• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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R/C: Rilgar

Starlight sighed when Clank told them that it would take them most of the night to reach Planet Rilgar, which meant that they'd have a chance to sleep while he kept the ship on autopilot. Ratchet apparently didn't like to turn the ship over to his little robotic friend, but after being reminded that Clank had done it once before, giving his sisters a chance to hear the tale, he reluctantly agreed to the plan. Sunset, on the other hand, was studying the holo-plan that she had been given, double checking for errors that could potentially make her and her colleagues tear the boots apart and build them a second or third time before they got it right. Starlight wasn't annoyed by what her siblings were doing, or what Clank was doing, but she was annoyed by a small data file that Sunset had pulled from the warship and passed along to her after their departure from the research station.

She was annoyed that the Blarg had, in some manner, acquired her plans for the RYNO weapon, one that Mr. Gadget had labeled as too powerful and too dangerous for someone to use within certain safety guidelines. The Blarg had built a prototype from her plans, to which the file included a picture of her weapon after it had been made and a brief half a minute video of the prototype in action. She nearly whistled when she witnessed the overwhelming power of her weapon, though she restrained herself as she noted some errors that the Blarg hadn't corrected. She had known that the RYNO plans were far from perfect, as she was still learning how to make powerful weapons and the RYNO had been her first attempt at making one, so she knew that there were errors she'd have to correct for the later models... if Mr. Gadget allowed her to work on a second version of the weapon.

She also had to bite her lip when she noticed that Mr. Gadget had, before the plans had somehow been stolen, classified the RYNO weapon as a Class 3 weapon, telling anyone that looked at the plans that the weapon was dangerous and not to be taken lightly. The prototype was also missing, as there had been no sign of it in any of their scans of the research station, so she resolved to find the weapon and throw whoever had it into a cell somewhere. She also had to wonder if she should give the weapon to Ratchet or Sunset once she had retrieved it, or if she should inform her boss about it when she caught the thief... but she resolved to figure out that problem when, and if, she came across the person who was carrying her weapon.

Though she had to admit to herself that she would be completely annoyed, or even completely destructive, if she found that the person who had the prototype was trying to sell it to someone.


When they finally reached Rilgar they landed on a landing pad that happened to be outside Blackwater City, though when they did Starlight had to ask why they didn't land in the city itself. Clank, having taken a scan of the city and the surrounding area as they prepared to land, had the answer as to why they landed where they were and why they hadn't landed in the actual city.

"Most of the landing pads around the city are closed until further notice," Clank explained, showing Starlight the announcement his scans had picked up, while they proceeded to climb out of the ship, "this is, I'm afraid, the closest landing pad that we can use at the moment."

"I understand," Starlight replied, sighing as she looked at the city from where they were standing, "I don't like it, but I guess we can clear out some of those amoeboids along the way... if the people that were called in to get rid of them haven't already cleared them all out for us."

"Chances are that those people will want to get rid of us as well," Ratchet commented, restocking his ammo at the vendor that rested near their ship, where he found yet another weapon available for purchase, "Hey Starlight, isn't this another one of your weapons?"

Starlight trotted over to the vendor to look at what her brother was staring at, but when she spotted the weapon in question she knew that it actually wasn't of her design. It had been apart of the three weapons that she and Sunset had sent to Mr. Gadget a few days ago, though Sunset had actually been the one to suggest the weapon and had created the original holo-plan. The weapon had been based around the idea of a mine that floated in the air, but when an enemy came too close it would engage its primary functions and chase down the target until it exploded. Starlight was actually surprised to see that her sister's first actual weapon was on the market, because they had both agreed that it might never pass the trials that Gadgetron put their weapons through, but she was happy none the less.

She then realized that she had been staring at the screen for a few minutes, so she cleared her throat as she got ready to tell her brother the truth.

"Actually, this is one of Sunset's weapons, one that she called the Mine Glove," Starlight admitted, causing Ratchet to raise an eyebrow at her for a moment, "What? I can't be the only weapon inventor in the family. Maybe this weapon will start Sunset down the path of wanting to make more weapons like it."

