• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Mountian of Mists

As the three ponies trotted their way through the mountains of Ponyland, Majesty could only stare in awe at the towering peaks and cloudy mountain tops. Never before had she seen such an awe-inspiring sight, and it made the very self important princess feel very, very small.

"Wow, this is so amazing...." Majesty whispered in awe, as they trotted their way up a winding mountain trail. "I had no idea places like this even existed in Ponyland..."

"That what ya get, fer being isolated in Dream Castle for yer whole childhood, kid." Applejack replied, shaking her head. "Didn't yer mother the queen ever take you to the other Ponyland kingdoms on diplomatic visits?"

"Mom left my care to my nanny, and she never wanted me to leave the castle." The princess replied with a sigh. "Guess this is going to be a learning experience for me, in more ways than one."

"Well, you're about to see Misty Mountain castle for the first time, and it's sooo amazing! -tweet!-" Wind Whistler grinned. "Ohhh, I just can't wait to try those yummy pretzels, and that delicious chocolate candy!"

"Y-yeah, that'll be great." Applejack agreed, trying to hide the fact her stomach was rumbling, and her mouth watering. "But the most important thing here is getting Majesty to the Misty Mountain clinic, so the doctor can take care of her wounds."

The three ponies continued up the side of the highest peak in the mountain range, until they passed through the clouds that surrounded the peak half way up. If Majesty was not amazed before, the sight that greeted her eyes now took the filly's breath away.

"Oh my stars..."

Misty Mountain fortress was a mighty city-castle, with towers pointing at the sky like fingers, and a great wall surrounding the entire structure. The entire citadel was carved out of the very mountaintop itself, the roofs of the houses visible from over the towering walls of the city.

"Good grief, how do they pack all that city into one little area?!" Wind Whistler asked, flying right up to the city's gates. "I'm almost afraid the city's gonna fall and slide down the mountain!"

"Don't worry kid, this place has been here for hundreds a years!" Applejack chuckled. "It ain't going anywhere anytime soon!"

One of the stallion guards in the watchtower on the city's wall noticed the three mares outside the city's gates, and motioned to his comrades. A unicorn guard stuck his head over the wall, scanned the trio, then nodded to the other sentries to open the massive wooden doors. The three made their way into the city itself.

"Hello, noble mares!" The unicorn guard captain called out to them. "welcome to Misty Mountain!"

The citadel was even more impressive inside, the streets lined with well-kept chalets and neatly tended flower gardens. Mares dressed in dirndl and stallions in lenderhosen and shorts walked about the streets, while vendors at their stalls selling pretzels, root beer, and various cheeses. Applejack, of course, couldn't but help herself, and raced up to each and every stall, grabbing and devouring as much food as she could hold.

"Eeesh, you silly pony!" Wind Whistler scolded. "You keep eating all of that food that fast, and you'll get a tummy ache! Besides, do you even know what that's doing to your figure?"

"Mmmph mmph- I don't care, this is soooo good!" Applejack replied, greedily stuffing a candy apple into her face. "I'll feel guilty about it tomorrow, then promise myself to go on a diet that I'll never end up sticking to!"

"Well, you'll never fit into a pony bikini again, that's for sure." Majesty added with a laugh, finally starting to enjoy the company of her new companions a bit. It was just then she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her side, nearly falling over in agony. "Owwww, that hurts!"

"Ohmygosh, your wound!" Wind Whistler squeaked in terror, her hooves flying up to her face. "I'm so sorry, we almost forgot!"

"Ohh, darn me and my greedy gut!" Applejack agreed, suddenly snapping back to the task at hand. "Hurry, we've got to get you to a doctor, quick!"

Meanwhile, three earth pony stallions walking on the other side of the road, happened to notice the trio of fillies trotting around town, and had taken an interest in Majesty and her friends.

"Hey Thundercloud, look at those three." The blue stallion with the white and blue mane stated, tapping his friends on the shoulder, and pointing a hoof at the newcomers. "I've never seen them around here before."

"Hmmmm, you're right. They must be new in town." The lavender colt with a pink mane replied, turning his head to look back at his other friend. "And they do seem kind of lost. Hey Ice Crystal, think we should go over, and try to help those fillies out?"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" The pale green stallion with the white mane agreed. "But why don't we send Tornado over to talk to them? Y'know, break the ice, and soften them up for us?"

"Sounds like a plan to me! I'm way to shy to actually start a conversation with a girl all by myself." Thundercloud laughed nervously. "Hey nado' think you're up to the task?"

"Watch and be amazed, boys." Tornado replied, a smug smile going across his face. "I'll turn on the charm, and have these mares eating out of our hooves."

Tornado then trotted right up to where the woozy and wobbly Majesty stood, bowed to her, and gave a sappy and saccharine greeting.

"Hello my sweet angel of a mare, it is truly a pleasure to meet you!" The blue earth pony stallion smiled and winked at the spaced out filly. " My name is Tornado Eastwinds, and my friends and I, the mountain boy ponies, would love to show you and your gorgeous companions around Misty Mountain citadel."

"I... uhhh... ohhhh..." Majesty replied, her eyes rolling back in her head as she fell over and fainted.

"Oh, no!" She's collapsed from her wound!" Applejack cried out, trying to help her friend up. "Windy hurry up and help me find a doctor, quick!"

""See boys? She fainted at just the sight of a stallion stud like myself talking to her." Tornado declared smugly, trotting back over to his companions. "Yes siree, I still got it, and all the mares want it!"

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