• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Ponies partake in Pita Pockets

"Wow, I don't believe it!" Wind Whistler exclaimed, looking around in Awe. "Who knew Fort Rainbow Dash was sooo cool?"

While Princess Majesty went to the rainbow crystal castle to speak with the Royal Family, her friends wandered around the marketplace, taking in the sights and sounds. Merchant's tables lined the agora, where every type of fruit and vegetable was being sold. a small group of minstrels, playing on lutes, lyres, and pan pipes turned out a very exotic tune, while at the other end of the square, an pony philosopher wearing a toga was giving a lecture on ethics to a small crowd that had gathered. To the three amazed mares, it was like they had stepped into another world.

"Hey, since we can't do anything else productive why don't we check out the clothing first?" Hollywood suggested, pointing a hoof towards a dress stall. "I always wanted to buy an authentic Fort Rainbow Dash khitōn."

"Nah, I have enough dresses back home, I think I'll pass." Wind Whistler replied, nodding over the philosopher pony. "I think I'd, like, so totally like to listen to what this smart guy has to say. My mom, like, says I don't spend enough time thinking... though I don't know why I should, it sooo totally makes my head hurt."

"Well then, you two go waste your time, it's not like we have some stallion friends who could really use our help or anything!" Applejack grumbled, watching the other mares go. "I'll just head over to this food stand here, and get myself a bite to eat!"

As she approached the small lunch kart, the stallion chef in an apron smiled at the A.J. "Good afternoon, my lady. And what can I get you to eat this fine afternoon?"

"Well, I've always had an idea for something I wanted to try, if I ever came to Fort Rainbow Dash." She looked at the stallion hopefully. "Do you think you could prepare some apple-pita pockets and gyros for me?"

"My lady, I have never tried to make either of those before." He smiled, pulling out some gyro and pita wraps. ""How many can you eat?"

Applejack merely smiled in response. "How many can you make?"

Meanwhile, over at the dress stall, several stallions had taken note, of the attractive flutter pony trying on khitōns.

"Okay boys, question time!" She asked, a smile on her face. "What do you think of this blue one?"

"Tighter, go for a tighter one!" One of the stallions called out. "One that shows off the lines of your flank better!"

"No, the shorter one!" Another stallion threw in. "One that reveals your whole flank!"

As the stallions started arguing over which khitōn made her look prettier, Holly merely shook her head in frustration.

"Stallion cat calls." She sighed. "Not the best way to choose a dress."

Meanwhile, Wind Whistler was sitting behind the crowd of intellectual ponies, listening to the philosopher pony drone on and on.

"And so, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet to come." The philosopher pony stated, stroking his beard. "But who is to say yesterday is not still with us, while the shadows of tomorrow haunt our fears of the future?"

"Ohhhh, I don't understand any of this!" Windy whined, clutching her temples with her hooves. "All his talkign is making my head hurt!"

"Shhhhhhh!" One of the mares in the crowed shushed the Pegasus in annoyance. "please try to keep it down, the rest of us are trying to listen to what he has to say!"

"Grrrr, That does it! I'll make myself smart enough to understand complicated stuff like this!" Wind Whistler snapped, as she flapped away in anger. "No matter what it takes, I swear by B'zekre herself that I will become the smartest pony of all! Then nobody will ever shush me again!" Windy glared back at the assembled ponies, as the philosopher was wrapping up his lecture, and his devoted listeners were applauding. "I'll get so smart, they'll be coming to ME to get up, and say smart stuff that doesn't make any sense! And I'll, like, be so smart, that nobody will will totally be able to understand what I am saying!"

And back at the lunch kart, Applejack had just spent the last half- hour stuffing her face with apple-filled pita pockets and gyros. The mare groaned as she stuffed another one in, looking like she was ready to fall over.

"Uhhhh, my lady, you've eaten your thirtieth gyro, and your twentieth pita pocket." The stallion kart owner warned. "Don't you think you've had enough?"

"NO! So good! So good!" she cried out, stuffing another pita pocket down her gullet. "Must have more! Here's to gluttony!"

When all three mares met up in the center of the agora again, they found a flutter in a long and baggy khitōn that didn't look good on her at all, a confused Pegasus with a killer headache, and an earth pony who looked like she was going to be sick.

"Well, I can see we've all had a wonderful day." Hollywood snorted, rolling her eyes. "Well, we still have some time to kill. You girls want to go to the hippodrome, and watch the Fort Rainbow Dash chariot races? Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Oh, yeah! That would be a total blast!" Wind Whistler squealed in delight. "All those studly and sweaty stallions, racing around that track, in heated life or death combat! Doesn't that, like, sound totally fun?"

"Yeah, I can't think of anything I'd love to do more right now! What about you, A.J.?" When she didn't get a response, the flutter pony looked back at her friend. "Uhhh, Applejack? Why are you turning green?"

"Yeah, A.J.! You don't look so hot!" Wind Whistler agreed. "Are you, like, going to be totally okay?"

The sick earth pony stared at both of her friends, a pained expression on her face, then opened her mouth, and gave the one response any mare who had eaten over a hundred pita pockets and gyros would give;


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