"Oh, it can't be that bad-" Faris began, only for Sunset to call up one of the images in question - of her mid-combat in her focus outfit - on her wrist unit. Her eyes widened in shock. "Oh...my..."

"On the one hand, more teasing along the lines of just now if she sees pictures like this," Sunset groaned to herself. "On the other hand, she might actually call me by my real name, and I'm not sure that would be an improvement...how do you put up with all that?"

"Because she's worth it," Faris replied readily as she hopped off the cabinet, checking Sunset over for other injuries. "Sure, she's a bit crass and doesn't really have a filter, but there's no meanness or cruelty in her when she does, it's just how she was raised."

"Yeah, I'll believe that," Sunset muttered, remembering just how often 'Uncle Birdy' had almost forgotten to censor his speech around her.

"Because of that she doesn't have many friends, but she's one of the best friends you could hope to have," Faris continued calmly. "I know that for sure. A military Academy isn't...exactly a friendly place for an avowed pacifist..."

"Had some problems with that, I take it?" Sunset asked softly.

"Not since Pris put five students four years older than me who thought they'd have some 'fun' with me in the ICU while disrupting an Assembly in the process," Faris continued with a soft smile. "While it was amazing for her to stand up for me like that...I don't think it was good for the Headmaster's heart based on the shade of purple he turned..."

Sunset managed a snicker. "Wish I'd seen that. Don't suppose it wound up on Starvid?"

"Look it up under the heading 'Rainbow Smash' later," Faris explained with a giggle.

Sunset smiled widely as she gave Faris another look. She was certainly calm and relaxed when acting as a Medic, but it did raise the question of why someone who was an avowed Pacifist would enroll in a Military Academy to begin with. Then again, Grandpa Peppy had talked a bit about his family... "How much of your family's in the military?" she asked pointedly.

Faris let out a startled yelp, jumping a bit...though her hands didn't shift from the medicine she was applying. "...that obvious?" she asked quietly.

"Grandpa Peppy told me a bit about his family, and the expectations in Lagomorph culture," Sunset explained calmly.

Sighing, Faris nodded. "Becoming a Medic was the only way I could get military service like the rest of my family without hurting anyone," she explained as she stood upright, brushing her hands off. "How's that?"

Sunset blinked in surprise. She'd been so involved in the conversation that she'd lost track of the work Faris was doing. She shifted her limbs a bit, surprised to not even have any lingering soreness. "Wow!" she declared in amazement. "Even the healing magic I've learned isn't this effective! You've got to teach me a few things."

"Oh, I'm not that good-" Faris began.

"Nonsense!" Sunset insisted, throwing an arm companionably around Faris' shoulders. "You've got a real talent here, and I'm not seeing it squandered under false modesty! I'm going to pump you for every trick I can apply to my magic...and then I'm gonna teach you the magic I know so you can apply it to medicine!"

"O...okay," Faris offered nervously, though her smile was relaxed. "Umm, my class is-"

"I know, I've got it too," Sunset replied as she guided Faris towards the Field Medicine class.

"You do?" Faris gasped in surprise. "But...if you're in Arwing piloting-"

"The only five accelerated courses that don't have schedule conflicts," Sunset interrupted with a smirk, "making it one of the only courses the Academy has left to teach me."

Faris stared at her for a time...then burst into giggles.

Faris has joined Team Shimmer

Author's Note:

Picture by the talented ProfessorCatPro
Source: http://professorcatpro.tumblr.com/post/161881645235

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