• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,857 Views, 88 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 4 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, Twilight and Sunsets's team of friends join with fellow LEGO Team members Gloriosa and Timber to deal with a series of issues, which could eventually push one of them too far.

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Drastic Measures

Chapter 10
Drastic Measures

As soon as Twilight and Sunset had left the building through a side exit, Twilight desperately asked, “Sunset Shimmer, could you please explain to me what’s going on?”

Sunset sighed and quickly explained, “Gloriosa and Timber somehow ended up in the same room as Filthy Rich, I’m not sure what happened next, but as soon as we all realized it, Gloriosa had slapped Filthy in the face, they both made threats to each other, and then Gloriosa walked out with Timber.”

Neither of the two girls had noticed the door open and then close behind them while Sunset was speaking, so they had no idea that Spike had joined them until he suddenly asked, “Gloriosa slapped somebody in the face?”

Twilight and Sunset both yelped and glanced back, but quickly relaxed when they realized it was just Spike. “Yeah,” replied Sunset. “It was Filthy Rich. I’m guessing he pushed her a little too far this time.”

“So why are we out here?” asked Twilight.

“We need to find Gloriosa and make sure she’s okay,” replied Sunset. “With the kind of stress she’s been under lately, I’m worried she might make some bad decisions.”

“So where is she?” asked Spike as he quickly glanced around.

“All I know is that she and Timber went out through this door,” replied Sunset. “They can’t be too far from here.”

“At least Timber’s with her,” noted Twilight. “I’m sure he’s doing his best to calm her down.”

“I hope you’re right,” muttered Sunset. She then began to walk away from the door and spoke up, “C’mon, we need to find them.”

Twilight and Spike followed Sunset and the three of them began looking around for any sign of Gloriosa or Timber in the area. Although they had no luck at first, they did encounter a security guard patrolling the outside of the building and armed with a laser rifle.

Sunset ran over to the guard and asked, “Excuse me, sir! We’re looking for two of our friends. Have you seen them? One of them is a girl with pink skin, pink hair, has a chain of daisies around her head.”

“The other is a guy with brown skin, green hair, and wearing a beanie on his head,” added Twilight.

The security guard nodded and said, “Yeah, I saw them just a minute ago. They were over in that alleyway across the street having some kind of argument. I heard one of them say something about getting to the monorail station, but that’s all I got.”

Sunset sighed and rubbed her hand across her face in frustration. She turned back to Twilight and Spike and said, “Okay, looks like we’d better get to the monorail station. I don’t know how much time we have, so we’d better move fast. Stay close to me and no matter what happens, do not question my actions.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow and asked, “Why would we do that?”

“I said no questioning!” snapped Sunset before she suddenly snatched the laser rifle out of the guard’s hands and pointed it right at him.

“Hey!” shouted the guard, but did nothing else due to having his own weapon pointed at him.

“Sorry, buddy, but I need to borrow this,” said Sunset. She glanced at Twilight and Spike and exclaimed, “You two, c’mon!” She then turned away and began running down the street while holding the laser rifle aimed forward.

Spike glanced at Twilight and shrugged as he muttered, “Like we have a choice.” The two of them then quickly followed after Sunset.

The monorail station was only two blocks away, so it didn’t take long for the trio to arrive on foot. Unfortunately, it was currently rush hour, which meant there was a large crowd of people outside the entrance to the station. Without any hesitation, Sunset kept running as she fired a few laser bolts at the ground in front of her.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

“Outta my way!” shouted Sunset. The crowd immediately panicked and rushed to clear away from the entrance. Sunset quickly charged through the main entrance into the station with Twilight and Spike following right behind her.

The trio rushed up the stairway and onto the platform… just as the train began to pull out of the station and move down along the track over the streets. As soon as they reached the edge of the platform, the train was already on its way towards the next station.

Sunset growled in frustration and threw the laser rifle down onto the platform in front of her feet. “They got away,” she grumbled bitterly.

