• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Size: Discovery

Angela stared at the screen that indicated how Ratchet and Starlight's vitals were doing, though it was the same machine that had told Sunset that her family had been captured again. She couldn't believe that she hadn't taken the opportunity to talk Ratchet or Starlight out of what was an obvious trap, but she was also strangely thankful that she had been wise enough to leave before it was sprung. The moment she returned to the Hyperion she set aside the armor that they had found inside the facility and rushed to where Sunset had been sitting, to which she found out that Ratchet's sister was already plotting how to bring about her wrath on those that had taken her family. The cat that had befriended Sunset seemed annoyed as well, though Angela assumed that was because it knew that Sunset was annoyed about something and was looking for the cause of the annoyance.

Even as she looked away from the screen, and turned her eyes on Sunset, she had to wonder why someone would want to kidnap both Ratchet and Starlight, though not a few seconds later she figured it out when she recalled Vox's reason for doing so.

"So, what's the plan?" Angela asked, turning so she could face Sunset with ease, who happened to be staring out of the Hyperion's bridge as the ship slowly moved through space, following after the ship that had left the facility on Kalidon.

"We follow them to their destination, figure out where they are keeping my family, rescue my siblings, and then blow the facility to pieces," Sunset replied, though the angry tone had yet to disappear from her voice, "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious as to whether you were thinking about why they were kidnapped this time." Angela said, though the moment Sunset turned towards her she could tell that she hadn't, "Do you remember the original reason that drove Gleeman Vox to kidnap both Ratchet and Starlight in the first place?"

"Yes, it was because of their prowess as heroes, or more accurately their skills in regards to saving the galaxy," Sunset replied, as she was not getting why the newest enemy would want to kidnap her siblings, though as she thought about it she quickly realized what Angela had meant by her question, "You don't think our latest enemy wants to use my brother's skills as a warrior to create an army, one that uses every skill he has mastered over the years, do you?"

"Its a possibility that we cannot ignore," Angela stated, recalling what she had seen in the facility, or more specifically the number of robots that were being made there, "Imagine an army of robots that fight like your brother, think like your brother, and utilize the environment in the same manner as your brother. The newly improved Galactic Rangers would be hard pressed to fight an army of Ratchet's, while many in my order would have some difficultly fighting these new opponents. It sounds like our newest enemy wants to create an army that can conquer the known universe, the Solana and Bogon Galaxies anyway..."

"So I guess my 'charge in and kill everything' plan isn't the best one at the moment," Sunset said with a sigh, though that was rapidly followed by a smile appearing on her face, "Oh, I've got a much better idea now."

"And that would be?" Angela asked, though she seriously hoped that this new plan was better than the one that Sunset had originally been considering.

"Simple; I go up to their front door and walk in," Sunset replied, though she noticed that Angela was frowning at her, "What? There's bound to be someone inside the facility we're headed to that knows what I did to Gleeman Vox and his precious Shadow Sector, so I should be able to convince someone to let me in and do what needs to be done."

Angela had to wonder if there was even someone who was sensible enough to listen to Sunset at the station that they were heading to, though she assumed that they would be able to find out in a matter of seconds. It was definitely be easy for them if Sunset was able to gain entrance to the facility with only stating her name, her new title, and that she would destroy them all for kidnapping her siblings, leading the people to allow her access due to a dose of fear. It was a gamble, she was sure of that, but in the end she guessed that it was better than anything she might have come up with in the short time they had before their arrival. She knew that she was going to have to hack into the facility and erase all their information on Ratchet, Starlight, and the rest of their family, otherwise she was sure that this was bound to repeat itself in the near future.

She actually felt sorry for the poor fools that had kidnapped Ratchet, Starlight, and Clank, because they had unleashed the rage that was trapped inside Sunset, which would result in the destruction of everything their enemy held dear at the moment. Then she remembered that their enemy was no doubt going to build an army that revolved around Ratchet's skills in battle, to which she frowned and decided that their enemy didn't deserve her pity at the moment. Angering the God of Destruction, as Sunset now preferred to be called whenever someone used her title, was a bad decision and whoever did it would have to suffer the consequences that followed... though she already knew that what was coming was the destruction of the facility they were heading to.

