• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,857 Views, 88 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 4 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, Twilight and Sunsets's team of friends join with fellow LEGO Team members Gloriosa and Timber to deal with a series of issues, which could eventually push one of them too far.

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Confronting the Evil Sorceress

Chapter 7
Confronting the Evil Sorceress

The next morning, all eight members of the LEGO Team of Canterlot City had gathered together in the middle of the hemlock outpost, along with Gloriosa and Timber. Sunset and Twilight told everyone a brief description of what had happened to them the previous night, although neither of them mentioned the real reason why they had left the outpost in the first place. Once everyone was caught up on those events, Gloriosa and Timber once again brought out their large map of the Dark Forest region and everyone gathered around it.

“I found you two just northwest of this outpost,” noted Timber as he pointed to the marked location on the middle of the map. “And if that really was the trolls’ encampment that was on fire after you had escaped, then it was somewhere to the west.”

“That’s the direction of the troll-toll bridge across the river,” noted Gloriosa. “There also happens to be a clearing in the woods not far from there, so it would not surprise me if part of Trixie’s army really was encamped there last night.”

“And since I accidentally set their camp on fire,” added Sunset, “they would almost certainly have returned to Trixie to let her know that Twilight and I are here, and she will definitely know that means the rest of us are here too.”

“So what does this mean for our plan of attack?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It means that she’ll be expecting us, so a sneak attack is no longer an option,” replied Sunset. “Not to mention, all the Forestmen that tried scouting the area have vanished, which leaves us with very little information on what to expect. The way I see it, the only way we’re going to stop her is for us to confront her head-on.”

“But Trixie is a powerful magical sorceress,” Timber pointed out. “How can we possibly stand up to something like that?”

Sunset had a confident smile on her face as she replied, “She may have magic on her side… but so do we.”

“Are you referring to your talents as Master Builders?” asked Gloriosa. “To be quite honest, I’m not so sure if that’ll be of much use, seeing as there’s not a whole lot parts to go around in this region.”

“While it’s true that we have special Master Builder talents, that’s not the kind of magic I had in mind,” explained Sunset. “Yesterday, through a series of accidents, we discovered that we have somehow just gained new magical abilities.” She gave a brief knowing glance to Twilight as she added, “Well, most of us at least.”

Twilight smiled and nodded in appreciation.

“What kind of new magic are we talking about here?” asked Timber.

“Well, to put it simply,” explained Sunset, “Applejack has super strength, Rainbow Dash has super speed, Rarity can materialize shields and barriers made of pure diamond, Fluttershy can talk to animals, and Pinkie Pie… well, I’m not exactly sure, but we do know that she can make cupcakes explode just by throwing them.” Sunset chose not to mention Twilight’s magic to respect her wishes, and also chose not to reveal her own newly discovered magic as she felt that it wouldn’t exactly be of any use at this time.

“Interesting… Where did you girls get this new magic?” asked Timber.

“We honestly don’t know,” replied Sunset with a shrug. “The only thing we know for sure is that it didn’t start until after we had arrived for our mission, so it must have something to do with being here in the Dark Forest region. Come to think of it, it’s possible this might also be that new kind of magic that has apparently brought Trixie to this region.”

That comment caused Gloriosa subconsciously rub her hand over the front of her necklace.

“Well, now that we are all on the same page, what do you propose should be our first course of action?” asked Rarity.

“There are two things we should get started on right away,” replied Sunset. “First, we should build a horse-drawn wagon to get us to our destination as quickly as possible. We should also bring with us enough gold to get us across that bridge, if we have to.”

“We can asked Rob and the Forestmen to help out with all of that,” stated Gloriosa while Timber nodded in agreement. “They’ll be more than happy to lend us a hand if it means stopping Trixie.”

“Sounds good to me,” agreed Sunset with a smile.

“So what’s the other thing we need to do?” asked Spike.

“If we’re going to face off against Trixie, we’ll need to use our new magic to give us any advantage we can get, so the other task will be for Fluttershy,” answered Sunset.

As the rest of the group turned to look at her, Fluttershy suddenly glanced around at everyone and nervously asked, “Oh! Um, me?”

“Yes, Fluttershy,” replied Sunset. “I want you to talk to any birds you can find. Ask them to search the area across the river for any sign of Trixie and her army, then report anything they find to you. Think you can do that?”

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment before she replied, “Um… sure. I can do that.” She gave everyone a nod and a smile as she answered, then she left to group to search for any birds who would be willing to help out.

“Huh… that’s some good thinkin’ there, Sunset,” remarked Applejack.

“Yeah!” agreed Rainbow Dash with a smile. “No one would ever suspect a bunch of birds to be spying for us!”

“And if they do manage to return with some valuable information, we could be better prepared for whatever Trixie might have in store for us,” added Rarity.

“Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go beat another bad guy!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully exclaimed.

As Timber rolled up the map, Gloriosa stated, “I’ll make sure Rob and the Forestmen get started on that wagon right away. I’ve got this!”

“In the meantime,” said Sunset as she began walking back to her brick-built tent, “I’ll give Celestia a call to let her know what’s been going on here.”

As Twilight watched everyone prepare for the upcoming confrontation with Trixie, she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. While it was nice that they now had some kind of plan, she still had her concerns regarding the new magical abilities she and her friends now possessed. Despite possible alternative theories, she was still convinced that Midnight Sparkle was somehow to blame, and if this was the kind of magic that Trixie wanted… Twilight didn’t want to even imagine what that could lead to. For now, her only hope was that her team of friends would be able to defeat Trixie once and for all.

Just over an hour later, the team and their two allies were riding in the horse-drawn open wagon along the trail through the woods that led west towards the bridge. After some time, they eventually arrived at a large clearing with a bunch of scorched debris scattered all over the place.

“This must be what’s left of that troll encampment,” noted Rarity.

Sunset sighed and muttered, “I still can’t believe I was so careless with that torch.”

“Don’t feel so bad about yourself,” assured Gloriosa. “The important thing is that you and Twilight were able to escape unharmed.” As she glanced around at what remained in the clearing, she added, “I suppose you should also be very glad that the flames didn’t spread to the surrounding forest. A fire in a forest this dense would be almost impossible to contain.”

