• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,857 Views, 88 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 4 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, Twilight and Sunsets's team of friends join with fellow LEGO Team members Gloriosa and Timber to deal with a series of issues, which could eventually push one of them too far.

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A Team of Heroes

Chapter 14
A Team of Heroes

The large cloud released by the massive explosion had cleared away by the time Pinkie Pie reached the ground floor of the tall building. She walked out onto the street and saw all around her that windows had been blown out, objects had been knocked over away from the blast center, and vehicles had been tossed around as if they were small toys. She glanced around and saw no sign of anyone out in the open. To her right was a large pile of vines and brambles where Gloriosa was last seen, and to her left was the diamond dome beneath which her friends had taken shelter.

As Pinkie ran over towards the diamond dome, she couldn’t help but think, Wow… guess I don’t know my own strength. As she arrived at the dome, she knocked on it a few times and called out, “All clear! You can come out now!”

The dome of diamonds was quickly dispersed, and the four girls inside — Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash — were finally able to see the surrounding devastation for themselves.

Applejack let out a long whistle and remarked, “Ah gotta say, that sure was somethin’.”

“If this isn’t overdoing it, I don’t know what is,” added Rainbow Dash.

“We should probably check on Gloriosa to see how she fared,” suggested Rarity.

As the five girls began walking towards the large pile of plant material in the street up ahead, Fluttershy worriedly muttered, “I hope she isn’t too badly hurt. We’re only trying to stop her, not destroy her.”

“Somethin’ tells me we ain’t gonna find much left,” said Applejack skeptically.

The five girls were only a few steps away from the pile when all the vines and brambles it consisted of started to shift. They stopped and watched as all that plant material began to twist around, and then up from the center of it all rose Gloriosa, now with an enraged expression on her face and her hands glowing brightly with green magical energy.

“You have got to be kidding me,” muttered Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

“Playtime is over!” shouted Gloriosa as the vines and brambles under her feet began to rise upwards into a column. “I’m gonna get rid of you once and for all!”

All around the five girls, countless more large stalks sprouted from the ground and quickly peeled away, unleashing dozens more woodfigs. The girls huddled close together with their backs to each other, bracing themselves to fight off the large army that completely surrounded them.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

The five girls were startled to see some of the woodfigs suddenly get blasted to pieces by a series of laser bolts. They turned their attention towards where those bolts came from and they saw another unexpected sight in the form of a glowing lavender blade swinging around, humming as it moved around and sizzling as it sliced through every single woodfig that stood in its way. As the last woodfig between the girls and the newcomers was sliced vertically in half, the halves fell away to reveal that the glowing blade was wielded by a panting Twilight Sparkle, and right behind her was Sunset Shimmer armed with a laser blaster.

“Twilight!” exclaimed Rarity cheerfully.

“Sunset!” exclaimed Applejack cheerfully.

“You’re okay!” added Rainbow Dash just as excitedly.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

After blasting away a few more woodfigs that tried getting in the way, Sunset smiled smugly and remarked, “Sorry we’re late. There was an army in our way.”

“Yeah, we noticed,” Rainbow noted dryly.

Not far behind Twilight and Sunset stood the rest of their group — Spike, Chase McCain, and Timber Spruce. As they walked towards the scene of devastation, Timber asked, “So why exactly do you guys want me here with you?”

“Gloriosa Daisy has been corrupted by what we believe to be Equestrian magic,” explained Chase. “It’s consumed her and turned her into the psychotic, raging, plant-controlling monster you see up ahead. As her only living relative, we believe you stand the best chance of trying to talk her out of this madness. I seriously doubt you’ll be totally successful, but it’s possible you might get through to her just enough to allow the others to find some way to save your sister.”

“Well, whatever we’re gonna say and do, we’d better hurry,” warned Spike worriedly as he pointed upwards. “I don’t think we have much time left!”

Chase and Timber glanced upwards and saw that the thick barrier of brambles that completely surrounded the city had now grown so tall that its ultimate dome shape was now becoming very obvious, and the large round opening that remained directly above was steadily shrinking with each passing minute.

Timber gulped, but continued walking forward as Chase and Spike stopped just a few steps away from the seven girls of Canterlot City’s LEGO Team. He continued past the now reunited team, his eyes focused upwards at Gloriosa, and his hands noticeably shaking.

As Timber walked by, Twilight gently patted him on the shoulder and assured him, “Don’t worry. If anything goes wrong, we’ve got your back.” She emphasized her point by holding up the plasma blade in her hand.