“I’m sure we can find a way to catch up to them,” assured Twilight as she arrived beside Sunset. “At the very least, maybe we can figure out where they’re going.”

Spike stopped in front of a map on the wall that showed the rail lines and stations throughout the city. He studied it for a moment before he turned back to the two girls and said, “Looks like there’s only one station in the direction that train was going… this city’s LEGO Team Headquarters.”

“Then we need to get there right away,” said Sunset with determination as she quickly picked up the laser rifle and rushed back out of the station, with Twilight and Spike having no choice but to follow after her.

Sunset was in such a desperate rush that rather than run down the stairway, she chose to jump onto the railing and slide down it to the bottom, then jumped off and continued running towards the station’s entrance. Behind her, Twilight and Spike both chose the safe alternative to simply go down those stairs the traditional way as quickly as they could.

Sunset charged out of the station and as she reached the street, she fired a few laser bolts onto the pavement, hoping to force any random vehicle on the street to stop.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!


The car that managed to stop right in front of Sunset was a rather sporty green car with a streamlined exterior shape and a large spoiler on the back.

Without any hesitation, Sunset rushed around to the driver side door and exclaimed, “I need to borrow your car! This is an emergency!” She quickly yanked the door open, grabbed the driver and tossed him out, then hopped into the driver’s seat and dropped the laser rifle between the two front seats as she shut the door. As Twilight and Spike arrived, Sunset called to them, “Get in!”

Spike quickly opened the passenger side door and jumped into the rear seat between the two front seats.

As Twilight climbed into the passenger seat and shut the door, she was on the verge of panic as she worriedly said, “Sunset, do you even realize that you’re committing grand theft auto?”

Once the two passengers were seated, Sunset didn’t even acknowledge Twilight’s question and simply said, “Hang on.” She then stomped on the accelerator.


Twilight and Spike screamed as they were thrown back into their seats by the sudden acceleration. “Seriously, this isn’t a video game!” shouted Twilight fearfully. “There are severe real world consequences for what you’re doing!”

“I’m well aware of that, Twilight, but this is an emergency situation!” exclaimed Sunset. “We have no idea what the heck those two are up to, so we need to catch up to them as soon as possible!” As the car approached an intersection, Sunset didn’t slow down as she turned left.



Sunset ignored the honking horns from the other vehicles on the street as she continued speeding ahead. “Besides,” she added, “the old me used to do this kind of stuff all the time. I know what I’m doing.”

“Do you even know where you’re going?!” exclaimed Spike as he desperately held onto his seat.

“Simple, we just follow the monorail line,” replied Sunset as she gestured toward the row of supports along the road that held up the monorail track over the street. “Besides, the headquarters building of Lego City is on the end of a peninsula, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find.”


Honk! Honk-honk!

As their “borrowed” car continued zooming down the street while dodging traffic at high speed, Twilight exclaimed, “I know you specifically told us not to question your actions, but I just can’t stand it! This is crazy! What are you thinking?!”

“You think you’re the only one in this car who’s still dealing with her inner demons?!” snapped Sunset as she continued driving. “I may have moved on from my old way of life, but that doesn’t mean I can completely abandon every part of who I once was! There have even been times when our friends would ask me to do things the old me used to do all the time! I’m always reluctant to use any tactics the old me used to use, but I always consider my friends’ advice and go through with it if it means achieving a greater good! And right now, using my old dirty tricks to do something good for everyone is exactly what I’m doing!”

Twilight and Spike both were left completely speechless by Sunset’s outburst. While she had already mentioned to them some time ago how she had an unfortunate tendency to lose her temper, it was still very scary to see it happen, especially when they were on the receiving end of it.

Sunset sighed and more calmly said, “Look, I’m sorry for yelling at you, but as you can see, I’m kinda in the middle of speeding through the streets of Lego City right now. We’ll talk about this later.”