"Okay then," Ratchet said, turning to Sunset, who had approached the vendor to see what her siblings were staring at, "So, seeing how this is your weapon, what can you tell me about it?"

"Well, this is obviously a glove type weapon," Sunset explained, knowing that her brother preferred to hear what the weapon did from the person who made it and not from the person who ran the vendors, "Its similar to the Bomb Glove, except this one throws hovering mines that stay stationary until it detected an enemy, though once it finds a target it homes in on them and blows up."

Ratchet nodded his understanding and the three of them purchased their own Mine Glove, where they discovered that they had an additional twenty percent off on their purchases which, when added to their original ten percent off discount, gave them a total of thirty percent off on all purchases. Starlight discovered that Mr. Gadget had approved of the increase percent off, seeing how both she and Sunset had weapons on the market at the moment, so she decided that it wasn't worth worrying over. If anything the additional percent off gave them the ability to spend less on weapons and ammo, which meant they could save their bolts and either put them away for something nice in the future or save up for something else.

With that done the four of them moved over a long boat that happened to be between the landing pad's island and the second one, which happened to have a building built on top of it. Sunset held her hand up for a moment as she spotted a button that might open the door to the building, causing her siblings to stop as she activated her Mine Glove, palming a mine as she touched the button. The instant the glass door went down someone, wearing a gas mask and some sort of light metallic armor, ran out of the building and charged at Sunset, unaware of the mine that zeroed in on him. Sunset leapt back down her to siblings, who had waited on the boat, and watched as the explosion blew the trooper to pieces, opening the way for them.

As they got onto the second island they found what appeared to be a tank sitting in the middle of the building, spewing what they guessed was a chemical that would harm the amoeboids into the air. Ratchet, eager to get underway, snapped his fingers and summoned a minion sphere, to which the four little robots surged out of their home and tore into the tank, blowing the vehicle to pieces in a matter of seconds. Once that was done they quickly searched the building for a few moments, collecting the bolts that happened to be lying around, before moving through the second entrance and finding another boat that separated them from the third island.

Clank allowed Ratchet to easily cross over to the boat and then to the island, though Starlight activated her magic and got both herself and Sunset across the gap with ease.

The next building they opened had a squad of four troopers that came at them the moment the door was open, to which the three of them pulled out their blasters and fought off the attackers. Sunset also used her new mines to target those that stayed near the back of the pack, throwing them over the heads of their enemies and allowing them to expand within seconds, blowing someone up in the process. Inside the building they found a rather large amoeboid walking around, but the instant that Ratchet put a blast in its head it separated into two halves that were much smaller than the original one. Starlight shook her head and repeated the process, separating the two enemies into four smaller ones that clearly wanted to bring about the end of them.

Before either of them could react Sunset stepped forward and burned the amoeboids to pieces, making sure that they were charred before powering down her pyrocitor.

"Was that necessary?" Starlight asked, confident that they could have reached the end of their enemies... eventually, she mentally added after a few seconds.

"Just wanted to be completely sure that was the end of them," Sunset replied, walking up the stairs and spotting a horde of enemies waiting for them across the next gap, "but it seems that there's still more enemies to come."

Ratchet grinned as he pressed the button and extended the bridge, to which he threw eight spheres into the air and watched them land in the middle of the group of enemies. Chaos erupted as several of the spheres became mines and sought out their targets, blowing whoever they touched to pieces in a matter of seconds, while the other two spheres loosed the minions that wrecked the remainder of them. Ratchet had to resist the urge to laugh at their enemies, as he was enjoying the chaos that his sisters' weapons were causing and had to wonder how powerful that one Starlight had described to him, the nine barreled rocket launcher, had to be. He did, however, let out a sigh as they crossed the bridge, knowing that he might never see that weapon until Mr. Gadget declared that it could be sold to the public.

