• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,857 Views, 88 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 4 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, Twilight and Sunsets's team of friends join with fellow LEGO Team members Gloriosa and Timber to deal with a series of issues, which could eventually push one of them too far.

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Sunset Shimmer entered the castle’s lounge, where all of her friends were waiting. As she stepped into the room, she noticed Gloriosa Daisy was speaking with all of her friends except for Twilight Sparkle. She walked over to them and soon realized that Gloriosa was explaining to them about Camp Everfree’s financial troubles and how Twilight and Sunset had offered to help. Naturally, the rest of their friends were in agreement, and were already coming up with ideas on how they would raise the necessary funds to pay off all those debts.

Meanwhile, Twilight was sitting in one of the many chairs not far away, mostly because she simply wanted to be alone with her thoughts for a moment. As she watched the conversation between her friends and Gloriosa, she smiled at the knowledge that she had such good friends to help out someone in need.

It wasn’t long before Timber Spruce walked over to where Twilight sat and he remarked, “I have to say, it looks like a lot of good things are gonna come out from the C-C-C.”

Twilight looked up at Timber and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“The Crystal Castle Conference,” clarified Timber with a smirk. “I came up with it myself.”

Twilight folded her arms and smiled as she quipped, “Not exactly the most creative acronym, isn’t it?”

“Hey, I tried my best,” replied Timber with a shrug. “For all we know, you just helped make history at that meeting. I’m just doing my part to contribute.”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle lightly. “I’m really glad I met you,” she remarked.

Timber suddenly looked away awkwardly and mumbled, “Uh oh…”

With a concerned expression, Twilight got up out of her seat and asked, “What?”

“That sounds like a goodbye,” replied Timber with a little playful tone in his voice. “And here I was hoping we’d still be able to hang out.” He smiled and slyly asked, “Maybe get dinner and catch a movie?”

Twilight blushed, then gave a small smile and quietly replied, “Y-yeah… I’d… really like that.”

“Oh, good!” said Timber in feigned relief. “I wasn’t sure if you’d mind seeing me show up in town every now and then.”

“Oh, not at all,” assured Twilight.

Twilight and Timber stared into each other’s eyes and continued to smile. Neither of them said a word as their faces slowly drew closer together. Once they were close enough, their eyes closed and…

Timber suddenly yelped and jumped back when he felt something touch his shoulder. He and Twilight both opened their eyes and soon noticed that Gloriosa was standing right beside them.

“Oh, uh, sorry,” said Gloriosa with a nervous chuckle as she took her hand off Timber’s shoulder. “I just got word from the castle’s Jump-Gate operator. He’s set the coordinates to take us directly back to Camp Everfree, so we can leave whenever you’re ready.”

“Oh, right. Cool,” responded Timber with an awkward smile. “Uh, you go on ahead. I’ll be right behind ya.”

Gloriosa smiled and rolled her eyes before she turned away and started walking out of the lounge.

Timber turned back to Twilight and asked, “How about we meet at Canterlot City Park tomorrow at five? We can make a plan from there.”

“Sure,” replied Twilight with a smile. “Sounds good to me.”

“Cool,” said Timber. As he began to walk out of the lounge to follow his sister, he glanced back at Twilight and added, “I’ll see ya around.”

Twilight simply nodded in agreement as she watched Timber leave the room. Even once he was already outside, she continued to stare at the doorway as if she was in a trance. She finally snapped out of it once she heard some giggling coming from all of her friends, standing not far away from her. “What?” she asked in confusion.

“Oh, nothin’,” lied Applejack with a smirk.

“Aww, that was so adorable,” Rarity practically squealed in giddiness.

“He does seem like a pretty cool guy,” Sunset playfully remarked.

“You know what else is cool?” asked Rainbow Dash smugly. She excitedly continued, “Our awesome new superpowers! While you were busy at that meeting…” She suddenly zoomed to one end of the large room. “…I did, like, a hundred laps around the entire castle…” She suddenly zoomed to the opposite end of the room. “…went all the way to the Dark Forest to give Rob N. Hood a thank-you gift from Rarity…” She then zoomed over to a ping-pong table where Pinkie Pie was already set to play. “…and still had plenty of time left over to play a few rounds of ping-pong with Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie served and they quickly smacked the ping-pong ball back and forth a few times before Rainbow smacked it clear over her head.

Rainbow Dash tossed her paddle away and excitedly squealed, “I love my super-speed!”

“About that,” Sunset spoke up as she held up her pendant. “I think these magical crystals are the source of the superpowers. That would explain why I lost my powers and you kept yours when we were at the lunar base, because Gloriosa had been carrying yours with her, but mine was still in that cave back in the Dark Forest.”

“You’re not going to ask us to give these up, are you?” asked Fluttershy with concern.

“No,” replied Sunset. “In fact, I think maybe we were meant to have them all along.”

“Me too,” agreed Twilight.

The rest of the girls all muttered various words in agreement.

“Hooray!” cheered Pinkie Pie with an excited jump. “We all get to be superheroes!”

Applejack chuckled in amusement and said, “Well, now that that’s settled…” She turned to Twilight and subtly tapped her wrist. “…ya mind?”

“Oh! Right,” said Twilight with realization as she began entering a code into the Jump-Gate return device on her wrist. “I guess now would be a good time for us to return home.” Once the code was entered, she aimed her device at the nearby empty wall and hit the open button.

