• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Time: Fate of the Universe

"I... I don't believe it," Ratchet said, staring at the scene that was laid out in front of them, though his eyes were locked on the familiar form of his sister, "Sunset Glider... she just merged with the other aspects and restored our sister to almost one hundred percent."

Starlight couldn't believe her eyes either, because this was something that she hadn't been expecting when she and the others chose to follow the 'distress call' to this planet, as they had been expecting to rescue Clank and stop the Valkyries. None of them were expecting Hatred to show up, not until Sunset had mentioned that she and the wraiths were here anyway, but they would have thought that Sunset would have fled after the dark aspect had revealed herself. Instead Sunset flew up to Hatred and engaged her in battle, resulting in her and the two wraiths being dealt death like blows that would have killed them... and then Sunset somehow gathered all of the aspects into her being and took on this old form.

"We had best make our way towards where Clank is resting while we have the chance," Starlight commented, to which Ratchet and the others nodded as they continued making their way towards the peak the Valkyries had mentioned earlier.

As they climbed towards the peak Azimuth asked the rest of the group what was going on, as he wasn't used to Sunset and her powers and had no idea what to expect. Starlight and Ratchet informed him that what was coming their way was a magical battle that would shatter the surrounding area and likely destroy the entire citadel by the time the fight was over. Azimuth seemed surprised by the fact that they should be expecting everything around them to be gone in the next couple of minutes, though at the same time Angela confirmed that the Hyperion was moving in so all of them, Azimuth included, could get into their ships and depart from the citadel before they got caught in the crossfire.

Starlight also pointed out that Sunset was likely making sure that she remembered how to use her godly form before she started clashing with Hatred, which was why they were able to make their way towards their destination without having to worry about being hurt in the process. When they finally found the stasis pod that Clank was being held in, which was at the peak they had been pointed towards, Starlight fiddled with the controls and opened it, allowing Ratchet to catch his friend. Once that was done she summoned a walkway that would allow them to leave to a move appropriate area, where Aphelion and Azimuth's ship could come and get them, though at the same time Clank woke up from his slumber.

"Hello Ratchet, Starlight, Angela," Clank greeted, while at the same time slipping onto Ratchet's back, because based on how everyone was moving he knew that now wasn't the time to be walking, "What did I miss?"

"Sunset's about to do battle with Hatred," Angela replied, to which Azimuth jumped into his ship and flew towards the Hyperion, which was copied by the others climbing into Aphelion and doing the same time, "We're evacuating to the Hyperion so the two of them can fight it out without worrying about us."

"I see." Clank said, glancing down at the citadel for a few seconds, where he spotted the godly form that Sunset used to use, with wings this time, facing off against the form of Hatred, "Hopefully Sunset beats her..."

"She will." Starlight stated, though she hoped that the two remaining aspects finished their battle quickly, otherwise Vapedia would be destroyed in the process.

"Good, now the spectators are out of the way," Hatred commented, to which she turned her attention to Sunset, who hadn't moved from the peak she had been thrown into, "So, before we begin, can you explain how a powerless aspect was able to call upon the others and create what is standing in front of me?"

"Determination," Sunset replied, flexing her hands once more as she remembered how to use them once more, while at the same time silently glad that Purity had been on the planet somewhere, before she stared up at Hatred, "You basically killed a part of me a few minutes ago, but when I remembered what had happened in the past, and everything you admitted to doing, I felt that it would be wrong to give up and reached for anything that might help me bring you to justice... and the other aspects answered my call. They have restored me to a form that has the potential to beat you in battle and have given me the power to do so, so you had better bring your full power to bare against me."

"Me? Go full power against you?" Hatred stated, to which she laughed as a bit of lightning flashed in the sky above them, "Please, just because you managed to power up doesn't mean that you suddenly possess the power to defeat me in combat... and I'll prove it to you right now!"

