• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,158 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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New Sunrise

"You know, Fox, when I suggested holding the grief at bay by sneaking a drink and picking up a cute girl, this is not what I meant."

"Not helping, Falco," Fox growled at his blue-feathered avian friend as the group was gathered around the tiny infant filly, who was busily suckling on a large bottle of infant nutrient mix Slippy had whipped up quickly. "Any luck on isolating those energy readings?" Fox asked his technologically inclined friend.

"Already done, Fox," Slippy confirmed as he shifted his eyes between data read outs and the books Fox had brought back as well. "It's magic."

Fox's eyes narrowed. "Really, Slippy?"

"Now don't be so hasty to dismiss, Fox," Peppy chided in a somewhat wheezy voice. The somewhat elderly rabbit sat back to watch the group under lowered eyelids. "There are worlds out there with strong etheric fields that produce individuals with an ability to reshape the world around them through application of said energy. It's called magic for a reason."

"Yeah, like that Dinosaur Planet I keep hearing about!" Slippy confirmed. "It was discovered recently, after all."

Fox leaned back, letting his eyes rove over the interior of the control center of the Great Fox, the carrier ship of Team Star Fox. Consoles blinked and beeped in the background as Rob64 - the robotic wingman that had worked with Peppy and James - monitored everything carefully. "Anything else useful, Slippy?" Fox asked hopefully.

"Well, all these books have a name written here for ownership," Slippy pointed out. "Sunset Shimmer."

The tiny foal suddenly dropped the bottle as she let out a happy squeal.

"Looks like we know who she is now," Fox murmured as he looked down at her. "Guess we just have to find the Shimmer family to get her home."

"And where are you going to look for them?" Falco asked teasingly. "Pony Planet? Where unicorns like her control the sun and moon and pegasi make the weather? Don't be ridiculous, Fox, she obviously doesn't come from anywhere in this universe."

"And what makes you say that?" Peppy asked curiously.

"Duh!" Falco countered intensely. "She was spat out of a mirror! Since when has that been a normal means of transportation, even with 'magic'? Especially for an infant?"

"Well, what are we supposed to do with her?" Fox demanded grumpily.

Sunset suddenly giggled as her entire body was surrounded by a teal blue aura, and she floated up to cling to Fox like a limpet, nuzzling into his fur.

"Looks like she's imprinted on you," Peppy commented easily. "Guess you'll be looking after her."

"I'm 15!" Fox snapped back, instinctively lowering his voice as Sunset started to fuss. He brought his arms up to support her as her aura faded. "How am I supposed to manage a kid? I haven't got the time-"

"Well, you did drop out of the Academy," Peppy pointed out flatly, staring right at Fox. "And you said you didn't want the Team. I'd say you have plenty of time to take some responsibility."

Fox winced. "But how am I supposed to take care of her? I don't know the first thing about kids, let alone magic!"

"I can help you look into magic, Fox!" Slippy offered eagerly.

"And I used to babysit," Falco added. "I know a few things about keeping kids in line."

"But your careers-" Fox began insistently.

"Already turned in my resignation from the Academy," Falco interrupted. "You didn't really think I'd keep going there when my whole point of being there was to best you, did you?" He gave his friend and rival a friendly punch on the arm.

"And I already finished all my science courses with full honors," Slippy added. "And I doubt I'd get much further in the flight courses anyway. I've never been able to keep my lunch down at high Gs."

"And I helped raise you, Fox," Peppy pointed out. "You didn't think I'd sit on the sidelines for this, did you?"

Fox managed a smile at the others. "...thanks," he murmured softly, trying to gently cradle Sunset in his arms. "Guess this is the first mission of the new Team Star Fox, huh guys?"

"Guess it's something worth fighting for," Peppy offered with a gentle tease.

"Oh shut up!" Fox snapped back irritably.

Sunset's eyes shot open from the sudden loud noise and she started bawling, her horn glowing blue as various objects sitting around - including Rob64 - began flying around crazily. "I am not designed for this!" Rob called out in fear.

Fox quickly began making shushing noises, trying desperately to calm Sunset down. "It's alright, it's okay, sorry I yelled..."

Thankfully, Sunset's tantrum didn't last long. After a few minutes of comfort, she smiled happily up at Fox, cooing as she reached for his face. Then a foul stench filled the air, and Sunset started crying again.

"Oh gods!" Fox gagged, desperately trying to block his nose. He did have the most sensitive sense of smell of the team.

"Give her to me," Slippy said quickly as the others desperately tried to block their own nostrils. "The scent doesn't bother me as much, and the chemical odors are rather interesting."

"Here!" Fox agreed quickly, handing Sunset over to the frog. Sunset stared up at him in fear, obviously very confused.

Slippy began making comforting croaking noises as he divested her of the shirt she'd been wrapped in, dropping it into a large specimen case for later research. Seizing a long cloth, he quickly bundled it up around Sunset's lower body into a makeshift diaper. "We'll need to get a few actual diapers at some point," he pointed out. "Otherwise, we'll run out of towels fast."

"I guess it's back to odd jobs to make money," Falco groaned. "I am going to miss the Academy providing room and board."

"With how often you complained about the meal quality?" Fox teased in shock.

"Try a few months on one ramen cup a day while the rest of the money goes to baby needs," Falco countered. "See how quickly you miss mystery meat."

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