• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Size: Kalidon

Qwark was annoyed as he looked at the tablet in front of him, because the AI that controlled the Hyperion easily found the information that he was looking for, though it actually seemed a little too easy for his tastes. He had been positive that his parents were dead, but everything he was looking at said that they were alive and well, which made him somewhat suspicious. The AI also reported that there were several forgeries mixed in with what he was looking at, which told him that someone was trying to feed him lies in an effort to lure him into a trap. He had to wonder if this ploy was the work of whoever kidnapped the girl that Ratchet and his family were trying to save, though at the moment he didn't see anything connecting the two events together.

Though what was really annoying him was the fact that one of the AI, the one that looked like a bubblegum colored alicorn, continued to watch his every move while two more of them, the white and blue ones, remained near the Cores, as if they didn't trust him at all. The fourth AI, the lavender colored one, was no where to be seen at the moment, but he had to settle for the pink one ruining his mood every time he looked in her direction. His only salvation from her gaze was when the missing AI suddenly appeared and told them that Ratchet and his family had returned to the ship, which was basically the AI's way of saying that they were no longer responsible for Qwark, though that led to the candy AI to smile before they all disappeared.

Qwark smiled as he set down the tablet that he had been staring at for the last hour or two and made his way to the docking area, where the group would be landing... though when he entered the area he immediately spotted a large predatory cat walking directly behind Ratchet and his family.

"Everyone get down!" Qwark shouted, reaching for his blaster, which he always kept on hand in case he encountered a situation where he needed it, and loosing several shots at the large cat.

Sunset raised a hand and the small missiles stopped in midair, before they could even cross half the distance that was between the two groups, though that was swiftly followed by her reducing them to ash. Qwark stared at Sunset for a moment, wondering why she would go out of her way to save something that had followed her from the planet's surface, but he also knew that he'd never get off another shot without her destroying him. Even now he still had nightmares about the death of Gleeman Vox, how his entire body had broken into thousands of tiny pieces while the man screamed at the top of his lungs. Qwark knew that Sunset could do the same to him in a matter of seconds, which was why he reluctantly decided to lower his blaster and find out what was going on... before Sunset decided to kill him anyway.

"I'd say that you might have gotten smarter since the last time I saw you, but that would be a lie," Sunset said, lowering her hand as she stared at Qwark, who squirmed under her gaze, "Let me guess, you saw a large predatory cat walking behind me and immediately assumed that it hitched a ride to our ship... and then attacked it without asking what it was going here?"

"Yep, that sounds about right..." Qwark replied, though it took him a second to realize that Sunset had known the creature had been aboard the smaller ship the entire time, "Wait a minute, why did you bring one of the native predators aboard the ship?"

"Well, I did save his life," Sunset stated, though while she spoke everyone made their way towards the bridge, including the newest addition to the family, "He and his pack helped us out on the planet below, taking out enemies when we were outnumbered and making sure nothing serious happened to any of us. In the end he ended up being hurt and left by his pack, so I decided to heal his wounds and send him on his way, though he eventually returned to me and expressed his gratitude by rubbing its head against my leg. His pack left him with us, so we all figured out that he wanted to come along and brought him back with us... but do know that he is a very eager fighter and won't hesitate to get into a fight with someone that annoys me."

"Oh..." was all Qwark said, because he knew that if the cat attacked anything that annoyed Sunset, or looked at her the wrong way like he assumed the enemies on the planet did, then he was definitely in trouble, "So did you find anything interesting on the planet's surface, or was the trip a total waste of time?"

"We got the coordinates for a few new planets, including the one that young Luna was taken to," Starlight replied, though she nearly chuckled when the AI named Luna stuck her head out from behind a corner to see if they were talking about her, before she retreated to wherever she and the other AI hung out, "So our plan is to head to the planet, scout it out, and then find out where our enemy is hiding the young girl... though in the process we'll likely destroy part of a facility or something."