“That’s not the worst of it,” muttered Sunset. “I don’t see any sign of any trolls in this area. Not even the ones I had beaten senseless. If they weren’t lost in the fire, then they certainly ran away to warn Trixie about us.”

“No point in dwellin’ on the past,” said Applejack. “Let’s just deal with what we got an’ hope for the best.”

As the wagon left the clearing and headed back into the woods, Timber — who was holding the reigns on the horses pulling the wagon — stated, “We should be getting close to that troll-toll bridge.”

“Are you sure we have enough to pay the toll?” asked Spike.

“Ten gold coins, one for each of us,” responded Twilight as she patted the treasure chest sitting next to her. “Counted it and double checked it myself.”

“Let’s just hope that this troll doesn’t give us too much trouble,” grumbled Rainbow Dash.

After a few minutes, they began to hear the sound of lightly rushing water, and it wasn’t much longer until they arrived at the river. Just up ahead along the trail, they saw a bridge made of grey Lego bricks that spanned the width of the river and was nearly twice as wide as the wagon.

“I wonder where that troll is,” Pinkie Pie suddenly spoke up.

Almost right away, a big, green-skinned, hunched-back troll armed with a large club emerged from under the bridge and walked around to stand in front of the end of it, blocking any passage across the river.

Timber pulled the reigns to bring the horses and the wagon to a stop. He then turned back to the others and said, “Just bring the chest over to him and he should let us pass.”

Twilight pushed the treasure chest back to the end of the wagon as Applejack and Rainbow Dash both hopped out of the wagon. Once the chest was within their reach, Applejack and Rainbow Dash each grabbed one end of the chest and then carried it over to the troll guarding the bridge, then set it down right in front of him.

The troll held his club over his shoulder as he open the chest and inspected the contents. Everyone watched silently, waiting to see if the payment would be acceptable. Finally, the troll closed the chest and grabbed it under his left arm, then stepped aside used his right arm to point his club out towards the bridge. The team was now cleared to pass.

Once Applejack and Rainbow Dash got back into the wagon, Timber whipped the reigns and guided the horses onto the bridge. As the wagon reached the other side, the troll then left his post and returned to under the bridge.

The wagon continued along the trail for only a minute before a small yellow songbird landed on the edge of the wagon close to where Fluttershy was seated and began chirping.

Fluttershy listened closely and nodded a few times. Once the bird stopped chirping, Fluttershy turned to everyone and explained, “He says that we’re on the right path. Trixie and her army are in an open field up ahead. And according to what this bird described, it sounds like they’re breaking camp and preparing to march.”

“Looks like you made the right call, Sunset,” remarked Rainbow. “If we had left any later, chances are that Trixie would’ve crossed the river and come to us before we were ready.”

“But still,” Gloriosa pointed out, “Trixie has an entire army of trolls and skeleton warriors. Even with your new magic powers, I’m not so sure the odds are in our favor.”

“I’m sure we’ll think of something,” assured Sunset. “This isn’t the first time we’ve dealt with Trixie, after all.”

As the wagon continued down the trail, Twilight realized that, for the very first time on this mission, they knew that Trixie’s presence in the Dark Forest was a fact, rather than simply an educated guess based on evidence. But even with that confirmation, she couldn’t help but get the feeling that the upcoming battle would not be easy.

A few more minutes later, the wagon began to approach the edge of the open field. Timber stopped the wagon and guided the horses into turning it around. “Don’t worry, everyone,” he assured the others in the wagon. “I’m just gonna park this wagon facing away, in case if we need to make a quick escape.”

“Good idea,” agreed Twilight with a nod.

Once the wagon was brought to a stop, everyone climbed out and walked the remaining short distance of the trail towards the open field. As they reached the edge of the forest, they stopped and huddled near some of the trees to try and keep themselves hidden while they observed what was out on the field. Up ahead, practically hundreds of skeleton warriors and troll soldiers were standing in formation, ready to march onward. Front and center of the formation was a tall mobile throne, atop which sat the Great and Powerful Trixie herself, with her magical staff — which had a blue five-pointed star on the end of it — held in her right hand.

Twilight leaned close to Sunset and whispered, “So how do we approach her?”

Before Sunset could respond, Trixie suddenly shouted, “Don’t bother hiding in the shadows! Trixie can see you!” She was pointing her staff directly at where the group of ten minifigs stood, making it very clear she was referring to them.

Sunset sighed and muttered, “Well, so much for stealth. Looks like we’ll just have to take the direct approach, after all.” She stepped away from the tree she had been hiding near and began walking out into the field. The rest of the group slowly followed after her, some more reluctantly than others. With everyone following her lead, Sunset decided to stop halfway between the edge of the forest and the front line of Trixie’s army. They were close enough that they could all easily see the smug smile on Trixie’s face.

“Well, well, this is quite a surprise,” remarked Trixie with a sneer. “Then again, Trixie has met many of you before, so it should probably be expected that your team in particular would try to stop Trixie, once more.”

“Enough small talk,” responded Sunset impatiently. “What are you doing here, Trixie?”

Trixie giggled and replied, “How interesting of you to ask such a question. Trixie is always on the lookout for new ways of obtaining great and powerful magic, and there just so happens to be a truly incredible source in this forest. Trixie can feel it.” Her grin widened as her attention focused on Gloriosa. “And it would seem that most of this new magic has come directly to Trixie.”

With the group relatively close together, they didn’t know that Trixie’s attention was on any one of them in particular, although Gloriosa did subconsciously clutch the gemstones on her necklace within her hand.

“So you think you’ve got what it takes to defeat the Great and Powerful Trixie, do you?” asked Trixie smugly. She stood up from her throne and continued, “Then let’s make this a fair fight. I shall hold back my entire army. It’ll be just Trixie alone against all of you.”

“Ten against one?” asked Spike in confusion. “Don’t you think that’s giving too much advantage to your opponent?”

“Not at all,” responded Trixie with a sneer. “If anything, I’m the one who still has the huge advantage. After all…” She proudly held up her staff and shouted, “I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! Feel my power!” She then swung her staff forward, unleashing a blast of magical energy directly at the group of heroes.

“Look out!” shouted Timber as everyone jumped out of the way.