Timber paused and smiled at Twilight for a moment, then returned his gaze forward and resumed walking. He stopped only a few steps away from the base of the column of brambles as Gloriosa turned her attention downward upon noticing his presence. Finally, he took a deep breath and stated, “Gloriosa, this isn’t the way.”

“I appreciate your concern, Timber,” responded Gloriosa irritably, “but I’ve got this!” As the column continued rising beneath her feet, she unleashed more of her magical power, not only summoning more woodfigs, but also making some of the vines extend from the base of the column and grasp onto Timber.

Twilight immediately tried to rush towards Timber, but some woodfigs quickly got in the way. Even though she was able to swiftly cut them down with her plasma blade, there were enough to prevent her from getting much closer to Timber. And with many more woodfigs closing in from all directions, the rest of the team was too busy keeping them all away to be able to help Twilight.

As Timber struggled to pull himself free, he began to panic as he desperately exclaimed, “No, you don’t! Please, Gloriosa! What you’re doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!”

Pew! Pew! Pew!

After shooting a few more woodfigs with her laser blaster, Sunset paused just long enough to call back to Timber, “I don’t think this is working! There may not be much left of the old Gloriosa that hasn’t been consumed by that magic!”

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Tears began to form in Timber’s eyes as he desperately continued, “Whoever you’ve become, you have to let my sister go! Please, Gloriosa, come back! I need you! You’re all I have left!”

Gloriosa stared down at Timber for a few moments. She didn’t say anything and her expression didn’t change at all. The rest of the group — despite most of them being busy fighting off woodfigs — noticed Gloriosa’s lack of reaction and, for a moment, began to hope that maybe they would actually be able to finally put a stop to all of this.

After almost half a minute of tense silence, Gloriosa simply scoffed and shot back, “As if!” She unleashed more of her magic, sending forth more brambles from the column to completely entrap Timber.

The rest of the group gasped in shock. “Well, there goes that plan,” said Chase dejectedly. “Anybody got a Plan B?” Before anyone got a chance to answer him, a bunch of brambles suddenly sprouted from the ground and quickly wrapped around to entrap him within a small dome similar to the ones they had seen earlier.

Standing right beside the now entrapped Chase, Spike immediately raised his ax, but as he swung forward to try to free Chase, his hands suddenly ended up completely empty. He briefly looked at his empty hands in confusion, then glanced back and saw some nearby vines had snatched the ax right out of his grasp. He quickly grabbed the ax and tried to get it back, but the vines were too strong. Even worse, that diversion left him vulnerable to another bunch of brambles that quickly sprouted all around him and swiftly entrapped him in a similar way to Chase. Spike only had enough time to let out a brief yelp before his voice became muffled by the enclosure.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out.

The seven girls — now the only resistance left standing — momentarily stopped fighting back against the surrounding woodfigs and began to slowly back up against each other.

“We’re not gonna give up that easily!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed defiantly, despite the fact that even she was secretly starting to doubt their chances of success by this point.

“Why must you fools be so persistent?!” Gloriosa shouted furiously. “Face it, girls! It’s over! You’ll never stop me now!”

It was right at that moment when the ground began to shake. As the girls glanced around in confusion, Twilight asked, “What’s going on? I’m pretty sure Lego City isn’t located near any fault lines.”

“This isn’t an earthquake…” noted Sunset as she looked down the street behind the team. “It’s a stampede!”

Everyone turned back and saw a herd of bulls charging down the street. Their eyes widened in shock once they quickly realized that the bull stampede was heading right towards them!

The team braced themselves, but it turned out to be unnecessary as the bulls simply bypassed them by going either left or right of them, and then merging back together right at the column of brambles atop which Gloriosa stood.

Many of the charging bulls bumped into the column as they passed by, throwing off Gloriosa’s balance enough that she had to focus most of her attention on simply staying upright. She decided to quickly solve the problem by extending the growth around her legs, locking her firmly into place.

Applejack smirked and remarked, “Looks like nature’s cavalry just arrived.”

Once the last of the charging bulls had passed by, Gloriosa growled in frustration and muttered, “This is just a minor setback.” She unleashed yet more of her magical power, summoning even more large stalks that released woodfigs all around the team.