They found an elevator and rode up to the next area, where they found a couple of amoeboids fighting the troopers, to which one of them accidentally pressed a button that allowed more of the slime creatures to enter the area. Starlight engaged her magic and caught her siblings by their tails, dragging them back into the elevator shaft as she watched the two forces tear into each other. Sunset immediately figured out what Starlight wanted of them, so she powered down her weapons and waited for the fighting to stop, while Ratchet frowned and merely watched. The instant the amoeboids were taken care of, and half of the troopers had been taken down, the group exited the elevator shaft and charged at their remaining enemies, easily removing the weakened soldiers and opening the way forward.

Once they had collected all the bolts they rode a taxi into the city itself, where they found more troopers fighting a group of amoeboids and heard a tank rolling around nearby. Starlight leapt out of the taxi the moment that it stopped, igniting her magic and throwing fireballs at the closest enemies, giving her siblings time to sort out their ammo before returning to her side. When they were together again they moved forward, using the momentum of the heated battle that was already in progress to their advantage, tearing into the troopers and the amoeboids. The instant the two forces were done with they found that there was a tank rolling around, protecting a door that had to lead deeper into the city, but before they moved on Starlight spotted someone to the right of them that was definitely acting shady.

She stopped her siblings for a moment and approached the person, wondering if this person knew something about the RYNO prototype she had read about in the files.

"RYNO for your robot," the person nervously said, pointing at Clank while he spoke to them, "trade ya."

That was seconds before Starlight's horn ignited and lifted the shady person into the air, to which he found four circular rings wrapped around his arms and legs. Even Ratchet, Sunset, and Clank were surprised by how quickly Starlight had reacted to the mention of the RYNO weapon, though Sunset held them back as she watched what her sister was going to do.

"According to the files I read on the way here the Blarg were only able to produce a single prototype of the RYNO weapon," Starlight snapped, anger filling her voice as she stared at the man she was holding, "a prototype that was stolen shortly after many of the research station's experiments were released from their holding pens. Gadgetron had declared the weapon to be of the Class 3 variety, declaring that the weapon packed too much power for someone to safely use it, but they never had the chance to build the first prototype. According to what was in those files the Blarg cut corners when creating the prototype, courtesy of Chairman Drek himself, and there's an eighty percent chance that the weapon might explode when its fired.

I want four answers from you; how did you get your hands on the original holo-plan, how did you manage to steal the prototype from the Blarg, who were you planning on selling the weapon to, and where are you keeping the prototype of my first W.O.M.D?"

"There's nothing you can do to me that will make me talk!" the man declared, apparently determined to keep what he knew to himself, as if he had something to hide or was protecting someone.

"Oh, there's plenty I could do to you," Starlight growled, energy blades forming around the man's groin, "the question is, are you man enough to lose something precious in exchange for keeping the RYNO from me?"

"I broke into Mr. Gadget's house after you sent the RYNO plan to him, after I got a tip from someone else that worked on it with you," the man replied, immediately intimidated by her threat and answering the questions that she had asked, "I took it from his personal computer while he was in the pool, though I left a virus that would only erase the plan the moment I sold it to the Blarg. When I heard that the Blarg had made a prototype, and had given me half of the agreed upon amount for delivering the plan to them, I paid their research station a visit and swiped the prototype as payment, but not before releasing the creatures to erase the evidence that I was even there.

I was planning on selling the prototype to anyone that had enough bolts to buy it from me, so that I could get my full payment from the Blarg and declare this transaction complete. I was planning on selling it for roughly one hundred and fifty thousand bolts, which is actually a twentieth of how much it would have sold for if I had dared to sell it on the Black Market, so your lucky that I wasn't being greedy. As for where I've been keeping the prototype... I've been carrying in my trench coat for the last few weeks, which isn't as easy as it sounds considering the weight of the weapon."

Starlight glared at the man for a moment, before turning her energy blades into magic and opening the man's trench coat, allowing the magic to move around before she found what she was looking for. She carefully extracted the prototype from the man's coat, making sure not to press the firing mechanism, before gently bringing it over to her and placing it on the ground. She stared at the nine barrels that the rockets would fire out of if someone used the weapon, remembering how much power the weapon could pack if it was fired and wondering what that would be if she fixed it up.