The large solid doors of a Jump-Gate materialized on the wall, then parted open. The seven girls all walked through the gateway and found themselves inside the massive multi-purpose room in Canterlot City’s LEGO Team Headquarters. As the Jump-Gate doors closed behind them, they looked over towards the briefing area and saw Celestia Playwell was standing on the large platform overlooking the main floor and in front of the massive display screen.

“Welcome back, girls,” greeted Celestia. “How did the meeting go?”

“There’s gonna be a few minor changes,” replied Sunset, “but I’m sure everything will turn out alright.”

“That’s good to hear,” said Celestia with a nod. She then gestured at the Jump-Gate and offered, “Now then, if you’d like to…”

Twilight removed her return device and said, “Actually, we’ll just take the train back into town. After everything we’ve been though, it’ll be nice to use some traditional transportation.”

Celestia nodded in understanding and said, “Very well. Have a nice day, girls.”

The seven girls said various words of departure and left the room. As they began walking down the hallway, Rarity spoke up, “You know, it has suddenly occurred to me that our little group apparently lacks an official name.”

“What do you mean by that?” asked Fluttershy.

“Whenever anyone refers to us as a group,” explained Rarity, “they use rather basic and informal identification, such as ‘that LEGO Team from Canterlot City’, or ‘the team of girls from Canterlot City’. Many of them tend to be quite the mouthful, so I was wondering if we could come up with an official team name, for the sake of convenience.”

“Hey, great idea!” agreed Pinkie Pie excitedly. “Now that we’re superheroes, we’re totally gonna need a catchy name. How about the Wondergirls? No, wait! How about the Spectacular Seven? Oh! Oh! How about the Magical Master Builders?”

“We need a name that accurately reflects who we are and what we’re capable of,” explained Twilight. “We’re a team of girls, and our new magical powers originate from Equestria, so one possible team name I have in mind would be… Equestria Girls.”

“I actually like that name,” remarked Sunset. “It fits us so well, and is short and easy to remember.”

“Then it’s settled,” declared Applejack contently. “Next time we get mentioned in the news, we’ll be sure to tell the reporters to call us by our new team name: The Equestria Girls.”

“Best team name ever!” cheered Pinkie Pie.

The rest of the group — now officially the Equestria Girls — all shared words of agreement as they continued to make their way towards the train station in the building’s basement.

A little later, the Equestria Girls were riding the train that would take them back into downtown Canterlot City. Once they arrived at the station, they would all bid each other farewell and return to their homes, with the hope that they would be able to relax and enjoy everyday life for a while.

Halfway through the train ride, everyone was sitting in silence inside the train car when Sunset suddenly spoke up, “There’s one thing I’m still wondering about…”

“What’s that?” asked Twilight.

“The magic in these geodes we now possess definitely came from Equestria, and Gloriosa had found them inside a cave in the Dark Forest, but there’s a missing link in all of that… How did this magic from Equestria end up inside that cave in the first place?”

Twilight turned to look out the window at the passing landscape as she replied with uncertainty, “Hmm… That’s a very good question…”

Later that night, there were almost no civilians walking around near Canterlot City Park. Inside this park was a pedestal that once held up a statue of a horse rearing on its hind legs — recently knocked off by a crashing spaceship and so far not yet replaced.

What was very special about this pedestal is that one of its sides served as the interdimensional portal to Equestria.

However, little did anyone know, the tiles that made up the top surface of this brick-built structure were no longer perfectly aligned. The impact that had knocked the statue off had also warped the internal structure, allowing gaps to open up between the tile parts that covered the top surface.

Suddenly, a strange glow appeared between these gaps, then a series of trails of various forms of magical energy began to escape and dispersed to virtually every corner of the Lego World…

Author's Note:

As I've continued throughout this fanfiction series, I gradually realized how inconvenient it was to keep referring to the main cast with informal phrases like "the team of girls from Canterlot City", and even made a little joke about it back in the first chapter of this story, so I decided that now would be a good time to give them the official team name of "Equestria Girls" to hopefully make things a little easier from now on. If you're wondering what will be next for this series, I'll explain everything in a blog post about a week from now, so be sure to keep that in mind for now.

Comments ( 7 )

Ugh! You had to keep in the part where they almost kiss. Up until then, the shipping had been pretty subtle. However, you did keep Timber's more obnoxious character traits in check, so I don't mind it as much as I did with the movie.

What magic appears throghout the land, The Phantom Raspberry Baker knows.:pinkiecrazy:

8393445 Yeah, and he even kind of threw in the scene from the blooper reel where Timber put on Groucho glasses.

8393445 I had considered rewriting that part, but I just couldn't think of anything better. Besides, after watching that episode "Fame and Misfortune" a few weeks ago, I figured that I shouldn't let people's personal complaints dictate what I write. If this content is what I feel would work best, then I'm going to stick with it.

8396470 Speaking of bloopers, the next part of this fanfiction series happens to be exactly that, and you can expect to see it about a month from now. I'll explain more about it and next year's plans in a blog post that I hope to have up in a few days.

Like I said, it's more forgivable than what actually happens in the movie.

Are you planning to do the special episode and the Equestria Girls YouTube series?

I just binge read all 4 of these. Loved it. I need more.

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