After about a minute of reckless driving through the streets of Lego City, the green sports car reached the coastal part of the city and began to zoom down the single road along the middle of the peninsula that led to the city’s LEGO Team Headquarters building. By the time the building was within sight, the monorail train had already gone inside, so Sunset floored the accelerator for the final sprint to their destination.


Although there was no traffic on this road, that did little to ease Sunset’s desperation to get there right away.

As the speeding vehicle got closer and closer to the building, Twilight and Spike became increasingly concerned. “Uh, Sunset?” asked Twilight worriedly. “You might wanna consider slowing down right now.”

Sunset completely ignored Twilight and remained completely focused on going forward at full speed.

“Sunset, stop the car!” Spike cried out fearfully. “We’re gonna crash!” He and Twilight both began to scream in panic as the car continued speeding directly towards the building.

Finally, Sunset jerked the wheel to one side and stomped on the brake. The car began to slide sideways as it continued heading directly towards the main entrance into the building.


The car left behind a long trail of dark skid marks along the road as it continued sliding sideways towards the building. As the two passengers continued screaming for their lives, the car ended up smashing right through the glass doors of the main entrance and finally came to a complete stop in the middle of the lobby.

Without wasting a moment, Sunset grabbed the laser rifle, jumped out of the car, and ran over to the reception desk.

“Hey!” the receptionist called out. “You’re not supposed to be here!”

Sunset stopped in front of the desk and aimed the laser rifle at the receptionist as she threateningly asked, “You wanna say that again, buddy?”

The receptionist froze for a moment, then quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

Sunset rolled her eyes and exclaimed, “I’m not here to rob you! We’re chasing after some people we saw come into this building and we need to find them! NOW!!”

The receptionist quickly nodded and nervously said, “O-okay, okay! Just… gimme a moment…” He walked back to his computer and began quickly typing on the keyboard.

Sunset lowered the laser rifle while Twilight and Spike got out of the car and hesitantly walked over to her. As they stood next to each other, Spike turned to Sunset and quietly said, “You’re starting to scare me a little.”

The receptionist finished typing and stated, “Okay, I’m getting four unauthorized personnel inside this facility: you three right here, and one who is… on the upper walkways of the hangar… heading for the Space Police spaceship, by the looks of it.”

As soon as those words had been spoken, Sunset immediately took off and rushed further into the building. Once again, Twilight and Spike had no choice but to follow after her. As they began running, Spike sighed and grumbled, “Is all this pointless running ever gonna end?”

It took them only a couple of minutes to reach the hangar room, and as soon as they arrived, the sloped retractable roof had already opened, the black and white spaceship labeled “Space Police” already had its engines running, and the clamps holding it down had just been released, allowing the spaceship to start hovering away from its dock.

“Oh no you don’t,” muttered Sunset fiercely as she dropped the laser rifle and pulled out a handheld shooter. She aimed up at the departing spaceship and fired the shooter, launching a translucent red 1x1 round plate that hit and stuck itself onto the spacecraft. Immediately after that was done, the spaceship took off out of the hangar and in a matter of seconds, it suddenly vanished with a sonic boom as it entered warp speed.

After taking a moment to catch her breath, Twilight looked up at the empty sky and asked, “Where are they going?”

Sunset put away her shooter and pulled out a tablet as she replied, “Thanks to the tracking device I managed to get onto that spaceship, we’ll find out soon enough.”

Spike also took a moment to catch his breath, but then he froze as a thought suddenly occurred to him. “Wait… didn’t that guy say there was only one person trying to get away?” he asked.

Twilight gasped and said, “Hey, you’re right! If that’s true, then it can only mean that Gloriosa and Timber are not with each other. The security guard said they were arguing and one of them wanted to get to the monorail station — presumably to come here and steal that spaceship — so it would actually make sense that we’re probably chasing after just one of them.”

“So where’s the other one?” asked Spike.

“Possibly still back at that gala, for all we know,” replied Twilight with a shrug. “I just wish we knew which of the two we’ve been pursuing.”