"Umm... am I free to go?" the man asked, snapping her out of her trance and causing her to look up at him for a moment.

"No," Starlight replied, opening her tablet before she composed and sent a note to the authorities, "I'm still reporting you for breaking into Mr. Gadget's house and stealing a classified holo-plan from his personal computer, so I would count yourself lucky that I'm not including the selling of a highly dangerous weapon to someone who has no idea what they're getting into."

"We should get a move on then," Sunset commented, causing Starlight to turn to her and Ratchet for a moment, "We'll leave you alone with this guy and see if we can't find some information on what to do next."

Starlight nodded and remained where she was standing, opening the side panel of the RYNO and pulling out her tools, intending to repair the weapon as she waited for the authorities to arrive. Sunset and Ratchet turned their weapons on the tank that was blocking their way and blew it up with some of their minions, opening the way for them to move on. As they moved on, however, Ratchet had a question that hadn't been answered and wondered if Sunset or Clank could answer it for him while they continued their adventure.

"So, what's a W.O.M.D?" Ratchet asked, curious as to what Starlight had said when she had blown up in front of them.

"A Weapon of Mass Destruction," Clank replied, knowing that Sunset was focused on something else and had planned on answering if her stead, just in case the question had been asked.

"I see," Ratchet said, though as he fired his weapons at their enemies he had to wonder what his sister was doing making a weapon of mass destruction in the first place, though when he remembered how she treated the shady salesman he decided that making her angry was something he shouldn't do.


After fighting their way through a nest of amoeboids, troopers, and two tanks, while not mentioning the maze like containment cages that they had to walk through, Sunset and Ratchet eventually found themselves in a park like area. It was a circular area that had only one other entrance they could take, not to mention the taxi that would likely take them back to their ship, but they noticed that there was a group of troopers behind the locked door and immediately got to work removing them. Once that was done they returned to the middle of the area, where they found a green skinned woman that was dressed in a purple outfit, though it was separated into two pieces that showed off her stomach area.

"Welcome to the Hovercon Intergalactic Hoverboard Competition!" the woman greeted them excitedly, staring at the two of them or a moment as if she was looking for something, "Captain Qwark's giving away a brand new Platinum Zoomerator to the winner of this competition!"

"A Platinum Zoomerator?" Ratchet said, turning to his sister for a moment, "Hey Sunset, wasn't that the prize that Skid's agent asked you to bring back to him?"

"Wait a second," the woman said, holding her hands up to prevent them from going any further, "do you guys mean Skid McMarx?!"

"Yeah, Skid couldn't make it on account of his ship crashing on Aridia," Sunset replied, not even liking the idea of even racing against others, but knew that Ratchet wouldn't let them leave the planet until she had entered and had won the prize, "so I guess I'm here to fill in for him."

"We'll see about that," the woman said, clearly making sure tat she didn't laugh at what Sunset had said, "Just tell me when your ready to enter the race and we'll get you started."

Instead of talking to the woman Sunset took Ratchet's hand and dragged him into one of the small rooms that rested around the area, intending to form a plan before they did anything else. Once they were in the room she had picked out Clank popped off Ratchet's back and the two of them faced her, clearly wondering what she wanted to tell them.

"Do we really want to spend some of our time racing?" Sunset asked, wanting her brother's input, and Clank's input as well, before they did anything else, "Because I'm positive there's something else we can do besides entering a race."

"My scans indicated that there was only one other path we could have taken," Clank answered, pulling up the map of the area for a moment, before zeroing in on the area to the left of their ship, "however, taking this path requires a trek through the sewers. Ratchet and I can easily search the sewers while you race for the Platinum Zoomerator, though I have no doubts that by the time you've finished the race Starlight will be waiting for you and we will have finished our search."

Before Sunset could fire something back, however, Ratchet decided it was time to assure his sister that he could take care of himself and that he didn't need to be watched over all the time.

