• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,186 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Chilling With Friends

"...and that's the basics of the ACSU system," Slippy concluded as he finished his presentation to General Pepper and the few trusted scientific advisers he knew would never misuse this information...because they were members of the General's own family, including his most trusted adviser, his five year old son. "As you can see, all the new functions of the Great Fox - including the greater scale weaponry and higher efficiency matter manufacturing systems - are a direct result of the volume of magical energy available to work with...though now that they've all gotten a dry run in combat situations, I intend to tweak the systems to handle the energy flow more efficiently. Burning through three months of charge in a couple of days is not my idea of an efficient system, even if it can be completely replenished by spending a day in Solaar orbit."

Stunned silence was his only greeting for several moments. The first to speak was General Pepper's most trusted adviser. "So cool..." the little pup marveled in awe.

General Pepper found his voice. "So...this Sunset Shimmer really generates that much magical energy that quickly?" he asked in surprise. "How?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Slippy responded ruefully. "My doctorates are in engineering, not biology...and even then, Dinosaur Planet's the only world in the Lylat System with any sort of measurable magical aura, and they don't have their own space flight yet so interference is still restricted by the treaties. I only know anything about how magic works because of Krystal, and she's not even from the Lylat System."

"And...what does she have to say about how Sunset is able to generate so much magical energy?" one of the scientists asked curiously.

"She's as flabbergasted as the rest of us," Slippy explained simply. "From what she says, Sunset's orders of magnitude stronger in magic than even the strongest of her own people - her among them - to the point that once she learns full control, she could rewrite the laws of physics in her vicinity at will."

"She doesn't have full control?" one of the other scientists gasped in fear.

"She has as much control as can be reasonably expected of a three year old," Slippy countered incisively. "And if her performance during the latest incident is any indication, the only reason she hasn't expressed more control is because she hasn't felt a need to before."

As the scientists began to debate amongst themselves, General Pepper frowned thoughtfully. "This is a lot to take in," he admitted finally. "But I can place my full trust in Team Star Fox to handle this situation." Nodding to himself, he made his decision. "The contents of this briefing will remain classified on a need-to-know basis, and will not leave this room or the Great Fox without direct orders from this office, corroborated with orders from the Great Fox."

Slippy nodded happily. "Thank you, General," he offered warmly. "It's a relief to know you're on our side yet."

"Don't thank me just yet," General Pepper pointed out. "This means I won't be able to help if Child Services decides to stick their nose into this situation. You do have a three year old alien foundling being raised by a group of teenage mercenaries, after all. That's a minefield of potential issues they could take."

Slippy felt the sweatdrop slide down the back of his head as he laughed nervously.

Fox and Bill sat back, sharing a soda as they watched Sunset playing excitedly with Rob yet again. This time, she'd converted his arm into a large butterfly net before racing off around the room, making the game she wanted plain as day. Rob, for his part, seemed more than happy to try and catch her, clanking along behind her while Krystal watched from the other side of the room in case of injury. "A father," Bill spoke up again, still rather stupefied by the revelation. "Seriously?"

"Yup," Fox confirmed. "That's why I declined when the Academy offered to give me back my spot on the roles when the 'grief period' had run out after I dropped out. I had to take care of her." He glanced apologetically at Bill. "Sorry about that, by the way. I didn't know how many strings you'd pulled to make that happen."

Bill shrugged. "Hey, like I'd do anything less for a friend," he offered happily. "Still, wish I'd known about it-"

"So you could have dropped out too to help me take care of her?" Fox interrupted. "Yeah, no. You still have a bright future ahead of you, and Katina would have been lost long before we got there without you in command. I had all the help I needed, and I didn't want to drag you down with me." He grunted irritably. "Even if I did need the help, it's bad enough Falco tossed aside his future to help."

Bill shrugged. "Does it surprise you that Falco dropped out of the Academy the instant he heard you had?" he asked teasingly. "He takes being your rival seriously, even if you are on the same team."

"Don't get me started on that!" Fox groaned. "We used to fight over which of us Sunset would call Dad until we realized it was upsetting her. It's how Krystal there wound up 'Mom' first."

Bill glanced appreciatively Krystal's way, doing his best not to wolf whistle, wishing he could control the wagging of his tail. "So she's 'Mom'...and you're 'Dad'..." He grinned wolfishly at Fox. "Does that mean...?"

"Not yet," Fox groaned. "Dad used-" He caught himself, then took a few deep breaths to control the sharp pain of grief. "Dad used to joke that nothing killed romance faster than having kids that age around."

Bill's expression fell, ears slumping against his head as his tail tried to slip past his chair to between his legs. "It still hurts that bad?" he asked gently, an empathetic whimper in his voice.

"It's not that," Fox corrected. "It's...he was there. On my way out of Venom..."


"In spirit, anyway," Fox added. "Krystal...described it as Utzum..." He shook his head. "Dad's still watching over me. It just...brought it back fresh, you know? I just wish he could be here...physically."

Bill smiled softly. "Well, Sunset is magic. Why not get her to build a robo-golem attuned to your Dad's spirit for him to possess so he can be?"

"Don't even joke about that!" Fox snapped out, glancing worriedly towards Sunset.

"Too soon?" Bill asked worriedly.

"No. I'm afraid she just might try it!"

"Go-lem?" Sunset asked Krystal hopefully, making Fox and Bill stiffen.

"Not until you master the basics," Krystal answered without preamble. "Then we'll see about the more advanced stuff...if you're good."

Fox and Bill exhaled simultaneous sighs of relief. "She's a natural mother, isn't she?" Bill asked pleasantly.

"Sure seems that way," Fox agreed.

Bill's smile widened as Krystal bent over to pick Sunset up, the pose briefly outlining and accentuating the curve of her breasts and hips. "Built like one, too," he pointed out to Fox teasingly.

"...shut up..."

In another corner of the room, Falco and Katt laughed uproariously at Fox's momentary misery. "And that's the story," Falco concluded, having just finished catching Katt up on everything he'd been up to since they'd last parted. "Gotta say, I was surprised to see you helping save the day. Didn't think you liked anything military."

"And if it had been military, I'd have stayed out of it," Katt pointed out easily, brushing back her pink hair as she took a drink. "But you guys aren't military. Besides, you didn't really think I'd stay away from my 'niece', did you?" She gave Falco a look.

Falco swallowed nervously. "So you caught that 'Auntie Katt', huh?"

"And you saying 'heck no'," Katt confirmed. "So why didn't you want me around her, hmm? Think I'm a bad influence?"

"Nothing like that!" Falco insisted defensively. "You're a good friend, Katt, and I'd love for Sunset to have another good female role model...preferably one who wears more, but don't tell Krystal I said that-" He grinned as that got a snicker out of Katt. Even if the feline's preferred wardrobe was rather form-fitting, it still managed to be somewhat modest...especially compared to Krystal's rather minimalist attire. "But that's just it...you're a good friend. That's why, given I'm 'Uncle Bahrdi', I didn't want her automatically calling you Aunt."

"Why would that-" Katt blinked as it clicked, then burst into laughter. "Falco, she's three! I think that's a little young for her to be shipping!"

"Say that after you see Slippy trying to reverse the damage she did to the matter replicator trying to program it to make a literal metric ton of mistletoe," Falco responded flatly.

Katt's eyes widened, and then she grinned wickedly. "Oh, I'm going to love spending time with this little 'angel'," she purred eagerly.

Falco groaned morosely. "What have I gotten myself into?" he moaned ruefully.

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