The blast ended up striking nothing but empty ground, but Trixie wasn’t stopping there. She swung her staff around more, unleashing blast after powerful blast at her opponents. Although every shot kept missing, she couldn’t resist giggling as she watched her scattered foes running around in panic as they tried to dodge her attacks. “This is highly entertaining!” she quipped. She pointed her free left arm down towards one of the nearby skeleton warriors and commanded, “You there! Bring Trixie some popcorn! Extra salt and butter!”

The skeleton warrior immediately saluted and ran off to fulfill the order.

Meanwhile, the group of ten minifigs continued running around, desperate to avoid being blasted to pieces.

After losing count of how many blasts she had avoided, Rainbow Dash eventually managed to take shelter behind a large boulder. She sighed and grumbled, “Sure would be nice if I had some laser pistols with me…”

It wasn’t much longer before Twilight and Timber managed to reach the edge of the forest on one side of the field and took shelter behind one of the trees. On the other side of the field, Sunset and Gloriosa also managed to take shelter behind a tree at the edge of the field.

As Trixie sat on her throne and happily munched on her tub full of popcorn, she continue swinging her staff around and flinging magic blasts at the ones who were still running around out in the open.

Eventually, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all managed to take shelter behind some boulders, leaving Rarity as the only one exposed out in the open. She momentarily paused to look around and realized that not only was everyone else already hidden, but her nearest potential shelter was quite a distance away from where she stood. With a horrified look on her face, she slowly turned her gaze towards Trixie.

“Trixie sees you,” sang Trixie tauntingly. Then she swung her staff forward and unleashed a magic blast directly at Rarity. “ZAP!!”

Acting purely on instinct, Rarity held her hands out on front of herself. This movement caused her to summon one of her diamond shields, just in time to block the magic blast. The blast reflected right off the diamond, producing a loud sharp noise similar to a ricocheting bullet, and flew directly right back at Trixie.

Trixie only had enough time to widen her eyes in shock before she was suddenly stuck by her own magic blast, briefly jolting and scorching her upon impact.

On all sides of the field, everyone stared silently at what had just occurred. Trixie’s army was stunned from seeing such a defensive power from Rarity, and the team peeked out from their hiding places and just stared in disbelief that Rarity’s diamond shield was able to block and even reflect an attack like that. Rarity kept her shield up, but her gaping jaw showed that she was just as stunned as all of her friends were.

Trixie groaned and shook her head as she recovered from taking a direct hit from her own blast. She slowly looked around and suddenly gasped when she noticed that the tub of popcorn in her lap had now been reduced to a blackened cup full of ashes. “Hey!” she shouted furiously. “You burned Trixie’s popcorn!” She immediately stood up — dumping the charred popcorn onto the head of one of the nearby skeleton warriors. “Prepare to suffer the consequences!” She swung her staff forward and fired another magic blast at Rarity.

Rarity gasped and quickly held her diamond shield up to block the next blast. The blast hit the shield with that sharp twang again and deflected back towards the source, this time striking some of the skeleton warriors and sending skeletons and skeleton parts flying into the air.

Trixie growled in frustration and began swinging her staff around madly, sending blast after blast in rapid succession at Rarity. With incredible reflexes, Rarity managed to block and deflect each and every one of those blasts, decimating more and more of Trixie’s army in the process.

Eventually, Trixie ceased her onslaught, panting as she took a moment to catch her breath, though her furious expression remained unchanged. Meanwhile, Rarity had summoned more diamond shields and had interlocked them together to form half a dome to completely protect herself from any further attacks.

Taking advantage in the momentary pause, Rarity removed one of the shields from the dome and tauntingly shouted, “I could do this all day, darling! Although I cannot say the same for your army.” She then moved the shield back into its place in the dome.

Trixie glared at the shielded white minifig, then glanced back at her scattered army as they tried to piece themselves back together. She turned her gaze out to the field again and as she noticed the rest of her opponents peeking out from their hiding places, her look of enraged fury quickly returned to a smug smile. “Trixie acknowledges your status as an indestructible target,” she stated calmly. Then she grinned and added, “But the same cannot be said for the rest of your comrades!” She then swung her staff forward and hurled a magic blast at one of the boulders.

Applejack ran away from the boulder before the blast struck, but Pinkie Pie didn’t react quickly enough and was thrown onto her back as the blast completely shattered the boulder. Pinkie sat up and rubbed her head as she exclaimed, “Hey! That wasn’t very nice!”

Trixie responded by hurling another magic blast at Pinkie, this time striking the ground right beside her and sending her hurtling through the air and hitting the ground on her face.

Pinkie groaned and lifted her face off the ground and muttered, “That was even less nice…”

As Trixie hurled another blast at another boulder, Rainbow Dash tackled Fluttershy to get them both out of the way as that boulder was also completely shattered. Next, Trixie fired magic blasts at the trees where the rest of her opponents were hiding. Spike, Sunset, and Gloriosa were sent running back out into the open.

Timber and Twilight also tried to run out into the open as one of the blasts struck the tree they had been hiding behind, but Twilight tripped and fell. Timber glanced back and was alarmed to see the tree was now falling over right where Twilight laid. “Twilight!” shouted Timber.

Twilight glanced up and let out a terrified scream as she saw her impending doom. Timber jumped onto her in a hopeless attempt to protect her with his own body. They knew they were about to face a sudden crushing impact, but as the seconds ticked by, it never came. Nervously, they both open their eyes and looked up, and saw the tree was apparently hovering right over them. Their gaze then followed the trunk of the fallen tree and, incredibly, they saw that Applejack was holding it up.

Applejack carried the tree away from her fallen friends, then rolled it around over her head — tearing off all the branches against the ground and effectively turning the tree into a log. As she then moved the log aside so that she was holding it up by the middle rather than the end, she smiled and remarked, “Time to roll out the barrel!” With a mighty heave, she hurled the log right at the army to the left of Trixie’s throne.

The huge log soared through the air, hit the ground right in front of the skeleton warriors, then rolled right over all of them, quickly crushing most of them and flinging many others high into the air. In a matter of seconds, nearly half of Trixie’s army had quite literally gone completely to pieces.

As Applejack dusted her hands off from a job well done, Rainbow Dash suddenly zoomed over to her and remarked, “Nice shot, AJ! I’ll deal with the other half.”

Rainbow Dash immediately zoomed off in a rainbow motion blur towards the army to the right of Trixie’s throne. She zoomed back and forth from one skeleton warrior to another, slamming into each of them so quickly that their pieces were sent flying all over the place.