Angela sighed as she looked out the window and stared at the planets they were passing, allowing her mind to turn towards the suit of armor she had brought aboard and what she could go with it... allowing Sunset to focus on the building they were heading towards and what she was going to do when they arrived at their destination.

"I would like to report that the mission was a success," Luna said, speaking to the communicator that she was holding, while her minions moved the unconscious heroes to their holding rooms so they could be analyzed before the next step of the plan was activated.

"That is good to hear," the person on the other side, her boss, replied, though in reality Luna was pleased that she had done such a good job in fooling the heroes, "and you are sure that the Hyperion didn't follow you?"

"The only way they could have followed me is if they spotted my ship as we departed from Kalidon," Luna answered, though all of her scans indicated that they were alone at the moment, "I have run several scans since my arrival and I have found nothing that indicates that we were followed... the so called 'God of Destruction' has no idea what happened to her family. We should have plenty of time to do all the research we need before someone realizes where they are being held... though by the time that happens we'll be long gone."

"Good," the other person said, though it was pretty clear that the conversation would be over soon, "I will leave you to your work... just be sure to send me everything you find out."

"Yes sir," Luna replied, to which she waited until her boss cut of the communication before putting her device away and turning her attention to the person sleeping in the room before her; Ratchet.

She had to marvel at how easy it had been to appear as an innocent little girl, ask for a few photos of he heroes fighting, and then dragging them into a trap that would give her boss the ability to create an army that could conquer everything. Based on what she had seen of Sunset's abilities, or the lack of them she thought, she knew that the news had over stated her powers, because if she really was a walking God of Destruction then Luna was sure that they would have all been destroyed by now. The fact that the station was still running, and doing all of the necessary tests, meant that everything the news said about Sunset was merely lies, which also meant that they could work for some time without having to worry about someone destroying them.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she spotted a blinking light to her right, though what was odd about that light was the fact that it was the one that indicated that a ship was in the immediate area, to which she knew something had to be wrong because her scans just indicated that there was nothing around them. She pulled out her tablet again and started to run another scan, though she stopped when she noticed that one of the facility's cameras was able to pinpoint what the disturbance was; the Starship Hyperion. She started to wonder how the ship could have even made it to this station, when she left no clues as to where she was going, before another camera started blinking and demanded her attention.

She felt her body go cold as Sunset Shimmer, in all of her glory, stood in front of the facility's main door, though Luna knew it was only a matter of time until one of the other robots opened the door and let her in... which meant that she needed to leave before the main door was even opened. She quickly backed up everything they had recovered on Ratchet's fighting style, storing it all on her tablet, before she bolted for the docking bay and her ship. She didn't want to be around when the place became a war zone, though she made sure to activate the defenses as she climbed into her ship and departed from the facility.

Sunset tapped on the front door of the facility they had followed the enemy ship to, though she and Angela had waited a few minutes to be sure that this was the place where her siblings had been taken to. There weren't any external defenses or an alarm system, which she would have added had she been the one to build the place, though she was sure that someone knew that she was already here. She already knew that she could use her vast magical power and tear the entire place apart while she searched for her siblings, but in the end she had decided that simply walking in and asking would be the best course of action. She could use her power to scare the people into submission before she decimated the facility, though that would have to wait until she had saved her siblings.

Sunset snapped back to what was in front of her when she heard the door open, to which she noticed that the person that opened the door was actually a robot, one whose appeared to have been designed after a doctor.

"Can I help you?" the robot asked, though by the tone Sunset knew that the robot was on some sort of schedule and that she was interrupting it at the moment.

"Yes, I'm looking for my brother and sister," Sunset replied, glaring at the robot as she took a step towards it, "you might know them; their names are Ratchet and Starlight Glimmer."

"Oh... we were told that you had no idea they were even here," the robotic doctor said, though he did take a step backwards for a moment, "Let me guess, if we don't hand them over you'll obliterate us until you rescue them?"

"That's correct," Sunset stated, energy flickering around her body to prove her point, "So, what is it going to be? Potentially survive what's coming your way, or get obliterated with everything else around you?"