Once again, the seven girls stood in a tight circle with their backs to each other as they prepared for the next wave of attacks. On one side of the circle, Fluttershy held out her arm to allow an eagle to perch itself close to her, ready to send out commands to the other animals in the area. To her right, Applejack raised her fists, ready to smash some woodfigs with her bare hands if she had to. To her right, Rarity summoned a diamond shield and held it out in front of her. To her right, Twilight — the only one in the group not currently in a ponied up state — grasped her active plasma blade with both hands and held it up defensively. To her right, Sunset raised her laser blaster and prepared to take aim at any of the surrounding woodfigs. To her right, Pinkie Pie giggled as she grabbed a couple of donuts from the full sack she was still carrying on her back. And completing the circle between Pinkie and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was quickly jumping from one foot to the other, ready to sprint off at a moment’s notice.

“Oh boy, oh boy!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to see us do a superhero pose!”

“Enough stallin’!” argued Applejack. “Let’s go get ‘em!”

“Gladly,” agreed Rainbow Dash, right before she immediately zoomed off as a rainbow motion blur that slammed right through the woodfigs directly in front of her.

The rest of the team immediately jumped into action. Sunset fired a few laser bolts at the woodfigs in front of her before charging ahead. Applejack rushed forward and punched one woodfig in the torso so hard that it was sent flying backwards and collected three others before they all smashed to pieces against the side of a building. Twilight did not hesitate to charge ahead and start slashing through any woodfig in her way with her plasma blade. Pinkie tossed the donuts in her hands, clearing a path through the crowd of woodfigs for her to rush through. Rarity flung her large diamond shield forward, knocking over enough woodfigs to allow her to reach some open ground further ahead. And the eagle perched on Fluttershy’s arm took to the air, and Fluttershy followed right behind him on the ground.

As Applejack simply marched down the street with a look on her face of solid determination, she effortlessly swatted away any woodfigs that attempted to charge at her, sending them flying into buildings to the left and to the right. She then grabbed one and flung it high into the air behind her back, far out of sight. She then grabbed another, flipped it upside down, and slammed its head into the pavement so hard that it practically exploded into splinters. Finally, as she reached an intersection, she kicked another woodfig in the torso, sending it flying backwards and collected half a dozen others behind it.

Those last few woodfigs were still airborne when a rainbow motion blur slammed right through all of them, sending splinters flying everywhere. But right after delivering that blow, Rainbow Dash quickly stopped and let out a cry of pain as she clutched her right hand, which she had used to punch those now shattered woodfigs. “Darn splinters,” she grumbled as she shook her hand around a little, but quickly shrugged off the pain and zoomed off to deal with more of the wooden opponents.

Rarity had now summoned a second large flat diamond, and as she used one of them to block any woodfig from getting close to her, she sent the other one rapidly spinning to swiftly cut down the woodfigs standing in the path ahead of her. However, she failed to watch her back and let out a startled yelp when she suddenly felt two woodfigs grab her from behind.

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

Just seconds later, the woodfigs holding Rarity let go of her and collapsed. She turned around and saw that a group of beavers had rapidly gnawed away at the legs of those woodfigs. She glanced further down the street and smiled when she saw Fluttershy smiling and waving at her.

Meanwhile, Sunset was shooting her laser blaster at some more oncoming woodfigs, while Twilight was not much further ahead as she used her plasma blade to swiftly cut them down. As she sliced through yet another woodfig, Twilight noticed some scaffolding set up along the side of a nearby building. As Sunset fired a few more laser bolts, Twilight suddenly charged right towards the path of those bolts and used her plasma blade to deflect one of them right at one of the base supports for the scaffolding. The laser bolt easily destroyed the support, causing the scaffolding to topple away from the building and crash onto the street, landing right on top of over a dozen woodfigs and crushing them all underneath the wreckage.

“Nice teamwork,” remarked Sunset.

Twilight giggled and quipped, “Who needs magic when you’ve got a plasma blade?”

Not much further away, Pinkie Pie was tossing donuts left and right, unleashing explosion after explosion upon any woodfig she could reach.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Pinkie was about to toss yet another donut when she suddenly stopped and cheerfully remarked, “Ooh! This one’s got chocolate sprinkles!” She then happily took a large bite out of that donut, savored it for a few seconds, then casually tossed the rest of it at yet another nearby woodfig.


As all of this was going on, everyone on the team had failed to notice the final opening at the top of the massive bramble dome that surrounded the city was rapidly closing. The final battle had lasted only a few minutes before the opening finally closed. Once that was done, sparks of sickly green magical energy danced across the entire surface of the massive dome, illuminating the now dark interior of the massive dome. The sight of this caused all seven girls to quickly stop what they were doing, look around in confusion, then turn toward Gloriosa in the center of the action.