After taking out a few dozen in only a few seconds, Rainbow suddenly stopped in front of two skeleton warriors and quickly asked, “Wanna see the fastest punch in the world?” She instantly rushed into one of the skeletons and smashed him to pieces, then rushed back to where she had just stood, all within less than even a single second. “Wanna see it again?” She immediately repeated the process for the other skeleton.

Just seconds later, Rainbow found herself standing in front of a big troll armed with a club. As she looked up at the troll, she simply smiled and quickly remarked, “Hey, big guy! How’s the weather up there?”

The big troll snarled and swung his club down at Rainbow, but she zoomed off before he could hit her and the club simply banged against the ground. The troll grunted and looked around in confusion.

“Yeah, you’re right, it does stink up here.”

The troll glanced upwards and saw that Rainbow was now sitting right on his head. As she glanced down and simply smiled and waved, the troll growled as he gripped his club with both hands and swung up to strike the girl on his head. But again, Rainbow zoomed off before she could be hit, and the troll ended up clubbing himself on the head. The troll groaned and wobbled around for a few second before he finally passed out and hit the ground with an audible crash.

Trixie was rapidly losing her patience and immediately started hurling magic blasts at Rainbow Dash, but the projectiles were simply not fast enough to even intercept the speedy girl.

“Ha-ha! Too fast for you!” taunted Rainbow Dash. She zoomed around again, taking out more skeletons and dodging more magic blasts. “Can’t catch me!” she taunted again, before resuming her rapid destruction of Trixie’s army.

After dodging some more magic blasts, Rainbow stopped and announced, “Watch closely! I call this one the Pinball Wizard!” She then once again zoomed around with the appearance of a rainbow motion blur, slamming and smacking into all of the remaining warriors in Trixie’s army, with each impact accompanied by the ringing and dinging noises of a pinball machine. Finally, once the right army was just as decimated as the left army, Rainbow zoomed by Trixie’s throne, leaving behind a small gadget stuck to the side that displayed a blinking red light with the word “TILT” on it.

“Trixie does not approve of such an accessory to her throne!” exclaimed Trixie in frustration. She aimed her staff at the blinking light and fired a magic blast, obliterating the device.

Rainbow Dash zoomed back to where her friends had gathered. “Good work, Rainbow,” praised Applejack as she gave her speedy friend a high five.

Sunset turned to Trixie and tauntingly exclaimed, “Still think ten against one are good odds?!”

Before Trixie could respond, Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted, “Ooh! Ooh! My turn!” She immediately ran over to Trixie and stopped just a short distance in front of her throne.

Trixie raised an eyebrow and asked, “And just how do you intended to try to beat Trixie?”

Pinkie narrowed her eyes as she grinned and smugly replied, “Simple. I’m gonna throw everything I’ve got at you.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes and responded just as smugly, “Trixie would love to see you try.”

Gladly…” responded Pinkie. The pink party girl and the blue evil sorceress silently glared at each other, with Pinkie clenching and unclenching her fists as if preparing for a wild west shootout. Adding to that effect, a tumbleweed from out of nowhere rolled by between the two opponents.

Finally, Pinkie Pie made her move. She pulled a red apple out from behind her back and tossed it towards the base of Trixie’s throne. She then threw a green apple, immediately followed by a carrot, a croissant, a waffle, a pizza, a spatula, a kitchen knife, a spoon, a fork, a spork, a frying pan, a fish, and a bone. “Hey, what gives?!” shouted Pinkie in frustration as she next tossed a sausage at Trixie’s throne. “I’m throwing everything I’ve got…” She tossed an empty mug. “…but none of it is exploding!” She continued rapidly tossing various items, such as a hammer, a wrench, a steering wheel, a spare tire, a chair, a toilet, a kitchen sink, and a rubber chicken.

Trixie simply yawned as the various items continued to pile up at the base of her throne.

While the rest of the team simply watched Pinkie’s antics, Spike asked, “Where’s she getting all that stuff from, anyway?”

“It’s Pinkie Pie,” replied Fluttershy. “Best not to question it.”

“C’mon!” shouted Pinkie as she tossed a chicken leg. “Go boom!” She next tossed a banana. She glanced down at the next random item she pulled out and noticed that it was a cupcake, complete with frosting and sprinkles on top. Pinkie took a stance similar to a baseball pitcher, then gave the cupcake a bit of a wind-up as she shouted, “Pinkie wants big boom!” She then threw the cupcake like a baseball right at the base of Trixie’s throne.

The cupcake exploded on impact, obliterating the front base of the throne. The explosion caused Trixie to drop her staff, then as the part of her throne she stood on leaned forward, she screamed as she fell off and landed right into the nearby pile of junk.

“There we go! Finally!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie in exasperation.

“Strange…” muttered Twilight as she thoughtfully rubbed her chin. “Why did the cupcake explode, but not any of the other items she tossed?”

“The only difference I can think of is that the cupcake had sugar in it,” suggested Sunset. “Maybe that’s the key ingredient for Pinkie Pie explosives.”

Pinkie Pie heard the speculation as she returned to the group. “Huh… That actually makes a whole lotta sense,” she remarked.

Trixie pulled herself out from within the pile of random items. The toilet had ended up over her head, so she pulled her head out of it, then let out a disgusted groan as she reached into the toilet and pulled her hat out of it. The hat had been smooshed flat, so she whipped it once to pop it back into its pointy shape, then placed the hat back on her head.

As Trixie retrieved her staff, she glanced back at her army and noticed that nearly all of the skeleton warriors had already pieced themselves together and were once again ready for action. She turned back to the gathered team and, once again, her expression of frustration was replaced with a smug smile. “You have proven yourselves worthy opponents,” she said in a mocking tone. “But why must Trixie do everything herself when she has an army?” She turned back to her reassembled army and shouted, “Everyone! Get them!”

All at once, hundreds of skeleton warriors and troll soldiers raised their weapons and let out a loud collective battle cry as they charged forward directly at the ten teammates.

“Run!” shouted Timber. All ten minifigs immediately turned and fled back into the woods and towards where their wagon was parked. They all quickly hopped into the wagon, then Timber whipped the reigns and the horses immediately began to gallop quickly down the trail.