Although Sunset had been staring at the display screen on her tablet, she had also been listening to the conversation between Twilight and Spike. The realization they made certainly made her a little concerned. I can’t say for certain which one of them it could be, she thought. Gloriosa sure seems like she would do anything to take down Filthy Rich, but Timber has been hiding something from us with that Gaia Everfree story and his jar full of gem dust. I guess we won’t know until we finally catch them…

Spike looked over at the tablet in Sunset’s hands and asked, “So, uh… where did that spaceship go?”

Sunset tapped the screen a few times, then once she got a definitive answer, her eyes widened. “They’ve gone back to the Dark Forest,” she answered in shock.

“Why would they want to suddenly go back there?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t know, and we certainly won’t get any answers just by staying here,” replied Sunset. She glanced around the room and smiled when she saw a Jump-Gate had been built inside the massive room, not far from where they currently stood. She ran over to the Jump-Gate and said, “I’ll enter the coordinates from the tracking device into the Jump-Gate. Still got that return device, Twilight?”

“Always,” replied Twilight with a smile as she held up her right wrist on which her Jump-Gate return device was attached.

As Sunset switched on the Jump-Gate’s control panel and entered the coordinates, she said, “This should put us right beside where they just parked the spaceship. With any luck, we’ll soon find out what Timber or Gloriosa is up to.”

“Wait, I’m suddenly a little confused,” said Spike. “Whoever we’re chasing, why did they steal that spaceship and not use this Jump-Gate?”

“The Jump-Gate has only just recently been introduced to groups and organizations outside of the former Shadowbolts,” explained Twilight. “I doubt that neither Gloriosa nor Timber would have any experience on how to properly use one.”

Once the coordinates were entered, Sunset hit the green “Open” button on the control panel. The Jump-Gate made its usual low whooshing noise for a few seconds before the massive solid doors parted open. On the other side of the gateway was a grassy field surrounded by a dense forest, with the exact location of the gateway opening being in the shade of the Space Police spaceship that been parked in the hangar just moments ago.

Sunset, Twilight, and Spike all walked through the gateway into the Dark Forest Subregion. As the doors closed behind them and the gateway vanished, Sunset said, “Let’s start looking around for anything suspicious. Whoever we’re after, I doubt he or she has gotten far in so little time.”

The three of them immediately began searching the area. As Spike walked around to the other side of the parked spaceship, he suddenly stopped and asked, “Uh, would a mysterious cave like that count as suspicious?”

Twilight and Sunset quickly walked over towards Spike and saw just a few steps away was a cave entrance with a few large boulders on either side of it.

Sunset replied, “To park a spaceship this close to a cave like this… yeah, I’d call that very suspicious.”

Twilight pulled out a flashlight and said, “So I guess we’d better head inside and investigate.”

Sunset led the way into the cave with Twilight and Spike following right behind. As they entered the cave, Twilight switched on her flashlight. At first, it seemed like any other dark cave, but as they walked further, they soon reached a large cavern that was illuminated by sunlight that came down through a hole in the ceiling and was scattered by a large mass of transparent crystals in the center of the cavern.

Twilight switched off and put away her flashlight as she began looking around the cave in awe. “Wow… this place is beautiful,” she quietly said.

Sunset wasn’t sharing in Twilight’s sense of wonder as they got closer to the center of the cavern. “There’s Equestrian magic here…” muttered Sunset cautiously. “I can… I can feel it…”

Spike raised an eyebrow and asked, “How are you so sure about that?”

“I was once a unicorn from Equestria,” Sunset pointed out. “I may not be able to freely use magic like I used to, but I can still recognize the sensation of being in close proximity to some powerful magic.”

“Would you say the source is somewhere among those crystals?” asked Twilight as she gestured towards the center of the cavern.