Hatred raised her right hand until it was pointing right at Sunset, to which she collapsed her fingers until only the pointer finger was the only one remaining, where she started gathering her magical energy into a small black colored sphere above her finger. She had no idea which memories her opponent had access to, or which skills she had access to thanks to the other aspects, but she knew that she had the upper hand at the moment. She found it somewhat odd that the person standing below her thought that she was Sunset Shimmer, but whether that was true or not didn't matter to her, as she would win this fight in the end.

Before Hatred released the attack, and claimed the position as the God of Destruction for herself, Sunset raised her right pointer finger in her direction and the magic around her flared, to which a red flame colored sphere formed above her finger. A few seconds later the two of them released their attacks at each other and forced them to connect in midair, which was followed by an explosion that rocked the entire citadel as Hatred's attack was overpowered... to which she moved out of the resulting smoke cloud and stared at the large burning mess in front of her.

Impossible! Hatred thought to herself, while keeping her eyes locked on what she was looking at, She's just a combination of aspects, so there's no way she should be able to call upon enough power to equal my own... much less overpower my attack. Even if she had all the other aspects, excluding myself and Purity, there's no way she should be able to call upon this much power.

As she refocused on what was around her she spotted Sunset coming to a stop nearby, using her wings to stop herself before getting too close to where her target was floating, but at the same time she raised her finger and started gathered her energy again.

"Don't you dare underestimate me!" Hatred shouted, gathering her energy back into an energy sphere again, before turning to her target and loosing the attack.

When the second pair of attacks connected with each other the same thing happened, where Sunset's attack overpowered Hatred's and produced a large cloud of smoke and fire, though at the same time the peak that was near them collapsed as the collision of their powers broke it. Hatred moved away from the second group of smoke, surprised that Sunset had managed to overpower or deflect her attack twice in a row, though as she moved through the air Sunset appeared behind her. Hatred growled and swung her arm at her opponent, who simply caught her arm with her left hand, raised her right hand into the air, and brought it down hard on Hatred's arm, though at the last second the dark aspect noticed the aura surrounding Sunset's hand... and felt a flash of pain as part of her arm was separated from her body.

That was followed by Sunset turning her hand around and slammed her fist into Hatred's face, to which the blow sent her target flying towards the center of the citadel, where she collided with the side of it and broke the side of the building... though at the same time she crushed the arm into the shadows that it had been made from and took it into herself. Hatred, on the other hand, stood up and stared at her opponent, though she grunted and focused her power, to which she regenerated her missing limb from the shadows that surrounded her, but she made sure to flex her fingers to be absolutely sure that everything was in working order.

"I don't understand how you managed to gain the power that you are currently wielding," Hatred commented, to which she brought her hands together and formed a triangle with them, "but you'll never be able to beat me if you just stop and stare at me after cutting off a single arm. I have many more skills hidden up my sleeve, so allow me to make this fight much interesting."

Hatred gathered her energy for a moment and pulled her arms apart, creating a dark purple colored lance that was made out of pure energy, though this was another skill she and Sunset would have picked up from the studying that the being they were originally from had done back at the beginning, when she first started studying magic. If a energy blast, which had been known as the cero to some of the Old Earth cultures, wouldn't work against Sunset, then she would try something much more powerful. Based on her level of power she knew that she could also call upon the earth shattering powers that Sunset used to command, and even a small mimicry of Beerus' powers if she really needed to push herself, but this would change the tide of battle.

"The people of Old Earth called this attack Lanza del Relampago," Hatred commented, which at the same time spinning the lance around for a few seconds before pointing the tip at her target, "if you would like to test how powerful you really are, then I suggest that you stand still."

Hatred pulled her arm back and threw the lance right at Sunset, though as the lance crossed the distance between them she was a little surprised that Sunset was remaining still... until she moved to the side just a tiny bit and literally punched the lance with her fist, sending it off course and forcing it to detonate on the building that it connected with. The entire building was consumed by the explosion that followed the lance hitting it, but as Hatred came to terms with the fact that her opponent had deflected her attack, and she had witnessed it, she knew that something was wrong. She knew that Sunset couldn't be this powerful, yet she was able to overpower her attacks and destroy the area around them, to which she summoned her sword from the shadows and pointed it at her target.

