• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Wounded pride

"Look, I said I am really sorry, okay?" Tornado protested, as the overly angry Applejack stared him down. "I swear, my friends and I didn't know your friend was injured!"

"Save your breath, Mountain Boy!" Applejack snarled, getting up in the Stallion's face. "Your stupidity has endangered the life of our friend, and if I weren't such a lady, I'd ram your ugly male face into the wall!"

"Hah, ramming my head into the wall wouldn't do you any good, lady!" The blue earth pony retorted. "My skulls too thick to do any damage!"

The six ponies were at a Misty Mountain clinic, where the stallions had taken the three girls after they had discovered just how serious the situation was. They were all awaiting word of Majesty's recovery, as the mares proceeded to give the three mountain boy ponies an earful.

"Look. we're sorry we tried to come on to your wounded friend. But how were we supposed to know she'd been hit by a poisoned goblin arrow?" Thunder Cloud Protested. "I admit we were jerks, but would you at least let us make it up to you and your friend, by guiding you around the city after she has recovered?"

"I'm not sure if I can trust ya at all." A.J. snorted, stamping her hoof on the clinic floor. "I'd bet my right hoof that the only place ya want to lead any of us is back to yer place for a roll in the hay!"

Meanwhile, Ice Crystal and Wind Whistler were having a very different sort of conversation on the other side of the waiting room.

"So do you come around here often?" Ice Crystal asked, smiling at the Pegasus pony. "Because I think I'd remember a pretty face like yours wandering around the streets of Misty Mountain."

"No, this is my first time here." The blue mare smiled, gazing into his eyes. "But I've heard how amazing the ponies are here, and looking at you, I can see that they were right."

"Sweet." The stallion replied, swishing his tail around playfully. "So, you wanna go somewhere, and get a bite to eat after this?"

"Sure, I'd love to!" Wind Whistler replied, grinning from ear to ear. "You know of a good place around here that has buckvarian creme-filled doughnuts?"

"Windy! Stop flirting with that stupid stallion!" Applejack snapped, glaring at her companion. " Don't you realize him and his flirty friend are the reason Majesty's stuck in here in the first place?!"

"Aww lighten up, Applejack!" Wind Whistler protested. "It's not like they are the ones who stuck Majesty with that arrow!"

"Look, miss A.J., I know you have no reason to trust me. Especially after what happened to your friend there." Thundercloud explained calmly. "But we acted very, very stupid with Miss Majesty, and we want to make it up to all of you, by helping you in any way we can."

Before the mare could even form a response, a pink mare with a blue mane and a nurse's cap came trotting out.

"Excuse me, ladies?" The mare with the clipboard addressed them. "I'm Nurse Loveheart, and I've been tending to Miss Majesty's wounds."

"How is she, Nurse?" Applejack asked, bluntly interrupting Loveheart. "Is she going to be all right?"

"We were able to get the poison out of her system, and bandaged the wound up. But she's going to need about a day to rest." The pony with the teddy bear and heart cutie mark answered. "I do wish you ladies would be a little more careful when taking the princess of Dream Valley on an adventure though goblin- infested territory."

"Wait a minute, PRINCESS of Dream Valley?" Tornado went pale. "You mean I was hitting on the Queen of Dream Castle's DAUGHTER?"

"Ohhhh boy, Tornado!" Thundercloud said with a laugh. "You really went and put your hoof in the dookie this time!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your little conversation," Nurse Loveheart interjected. "but you can go in and see Princess Majesty now."

Applejack nodded, before looking back at the three stallions. "You wieners stay here." She and Wind Whistler trotted into the clinic's recovery room, where a dazed Majesty lay on a cot.

"Ohhh, hey girls." Majesty smiled, sitting up weakly. "Guess we made it to the clinic on time, huh?"

"This is all my fault, princess. I should have had us come to the clinic right away." A.J. said sadly, her ears drooping. "Then you never would've run into those knuckleheads who delayed us, and you wouldn't be here right now!"

"Speaking of those knuckleheads, they want to come with us!" Wind Whistler blurted out, flapping around the room excitedly. "It'd be awesome to have their strength and muscle along for our quest!"

"Damn it, Windy! Now's not the time to start blabbering about those stupid boys!" A.J. snapped at the air headed Pegasus. "Majesty still hasn't recovered, we don't need to be talking about-"

"The stallions wanted to take us to dinner as an apology, Tornado's very sorry for what he did." Windy interrupted, pleading with the recovering princess. "Why don't we take them up on their offer?"

"Hmmm, sounds like a good idea, Wind Whistler." Majesty finally commented, pulling the covers off, and climbing out of bed. "We could use their help in getting to flutter valley."

"Oh, for the love of...." Applejack slapped her hoof against her face. "I can't believe I let myself get involved with these silly fillies!"


The Flutterflank was a very fine establishment, as far as Misty Mountain beer gardens go. Beautifully painted renditions of the snow covered mountains covered the walls, and glittering gems of many colors adorned the darkly-painted ceiling, resembling the twinkling stars of the night sky. Waitresses trotted around in drindl dresses, delivering glasses of piping hot cider, and pretzels to every table in the tavern. Majesty looked around, admiring the place's decor.

"Wow, do all of your restaurants look this nice inside?" The princess asked. "This place makes the Satin Slipper back home look like a cheap greasy roadside diner."

"Nah, they don't all look like this." Tornado told her, pointing a hoof around the room. "This is mostly done for tourists, I brought you ladies here because I thought you might like how it looked."

"I'm really glad you did, these hot pretzels are delicious." The princess munched on a salted giant pretzel. "I just love how the cheese is baked into the dough."

"Here Windy, have some of these." Ice Crystal pushed a bowl of salted peanuts towards the a Pegasus. "You'll just love em', once the shells are cracked open."

"Oh, I love these things!" Wind Whistler squealed, cracking the shells open and scarfing down the contents. "These are really good, but I plan to sample some of Misty Mountain's best nuts tonight." The Pegasus grinned, staring over at Ice Crystal.

"Of course you will, you little tramp" Applejack thought to herself, eye twitching. "I swear, that goofy mare is gonna be a bad influence on the princess!"

"Wow Applejack, you sure have quite an appetite!" Thundercloud noted, watching the earth mare pack away three bowls of apple sherbet in a row. "How much food can you actually hold?"

"None of your business, you ornery stallion!" A.J. Snapped, beginning to devour her fourth bowl. "I'm a lady, I don't eat more than I should!"

"Would all of you stop acting like goofballs?" Tornado asked, rolling his eyes, before turning back to the princess. "So Majesty, will you let us make up for our stupidity? Will you let us show you the way to flutter valley?"

Majesty looked back and forth between the stallions, and between her friends, struggling in her mind over what to say. While she knew what A.J. wanted her to do, the unicorn knew they would need some help on the road ahead.

"All right, Tornado." Majesty replied. "You and your Mountain Boys can join us."

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