“Very likely,” replied Sunset as she began slowly walking towards the large cluster of crystals. As she got closer, she noticed that at the very center was a massive crystal that was wider than any other, but only reached a height of three bricks with a flat top, as if the upper portion had been cut down and removed. In addition, the flat top of this massive crystal had seven slots, five of which were empty, while the other two each had a colorful crystal shard in it; one that was red and one that was purple. As she continued to walk closer, Sunset began to reach her hand out towards the massive crystal.

“Don’t touch that!”

Sunset immediately stopped in her tracks and turned towards the source of that voice, while Twilight and Spike also immediately turned to face whoever had just spoken out.

From the shadows of an alcove to the side, a minifig stepped forward and revealed herself to be none other than Gloriosa Daisy. “They’re mine,” she added with a wicked grin on her face and a faint twitch in her eye.

“Gloriosa?!” asked Sunset in shock. She then narrowed her eyes as she next asked, “Why did you come here so suddenly?”

Gloriosa smirked and replied, “Oh, as if I would even bother telling you anything.”

Sunset frowned and furrowed her brow, but when a certain thought crossed her mind, she smiled smugly and retorted, “Actually, seeing as we’re now back in the Dark Forest… I don’t even need to bother asking questions. I can just get my answers directly from the source.”

Gloriosa momentarily paused to consider what Sunset was talking about. It took only a few seconds for Gloriosa to realize the implied fact, and once she understood it, she glared at Sunset and growled, “Don’t even think about it.”

“Oh, I’m already thinking about it,” Sunset smugly retorted. “In fact, I intend to actually do it.” She then charged directly towards Gloriosa.

Gloriosa quickly jumped out of the way. Sunset tried to charge at her again, but she managed to move out of the way again. Gloriosa knew that she had to avoid letting Sunset touch her by any means, so she had no choice but to keep evading her as much as possible.

As Sunset continued chasing Gloriosa around the cavern, Twilight and Spike did little more than just standing and watching. Spike turned to Twilight and asked, “Should we do something?”

Gloriosa dodged yet another charge from Sunset after more than a dozen already. Sunset momentarily paused and glared at her before making another charge. Gloriosa once again moved out of the way and now found herself just a few steps away from the central crystal. She glanced back and forth between her adversary and her target, trying to determine when would be the right moment to make her move.

Suddenly, Gloriosa felt a brief but very painful jolt of electricity on her back. She yelped from the sudden electric shock, then immediately turned around and saw Twilight holding out her extendable pocket-sized stun rod. “What was that for?!” asked Gloriosa irritably.

That minor diversion was all Sunset needed to finally reach forward and grasp Gloriosa by her wrist. “Got ya!” shouted Sunset triumphantly. Right at the instant after she said that, her body stiffened and her eyes glowed white as her new magical ability activated once more.

The first thing Sunset saw was the briefing area back at the LEGO Team Headquarters building in Canterlot City. Celestia stood at her usual place on the elevated platform in front of the large console and massive display screen, while down on the main floor stood Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce, neither of whom seemed to be in a pleasant mood.

“I can’t believe that Filthy Rich actually brought bulldozers with him this time!” exclaimed Gloriosa with barely contained rage.

“I’m just glad that wall I built was able to hold them back until the cops arrived,” added Timber with a frown as he kept his arms folded.

“I understand your frustrations,” assured Celestia. “Our legal department has already issued a fine to Mister Rich for his actions.”

“This is Filthy Rich we’re talking about here!” snapped Gloriosa. “Fines mean nothing to him!”

“Please try to relax, Gloriosa Daisy,” Celestia calmly said. “I know this isn’t what you’re normally like.”

“I’m sorry, Celestia, but our patience is getting very thin,” said Timber irritably. “If something isn’t done about this situation soon, there’s no telling what could happen.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” responded Celestia as she turned away and tapped a few buttons on the console. “In the meantime, I would like to send you two on another goodwill mission.” The image that came up on the massive display screen showed a map of the Castle Region with a small forested area being highlighted. “This time, you will be going to the Dark Forest, a small subregion of the Castle Region that has remained virtually unchanged since it was established about twenty years ago.”