"So, we're resorting to using blades?" Sunset asked, to which she flexed her hands and summoned her magic once more, though this time she was focused on something else, "Very well then, I shall do the same thing... though tell me if you remember this weapon."

Hatred's eyes widened as Sunset summoned a katana from the flames around them, as she remembered it being the one that their former form had used up until they had separated into separate aspects. She had believed that the blade had been lost the moment they separated, but now Sunset Glider had called upon the weapon, almost as if she was an incomplete version of Sunset Shimmer. Even as she thought about that she could have sworn that she noticed the fickler of some runes on her opponent's body, but she determined that her mind was playing tricks on her and decided not to bother thinking about it.

That was swiftly followed by the two of them flying at each other and clashing with their blades, to which a tempest kicked up and knocked out all of the smoke and flames that had been gathering around them. As they swung their blades at each other their magic danced with them, causing cracks to form in the buildings around them as they moved around the entire citadel. Once or twice their conflicting energies would actually break a section of the building near them off and drop in into the sky below them, raining it down on whatever was below the Valkyrie's citadel, but for the most part they appeared to be equal in power.

At one point Hatred decided to mock Sunset's lack of powerful attacks when she was using her blade, to which Sunset smiled and gathered her energy into her blade, though at the same time she knew that she didn't need to use it and wanted to show the aspect that she had better stop mocking her. When she was sure she had enough energy she loosed the attack right at her target, where it barreled into Hatred and exploded upon impact, ripping apart part of the citadel in the process. When the smoke cleared Hatred burst out of the smoke and landed on a nearby section of the building that wasn't destroyed yet, though there were scratches and cuts scattered on the front of her body... and Sunset could tell that the aspect was annoyed with her.

"I told you to go full power against me," Sunset commented, staring at the aspect for a few seconds, "Hatred, please take this seriously... otherwise I'll just pierce your heart and end this in an instant."

Hatred growled as her energy flared all around her, to which the sky darkened all around them, which indicated that she was preparing something big in response to what Sunset had said, though at the same time she stood on her feet once more. Sunset briefly wondered which power her opponent was going to use, as they had known a large number of spells thanks to their studies, but she had the feeling that she would be shown the attack soon, though she had some energy gathering in case an attack was launched at her.

"I'm somewhat thankful that we bothered to study so many magical attacks before our separation, so allow me to present you with what I found," Hatred said, to which the aura around her intensified as she held her hand out to where Sunset was standing, "Seeping crest of turbidity, arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny, grow numb and flicker, disrupting sleep. Crawling queen of iron, eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite, repulse. Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness. Art of Destruction Number Ninety, Kurohitsugi!"

A few seconds passed before four walls, each of which being made from pure dark energy, phased out of the air around Sunset and connected with each other, while both a ceiling and a floor followed suit. Sunset watched all of the darkness take on the shape of a large black box, which she guessed was the meaning of the name that Hatred had shouted, before she noticed that the box was deigned to encase her in complete darkness. She merely stood there as the shadowy box encased her completely, though she wondered if Hatred was trying to trap her so it would make the fight much easier for her... though that was followed by several spears, made out of shadow, burst out of the walls and reached towards her.

Sunset, instead of allowing the sneak attack to hit her, swung her hand and released the energy that she had been gathering in case the attack had been thrown directly at her, which caught the sneak attack and shattered it, along with the box, in one swift instant.

Hatred, who was standing in the same place she had been when she started her incantation, was shocked to see that her attack had been stopped in its tracks like that, though that was followed by her throwing shadows at Sunset with the intent on drowning her in them. Sunset was surprised that Hatred was going on the offensive with her dark magic, especially when nothing she had used so far had succeeded in working, but then she sighed and snapped her fingers for a moment. That was followed by some of the moisture in the air racing towards her as she caused the water to circle her, before she summoned a swirling mass of water that stopped the attack in its tracks... which was followed by a gleaming shield like formation forming between her and Hatred.

