• Member Since 17th May, 2012
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A great cost was paid when Sunset went missing, too great, for with out the balance of Sunset's wisdom and understanding, A reluctant evil filled the void, and with it came great suffering, for the evil soon grew into the place, and so did her lust, now the world became a battle ground.

MTG crossover

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 81 )

...Huh...Didn't know this was gonna be a MtG crossover...Well let's see where this rabbit hole leads! :pinkiecrazy:

Miss Anon A Miss will still be exposed?
Make it all the better for a biter end for the Rainbooms.

First: Since this is a Magic the Gathering crossover, you will need the crossover tag
Second: I'm assuming that you meant to put winter break instead of spring break in this line

3 days later, after spring break

Third: Friendly advice, but get an editor. I saw too many errors to list.

I will still track this.

"B-but she cant leave us, she just can't, she wouldn't leave us, her friends?" Pinkie asked, before she promptly became wide eyed and stopped, her mind shutting down for a few minutes as the girls walked around trying to come to terms.

you lost any right to call Twilight your friend the moment you abandoned Sunset Pinkie

Hell hath been unleashed. I hope thy crusade was worth it fiends.


my favorite trailer, plus i got 2 booster boxes from both this and shadows, also got emerakul.

I don't know what mtg is but this is interesting so far

MtG stands for Magic: The Gathering, a trading card game that's been around since the early 90s that card games today, like the Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh card games, have been inspired by.

Pls start sentences with capitals. No offense but this shows immaturity and rushed. Also, state it being a time skip and sum up the events leading to this chapter.

I take the CMC confessed right?


they are gonna wish they had.

Why do I have the impression that someone will be stupid enough to tell Sunset they forgive her for being Anon-a-miss?

you should Sunset say this "after you abandoned me and accused me of something I didn't do, you expect me to help you?!, well you can beg all you want but I don't have to listen"

Going by "they are going to wish they had" after being asked if the CMC had admitted to being her, oh yeah
That's not going to go over well, at. All.

Please have the rainbows still think she was anon a miss, have her be lIke fuck I don't need this shit I'll go help her before I help you





Alright spoiler alert.

Anyone read the eldritch moon backstory, because Sunset is gonna unleash her inner lilliana

You know, I did have a what-if scenario kinda like Walking Dead and High School of the Dead. On the day the Rainbooms turn their backs on Sunset, the school has a student who falls sick. But then the student goes zombie and bites Nurse Redheart. This spreads and the school becomes full of zombies. The Rainbooms try to help everyone, but then the CMC panic but then Sunset saves them. Of course there is tension until Applebloom breaks down and confesses. Now they have to survive, but then feelings are still hurt and the Rainbooms feel remorseful, but Sunset is just focused on getting them out of this mess alive, if they can.


Eh, ive seen enough walking dead too last me a life time, but this sounds promising, maybe ill check it out.

It was an idea. Never written.

Ummm I'm kinda orn on this chapter. because what was that junk with the CMC at the last part?!

they feel bad but the shrug things off and go play on their game console...So do they feel guilty or they don't care anymore?!


I guess I could touch that part up.

But yes, they simply buried their sins by deleting the account and now are simply trying to forget.

...................Ok I be honest, i just want to get to the actual story, the flashback is nice, but i find that repetitive, it just delaying to seeing the meeting between Sunset and the girls. that what I'm waiting on, to see what happens and finally see some payback already.


a good story needs time to be set up if I just jumped straight to sunset meeting the girls after she spent who knows how long on Innistrad, the MTG crossover would be completely pointless, it would literally be like any other anon-fic, plus if I simply jump straight to the meeting back up, I would have to ass pull Sunsets magic later in the story, and I hate that, but your patience is rewarded, since Sunset shall be meeting the rainbooms..... IN A CLIFFHANGER!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA jk, your patience is rewarded.

ok what is this crossed over with? XD


magic the gathering, but you knew that already didn't you


lmao, wait till the next huge story block comes out before getting into it

But we will never let them forget.

i have never played magic the gathering but, I am enjoying this story so far.

This is a cool idea, though a bit difficult to understand. :twilightsmile:
Good luck :pinkiehappy:


well its magic the gathering that spans three different points of view.

and punch to the gut, i hope sunset doesn't forgive them, she should do what any decent witch would do, force them to bargin.


well, considering she was trained by Lillianna and spent a few years on Innistrad, hehehehehehehehe

too quote one very famous madman

"magic always comes with a price dearie"

The grammar needs work it's also going a bit fast and I unfortunately have the distinct feeling she's going to flat out forgive them, as usual.


Well your just gonna have to wait for it to come full circle

Please continue this soon!! I love it!!

Comment posted by Edguy0009 deleted Feb 15th, 2019

Sunset Shimmer we've come to bargain!

Oof. You really need an editor. There are lots of super basic mistakes. I mean, it's spelled "Liliana," not "Lillianna." I was excited about an MTG crossover, but this needs lots of work.

Sunset shimmer does not wish to bargain

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