Qwark had the strangest feeling that more than a facility was going to be destroyed in the near future, but this time he decided to keep his mouth shut on the matter. He already knew that Sunset didn't want his opinion on what was happening, while Ratchet and Angela would likely point out any flaws in his reasoning if he told them. It was best if he kept what he was feeling to himself, because it would keep him alive longer than if he ended up pissing off Sunset again... which experience has told him wasn't the best idea in the world.

When they arrived at their destination Ratchet and his family began their preparations for their journey down to the planet's surface while Qwark opted to stay behind so he didn't get in the way. Sunset also decided to stay behind this time, as she felt that her brother and sister didn't need her to tag along all the time and make things incredibly easy for them. Angela, of course, gathered her gear and followed them into the smaller ship, to which they went down to the exact coordinates they had been looking for and docked their ship in the only available parking area they could see.

As they all climbed out of the ship, however, they all expressed concerns that his adventure had been somewhat easy for them, though they weren't counting what happened on Ryllus because the animals had sensed Sunset's godly nature and moved in to help her.

"This doesn't seem right," Clank said, looking around them for a moment, fully expecting something to jump out and attack them at any given moment, "this has been too easy for us."

"Well, we are seasoned adventurers at this point," Ratchet pointed out, though he raised his hands in a mock surrender fashion when Clank stared at him, "but you are right about something; this adventure has been too easy on us... and personally I was expecting something more than what we've dealt with. Keep your guard up, because now we're definitely in enemy territory."

Before Starlight or Angela could add anything to the conversation they heard the ship's radio turn on for a moment, to which they heard Sunset tell them that Qwark found something about his family and had asked how to get off the Hyperion, so she told them that she just teleported him wherever he was supposed to go and that it would be some time before they heard from him again.

"Well, that solves one problem," Angela commented, though she turned her attention back to the building in front of them, "though that still leaves us with the problem of figuring out how to enter the facility without blatantly announcing that we're here."

With Qwark now out of the picture, for the time being anyway, the group approached the weapon vendor and picked up anything that might be of use to them, such as the newly upgraded and updated Agents of Doom and the Scorcher, though this time Starlight didn't tell her brother how the weapons worked. They were experienced adventurers and Ratchet had enough experience with her weapons to know which ones did what and when to use certain weapons in a fight. Before they could get very far they spotted someone working on what appeared to be some sort of hoverboard, which drew Ratchet's attention because the man seemed to be out of place.

"Tweaking the old engine?" Ratchet asked, causing the man to stop what he was doing and rapidly turn around to face them, leading both Starlight and Angela to assume that he was up to something.

"Why? What have you heard?" the man demanded, though it actually looked like he was trying to hide something on his board while he was talking, "Who are you? What are you doing out here? Did the committee send you?"

"Sorry sir, we did not mean to upset you," Clank said, though he had to wonder what committee the man was referring to, "We were just passing through the area and my friend here got a little excited when he noticed your hoverboard."

"Yeah, well you can't be too careful these days," the man replied, though it was pretty clear that he was still upset about something, "First they accuse me of using nano-roids; do I look like a cheater to you?"

"No, because everyone had to repair and keep their hoverboards up to date," Ratchet said, though he knew that there were some truly terrible people out there that would cheat to try and beat the pros at the sport.

"Well if its all the same to you, I'd still like to prove that I'm not a cheater," the man stated, tossing the board to Ratchet while picking up the spare he happened to have hanging around, "I'll even throw in a little surprise if you manage to win."

Ratchet was somewhat surprised that he was even being challenged to a race, but considering that he was likely the best rider in the family at the moment, and that there might be something useful as the prize, he decided that it would be worth seeing what the man had in store for him. Starlight and the others merely waited where they were standing and let Ratchet go off with the man, though they kept their eyes on the facility in case something were to happen while he was securing a useful gadget for them to use in the future. About ten minutes later Ratchet returned with the prize, a gadget that called called a Shrink Ray, which according to Clank were extremely hard to find.