Hatred raised an eyebrow as she stopped her attack for a moment, because on the center of the shield in front of her was a dragon that appeared to be made out of water, which made sense considering that the shield had been made out of water a few seconds ago... though she was caught off guard by the fact that the construct was closer to her than to Sunset.

"Gate of the Elegant Water Dragon," Sunset said, a small smile appearing on her face as she looked at the gate she had created, as she was impressed that she had been able to make it.

"So it's a gate that's designed to stop my attack in it's tracks," Hatred commented, to which she smirked for a few seconds, "This sounds like something that we might have taken from the private library of Princess Celestia, back when we were her student... though that makes me think about what I'll do when I have the power of the God of Destruction backing me. When I return to our home world I will wipe Ponyville off the face of the map, eliminating Princess Twilight, the Elements of Harmony, and hopefully Discord as well in one fell swoop. Then I plan on heading to the Crystal Empire so I can give Princess Cadence a little 'present', before turning my attention to any potential enemies, like the Changeling Queen Chrysalis, and eliminating them as well.

At that point Princess Celestia and her sister should have realized that someone is terrorizing their citizens... to which I'll return to Canterlot and engage them in battle, though I will give them true despair when I take their entire city from them and force them to use their darker powers against me. Then, and only then, will I destroy the two of them and detonate our home world with enough force to wipe out each and every planet in its surrounding area..."

Hatred's speech was interrupted when she noticed that two elements, wind and earth she realized, were gathering around her, though as she watched them for a few seconds she noticed that the wind was gathering on her left while the earth did the same thing on her right. As she watched the two of them she thought that she felt some heat at her back, but she decided not to take her eyes off of what was happening around her, to which she watched as a dragon emblem formed in both of the elements she was watching. She remembered the gate style attacks that Sunset had studied and recognized them immediately, but before she could destroy them she heard the sound that would signify that they were being completed.

"Gate of the Violent Wind Dragon," Sunset called out, twisting her hand for a moment as the first gate formed, while at the same time making the same motions for the rest of her assault, "Gate of the Sentinel Earth Dragon."

Hatred watched as the two gates phased into existence, effectively trapping her between them and the third one, before she reached that she could feel the heat behind her increase, to which she turned back for a few seconds and noticed that a fourth gate was forming as well... where she heard Sunset call out 'Gate of the Majestic Fire Dragon' a few seconds later.

"Gate of the Guardian Dragons!" Sunset shouted, to which a barrier formed between the four dragon gates, effectively trapping Hatred between the four gates.

"Seriously? This is your master plan?" Hatred called out, tapping the water gate for a moment, to which the barrier shocked her backwards and forced her to glare at Sunset, "Keep me trapped in this barrier until your ready to defeat me? I'll just unleash my full power and destroy these four gates in an instant... and then I'll come for you."

"You talk too much," Sunset commented, to which she smiled as she noticed the look of confusion on the aspect's face, "but please, show me your true power... I will enjoy breaking you."

Hatred growled and focused her energy on the blade she was carrying, which shattered into a mass of darkness that completely covered her body, making it impossible for anyone to see her until she was ready to reveal herself once more. When the shadows finally separated from her body Sunset was somewhat surprised to find that Hatred's chosen 'true' form was actually just a shadowy version of the form she had, minus the wings. Hatred looked more like an evil God of Destruction, with her godly attire being full of dark colors that indicated she was evil and that she wasn't to be underestimated at all... though at the same time the force of her 'transformation' tore the entire barrier apart.

A few seconds later Hatred flashed through the air and appeared behind Sunset, to which she slammed her fist into her back and sent her flying into the building she had been standing in seconds ago. As Sunset corrected herself Hatred followed after her and loosed several blasts of dark magic at her, which zeroed in on wherever she was and blasted her out of the air, though the only one that missed her ended up creating a large cluster of dark crystals. Sunset emerged from the smoke with some cuts on her body, which was understandable considering how much power Hatred was putting into her attacks now, before she noticed that the aspect was charging the blast attack that had failed her earlier... and narrowly avoided the attack as it was loosed at her.