"Look Sunset, Clank and I can take care of ourselves," Ratchet said, pulling out his blaster and glove weapons, "I've got enough firepower to protect myself from whatever we might find in the sewers, plus I know how to avoid enemies and nothing should be able to touch me."

"Fine, have it your way," Sunset commented, sighing as she looked at her brother, before pulling out the Z3000 she had been given, "I'll see if I can't win that Zoomerator while you search the sewers... maybe you'll find something interesting that will aid us in our quest down there."

Ratchet nodded and reattached Clank to his back, before heading out into the open area and making his way towards the taxi that would take him back to the ship. Before he could even reach the taxi, however, the hoverboard girl waved him over, almost as if she wanted to have a word with him before he left the area.

"So, is your girlfriend going to race or is she against it?" the woman asked him, to which Ratchet's face paled at the thought of him and Sunset dating, as they had spent their entire lives living together.

"Umm... she'll be out in a few minutes," Ratchet answered, kind of annoyed by what the woman called Sunset, "and she's not my girlfriend... she's my sister."

"Oh..." the woman said, watching Ratchet jump into the taxi and taking off, while she wondered how she could have gotten his relationship with the cazar wrong.

Sunset, on the other hand, looked out over the layout of the racetrack that her scans provided her, as she had no idea how the track actually looked like. She didn't consider the scans an advantage over her competitors, as they had been racing much longer than she had and likely knew the track by heart at this point, so she needed anything she could get her hands on. She was also concerned that she might wreck when she actually got on the track, as the only training she had with the hoverboard was when she had read the instructions she had found online. After a few minutes after Ratchet's departure she sighed and turned towards the the woman who was still standing in the middle of the area, having not moved the entire time.

She was eager to get on the track and see how terrible she could actually race, though she hoped that it gave her siblings enough time to finish what they were doing.

"Your boy... I mean brother said that you were going to race," the woman said, to which Sunset noticed that she had corrected a mistake before it had been made, "Ready to show the other racers what you've got?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sunset replied, moving her hand to the hoverboard she had for a moment, "Let's do this."


Starlight grinned as she authorities marched off with the shady salesman, who had been released from her magical hold and placed in actual cuffs. She was somewhat glad that she had found him and had acquired the prototype, which she had hidden in case Mr. Gadget had the authorities looking for the weapon as well. She had asked one of the authorities about the weapon, to which she learned that they had apparently been under orders to acquire the prototype and deliver it to her, under Mr. Gadget's orders. She knew then that her boss had learned of the theft and had determined that if anyone could safely use the weapon it would be one of the people who had created the holo-plan, to which she assured the authorities that she had taken the prototype from the salesman before they had arrived.

Once the shady salesman was taken into custody, and the authorities took off with him, she turned towards the path that her siblings had taken and followed it, wondering what trouble Sunset and Ratchet had gotten themselves into. She swiftly made her way through the tunnel and maze that her siblings had walked through, following the open path until she came to an open area with a woman standing in the middle of it all.

"You here to watch the race?" the woman asked, seeing her walk into the area and decided to speak with her.

"I'm looking for my brother and sister," Starlight answered, turning to the woman for a moment as she wondered if she had seen them, "Have you seen a Lombax and A Cazar walk through here? The Lombax has a small robot riding on his back."

"Oh, yes I've seen them," the woman replied, her voice faltering for a moment before restoring itself, "Your brother and his little robotic friend took the taxi back to their ship, though I think that they were planning on exploring the sewers on the edge of the city. Your sister, on the other hand... well, she's racing at the moment."

Starlight was going to ask what the woman was talking about, but before she could do so the woman turned on the monitor above her head and moved out of the ring. The two of them watched what was on the screen, to which Starlight discovered that a race was in progress and that Sunset was playing follow the leader with the current leader. She had no idea how Sunset had learned to ride the hoverboard like that, but considering that it was only the second lap and that her sister was in second place she also had to marvel at how good she was doing. She honestly didn't care what the prize was for winning the race, but she was definitely impressed by her sister's skill with the board and her ability to avoid the explosive boxes.