Gloriosa spoke up, “But what about—?”

“Don’t worry about Camp Everfree,” assured Celestia as she turned back to face the duo. “I’ll have the police set up a secured perimeter around the property while you’re away. That should convince Mister Rich to not bother showing up while you’re out of town.”

“Are you sure this is for the best?” asked Timber skeptically.

“This isn’t just another goodwill mission for you to become friendly with the natives,” explained Celestia. “This is also a much needed chance for you to relax in an environment that I know you can appreciate. Not to mention, I seriously doubt that Filthy Rich will ever be of any concern out there.”

Timber shrugged and said, “Can’t argue with that.”

Gloriosa sighed and said, “Very well, then. We’ll do this.”

“The charter flight to take you there is waiting in the hangar,” finished Celestia. “Good luck.”

The next scene Sunset saw was out in the middle of the Dark Forest, where Gloriosa was walking alone down a trail with a rather depressed expression on her face. It had been only three days since she and Timber had arrived in the area, and while they had successfully become good friends with Rob N. Hood and the Forestmen, she still couldn’t get her mind off of the threat posed by Filthy Rich.

Gloriosa sighed as she looked up into the sky and muttered, “If only there was something I could do…”

As what appeared to be a small magenta cloud suddenly rushed by overhead, Gloriosa stopped and lightly gasped. She wasn’t sure what that was, but she certainly wanted to find out, so she left the trail and quickly followed after that rapidly-moving cloud of magic.

It was difficult to see much through the dense canopy of the forest, but the bright light given off by that trail of magic made it easy to follow. Eventually, as Gloriosa reached a small field, the mysterious glowing cloud suddenly slammed into the ground with a faint impact, and the eerie magenta glow could now be seen coming from the cave entrance just on the other side of the field.

Gloriosa glanced around and once she was sure that she was completely alone, she rushed over to the cave and then carefully walked inside. Once she reached the cavern, she was in complete awe by the incredible beauty of the large cluster of transparent crystals in the center. She walked closer to the crystals and soon noticed that the massive pedestal-like central crystal had seven small crystal shards embedded in it, each a different color; red, blue, orange, white, pink, yellow, and purple.

Curious, Gloriosa placed her hand on the pedestal, covering five of the seven shards. As soon as her hand touched those shards, a small burst of magic suddenly caused her hand to stick to them. She panicked and immediately tried to pull her hand away from them. After a brief struggle, her hand finally came free, but the force of the sudden release caused her to go flying backwards.

Gloriosa was about to hit the hard floor of the cave when a bunch of vines suddenly sprouted and formed a small bed that cushioned her fall. She looked down at the vines in confusion, then realized she felt something in her hand. She opened her hand and saw resting within her pink claw-shaped hand were the five shards she had touched, which were now glowing.

Next, Sunset saw Gloriosa and Timber inside the brick-built tree they resided in during their stay in the Dark Forest, and they were in the middle of a rather heated discussion.

“You don’t know what those things are!” argued Timber, gesturing towards the necklace that Gloriosa had made out of the five magical shards she had retrieved from that cave.

“But I know what they can do!” argued Gloriosa as she used her newfound magical power to make some vines reach in through the windows and pick up a few various items in the small room. “I’ve been practicing! I can control their power now!”

Timber remained skeptical as he argued, “You don’t know that for sure!” When Gloriosa gave no response, he just gave a dismissive wave of a hand as he turned around and headed for the door outside.

Before Timber could open the door, Gloriosa suddenly stopped him by grasping his arm. “We’re not the only ones being threatened by Filthy Rich!” she argued. “There are innocent people all over the Lego World whose livelihoods are being destroyed by his greedy ambitions! If no one is gonna stand up to him, then I’ll take matters into my own hands!”

