• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Final Showdown

"Guards, take down the earth pony." Starlight Glimmer smiled darkly. "The Unicorn is mine."

The equestrian ponies assaulted the earth mare, only to be powerfully kicked away back Applejack back legs. the farm pony bit, kicked, and pounded on the guards, knocking several of them around, much to the trained soldiers' utter shock.

"This mare, she fights like a wildcat!" One of the guards cried out, as the stallion next to her was sent flying by a back kick. "Everpony, pile on her at once! We might be able to overpower her that way!"

The rest of the guards followed her lead, and Applejack vanished under a heavy pile of mare and stallion guards. The pony guards clamped down, trying to trap the earth pony under their great weight. But after only a few minutes, A.J. exploded from the bottom of the pile, sending the Equestrian guards flying in every direction.

"There's no WAY I'm going to get stuck under all of you bozos!" Applejack declared, knocking the last few guards off of herself. "It's gonna take a whole lot more muscle than that to stop a big n' strong apple buckin' mare like me!"

But just then, more guard reinforcements arrived. And A.J. suddenly found herself in for the fight of her life. The Equestrian soldiers quickly poured in, as Applejack just as quickly swatted them away. Meanwhile, Majesty faced down the other unicorn, who looked as if she was eager for a fight.

"Trust me, you really don't want to do this." The princess warned, as the two mares began circling each other. "You have no idea what you're up against!"

"Oh, this is exactly what I want!" The pink mare snarled, stamping her hoof. "You and your entire royal family have stood in the way of pony equality for centuries! It's goign to be a great pleasure wiping you off of the face of this world!"

"I know who you are." Majesty narrowed her eyes. "You're Starlight Glimmer, the traitor who led to the death of Twilight Sparkle. You are responsible for many of the atrocities that helped bring down the ancients."

"The 'ancients' perished because they refused to see how destructive things like cutie marks and special talents actually are." Starlight growled. "Uniqueness is noninclusive and oppressive. If true equality is be be achieved, anything that makes one pony different from another must be completely eliminated!"

"Ponies like you are so pathetic, and I feel so sorry for you" Majesty spat angrily. "You talk about equality, but the way you bully ponies and force them to accept your philosophy... that is a form of oppression in itself."

"ARGRAAAAH!" Starlight screamed, blasting the princess with a powerful burst of magic. Majesty blocked the blast with an energy shield. Majesty then returned the blast, which was in turn blocked by Starlight's magical shield. The pink unicorn shot an ice blast from her horn, trying to freeze the princess in her tracks. But Majesty hit the magic beam with a fire blast, melting the ice blast to steam. The princess then turned the floor beneath Starlight into quicksand, and Starlight glimmer's hooves sank into the floor.

"Huh, looks like you're a little stuck." Majesty chuckled, shaking her head. "Maybe you should give up, before the bottom is dropping out from beneath you."

The pink unicorn shrieked, exploding out of the floor in anger. Starlight fired a lightning blast at the princess, who covered herself in a magic stone skin, which protected her from being electrocuted. Majesty then blasted Starlight with a gale force wind, which slammed the pink unicorn back against the wall. Picking herself back up, Starlight then flew into a berserk rage.

"THAT DOES IT!!" the pink unicorn shrieked. Casting a spell, Starlight turned herself into a tigress, and leapt straight at Majesty's throat. The princess countered by turning herself into a lioness, and slashing the tigress across the face. The two big cats clawed and slashed away at each other, until Starlight turned herself into an anaconda, and tried to constrict around Majesty's body. Struggling against her slithering opponent, the princess turned herself into a crocodile, and bit down hard on Starlight's body with her sharp teeth. Both ponies returned to their natural shapes, and continued to their epic battle.

The two unicorns hurled powerful spell after powerful spell at each other. Lightning bolts and flaming spheres flew back and forth, and both mares launched powerful shock waves at each other, that blew the windows of the building out. Majesty pounded Starlight with small comets, while the pink unicorn slammed a small meteor down upon the princess's head. The two mares then concentrated all of their energy into two powerful magical blasts, launching them at each other simultaneously. the two beams met into the middle, smashing into each other with a powerful explosion. the two beams wavered back and forth, as the struggle became a battle of wills.

"This is not possible!" Starlight Wailed, shocked Majesty could match her power. "How can oyu stand up to me?! My magic is more powerful than an alicorn!"

"You are powerful, Starlight. I'll give you that. But you've never faced an opponent like me." Majesty replied, a snarl on her face. "You know, I've always held back, not wanting to be a heartless monster like my mother. But now I realize.... it takes a monster, to defeat a demon like YOU!"

With a burst of rage, the princess pushed back agaisnt Starlight's magic beam, finally overwhelming the pink unicorn. Starlight Glimmer was hit by the full force of Majesty's magical blast, which ripped away her skin, flesh, and bone. The pink unicorn let out a death howl, as her body was disintegrated. The exhausted Majesty tottered, and collapsed to the floor.

"Princess Majesty!" Applejack cried out, causing all of her attackers to stop, and stare. It was at that moment, that several more royal guards came pouring into the room... followed by the regal and noble Queen Skyla to come flapping into the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" The alicorn who ruled Equestria demanded. "What is going on here?"

"Your royal highness." Applejack trotted up to the surprised alicorn, and bowed. "I'm sorry about all of this, but when princess Majesty over there wakes up, I think she can explain all of this..."

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