“I think this has gone on long enough,” grumbled Gloriosa as her body also crackled with green dark magical energy. The brambles that surrounded her legs now extended further up along her body and continued upwards. As some of the brambles and vines slowly wrapped completely around a madly grinning Gloriosa, many others rapidly grew higher and higher until they eventually grasped onto the very top of the dome. Once she was connected with all that magical energy, her powers amplified dramatically.

Now, large vines and brambles began sprouting all over the place, and the team had nowhere to hide. Sunset tried firing her laser blaster at some of those bundles of brambles, but a vine unexpectedly reached over from the side, swiftly wrapped around the weapon, and yanked it right out of her grasp. As that vine then tightened its grip and crushed the weapon, a pair of woodfigs suddenly grabbed Sunset by both arms and tossed her back towards the clearing in front of the bramble column.

Twilight managed to slice through every vine and bramble she could with her plasma blade, but a well-placed vine by her feet caused her to trip and fall forward, also causing the plasma blade to fall out of her grasp and deactivate. She immediately tried to pick it up again, but a bunch of thick brambles swiftly grew over it before she could even reach it. As she made a desperate but futile attempt to pull those brambles apart with her hands, a pair of woodfigs grabbed her by both arms and tossed her back towards the clearing on the street, landing right beside Sunset.

Pinkie Pie tried to toss some more donuts, but as she reached back to grab one, she realized the sack was gone, so she turned around to see that one of the brambles had snatched it right off her back. Before she even had a chance to reach for it, a vine suddenly wrapped around her torso and then tossed her back towards the clearing.

Rainbow Dash kept zooming around in various directions to avoid getting caught by any vines or woodfigs, but she failed to watch where she was stepping and ended up tripping over a bramble on the ground, sending her tumbling towards the clearing.

Rarity was so stunned by all the madness going on that she failed to notice a large vine rise out of the ground behind her before it swiftly wrapped around her torso and tossed her into the clearing.

Fluttershy glanced back and when she saw yet another giant vine had sprouted and prepared to reach for her, she let out a terrified scream and ran straight towards the clearing to join with the rest of the team.

Applejack attempted to uproot the vine that had tried to grab her, but not even her magically enhanced super strength was enough to do anything to it. The end of the vine wrapped around her torso and lifted her up, causing her to flip upside down since she was holding onto the base of that vine. She quickly grabbed her hat as it fell off her head, but then the vine tossed her into the clearing and she tumbled to the street right beside all six of her friends and teammates.

As Applejack stood up and put her hat back on, she and the others watched as over two dozen woodfigs surrounded them, then as they clasped hands in a circle around the team, countless brambles sprouted from them and tangled around each other to start forming a dome to completely entrap the team.

“Rarity!” Applejack called out.

Without a word, Rarity immediately summed a series of large diamond constructs to form a dome protecting them. Right away, the surrounding brambles compressed downwards, exerting a strong force against the diamond dome. Rarity held her hands out to hold her magical dome in place, but while it held steady, she was already starting to strain from the immense outside forces. “I can’t keep this up forever!” she cried out desperately.

“If only I hadn’t dropped my plasma blade,” muttered Twilight. “I could’ve used it to easily cut through all this overgrowth.”

“You won’t need it, Twilight,” stated Sunset. “You can use your magic to pull the brambles apart, just like how we got through the Jump-Gate.”

“No, there’s too many of them,” Twilight worriedly replied. “It would take too much magic. I can’t!”

“It’s the only way!” Sunset desperately exclaimed. “You have to embrace the magic inside you!”

“But what if she takes over?” Twilight fearfully asked. “What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into Midnight Sparkle and only make things even worse?”

“That won’t happen!” assured Sunset. “We won’t let it.” She smiled at Twilight, as did the rest of their friends behind her.

Twilight stared silently at her friends. Their trust in her and their conviction that she would not fail was astonishing enough to bring tears to her eyes.


Twilight suddenly glanced upwards and saw that cracks were starting to form in the surrounding diamond dome. They were quickly running out of time, and her friends were convinced she was the only one who could save them now. With newly found determination, Twilight clenched her fists and began focusing her magical power. As her fists glowed magenta and a point of light formed on her forehead, she reached her magical energy out towards the surrounding brambles. She managed to grasp those brambles in her magic for a brief moment, but then hesitated and lost her hold on them.