Sunset next saw that run-in they had with Filthy Rich in the Dark Forest. This time, she saw that while she had been occupied speaking with Rich, Gloriosa glanced around at how all the surveying equipment had been set up, then discreetly placed one hand over the magical shards on her necklace and held out the other hand towards one of the tall surveying poles resting against the trees. Some vines sprouted from the ground around the pole at the right end of the row of them and lightly pushed it over towards the other poles.

“Whoa, look out!” shouted one of the workers as the poles began toppling over like a series of dominoes, ending in toppling over a crane that was lifting a generator and ended up crashing down right onto Filthy Rich’s limousine.

“My limo!” exclaimed Filthy Rich before rushing over to find out what had just happened.

While everyone else looked towards the wrecked limo in confusion — except for Gloriosa who looked on smugly — Timber quickly reached into his pocket and tossed out a handful of gem dust.

Sunset then saw the moment the wagon had been destroyed while they were fleeing from Trixie’s army. As Gloriosa landed face-down on the ground, the army of skeleton warriors and trolls let out a loud battle cry as they charged ahead. Gloriosa immediately clutched the magical shards on her necklace and pressed her other hand against the ground. All along the trail, thousands of thick roots suddenly lifted up from the ground, just enough to cause each and every single soldier in the charging army to suddenly trip and fall flat on their faces.

While Gloriosa immediately called for everyone to get up and keep running, Timber spared a brief moment to once again reach into his pocket and tossed a handful of gem dust across the ground, just before he reached over to help Twilight as she stumbled.

The final scene Sunset saw was in the alleyway where the guard had mentioned seeing Gloriosa and Timber. Sure enough, just as the guard had described, the brother and sister duo were arguing there.

“Where are you going?!” Timber called out as he finally caught up to Gloriosa.

“I’m heading to the monorail station!” Gloriosa sharply responded, her tension still high after her recent confrontation with Filthy Rich. “It’s the fastest way to LEGO Headquarters, where we can borrow a spaceship to take us back to the Dark Forest!”

“Why would you want to…?” Timber began to ask before he quickly realized what Gloriosa was up to. He furrowed his brow and firmly stated, “You don’t have to do this.”

“You heard what Filthy Rich is up to!” argued Gloriosa. “He needs to be stopped right away!”

“But you can’t just use this weird magic you’ve got!” argued Timber. “I’m having a hard enough time covering for you as it is!”

“Is that why you told the team that ridiculous story?!” asked Gloriosa furiously. “You didn’t want them to think I was behind any of this?!”

“Exactly!” exclaimed Timber. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re getting yourself into?! You’re the only family I’ve got left! I’m just trying to look out for you!”

“I don’t need your help!” argued Gloriosa. “I’m the older sibling anyway, so I can take care of myself!”

“That’s not the point!” argued Timber. “You’re pushing yourself too far! You have to let this go before it’s too late!”

“I said I was gonna take matters into my own hands,” Gloriosa shot back, “and after what we heard back there, it’s clear that I have no choice!”

Timber growled in frustration as he tightly grasped his beanie hat. “Fine!” he snapped. “If you wanna go through on this worthless vigilante crusade, then go ahead! But you can count me out! I don’t want any involvement in this madness!” He then spun around and began furiously marching back toward the building they had just left.

“Then good riddance!” Gloriosa furiously called out. “I don’t need you holding me back! As long as I’ve got this power, I can finally get rid of Filthy Rich! I’ll even save the whole Lego World from monsters like him!” She then spun around and furiously marched towards the monorail station.

Sunset’s body relaxed and her eyes returned to normal as the last of the visions from Gloriosa’s memories came to an end. Gloriosa immediately yanked her arm out of Sunset’s grasp, but after what they had seen with Trixie earlier that day, she knew it was already too late.

Once Sunset was thinking clearly again, she glared firmly at Gloriosa and said, “That necklace you’re wearing… they’re the missing geodes from that pedestal right behind you. And not only that, they’re magical! Just like I and the rest of my friends have new magical abilities, you suddenly gained the power to control plant life. You’ve been using your new magic to not only save lives, but also take down Filthy Rich at any opportunity.”

