• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Adventure: Seaside

Fox and Sunset made their way into the small temple where the Queen Earthwalker was staying as she recovered her strength. Tricky grinned up from between the Queen's forelegs as they entered. "Finished at the Palace?" he said excitedly as he rushed up to them.

"Yeah," Sunset confirmed, forcing a smile onto her face. "We're done there, and heading down to Cape Claw. Some fun at the sea, right?"

Tricky looked at Sunset oddly. "Sunset, are...are you okay?"

Before anyone else could speak, the Queen Earthwalker spoke up. "Fox, please take my son outside," she instructed, her voice soft but firm. "Sunset, come here please."

Fox blinked a couple times, then smiled as he realized what was going on. "Come on, Tricky. Let's see if I can teach you to catch your own Blue Grubtub."

"Oh wow, hunting lessons!" Tricky declared excitedly as he dashed out, Fox close behind him.

Sunset glanced after them as she walked over to the Queen. "I don't-" she began.

The Queen cut her off by gently pushing her down into a sitting position between her forelegs, then resting her beak over Sunset's head, gently enclosing her. "It's alright, little one," she murmured softly. "You do not have to hide in strength with me. You will not break if you let yourself feel."

Sunset gasped, stunned. She'd tried to put up a tough front once she learned what had happened to Krystal, wanting to power through it...and the Queen had seen right through it. "I..." She buried her face against the Queen's leg, feeling like she was enveloped in a motherly embrace. "I'm scared. What...what if I lose Mom? What if whatever's using her...uses her as a vessel after it's got the power it wants? What if I'm never able to speak to her again...and I never got to say goodbye?" Tears fell from her eyes against the Queen's leg.

"And you fear to tell your father how you feel, because you need to help save your Mom if you can," the Queen concluded comfortingly. "Child, it is alright to weep when you fear or hurt. You barely have a full decade behind you, and no one but you expects you to be an unstoppable warrior. But if confiding in your father is hard, you can speak to me if you need to."

Sunset managed a soft smile. "...thank you," she replied warmly, wrapping her arms around the Queen's leg to return the embrace.

"And if he asks why you talk to me and not him, tell him it is female issues," the Queen added before grinning widely. "And tell me the face he makes the first time you do." Her smile softened as she heard Sunset giggle.

Althought Fox's attempts to teach Tricky to catch his own Grubtubs had proven less than successful, the pair were glad to see Sunset come out of the Temple with a much more natural smile on her face. Fox did not question it, certain that Sunset had needed a motherly touch that the Queen had provided, given her own worries for Krystal. With a silent gesture, he indicated for Sunset to lead the way to Cape Claw.

Sunset calmly led the way through a brief twist of stone passages that led to the forest just outside Lightfoot Village. Since they had no business there yet, they kept going through the silent forest until they reached the gate that barred the passage to Cape Claw. As Sunset approached a large scarab-shaped statue before the gate, it glowed in recognition of her and the gate lifted, allowing them passage.

"Been this way before?" Fox asked playfully.

"This is the path to the Cape we took when Uncle Falco was watching us," Sunset explained with a sad smile before ducking through the gate.

Fox let Sunset get a ways ahead, then opened a private com channel. "Slippy, see if you can get in contact with Falco," he whispered, doing his best not to let the message carry. "I think Sunset could use his company, given what's happened with Krystal."

"Peppy's already put me on it, Fox," Slippy replied just as quietly. "Rob is trying to track him as we speak."

"Thanks," Fox replied before cutting the signal, running to catch up to Sunset and Tricky before they wondered why he was lagging.

Beyond the gate, a maze of stone walls barred the way to the coast. Sunset and Tricky both knew the path from frequent trips, and led the way unerringly to a series of wooden platforms inside the cliff to make the way down to the coast, ladders linking the different levels together.

As the group reached Cape Claw itself, the sun shone down brightly on the tall palm trees, the short waving grass, the sandy paths, the ocean waves caressing the Cape, and the waterfalls that fed the still pool inside the arcs of beach. Fox took in the vistas with a wide grin, momentarily wishing he and Krystal had brought Sunset this way when they'd been watching her together planetside. A beach trip for the three of them-

His thoughts took a somber tone as he remembered Krystal's current state. There will be another chance, he told himself firmly. We'll save Krystal and put the planet back together...and then we'll all come down to the beach to relax.

A wooden bridge crossed between the two outer points of Cape Claw, and a Hightop - one of the Dinosaur Tribe that resembled Brachiosaurs - stood forlornly in the water with his head hanging over the bridge. Fox spotted Sunset and Tricky talking with him, before they raced back over to him. "So what's up?" Fox asked them.

"He buried four gold bars around here when he heard the Sharpclaws were coming," Sunset explained, "but he can't remember where."

"If I dig them up for him, he'll help us with our quest!" Tricky declared excitedly.

Fox chuckled indulgently. "Then let's go prospecting," he joked as he led the pair lead him around the beach. He didn't have time for maudlin thoughts. He needed to be strong...not just if he was to have a chance of saving Krystal, but for Sunset's sake too.

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