The force of those brambles coming back down onto the dome caused Rarity to exert so much of her own magical power that, after barely managing to keep the dome in place, she let out a faint gasp and nearly passed out from exhaustion. Thankfully, Applejack managed to catch her before she fell to the ground.

“Come on, Twilight!” begged Sunset. “You have to be stronger than she is!”

Twilight was reluctant, but knew she had to try again. She once again focused her magical energy, trying to build up as much as she felt was necessary. Eventually, she was able to concentrate so much magic that the point of light on her forehead expanded into a horn shape, and her glasses became covered in an all too familiar ring of flaming blue energy. With quick thinking, Sunset grabbed Twilight’s arms.

Within Twilight’s mind, Twilight found herself floating in the middle of the vast starry emptiness of space, not much different from what she had seen in most of her recent nightmares. Suddenly, she heard an all too familiar evil laughter, and spun around to find herself staring at the face of a giant ghostly image of Midnight Sparkle.

“You will never control me!” declared Midnight with a wicked smile on her face. “I will always be a part of you!” Her ghostly image than turned into pure magical energy that was bluish green in color, then flowed directly into Twilight’s body.

Twilight immediately felt the dark magic taking hold of her. She gained Midnight’s dark raven wings on her back, her glasses turned into Midnight’s flaming magical rings, and a glowing razor sharp horn formed on her forehead. She desperately tried to resist these parts of transformation with a defiant scream, but each attempt was futile, and she was terrified that she was about to completely lose control.


Twilight opened her eyes — which were now glowing the same bluish green glow of her horn and flaming goggles — and saw floating in front of her was a ghostly image of her friend Sunset Shimmer.

“Listen to me!” Sunset called out firmly. “You are in charge!”

Twilight slowly looked around and saw ghostly images of the rest of her friends had also suddenly appeared, forming a circle all around her.

“You are a light, darling!” Rarity called out. “A force for good!”

“Yeah! You can kick the darkness’s butt!” cheered Rainbow Dash.

“We’re here for you, Twilight!” cheered Pinkie Pie.

“And we’ll be here, no matter what!” assured Applejack.

“We believe in you!” assured Fluttershy.

Twilight looked all around at her surrounding friends, their words of inspiration reaching out to her in ways she never imagined. Finally, she turned her gaze toward the ghostly image of Sunset Shimmer.

“You… are not… Midnight Sparkle!” Sunset firmly stated.

Twilight tightly closed her eyes as the two vastly different sides of her mind battle each other. Finally, one side prevailed, and when she opened her eyes, they had returned to their regular violet color.

“No!” Twilight firmly declared as the flaming goggles around her eyes reverted back into her regular glasses. “I… am… Twilight Sparkle! And the magic I carry inside me is… the Magic of Friendship!” As she fully embraced the magic within her, the last physical traces of Midnight Sparkle quickly crumbled away. For the first time since that incident back in Canterlot City, Twilight Sparkle was back in full control of her mind.

With a massive burst of magenta magical energy, the compressing dome of brambles was completely torn to shreds, exposing the seven girls inside — with Twilight now ponied up like the rest of her friends. She had pony ears on top of her hair piece, a longer extension to the back of her hair to give the illusion of a tail, a unicorn horn over her forehead attached by her hair piece, and a pair of broad feathered wings on her back attached by a piece around her neck.

Without wasting a single moment, Twilight flew straight up towards the center of the column of brambles and used her magic to pull it apart, exposing the magically corrupted Gloriosa Daisy within.

“No! Stop!” Gloriosa cried out with fierce resistance. She desperately tried to pull her brambles back together, but it was no use.

Twilight next used her magic to tear apart the necklace around Gloriosa’s neck, setting free the seven magical geodes that were attached to it. “I’ll take those,” she casually remarked as she levitated those geodes away from Gloriosa and towards her friends.

As the seven geodes were brought to the rest of the team, Twilight released her magical hold on them, but they continued hovering in the air. In fact, as the geodes began spinning around on their own, they each hovered straight towards a particular member of the team. The yellow geode went to Fluttershy, the orange geode went to Applejack, the blue geode went to Rainbow Dash, the pink geode went to Pinkie Pie, the white geode went to Rarity, the red geode went to Sunset Shimmer, and the purple geode went back up towards Twilight Sparkle.