Sunset glanced back at Twilight for a moment, then returned her piercing stare to Gloriosa and continued, “I was only partially right about Timber. He was hiding something from us, but it wasn’t something he did, but rather the things you were doing. The Gaia Everfree story, the gem dust, he did all of that because he didn’t want you to get into any trouble. He cares for you, Gloriosa, because you’re the only family member he has left, and he doesn’t want to lose you.”

Sunset stepped forward towards Gloriosa as she continued, “But just moments ago, you had a big fight with him. He wanted you to give up that magic before you went too far with it, but you refused to listen to him. That’s why you were on your own when we chased after you… because he couldn’t stop you… and he didn’t want any involvement with what you’re about to do…”

At this point, Twilight stepped forward and pleaded, “Gloriosa, Timber wasn’t wrong. I really think you should stop using magic before you take this too far. It doesn’t matter how pure your intentions are. Trying to use too much magic can be extremely dangerous. Trust me, out of all the people in the Lego World, I know what that’s like.”

“Oh, I see no reason to worry,” said Gloriosa dismissively. “I’ve got this. And I’m going to use this magic to protect the world from greedy tyrants that would seek to take everything away from innocent people. I just need more power!” She immediately spun around and placed her hand on the two remaining crystal shards on the pedestal.

“No!” shouted Twilight and Sunset simultaneously, but it was already too late.

As soon as Gloriosa touched those remaining shards, the first thing she did was turn back to the three intruders and thrust her free hand out, unleashing her magical power. Dozens of vines suddenly sprouted from the ground and tightly wrapped themselves around Sunset, Twilight, and Spike, binding them right where they stood. Now that they had no way to stop her, she brought the two shards close to the five others she already possessed.

The necklace piece attached around her neck reshaped itself to include all seven magical geodes, then Gloriosa’s dark transformation began. Her skin changed from pink to light grey, her legs turned olive green with brown around the feet, her hands and lower arms turned dark brown, her torso turned olive green with burgundy leaves around the waist and chest, her hair turned into a wild mess of turquoise, the chain of daisies around her head turned into a vine with green thorns, and her eyes turned black with sickly green pupils.

With her magical transformation complete, Gloriosa smiled as she began to hover in the air. “Sorry, girls, but I know what I need to do,” she said confidently as she made her way past the entrapped trio towards the cave entrance. “But I feel like we’re not on the same page, so…”

“Gloriosa!” Twilight called out desperately. “Don’t do this!”

The magically enhanced Gloriosa suddenly stopped her movement and said, “Oh, I almost forgot…” She turned around and reached her hand out towards Twilight. The vines that entrapped her shifted around a little until they managed to remove the Jump-Gate return device from her wrist and held it out in the open. “If by some miracle you do manage to escape, then I can’t allow you to go very far.” She then clenched her outstretched hand into a fist, making the vines contract around the device until it was ultimately crushed with a sickening cracking noise and its jagged fragments fell to the ground.

After witnessing the loss of the only thing that could get them out of the Dark Forest, the entrapped trio could only watch as Gloriosa hovered out of the cave, then used her magic to make a dozen vines wrap around a pair of massive boulders and roll them together to block the entrance.

“NO!!” Sunset, Twilight, and Spike cried out helplessly.

With the cave sealed up and no hope of those three ever getting out of there, Gloriosa turned around and made her way back to the Space Police spaceship. After all, despite her immensely enhanced magical powers… it was still the fastest way back to Lego City.

Author's Note:

Well, the recent "updates" to this site forced me to spend a little extra time properly formatting the chapter, but at least I was able to get it to look just as well as all the other chapters (not to mention, I'm also glad that the earlier chapters still look just as fine as they did prior to the "update"). Anyway, not much to say for this chapter, except that some mysteries have been explained, and now that we've reached the point where Gloriosa becomes corrupted by magic, you can be sure to expect some action over the next few chapters.