“How long until we lose them?” asked Spike.

“Hopefully before we get to the bridge,” replied Timber as he kept his eyes ahead on the trail. “We can’t let them follow us across!”

“As long as these horses can keep going at full speed, it should only be a matter of time before they lose sight of us,” assured Gloriosa.

Only a few seconds later, the wagon hit a bump on the trail, and due to the speed they were going, the impact was enough to cause the right front wheel to come off.

“Oh no! Runaway wheel!” exclaimed Pinkie before she reached over the side of the wagon towards the loose wheel.

“Pinkie! No!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she yanked Pinkie back into the wagon, just in time to avoid getting hit by a barrage of arrows around the rolling wheel, with one final arrow pinning that wheel to a tree.

With the front right corner of the wagon now dragging along the ground, the resulting reduction in speed allowed the chasing army to gradually catch up to them.

“Rarity! Cover me!” shouted Applejack before she hopped out of the wagon and began running alongside it as she picked up the dragging axle.

Another barrage of arrows descended, but just as Applejack had requested, Rarity was able to summon a diamond shield to protect the farmer girl as she continued to run while easily holding the wagon level.

However, some of the arrows were a little off target, and as one of them suddenly struck right in the middle of the wagon — though thankfully not hitting anyone — Twilight yelped and exclaimed, “What about the rest of us?!”

Rarity quickly apologized and immediately summoned more diamond shields to protect everyone else inside the wagon.

Although the lack of a wheel wasn’t stopping them, they were notably a little slower, just enough for the charging army to keep pace with them. The pursuit through the forest seemed to be evenly matched… until a large boulder suddenly fell out of the sky and slammed into the ground a few feet behind the speeding wagon.

Sunset glanced up into the sky and saw another boulder come down and then hit the ground just to the left of the wagon. “Heads up!” she exclaimed. “We’re being bombarded!”

On the higher ground not far from the trail, a group of trolls were operating a series of catapults and trebuchets to fling huge boulders onto the trail that the team was using as their escape route.

As the pursuit down the forest trail continued, more boulders rained down around the wagon. Some boulders landed too far ahead, some were a little too far to one side or the other and crashed into the surrounding trees, and some landed too far behind — some of which even ended up hitting the charging army and sending skeleton parts flying around.

Finally, there was one lucky shot as a boulder crashed down right onto the hitch between the wagon and the horses. The horses were broken free and continued ahead down the trail, while the wagon was violently flung forward, sending all ten occupants hurtling through the air and hitting the ground ahead, while the wagon was smashed to pieces as it hit the ground right behind them.

All ten minifigs on the ground began to get back up, but froze in shock as they saw the hundreds of skeleton warriors hollering and charging right at them with their wickedly sharp weapons held high. The team had been brought to a stop, the army was not stopping, and it seemed the outcome would be all but inevitable.

But then suddenly — all at the exact same time — every single skeleton warrior tripped and fell forward flat on their faces. The impact of so many troops hitting the ground all at once was enough to create a brief but noticeable shake through the ground.

“Ha! What a bunch of klutzes!” mocked Rainbow Dash.

“N-no time for gloating!” exclaimed Gloriosa as she helped Rainbow up to her feet. “Keep running!”

Everyone in the group followed Gloriosa’s advice and quickly got up and began running down the trail — with Spike picking up a spear that happened to be lying on the ground. Twilight stumbled after a few steps, but Timber managed to hold onto her to prevent her from falling as he said, “I got ya!”

As she kept running, Sunset glanced back to make sure that Twilight was okay. She also noticed a trail of gem dust spread across the width of the forest trail over the scattered parts that used to be their wagon.

It didn’t take long for the skeleton warriors to get back on their feet and resume the chase. Some of them were so eager to catch their enemies that they ended up trampling over each other, but a large number of them were still able to keep up the pursuit.

For the next few minutes, the group of ten minifigs ran for their lives down the trail as dozens of skeleton warriors chased after them. Just as they were starting to become exhausted, they began to hear the lightly rushing noise of water, signaling that they were close to the river.

“Look! There’s the bridge up ahead!” exclaimed Pinkie as she pointed ahead.

As the group reached the edge of the woods, they saw the grey bridge that spanned the river… along with the big troll guarding the path onto the bridge.

“And the troll!” added Rainbow Dash worriedly.

The big troll stood his ground and held up his club as he growled furiously at the oncoming group. Regardless of the circumstances, he was not going to allow anyone across the bridge without paying the toll.

The group began to slow down — knowing they were now caught between a rock and a hard place — but Applejack just kept running straight towards the troll.

“Applejack!” Fluttershy called out.

Applejack ignored her friends’ protests as she charged right at the troll and exclaimed, “Sorry, big guy, but this here’s a dire emergency!”

Before the troll could react, Applejack quickly grabbed one of his legs, spun him around, and effortlessly flung him high into the air. The troll roared as he was suddenly sent flying far away from the bridge. After being airborne for many seconds, he eventually splashed down into the river, far upstream.

Without wasting another moment, Applejack rushed across the bridge as she shouted back, “C’mon, y’all! Let’s move!”

With the skeleton army quickly closing in behind, the others immediately followed Applejack across the bridge. Once they were all on the other side, they stopped and turned to look back at the side they had just escaped from. They saw countless skeleton warriors rush out of the forest, but rather strangely, none of the dared to go across the bridge.

“W-why aren’t they following us?” asked Fluttershy.

As the skeletons eventually stopped pouring out of the woods, Trixie suddenly arrived. She was sitting on a remnant of her throne, which she was levitating along the trail until she set it down right in front of the bridge.

“There’s your answer,” replied Sunset. “They’re waiting for their leader.”

As Trixie got up out of her throne and began walking towards the bridge, Spike tightly grasped the spear in his hands and suddenly charged back onto the bridge.

“Spike! What are you doing?!” shouted Twilight in panic.

Spike ran onto the bridge and stopped right in the middle of the span. He then raised the spear high over his head and hollered at the top of his lungs, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!” He then slammed the end of the spear down onto the bridge right in front of his feet.

For a few seconds, everyone just stared silently at Spike’s either courageous or foolhardy display. But then suddenly, the grey bricks that made up the bridge began to fall apart and tumble into the river below. Spike heard the clacking and clattering of Lego bricks start behind him, so he glanced back in confusion. He had no time to react as the cascading failure spread over to the part of the bridge he stood on, causing him to fall backwards into the river.