As the geodes arrived into their possession, the seven girls suddenly went through a remarkable transformation, altering both their wardrobes and their ponied up features. Rainbow Dash now had red on her torso with a vertical medium blue stipe down the middle of the front, light blue on her upper legs, orange on her feet, gold on her lower arms, a red skirt with gold lightning bolts on the sides, gold epaulets on her shoulders, her hair piece had returned to its normal length and was tied back in a standard ponytail, and the feathered wings on her back turned to blue crystals. Applejack now had turquoise on her torso with a gold border along the neck and waist, yellow on her legs, brown on her hands, a turquoise skirt, and a few more hair ties along the length of her hair piece. Fluttershy now had pale green on her torso with some pale blue around the neck, white on her upper legs, magenta on her lower legs, purple on her lower arms, a pale green skirt with pale blue on the front, purple epaulets on her shoulders, and the feathered wings on her back turned to green crystals. Pinkie Pie now had magenta on her torso with some pale yellow down the middle of the front, magenta on her upper legs and feet, pale yellow on her arms, magenta on her hands, a magenta skirt with pale yellow on the front, magenta epaulets on her shoulders, and her hair piece was reshaped into a pair of short pigtails on the back. Rarity now had medium blue on her torso with some pale blue down the middle of the front and back, dark blue on her upper legs, purple on her lower legs and lower arms, a pale blue skirt with a pair of medium blue stripes on the front and back, and her hair piece was reshaped completely tied back into a very long ponytail. Sunset Shimmer now had red on her torso with a horizontal stipe of yellow flames across the front and a golden sun on the front of the waist, black on her upper legs, orange on her lower legs with a gold band along the top, orange on her lower arms, a red skirt with a border of yellow flames along the bottom, gold epaulets on her shoulders, and her hair piece was reshaped completely tied back into a very long ponytail with a crown of half a golden sun on top of her head. And finally, Twilight Sparkle now had light blue on her torso with a white long V-shape over the front, medium blue on her upper legs, light blue on her lower legs with a magenta six-pointed star over the knees, light blue on her upper arms, magenta on her hands, the feathered wings on her back turned to light blue crystals, and her glasses were replaced with a translucent pink visor.

With their new magical transformation complete, the seven girls smiled as they all hovered into the air and began to glow with the colors of their respective geodes. The seven glowing colors then extended upwards into a large beam of bright light that struck the top of the citywide bramble dome, and those very bright lights then quickly extended across all of Lego City. The brilliant magical energy touched every single piece of plant material that had been unleashed, turned them all to crystal, and finally shattered it all into dust that began to gently fall like snow. Lego City was finally free.

All across Lego City, citizens began to emerge from their hiding places and looked around. They were initially confused as they watched the crystal dust slowly falling all around, but then they also noticed the absence of overgrowth, woodfigs, and especially the massive barrier. As many of them looked towards the sun setting on the horizon, the people of Lego City began to smile and mutter words of excitement now that they realized the threat was finally over.

Back on the street where the final moments of the battle had taken place, the now free Timber Spruce slowly stood up and looked around in confusion. His gaze soon fell on the seemingly motionless form of Gloriosa Daisy — now completely stripped of all that dark magic and finally back to normal — lying down on the street. He quickly ran over to her, then knelt down beside her and quietly asked, “Gloriosa?”

Gloriosa gradually began to stir. She slowly opened her eyes and gazed up at her brother, who was now smiling down at her. “What… what happened?” she asked shakily, her voice expressing just how traumatized she felt at this moment.

Timber embraced his sister and calmly assured her, “It’s okay… It’s gonna be okay…”

Neither of the two siblings said a word to each other as they continued to hug. At one point, Timber glanced upwards and smiled at Twilight, who was still hovering in the air with the rest of her friends.

Twilight silently returned the smile, then she and her friends all clasped hands and slowly descended back down to the street.

As soon as the seven girls from Canterlot City touched down, various civilians began to crowd around and cheered excitedly for the team that had once again saved their city and possibly the whole world too. Some enthusiastic civilians were even taking pictures of the group and their new crystal style outfits.

“Wow, we sure seem pretty popular,” remarked Twilight.

“That shouldn’t be so surprising,” stated Chase McCain as he suddenly stepped out from within the crowd. “This is now the fourth time you’ve defeated a monster powered by Equestrian magic and saved countless innocent lives. It’s no wonder everyone sees you as a team of heroes, especially with those superpowers and those costumes.”