With the new gadget in hand the group continued on their way towards the entrance of the facility, though they stopped by a weapon modification vendor for a few seconds before moving onward, to which they discovered that their enemies were the same green robots that had attacked them on their vacation... while also telling them that they were in the right place. They swung across the gap that was in front of them and shot down the guards that were waiting at the bottom of some stairs, as well as removing the group of smaller robots that were waiting at the top of the stairs. Once they reached the top of the stairs they found an access terminal that they would need to hack though to get inside the facility, though Ratchet pulled out the new gadget and pressed the button, to which he shrunk down to the size of a key's head.

Starlight stared at her brother for a moment before gently picking him up with her magic and allowing him to jump inside the lock, to which she and Angela could have sworn they heard some echoes from inside the lock, before Ratchet jumped back out of it and enlarged himself to his normal size.

"Wow that tickles," Ratchet commented, though at the same time the door that was blocking their way opened for them, allowing them to access the facility and track down where their enemy was hiding the young girl, "You guys have got to try using this thing in the future."

Starlight had the feeling that she and Angela would be using that gadget some time in the near future, though she wouldn't deny that she was eager to see how well it worked on someone like her. She was sure that Angela wanted to experiment with the gadget as well, though they both knew that it would be some time before they were able to do that.

With the door open the group walked into the facility and found that there were normal sized robots that were colored red, though they appeared to be offline at the moment and Starlight took it upon herself to break them before someone turned them online. They rounded a corner and found a set of security spheres floating down the walkway, which were easily destroyed with a swing of their hand weapons, before they entered a section of the facility that was the assembly line. The robots that happened to be on the assembly line appeared to be finished, because the moment the group entered the room they came online and started firing missiles at them. Ratchet and the others made sure to eliminate the newly created enemies, any that were in the process of being made on the conveyor belts, and, for good measure, the robots that were responsible for assembling the robots that they had been fighting.

They then walked into a slightly larger area that had an elevator hidden in the middle of the room, not exactly well hidden, though they all spotted the final piece of the Wildfire Armor that Ratchet was wearing on the opposite side of the room and knew that they would have to pass whatever was waiting for them. They looked at each other for a moment, silently wondering if using the elevator was even worth it, but then decided that it might take them to a different area and walked onto its surface. What happened next was that they ended up fighting through a small gauntlet of sorts, which resulted in several security spheres and green robots entering the shaft to deal with them, while something tossed bombs at them from above.

All three of them were kind of disappointed when they reached the bottom of the shaft and jumped off the elevator, which resulted in its destruction, though the main reason behind all of their disappointment was the fact that the small gauntlet they had fought through had been incredibly easy. The only thing they found at the bottom of the shaft was a computer terminal that, when someone activated it, resulted in a pool of acid rising from where the elevator had crashed. That in turn made Starlight summon a small pad of energy for them to stand on and effortlessly levitated them to safety at the top of the shaft, allowing them to collect the armor piece while the shaft closed itself behind them.

The moment Ratchet put the last piece of the armor on everyone watched as his wrench caught on fire, though they quickly came to realize that this was a part of the complete armor set... while also leading Starlight to wonder what else they could do with a variety of other installations to the armor.

With that out of the way the group continued along the path they had been following and came to another area that was building more of the red robots, though this time there weren't any enemies to deal with, so they simply crossed to the other side of the room and went on their way. From there they entered a small chamber that had eight containers on the walls, four on the left and four on the right, though once they stepped inside the room the containers all opened at once and the green robots that had been put away inside them charged at them. With the area clear the rode a small elevator down into another chamber that had what could pass as a pool of acid, though when they activated the nearby bolt crank they discovered that their way around the area was going to consist of swinging on Swingshots and running across platforms.