The robot doctor stared at her for a moment, as if mentally debating whether it should just surrender or try to fight back, before it eventually let out a sigh, or what Sunset assumed was a sigh, and beckoned for her to follow it. Sunset followed the robot through the facility, keeping her eyes on the various robots that were staring at her and noticing that several of them actually reached for their weapons, before they decided not to go through with what they were thinking. That, however, changed when she entered a room that was filled with soldier type robots, as they were all pointing their weapons at her with the intent of attacking her.

"So, which one of you is in charge?" Sunset asked, glaring at all of them as the robot doctor moved out of the area they were in, leaving her with the force of guards it had brought her to.

"That would be me," one of the robots said, though Sunset noticed that there didn't appear to be any unique features on the robot, which told her that there wasn't a robot in charge and that they were messing with her, "I am AX-007, head of the security detail. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Well then, why don't we play a game?" Sunset stated, feeling her power as it moved around her for a moment, knowing that these robots were going to attack her no matter what she did, "Have you ever heard of paint ball?"

"...yeah, why?" the robot, AX-007, asked, as it was clear that he, along with the rest of the guards, were confused as to why she would even ask such a question.

"Just remove the 't'," Sunset said, to which she summoned small spheres, about the size of a coin, all around her, though she let them float there until she was ready.

"I don't get it..." AX-007 started to say, though that was before Sunset sent one of the spheres into its chest and tore through its core, to which it held up its spare hand to the wound with a look of confusion on its face, "Ow... now I get it."

Sunset smiled a little bit as she stepped forward and sent out more of the energy spheres she had created, tearing holes into the guards that had come to fight her, though she made sure to have them break apart so they didn't rip holes in the facility until she had rescued her siblings from the people that had kidnapped them. The guard robots opened fire and loosed everything that they had in their arsenal at Sunset, to which she merely used a shield to stop the attacks in their tracks before detonating them. As she stepped through the smoke several of the guards started to run, though some of them still had the spheres stuck in their chests and she detonated them, destroying them before they had a chance to flee.

She then moved through the rest of the facility, taking her time in figuring out where they were holding her siblings while she dealt with the guards that wanted her dead. Eventually she came to a locked door that appeared to have a terminal that required an access card to get through, though that didn't stop Sunset at all. Instead of wasting time and tracking down one of the key cards, or asking Angela for assistance, she merely pressed her hand against the door and used a spell that would allow her to cut through the metal. Once the deed was done she pushed the section of the door backwards and revealed what was hiding inside the room, to which she discovered that Ratchet and Starlight were pulling themselves from the beds that they had been strapped to.

Sunset also noticed that Clank was standing nearby, though he seemed a little worn out, so she guessed that they did something to him before she had arrived.

"Is everyone alright?" Sunset asked, though she kept her eyes on the outside of the room in case more guards showed up before they were ready to leave the facility.

"Yeah, though my back hurts a bit," Starlight replied, to which she stretched for a few seconds before realizing what was happening, "So, when are you going to blow the facility to pieces?"

The question was followed by a red light appearing throughout the halls and a robotic voice telling everyone that the station was in the process of self destructing. Sunset was surprised that their enemy was even bothering to try such a thing, considering she could wrap a magical barrier around them for protection, but decided that it didn't matter in the end. She tapped her hand against the wall to her right and a portal opened for them to pass through, to which she watched as her siblings and Clank walked through it. Sunset looked at the facility around her as her family vacated the facility, before she let out a sigh and moved through the portal herself, to which she appeared in the Hyperion and closed the connection before her.

She then summoned a protective barrier around the Hyperion as the facility exploded, though while they watched the destruction Angela informed them that she had managed to get some information from one of the facility's computers before something triggered the self destruct sequence. Ratchet told them that he wanted to check out whatever wreckage remained after the dust had cleared, in case there happened to be anything they could use for the future, and Starlight agreed with him. Sunset smiled as she sat with her siblings, just pleased that she had managed to get them back without either of them being hurt... though whoever their enemy was at the moment was going to regret making her their enemy.

She was going to enjoy beating whoever their enemy was, though they had to find that person's headquarters and wherever Luna, the little girl, ran off to... though she was content to relax and let her anger fade for the moment.

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