Right at that moment, Spike had managed to push his way through the gathered crowd and ran towards Twilight as he excitedly shouted, “Yeah! You girls did it!” He and Twilight hugged each other for a moment, then he stepped back once he noticed something around Twilight’s neck and remarked, “Whoa, nice bling.”

Twilight and all six of her friends looked down and noticed that the magical geodes they had just obtained had now turned into necklace pieces around their necks, with the front part being a small round pendant with a symbol printed on it. Twilight’s was purple with a magenta six-pointed star, Sunset’s was red with an orange sun, Rarity’s was white with a blue diamond, Applejack’s was orange with three red apples, Pinkie’s was pink with three magenta balloons, Fluttershy’s was yellow with three pink butterflies, and Rainbow’s was blue with a dark blue cloud and lightning bolt.

Applejack grasped her pendant and held it up. “What are these?” she asked as she looked closely at it.

“I’m not sure,” replied Sunset as she and the others also looked at their respective pendants. “But clearly we have some kind of connection to them.”

“I almost don’t care what they are,” remarked an awestruck Rarity as she stared at her pendant with a smile. “They are gorgeous! And they perfectly complement these special outfits we were just granted.” She suddenly gasped and looked to her friends as she asked, “Are these magical outfits temporary? I sincerely hope not, because I would love for us to be able to wear them again on special occasions.”

“With all the pictures these people are taking of us,” remarked Rainbow Dash as she gestured at the surrounding crowd that was still cheering and taking pictures, “I’m sure you can easily recreate these outfits if you have to.”

Chase walked up to Twilight and handed something to her as he said, “I believe this is yours. Found it lying on the street.”

Twilight glanced at the object in her hand and quickly realized that it was the handle of her plasma blade. She smiled at the police officer and replied, “Thanks, Chase.” She moved to put the handle away as she had previously, then paused, glanced over herself, and muttered with embarrassment, “I just realized this outfit has no pockets.”

“Here, I’ll hold it for you,” offered Spike as he held his hand out.

Twilight said nothing as she smiled and rolled her eyes before handing her plasma blade over to her trusty assistant.

After Spike took the blade handle and stuffed it into his back pants pocket, he remarked, “Cool visor, by the way.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion, then reached up to remove her glasses and finally noticed that she was actually now wearing that visor instead. “Oh, I guess that explains why everything suddenly had a weird pinkish tint,” she muttered in amusement. Her smile quickly turned to a frown when she noticed how blurry her vision had become with that visor removed. She put her visor back on and her vision was suddenly back to the same clarity she was used to with her normal glasses. She sighed and grumbled, “I finally embraced the good side of Equestrian magic, and it still can’t repair my damaged eyesight. I guess it really is a scar I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life.”

Pinkie Pie suddenly stood next to Twilight and remarked, “But on the bright side, at least you got that really cool visor.”

Twilight smiled and said, “Yeah, I guess that’s true. And since I’ve got some spare pairs of glasses back home that are identical to the original, I can set this aside for special occasions — assuming these outfits aren’t temporary, of course.” She suddenly gasped and excitedly added, “I could even use this visor as a template to design an upgraded version of my special spectacles!”

The surrounding crowd suddenly started to quiet down and looked over in a certain direction. The team turned back and saw Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy were slowly walking towards them. Gloriosa was apparently so weakened that she held an arm around her brother’s shoulders for support.

When they stopped right in front of the team, Gloriosa — with a remorseful look on her face as she stared down at her feet — hesitated before she shamefully said, “I am so sorry. I just… I just wanted to help people in desperate need. I wanted to do what I could to protect them from heartless monsters, but instead… I became one myself.” Tears began to fall down her cheeks and her voiced started to break. “I… I-I probably don’t deserve any forgiveness for what I’ve done.”

Sunset stepped forward and smiled as she calmly said, “Actually, I would beg to differ.”

Gloriosa continued quietly sobbing as she turned her gaze up and stared at Sunset in confusion.

“In case you haven’t heard by now,” continued Sunset, “Twilight and I have both been through similar experiences. If both of us could be forgiven for what we’ve done… them I’m sure the same can be said for you, as well.”

The tears continued to fall as Gloriosa wiped them away, but at least now she was able to smile for the first time in quite a while. It seemed in that moment that Timber was right — everything was going to be okay.

“There you are!”