As the last portions of the bridge fell apart and collapsed into the river, Spike resurfaced and spat some water out. As the current began to carry him away, he mumbled, “Not exactly what I had in mind…”

Before Spike could be completely swept away, Applejack pulled out her lasso and hurled the loop towards him, then she quickly pulled him back to shore. Fluttershy helped Spike out of the water and gave him a towel to dry himself off with.

On the other side of the river, Trixie giggled and remarked, “Nice try, twerp, but the Great and Powerful Trixie can build her own bridge.” With a wave of her magical staff, she levitated all of the grey Lego bricks out of the water and rapidly reassembled them in the air into another bridge. Once the bridge was completely rebuilt, Trixie slammed it into its original place. Finally, with a scornful smile on her face, Trixie began to walk across the bridge.

“She’s crossing the bridge!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie in panic. “What do we do?! What do we do?!”

“Any ideas, Sunset?” asked Twilight as she turned to her friend.

As she watched Trixie slowly approach, Sunset considered any possible ideas. She had already seen demonstrations of Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie using their new magic powers to take on Trixie. That left only Twilight and herself, and with Twilight still way too hesitant to even consider using her magic, that meant it was time for Sunset to step up. Initially, she wasn’t sure how her mind-reading powers could be of any use, but then a thought occurred to her and she realized that maybe there was a way she could stop Trixie.

Sunset sighed and replied, “I think there might be a way to stop her. It’s gonna be highly risky, very crazy, and probably really stupid… but it just might work.”

“So what’s the plan?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Simple,” replied Sunset as she began walking towards the bridge. “I’m gonna use my new magical ability.”

Everyone just silently watched as Sunset made her way onto the bridge and began walking across to meet face-to-face with Trixie. With the exception of Twilight, none of them had any idea Sunset even had new magical powers, so they couldn’t help but feel a little curious about what she would be able to do to stop Trixie.

Eventually, Sunset and Trixie met at the middle of the bridge and stopped just a step away from each other. On both sides of the river, everyone carefully watched their respective leaders. This confrontation between good and evil was about to be determined between those two girls standing on the middle of the bridge.

“Sunset Shimmer,” greeted Trixie with a sneer. “It’s been a long time since we fought on the same side, hasn’t it?”

“That is a past I’d rather not revisit ever again,” grumbled Sunset.

“Quite a shame, really,” muttered Trixie. “And here, Trixie actually thought for a moment that you might have considered coming back to the way things were just a year ago.”

“Forget it, Trixie!” snapped Sunset. “I’ll never return to the dark side. Now that I’ve experienced what it’s like on both sides, I know which one is better than the other… and I’d rather stay with my friends.”

“So pathetic…” said Trixie as she shook her head in disappointment. “You used to be so much more to Trixie’s liking. Trixie even once saw you as a potentially valuable partner who could always get things done.”

“Then it’s a good thing that idea never came to pass,” responded Sunset. “I’m much better off now.”

“So you say,” remarked Trixie smugly. “How can you be so sure of that?”

“Oh, I can list a few examples to prove it,” replied Sunset with a confident grin. “Ever since I proved myself a good guy following the defeat of the sirens, everyone stopped scorning me and began to welcome my presence. I’ve had kids ask for my autograph, I’ve had some of my old useless possessions sell at auction for a small fortune, and I’ve even had a film studio request permission to make a movie about my life story in spite of how dark most of it is.”

As Sunset spoke, Trixie’s expression grew increasingly bitter until she finally snapped, “If your goal is to make Trixie jealous, then you’re succeeding by miles!”

“I’m just saying that maybe you don’t have to be a bad guy to be considered great and powerful,” insisted Sunset. “Perhaps I could use my new magic to show you that there’s a better way.”

Trixie laughed mockingly and exclaimed, “Don’t make Trixie laugh! There is nothing you can do to convince Trixie to put an end to her quest for total domination!”

Sunset smiled and quipped, “You wanna bet?” Without giving Trixie a chance to respond, Sunset quickly grasped her hand. Just like with Twilight the previous night, her body stiffened and her eyes glowed white as she began to look into Trixie’s memories…

“Come one! Come all! Behold and witness the awesome magical talents of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie proudly announced from the stage of a large indoor theater.

As Sunset began to observe Trixie’s memories, she was astonished to see the minifig who would one day become an evil sorceress was once a simple magic show performer in what appeared to be a City Region. She watched some of Trixie’s acts and, she had to admit, some of them were rather impressive. As the show came to an end, Sunset was quite pleased with what she saw, and felt that Trixie was perfectly talented for a career as an illusionist to entertain the masses.

Unfortunately, the audience on this particular night didn’t quite share that sentiment. More than half of the seats were empty, many of those in attendance were either asleep or distracted by their phones, and of the remaining few who even bothered to watch, less than half of those people had even bothered to clap at all.

A little later, Sunset saw Trixie backstage with a look of disappointment on her face. Trixie sighed and muttered, “This isn’t going the way I thought it would. Just months ago, I was able to draw a real crowd and keep most of them on the edge of their seats and wondering ‘How did she do that?’, but now it seems they grow bored of my performances. What am I going to do to bring back my audiences?”

Trixie picked up a pile of posters from her more recent performances and as she flipped through all of them, she began to notice a pattern; they all featured the exact same acts, all in the very same theater in the City Region of Las Pegasus. As this realization dawned on her, she knew what she had to do next.

“So be it!” declared Trixie. “Not only should I mix up my acts, but I should also begin performing in other places. I shall take my show on the road and perform at all the Cities — no, more than that! I shall perform at all the Regions in the entire Lego World! Before this year is out, all shall know the name of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

And so Trixie set out on her worldwide tour. Sunset saw highlights of Trixie’s many shows throughout the Lego World. There were good moments, like the huge enthusiastic crowds she got in Canterlot City, Bricksburg, Manehatten, and Lego City. There were bad moments, like the smaller than hoped for crowds in Vanhoover and Baltimare, or acts gone horribly wrong in Bricklyn and Fillydelphia. And there were ugly moments, like almost being shot at by gunslingers in the Old West Region, being chased by angry pirates in the Pirate Region, and being chased by hungry dinosaurs on Dinosaur Island.