"It's almost like she's a natural born hoverboarder," the woman commented, pulling out a box of popcorn and chuckling as the person in fourth place blew up one of the sets of explosives, "or at least she has the ability to adapt to new skills... its strange really."

Starlight wasn't surprised by that comment, because she had seen what her sister was capable of when she had created the holo-plan for the Mine Glove and knew that she could adapt to anything if she set her mind to it. As the race came closer to the end she watched as Sunset pulled neck and neck with the person in first place, to which she and the woman eagerly watched to see who would pull into first place. As the two of them came close to the finish line the person in front of Sunset mistimed his jump and flew off the track, allowing Sunset to ride forward and pass the finish line in first place. Starlight cheered for her sister as the race ended, while the woman returned to the center of her ring and waited for the winner to return to them.

Sunset landed nearby and hopped off her board, picking it up as she walked to where the woman was standing and found that her sister was waiting for her. Before either of them could say anything the screens above the woman turned on as a new recording started to play, one that happened to have Captain Qwark speaking.

"Hi folks, Captain Qwark here!" the Captain announced, as if he was actually speaking to the people around him and not to someone that was recording the entire conversation to be used later on, "It's my distinct pleasure to introduce this year's Hovercon Intergalactic Champion. Let's give it up for newcomer-"

At that point the screen cut to a static image of Sunset, which she happened to be in the air and was flying over one of her competitors heads, before a synthesized voice over stated "Sunset Shimmer".

"Today's winner will take home a brand-new, Professional Grade, Model T-15 Platinum Zoomerator," the Captain continued, which only told people that the recording had been cut for a moment to include the name of whoever the winner was, "Manufactured by Gadgetron, this hoverboard drive delivers more lift, speed and maneuverability than any other anti-grav device on the market."

Sunset knew what the item was as the woman handed the Platinum Zoomerator to her, because she had helped the design team when they were having trouble creating the device, but she kept her mouth shut while the recording finished up.

"Well folks, that's all the time we have." the Captain's recording concluded, "Tonight, remember to set your Infobots to the Qwark Classic Channel for tonight's episode of 'Dogfight over Death Canyon', starring yours truly. Thank you and have a Qwark-tastic day."

With the recording over, and the prize in hand, Sunset and Starlight started to celebrate Sunset's victory over the track, but before they got started Ratchet appeared behind them and joined in on the fun. It was then that they discovered that he had found Captain Qwark's trailer on the other side of the locked door, which had only been accessible by traveling through the sewers. He and Clank had bribed the doorman to let them inside, to which they discovered that Captain Qwark had been watching their every move since they departed from Veldin and that he needed their help in stopping Chairman Drek from destroying the galaxy... and when he had mentioned help he had mentioned all four of them by name.

The Captain had given Ratchet an infobot that held the coordinates for the planet that he had built his training course on, Planet Umbris to be exact, and had requested that the four of them meet him them to plan how to stop Drek. Sunset had to admit that it seemed strange that the Captain had been watching them since Veldin, but she didn't say anything as she knew her siblings wanted to do what the Captain said. She didn't want to ruin their excitement, but she had the strangest feeling that there was something wrong with this entire thing, though she couldn't put her finger on what that something could be.

"Relax Sunset," Ratchet said, noticing the look on his sister's face for a moment, before patting her on the back, "Its Captain Qwark's personal training grounds... what could possibly go wrong?"


"Sir, are you sure that he's a hero?" Sigmund asked, resisting the urge to facepalm the moment Ratchet said the one statement that no one, not even Orvus himself, dared to say.

There was something about that statement that made the universe smack whoever said it with something bad, though the range of what could happened was different for everyone. Orvus knew that if he said the statement that it might cause disaster to the Great Clock, so he didn't say it and always facepalmed when he watched other people say it.

"Yes, he is," Orvus replied, moaning as he watched Ratchet for a moment, knowing that something big was going to hit Ratchet in the future, "fortunately, the coming experience will help shape him and his sisters into the warriors that the universe needs... if they survive what is coming their way."

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