• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Meet the Pony Friends

"We are all friends to the ponies, Princess Majesty." The Cutiesaurs explained to us. "But not all ponies necessarily are friends to us."

The princess and her friends stared at all the animals with cutie marks in disbelief. It totally amazed the four ponies that so many non-equines had achieved the sacred symbols that only ponies were supposed to have.

"How... how is this possible?" Hollywood asked in disbelief, looking around. "I mean, I know you earned your cutie mark before us, and all. But all these animals, getting their cutie marks... how is this possible?"

"We are animals who learned the message of friendship, inspired by you ponies." A pink moose with turquoise hair and and autumn leaves cutie mark. "My name is Oakley, and I discovered my special talent making wonderful meals at my restaurant back home... until a group of angry ponies drove me away for earning my cutie mark."

"Wait, ponies made your life miserable?" Applejack asked in confusion. "I find that a little hard to believe. I mean, I know there are bad ponies out there, but most of us would never do something like that!"

"The ponies of our times, were not the ponies you know today." A purple elephant with orange hair and peanut cutie mark chimed in. "I came to the pony kingdoms with my sharp and prefect memory, using it in loyal service to the royalty of the ancients. But when my cutie mark appeared for all of my studious work as a royal advisor, the ponies turned on me, wiping out my family."

"Poor Edgar elephant barely escaped the equines with his life." Oakley explained, shaking his head in sorrow. "But he found refuge here, with us among the hidden groves."

"So, you mean to tell me each one of you came to the pony kingdoms, displayed a really cool talent, and earned a cutie mark?" Wind Whistler asked in disbelief. "And then the ponies got mad at you for getting cutie marks, and tried to hurt and kill you?!"

"Indeed, Seniorita. But it wasn't always all ponies who hated us." A green Lama with pink hair and a hat cutie mark on her flank added. "'Ol Cha Cha the llama came here from Maretonia, where the ponies admired me for earning my cutie mark in making cute hats. But when I came to the other pony nations, I was persecuted, and driven into the wilds."

"Now wait just as gosh darn minute here." Applejack protested, stamping her hoof in anger. "Now, I know there were some very bad ponies back in the day, but most of the ancients weren't like that. They would never have-"

"It wasn't the ancients who drove us out- at least, not the ancients when they were ruled by the sun and moon." Edgar added, raising his trunk. "It was the ponies from before the three tribes of ancients became one, before they knew harmony."

"But, why haven't you all aged?" Wind Whistler asked, flapping around and examining the four animals. "I mean, shouldn't you all be really really, reallly old by now?"

"I suppose, just like myself, the special nature of their marks protected them from old age and death." Gertie speculated. "After the ponies and driven them away, these animals came to find sanctuary here."

"And so you all lived out here in hiding, not aging due to your unique cutie marks, all the way through the time of the ancients, and into the founding of Ponyland?" Hollywood asked in amazement. "As a flutter pony, I can understand living in an isolated society, but don't you think you gals and guys are taking it a bit too far?"

"We feared that ponies would never accept us, and would still seek to destroy us." Gertie replied sadly. "That is why we meet you here, in this ancient grove, rather than our hidden village home, deep in the forest."

"Gertie, listen to me... ponykind has changed." Majesty reassured her, finally speaking up. "We will be happy to make friends with all of you now, the jealousy the three tribes had that non-ponies could achieve a cutie mark is long gone now."

"I don't know... the pony travelers we have seen from afar do seem a bit kinder in nature." Edgar speculated. "And it has been over two millennia since most of us actually spoken to a pony at all."

"That's how long it's been since most of you have talked to a pony?" Applejack asked incredulously. "You've been hiding for two thousand years, and never bothered to see if ponykind had changed?!"

"That's why I willingly appeared before you, and guided you to this place." Gertie interrupted. "We are willing to give you equines another chance... I have decided I will go with you to your celebration, and see how ponydom's attitude has changed."

"You mean... you'll come back with us?!" Windy's eyes went wide, before the Pegasus rushed up and hugged the dinosaur tightly. "HOORAAYY! It's my greatest dream come true!"

Cha Cha looked at the other two, who nodded to her, and then the llama spoke;

"Gertie, the rest of us would like to try to make friends with the ponies, as well." Cha Cha smiled. "It's time we came out of the shadows, and if the equines will alow us, become pony pals like we always wanted to be."

"Pony Pals? HA! Don't make me laugh, Cha Cha!" A harsh feminine voice called out from behind them. "Who'd want to be friends with some worthless pony!"

The four mares turned around, to see a griffin, with a bluish-grey coat of feathers. The ponies noticed a scar over the female griffin's right eye, but they also noticed a mail letter cutie mark on her hind leg. The cranky bird-lion looked to be just about their age, but given how the other 'pony pals' were older than they looked, who knows how old this war scarred creature was?

"Aieeee! A griffon!" Wind Whistler shrieked, as all the others assumed a fighting stance. "Quick, girls! Slay her, before she eats one of us!"

"Girls, calm down! she's a griffon from the ancient world, not the monsters you Ponylanders constantly have to fight and kill in the northern lands." Gertie turned to face the griffon. "Gabrielle, that's enough. We don't need another one of your anti-pony rants again."

"Oh yeah? Well, maybe you should start listening to my warnings, Gertie!" Gabrielle pointed a claw back at her cutie mark. "When I was younger, it was my heart's desire to obtain a cutie mark." The griffon glared over at the equines. "But a group of ponies once told me I would never be able to earn a cutie mark, and I had resigned myself to never getting one. Well, you can see how that turned out, huh?"

"Just because a few ponies were bad to you so long ago, doesn't mean they're all like that." Edgar argued. "We need to at least give the equines of Ponyland a chance, instead of continuing to hide in the forest."

As the cutiesaurus continued to argue with Gabrielle, Applejack stared at the griffin, a puzzled look on her face.

"Applejack, what wrong?" Majesty asked, noticing the look on her friend's face. "You look like you know this griffin or something."

"I don't know, princess. I don't think I know her, but..." Applejack cocked her head, staring at the grizzled griffin. "I just can't shake the feeling I've seen that girl somewhere before...."

After several minutes, Gertie turned back to the four ponies and nodded.

"It has been decided... Edgar, Cha Cha, Oakley, and myself will travel back to the pony village with princess Majesty." Gertie announced. "Meanwhile, the other three of you will stay here with Gabrielle, and watch over the children."

"Sounds good to me." Majesty agreed, as she and the others walked away. "Girls, the rest of you stay here, and help Gabby with the, uh, kids."

"Wait, kids?" Hollywood asked in confusion. "All these 'pony pals' are immortals. What 'kids'?"

"Heh heh." Gabrielle smiled evilly. "Oh boy, are you ponies gonna find out..."

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