Finally, Trixie drove her car and trailer along the dirt roads of the Castle Region on her way to the next stop on her tour. She hadn’t seen much success since her last stop in a City Region, but she remained confident that she was succeeding in getting her name out there, at the very least.

Along the way, Trixie was forced to stop due to a fallen tree blocking the road. As she got out of her car to inspect the roadblock, she grumbled, “Is it really too much to ask these people to keep their roads clear?”

Suddenly, she felt herself seized from behind and violently thrown to the ground. She tried to get back up, but was quickly kicked and stomped upon. They eventually relented enough to allow Trixie to sit up and turn back to see what was going on. To her absolute horror, she saw a group of highway robbers wearing brown hoods and masks were in the process of unhitching the trailer from her car.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” she shouted. “All of my possessions are in there!”

“Not anymore!” taunted one of the robbers before he punched Trixie right in the face.

By the time Trixie recovered, she was absolutely crushed by what she saw. The trailer was gone, the car had been stripped to the point of being completely undrivable, and whatever items she had inside the car were also all gone.

“No… no, no, no, no no NO NO NO!!” hollered Trixie as she broke down and wept inside what little remained of her car. And to make matters even worse, the sky had filled with dark clouds and a rumble of thunder signaled an oncoming storm.

A few days later, Trixie was shivering, tired, hungry, and completely miserable as she trudged her way through the wilderness of the Castle Region. The only thing she had for shelter was a tattered brown cloak and hood. As each day passed with no salvation in sight, she became increasingly resigned to the very real possibility that she would soon lose her Creation Spark alone in this unforgiving wilderness.

Suddenly, Trixie began to hear a distant noise. She followed the sound and was soon able to identify it as someone struggling. She feared that those highway robbers were now after a new victim, so she approached the scene as quietly and carefully as she could.

Trixie soon arrived at the edge of a steep drop-off, and down below she saw a large dark castle surrounded by a moat of solidified lava. The noises of struggling were coming from an angry wizard who was bound in golden chains and had the top of his hat sliced off. Some castle soldiers and four people who looked like they belonged in a City Region carried the captured wizard onto a cart and then rode away from the castle. Once she was sure that everyone was gone, Trixie carefully slid down the slope and made her way into the castle.

Trixie was feeling rather apprehensive as she made her way through the dark corridors of the castle, but she pressed on. It was by far the best shelter she had since the day she was robbed of everything, and after seeing that wizard get taken away, she figure this place was now completely abandoned.

Trixie eventually came across a room that looked like it had seen a battle, with empty suits of armor and bricks from the walls and ceiling scattered all over the place. Among the debris, she found a black staff with a pair of translucent blue lightning bolts on the end of it. Curious, she reached down and picked up the staff.

As soon as her hand touched that staff, she immediately felt a surge of power and energy course through her body, causing her to scream loudly. She had no idea how long it had lasted, but it felt like it would go on forever.

When it was finally over, Trixie took a moment to catch her breath. Amazingly, she no longer felt so weak, tired, and helpless. Now, she felt strong, powerful, and virtually invincible. She looked over herself and noticed that while her city clothes had remained practically the same, her ragged cloak and hood had now morphed into a perfect replica of the purple cape and pointed hat with stars on them that she had been particularly fond of during her performances. Finally, she noticed that the staff itself had changed, with the end of it now bearing a blue five-pointed star, identical to the wand depicted on her Creative Mark.

Feeling the incredible power now coursing through her body, Trixie decided to lightly thrust the staff forward, and ended up unleashing a magical blast that blew off some more bricks from the wall. She was momentarily stunned by her own display of power, but then she tried the same thing again and got the same result… and it felt great. It felt awesome. It felt powerful.

Trixie grinned as she began waving the staff — her staff — around in all directions, unleashing blast after blast of magical energy. Seeing such an awesome display of power coming from herself was absolutely thrilling. She had to see what else she could do!

Like a kid ready to open presents on Christmas morning, Trixie rushed through the castle until she reached a room that offered a large opening out to the barren field in front of the castle. She stopped in front of the opening, let the magical power surge through the staff, then slammed the end of it down against the floor. Right away, the solid moat liquefied into lava, and out in the barren field, dozens of skeletons rose up from the ground, each of them armed with round shields and curved swords. Once the skeletons had pulled themselves out of the ground, they all turned to Trixie and bowed down to her.

Trixie grinned wickedly at this display. After being ignored and derided on the performance stage too many times, she decided that if she wanted everyone to always remember her name for all of time… then she would just have to become evil. With the power to easily conquer entire regions if she so desired, she knew there was no doubting now that everyone would soon know her name, and never ever forget it.

With her newly loyal army gathered before her, Trixie raised her staff and proudly declared, “Kneel before your new mistress! For I am the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!” With a boom of thunder and a flash of lightning in the dark clouds that covered the sky, it was a very appropriate setting to declare a new beginning in her life.

But of course, there was still one more magical power she had always wanted to try, and she decided that now would be the perfect time to go for it. She slammed the end of her staff down onto the floor and instantly vanished in a large puff of blue smoke.

Trixie has successfully teleported, but when she reappeared in an identical large puff of blue smoke, she found herself high in the air over a river. She screamed as she plummeted straight down and splashed into the river. She quickly resurfaced and spat out some water before she grumbled, “It seems Trixie will first need to learn to master her new powers.”

Sunset’s body relaxed and her eyes returned to normal as her glimpse into Trixie’s mind came to an end. She remained practically speechless as she let go of Trixie’s hand.

All around, everyone silently stared at the two girls on the bridge. From their perspectives, seemingly nothing had happed for the brief duration of when Sunset had grasped Trixie’s hand.

As the awkward silence dragged on, Trixie smirked and dismissively remarked, “That’s it? How pathetic. It seems your so-called ‘new magic’ has proven to be completely useless!”

“You’re not native to the Castle Region,” Sunset quickly stated.

Trixie suddenly frowned and hesitantly asked, “W-w-what?”