And that pleasant moment was quickly ruined as Filthy Rich suddenly barged his way out of the crowd and marched right over to Gloriosa. Once he stopped, he stared firmly at Gloriosa with a look of pure rage as he growled, “You, young missy, are in so much trouble for what you’ve done!” He snapped his attention towards Chase McCain and shouted, “Officer! I demand that you arrest her immediately and have her sent off to LEGO Maximum Security Prison for the rest of her life!”

Everyone turned to Chase. He hesitated for a moment before he casually replied, “Yeeeaaahhh— No.”

“What?!” exclaimed Filthy Rich in shock.

Chase simply folded his arms as he explained, “First of all, I don’t care how rich you are — I don’t take orders from you. That’s Chief Dunby’s job, okay? And second, Gloriosa just expressed how terribly sorry she is for causing this mess, and if I’m not mistaken, that’s pretty much exactly how Twilight Sparkle here reacted after the Midnight Sparkle incident over in Canterlot City. So why should I arrest Gloriosa when Twilight was not arrested under virtually identical circumstances?”

“She explicitly threatened me prior to her magical corruption!” argued Filthy Rich.

“And Twilight did exactly the same thing to Abacus Cinch,” Chase pointed out.

“That doesn’t count!” Filthy Rich shot back. “That old lady was trying to overthrow the Lego World’s leadership. I’m just trying to run a legitimate business!”

“That’s far enough, Mister Rich!”

Everyone gathered the in area turned back and saw the crowd had parted to allow Kjeld Playwell to step onto the scene.

“Finally, some real authority!” exclaimed Filthy Rich in exasperation. “Mister Playwell, I must ask that you order the immediate arrest of Gloriosa Daisy for the unprecedented devastation she unleashed upon this city!”

Kjeld glanced over at Gloriosa, who hung her head and looked away shamefully, then turned back to Filthy Rich and stated, “I don’t think that will be necessary.”

Filthy Rich was absolutely flabbergasted that his seemingly sensible demand was once again completely rejected. He was practically on the verge of losing his mind as he argued, “Y-y-you cannot be serious?! We’ve just suffered yet another magical monster who threated the Lego World. These incidents always end with somebody going to prison!”

Kjeld raised an eyebrow and asked, “Would you rather that somebody be yourself? Because as far as I’m aware, it was your actions that pushed Gloriosa to the point where she felt that stealing Equestrian magic would be her only way out.”

Filthy Rich stuttered as he struggled to come up with a quick response, but for once, he was at a complete loss for words.

“Didn’t think so,” muttered Kjeld.

“I’d argue that Filthy Rich deserves to go to prison more than Gloriosa,” stated Sunset, “but I get the feeling that, unlike Cinch, Rich hasn’t done enough bad things to justify placing him under arrest.”

“I agree,” said Kjeld with a nod. “Mister Rich may be a real pain in the rear who just pushed someone to their breaking point, but that’s not quite a legitimate excuse to have him arrested right here right now.”

“So what are we going to do about all of this?” asked Twilight.

Kjeld sighed loudly and rubbed his hand over his face as he grumbled, “There’s no doubt about it… this is a very complicated situation…” After a few seconds, he removed his hand from his face and took a deep breath. Finally, he answered, “I shall arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon. We are all going to sit down at a table and have a little discussion about what went wrong, who is truly to blame, and what steps we can take to prevent any similar incidents from ever happening again.”

Everyone remained silent after that announcement. None of them had any reason to argue against it, nor could any of them come up with any better solutions. It was extremely difficult to believe that complicated problems could ever have a simple solution, and in a very complex situation like this, talking it out seemed to be the most logical solution.

Kjeld noticed the Jump-Gate return device that was still attached to Twilight’s arm, so he added, “I can see you still have Jump-Gate access, so I would suggest that we all go home and get some rest. Trust me, you’re going to need it.” He then turned away and began walking away from the gathering in the street.

As the surrounding crowd slowly dispersed, no words were exchanged between anyone. Filthy Rich stormed off without any comment on the matter, Timber silently comforted his traumatized sister, and the seven girls of Canterlot City’s LEGO Team simply glanced at one another in uncertainty.

They had won the battle tonight, but tomorrow, they would have to deal with the aftermath.

Author's Note:

I must've suffered some serious writer's block while writing this, because despite being the climax of the battle, I probably spent nearly half of my writing time just staring at the page and just thinking about what to write. Regardless, there's now only one more chapter and the epilogue left to go, so at least I won't have to worry about keeping up my pace for much longer.