It was somewhat easy to pass that test, as they were quite adept at racing time at this point, and they eventually reached the door that would let them move onward, allowing them to enter a room that had a large number of security spheres and green robots that wanted to kill them all. Between the three of them the robots really didn't stand a chance, not when many of them fell apart in a hit or two, and in a matter of minutes they had finished off everything that wanted them dead at the moment. That was when they noticed that they had another locked terminal, allowing Ratchet to use the new gadget and jump into the lock again, though a minute later he exited the lock and the door opened as he returned to his normal size.

That brought them to a small room that had three more of the green robots, which were once again easy to get rid of, though that was before they discovered that the next room had a large metallic sphere of some kind and a bunch of tracks that crossed the entire room. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out where to go Starlight simply levitated them into the air and brought them to the other opening, allowing them to move forward without having to deal with the headache they had passed by. That, in turn, brought them to yet another part of the construction line, which one none of them knew because the belts all appeared to be stuck at the same stage of development, though that didn't stop them from riding the belt down to the end of the room.

When they reached the end of the room, and jumped off the belt so they could land next to a weapons vendor, they all noticed the large ring that happened to be waiting for them, informing them that they would be fighting some sort of boss monster in a few seconds.

"Okay, who else thinks that this is a trap of some kind?" Angela asked, staring at the ring while she and the others restocked their ammunition, though she didn't like the look of the area they had found.

"At this point, I'd be disappointed if it wasn't a trap," Ratchet commented, stretching his arms for a moment as he and Starlight rejoined Angela, "though I'm willing to bet that this is one of those traps that we have no choice but to trigger."

Ratchet appeared to be correct, as the moment they stepped onto the metallic ring the middle of the room rose back into place, though it brought a large purple skinned creature that looked like a cross between an ape and some other creature. The monster attacked them the moment it spotted them, to which they separated from each other and opened fire, intending to bring it down as fast as they possibly could. After a few hits to the creature, leaving behind a small amount of damage, the creature jumped to one side of the room and started throwing security spheres at them, though it left itself open to attack. A minute or two later and the creature was ripping pipes out of the walls and floor and using them as weapons of its own, while also releasing energy waves in an attempt to hurt them.

In the end Ratchet and his family downed the creature in what he assumed was seven minutes, though as the creature fell he couldn't help but feel that this had definitely been too easy for them... while they also happened to find the chest piece for another suit of armor, one that Starlight told them was the Sludge Mk. 9 armor set.

"I'll take this back to Sunset and see if we can't make something better than... whatever its power is," Angela commented, taking the armor from Ratchet as she approached the nearby teleportation pad, "I'll leave you three to save the girl and return to the ship."

Ratchet nodded and waited until Angela had accessed the pad before he, Clank, and Starlight moved to the sealed door that was in front of them, though it didn't remain sealed for long as Clank hacked into it and opened it a few seconds later. Inside they found Luna waiting for them, though she had this grin that didn't sit well with Starlight at all... leading her to wonder if Angela had been right about this being a trap.

"Wow! Thankth you guyth!" Luna said, staring at the three of them as they entered the room, "You are tho heroic!"

"We should leave before any more robots show up," Starlight pointed out, to which Ratchet and Clank nodded their agreement, though they weren't too concerned since everything had been easy until until now.

"But I haven't had a chance to tell my friends about your heroic deeds!" Luna complained, though the sudden change in how she was speaking raised all of Starlight's alarms.

"Run! Its a trap!" Starlight shouted, though that was before a surge of Tesla energy passed through her armor and knocked her out cold, followed by both Ratchet and Clank.

Luna grinned as her friends entered the room and collected the unconscious heroes, knowing that she had everything that her boss needed to build the army he wanted... and the only person that could stop them was unaware of what was even happening.

Back on the Hyperion Sunset noticed that the scanners indicated that Ratchet, Starlight, and Clank had been rendered unconscious, which meant that they had walked into a trap that was similar to the one that the Thugs-4-Less Boss used against them... though this time she was free from whatever trap her family had walked into. Sunset growled as she looked at the screen, because this time she was going to ruin whoever had the balls to kidnap her family for their own purposes... once she had tailed them back to their headquarters anyway.

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