“You were originally from the City Region of Las Pegasus,” continued Sunset. “You once worked on a stage where you performed all kinds of magic tricks and illusions to entertain the crowds, but when your show started getting smaller audiences, you decided to go on a world tour in order to attract more people to your performances. But when you passed through the Castle Region, everything you had was taken away by some highway robbers. You later stumbled across the castle of the evil wizard, Mallock the Malign, practically seconds after he was captured and taken away by Clutch Powers and his team. You then snuck into the castle and found Mallock’s staff — the same staff you now hold — and when you touched it, it granted you all of Mallock’s dark magical powers, as well as command over his army of skeleton warriors and trolls.”

Once again, an awkward silence fell on both sides of the river. For many of those who had heard it all, they found it very hard to believe that Trixie could really have a past like that. But what if Sunset was really speaking the truth? How could she have possibly known all of that?

Trixie quietly sputtered for a few seconds before she finally hissed, “T-Trixie never shared any of this with you!”

“You didn’t have to,” replied Sunset with a smirk as she folded her arms, “because that’s what my new magic can do.” She held up the hand she had touched Trixie with and confidently explained, “With a single touch, I can look into your mind, see your memories, understand your feelings, and learn all about your deepest darkest secrets.”

Trixie took a step back as her eyes rapidly shifted all around. To Sunset and her teammates as they looked at Trixie’s face, the supposedly evil sorceress had apparently become a nervous wreck.

Sunset lowered her arms and frowned as she continued, “I know what your greatest desire is, Trixie. More than anything else, you want everyone to always remember your name for all of eternity. And ever since you gained Mallock’s magic, you became convinced that the only way to guarantee that was to simply conquer as much territory as you possibly could.”

Trixie finally snapped out of her apparent trance as she suddenly took a step forward and snapped, “Because it’s true! Very few will ever forget the name of vengeful tyrant, and if Trixie must become such a person, then so be it! When the name Trixie becomes synonymous with fear and terror, then Trixie will have succeeded!”

“You’re wrong, Trixie,” argued Sunset. “Tyranny is hardly the only path to everlasting fame. Not to make you further jealous of me, but I’m sure that my name has already been immortalized, not as the villain I once was, but as the hero that I am now.” Sunset sighed before she calmly continued, “You don’t have to be the bad guy, Trixie. There are a lot of ways you could use your powers for good. If you give up this dark path and earn redemption through good deeds, then perhaps you could actually make a better name for yourself.” Sunset smiled as she held out her hand. “What do you say, Trixie?”

Trixie stared down at Sunset’s hand for a moment. She glanced back at her gathered army, then glanced forward towards Sunset’s teammates. She stared at her staff for a moment, then turned back and slammed the end of her staff down onto the bridge, causing her entire army to instantly vanish in massive puff of smoke.

Sunset smiled and remarked, “I knew you would make the right choice.”

Trixie flashed a smug grin as she turned back to Sunset and asked, “Who said I was accepting your petty offer?”

Sunset’s smile quickly fell. “Huh?” she asked in confusion. “Then why did you just send your army away?”

“Don’t need them anymore,” Trixie replied casually. “I’m calling off this assault. It’s just not worth the effort. Trixie can always find new magic elsewhere.”

Sunset hesitated for only a brief moment before she asked, “Then would you at least consider my offer?”

Trixie shrugged and replied, “Who knows? Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t. I think I’ll keep you in suspense.” She smiled confidently once more as she added, “But I promise you this much: You have not heard the last of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” After that boastful declaration, she slammed the end of her staff down onto the bridge and she was instantly obscured by a large puff of smoke.

Sunset coughed from the smoke, which soon cleared to reveal that Trixie had completely vanished.

Pinkie gasped and exclaimed, “She’s gone!” She quickly glanced around, then stopped and pointed downstream along the river as she muttered, “Oh, wait, she’s way over there.”

Trixie had reappeared high in the air above the river, further downstream. She screamed as she inevitably fell and splashed into the river.

Back on the bridge, Sunset smirked and remarked, “Not the first time that’s happened to her.”

As Sunset began walking back to her friends, Spike asked in confusion, “So, uh… is that it? Does that mean we’re done here?”

“I guess so,” replied Twilight with a shrug. “Our mission was to stop Trixie from obtaining whatever she was after in this region, and in a way, I suppose we technically succeeded.”

“But she still got away,” Applejack pointed out. “It just don’t feel right to say that we won without catchin’ the bad guy.”

“Eh, we’ll get her next time,” said Rainbow Dash dismissively. “Thanks to our awesome new powers, we’re totally gonna catch her some day.”

“Speaking of our new abilities,” Rarity spoke up as she turned to Sunset, “is it true that your new magic allows you to read people’s minds?”

“That’s a rather simple way to describe it,” replied Sunset, “but yeah, that’s pretty much it.”

“Ooh, fancy!” remarked Pinkie Pie excitedly. “Try me! Try me!” She immediately rushed towards Sunset with her hands out ahead.

As Pinkie quickly approached, Sunset immediately ducked and rolled out of the way, then stood back up and slowly backed away from Pinkie. “No thanks. I’d rather keep my sanity,” said Sunset in a polite tone with a forced smile.

Gloriosa cleared her throat and said, “Well, in any case, I supposed this means you girls will be leaving now?”

“We’ll first need to retrieve our supplies back at the hemlock outpost,” replied Twilight. “Then we’ll return home through the Jump-Gate.” She proudly held up her right wrist to show the return device she always wore whenever she was out on a mission.

“In that case, we’d better get going,” stated Timber. “Without the wagon, it’ll take us a couple of hours to hike back to camp.”

As the group began to make their way back to camp along the trail, Fluttershy couldn’t help but sigh and remark, “Aside from the whole dealing with bad guys part, I actually like this place a lot. I sure am going to miss it…”

After spending a few days out in the middle of the Dark Forest, all eight members of Sunset’s team of friends were definitely looking forward to finally return home to Canterlot City.

Author's Note:

When I first started this fanfiction series, I had not given much thought on Trixie's past. However, now that her pony version is becoming a more prominent character in the show, I felt like I should expand upon the Lego Trixie here and show that she's not just evil for the sake of being evil, but rather just wanted to make sure her name would always be remembered forever. I decided to settle on having her start out similar to pony Trixie as a stage magician, but then a series of events leads her to gaining magic powers and turning evil (complete with a direct connection to the events of the Clutch Powers movie). Anyway, the threat of Trixie may have been dealt with for now, but the story is still far from over.