• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,181 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Time Passes

Time passed swiftly, as far as Sunset could tell, as she spent more and more time on Dinosaur Planet with Prince Tricky. It didn't take long for her to pick up the entire native language and become fluent in it, especially as she was exposed to every tribe on the planet and their unique dialects over the course of her travels via the Warpstone. While he was normally only able to connect to Ice Horn or the Krazoa Palace, a boost from Sunset's magic enabled him to send the pair anywhere on the planet...although with rare exception, they would have to make their own way back. At no point on any of these trips did they have trouble making it back before their guardian for the day noticed they were missing.

Whenever Slippy was assigned, he spent most of his time with Shabunga working on the suits for Sunset, leaving Sunset and Tricky to their own devices convinced they were perfectly safe in Thorntail Hollow. When Peppy was sent down with them, the warm sun and relaxing breeze of the Hollow would lull him into a comfortable sleep within ten minutes of his arrival, and Sunset simply made sure he wouldn't get too hot or too cold while they were gone. After the first time, Fox and Krystal came down together, and it didn't take long for them to become distracted with the natural beauty of the planet...and each other.

Falco tended to tag along with the pair of children, being of the opinion that kids would seek adventure whatever their parents wanted, caging Sunset on a magical planet would be an exercise in futility, and it was fun. He always made Sunset promise not to tell the others he was running around with her to 'dangerous environments', not that he really considered them so.

As Sunset lay back in the sun of Thorntail Hollow with her head against Tricky's side, the pair simply enjoying a lazy day, she let her mind wander back to her favorite times exploring Dinosaur Planet. There had been so many different places to see and explore, all of them so unique and exciting with new dinosaurs to meet. She had taken many trips to each location to fully explore, reveling in the fun with Tricky and any other friends they made.

Lightfoot Village had been the first area they'd gone to, being the closest to Thorntail Hollow and thus easiest to get back from. The Lightfoots were small, bipedal dinosaurs not much bigger than Fox and the others, with their young being Sunset's size. Sunset had easily slipped in and joined the young Lightfoot in their games, though the adults had been startled by her appearance. As much as she'd enjoyed early visits there...she'd cut her time in the rustic village built over a lake short once her name was translated. The Lightfoot were intensely spiritual, and the moment her name had been translated the adults had started to worship her. She hadn't liked that at all.

Cape Claw had been the next area to explore. As the name suggested, it was a circular beach surrounding a deep inlet perfect for swimming and sporting, protected from tidal forces by the shape of the cape. Wooden platforms formed bridges across the water, allowing dry passage if one did not desire swimming, and the sand had been perfect for the building of sandcastles and other fortifications. There had been a few ancient structures, but they had been of no more interest to Sunset than they were to Tricky or to the Hightop - a massive long-necked dinosaur - who lived in the Cape's waters. Sunset had learned to swim there from Tricky, at first mirroring his movements on the surface before discovering an enjoyment of diving deep.

As much as Falco had enjoyed visiting Cape Claw with them, he had learned to dread the trip back on foot. Sunset had picked up a rather annoying habit from Tricky, and the endless, "Are we there yet?" queries did not take long to get on Falco's nerves. He couldn't understand what Tricky was saying, but he was pretty certain given the matching impish grins on the faces of the children that it was something similar.

The Cloudrunner Fortress had been one place the Warpstone had needed to bring Sunset and Tricky back from after warping them there, as the mountaintop structure high in the clouds had no safe way down for those without wings. Sunset had found herself strangly at home amongst the soaring towers and sweeping wings of the Fortress, and amongst the Cloudrunners - web-winged dinosaurs that soared majestically over the land - that called it home. One of her favorite features had been the wind tunnels that served as elevators within the Fortress, letting her and Tricky ride up and down through them endlessly.

The one point of frustration for Sunset was that there were certain areas that no amount of wheedling and cajoling would get the Warpstone to send them to for exploration...not that Tricky wanted to go to those places. Still, just the sound of 'Moon Mountain Pass' set Sunset afire with curiosity, willing to risk encountering this mutant 'Sharpclaw Tribe' to see the land...but she wasn't about to push Tricky that far out of his comfort zone.

Sunset was startled out of her reverie as Fox, Krystal, Slippy, Peppy, and Falco all stepped out of Shabunga's shop. Fox and Falco were carrying a large cake between them, and the others all had wrapped gifts. "Don't tell me the birthday girl forgot her own special day!" Falco offered teasingly.

"I still do not understand this custom," Krystal admitted ruefully. "It is not one we had on Cerinia. Still, it does seem...fun."

Sunset leapt to her hooves with a squeal of glee as Tricky raced over with her. At Fox's instruction she blew out the candles before promptly diving headlong into the cake.

"...good thing we had a backup for us," Peppy joked teasingly.

"Don't get too dirty, Sunset," Slippy cautioned happily. "I've got a special present for you...though I guess you kinda paid for it..."

Sunset's eyes lit up with glee as she seized Slippy's package and tore it open. Inside was the Focus Outfit Shabunga had talked about making, which would increase her ability to control her magical discharges when worn. It consisted of a crimson tube top with gold designs reminiscent of Krystal's top, crimson harem pants with golden hoof bracelets to bind the fabric, a golden belt, and golden bracers for wrists and a golden ring for her horn each embedded with a single sunstone, with sheer red veils connecting her bracers and horn ring that were more energy than fabric. Sunset eagerly donned the outfit, barely giving time for Fox to erect a privacy screen for her.

Once she was fully changed and twirling around in it, the others took in the look and commented. "It's...certainly her Mother's style," Fox managed to say awkwardly.

"Not quite traditional, but it definitely suits her," Krystal agreed happily.

"She looks like a belly dancer," Falco grunted gruffly. "All she's missing is a sunstone in her navel."

"I was going for a Genie look..." Slippy pouted. "It was patterned after Krystal's Focus outfit, and there were only so many modifications I knew how to make."

Seeing Fox looking increasingly awkward and confused, Peppy patted his back. "At least she's got pants?" he offered helpfully, coughing awkwardly when Krystal looked his way with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, there are other gifts..." Fox managed to say.

"And other guests," Krystal added, pointing.

To the surprise of most of the group, several Littlefoot dinosaurs, the King and Queen Earthwalker, three Snowhorn tribesbeasts, and the Queen Cloudrunner were on their way to join the party, each bringing a gift for Sunset for her birthday. Sunset eagerly greeted them all in Dinosaur Tongue.

"Sunset, when did you have time to meet all these people?" Fox asked in surprise, not noticing Falco turning away and whistling innocently.

"Ach, that'd be me!" the Warpstone called out from his alcove, leaning over the wall to see the party. "E'er since Sunset figured out how ta let me send Tricky along wit' her, the pair o' them have been poppin' all over the planet with me help. Right adventursome duo, they are. Didn' ya know?"

Sunset glared daggers at the Warpstone until Fox and Krystal cleared their throats. She then turned to face them with soulful eyes. She knew she was in trouble...

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