The building behind the one she was near detonated into a massive explosion that rocked the entire around them, though at this point Sunset was beginning to suspect that the citadel was either going to be completely destroyed in a few minutes or that it would drop out of the sky... where it would be destroyed in the process. Hatred seemed to notice what Sunset was looking at, because she spun around and loosed several more blasts through the air, all of which detonated on the buildings and destroyed them. She allowed the pieces of the exterior buildings to drop to the ground, while the middle building remained where it was standing, which would serve as a fitting battle ground for her and Sunset.

Hatred landed in front of Sunset and punched her hard in the chest, feeling the bones crack a little bit under her fist, before she kicked her target into the wall and started wailing on her... to which the power of her blows were transferred into the wall and shattered part of it. After a few more seconds she pressed a powerful charge into Sunset's chest and backed off as it detonated, blasting a large hole in the building and the ground, though as the smoke cleared it was revealed that Sunset had taken the majority of the blast, while her attire remained untouched somehow.

"How do you like that, Sunset Glider!?" Hatred shouted, crossing her arms in front of her body as she stared down at her opponent, "How does it feel to be outclassed and overpowered? Does the fact that you cannot defeat me, no matter how hard you try, fill you with despair? Its a shame that your full power is much weaker than mine, otherwise this would be an interesting fight for the two of us."

"Seriously, you talk way too much." Sunset said, to which she held the katana she had been holding out and focused her energy into it, to which she did the one thing that she had hesitated to do when she had called upon the other aspects that had been defeated, "Now that you have shown me your full power, so allow me to show you mine."

Hatred opened her mouth to tell Sunset that she shouldn't have anymore power stored away and that this was her limit, but then she saw the flicker of the runes as they phased into existence. She remembered that Sunset had sealed her power to give her enemies a fairer fight and had never bothered to unseal the bindings she had put on herself, though she was surprised to find that this Sunset was the one to bare the runes. She supposed that it could make sense, considering that the former pegasus had no power when she had formed and had none throughout all the time she had spent with Searing, so it was possible that the runes had passed over to the pegasus as well.

She looked at the katana for a few seconds and noticed that it was cracking, which caused her eyes to widen as she realized that Sunset was close to unleashing whatever power she contained... though that was followed by Sunset disappearing and appearing in front of her. Hatred barely had time to move as Sunset's right hand pierced her chest and came out the other side, which allowed her to notice that the sword had been left behind. Before anything else happened Hatred pulled herself backwards and landed on a lone platform that was floating nearby, to which she painfully looked at Sunset as she tried to heal the hole in her chest.

"I cannot believe that you fell for that," Sunset remarked, looking at her wounded opponent, wondering how she had managed to trick the dark aspect so well, but she was willing to take it at the moment, "Hatred, allow me to clarify something; you stole too much power when you separated from everyone else and it made you arrogant in battle. Sure, you were able to beat someone when they sacrificed themselves to save someone else, but against someone that makes you go full power you let down your guard way too much. Thus you brought about your own defeat..."

"SHUT UP!!!!" Hatred shouted, coughing out blood as she flew into the air, passing the ruined top of the citadel and pulled all of her power into one final attack that would level the entire citadel and a good portion of the planet that they were slowly approaching, "EVERYONE DIES!"

Sunset watched what Hatred was doing and brought her hands to her side, where she silently gathered her energy into a sphere of energy that would be the final attack she threw at her opponent, while at the same time feeling the other aspects pouring their collective energy into it as well. As she did that Hatred formed a large sphere of energy above her head, one that mimicked the Sphere of Destruction that had wrecked a few planets back when they were one being, but even as she stared at it she could feel one part of her not doing anything at the moment. Searing was holding back, but Sunset knew that she had something planned to add to their full power when the two attacks connected with each other, to which she focused on what she was doing.

A few seconds later Hatred tossed the large Sphere of Destruction down towards the remains of the citadel, intending on wiping Sunset out along with everything else, though at the same time Sunset called upon all the aspects that were inside her and loosed the attack she was preparing, to which a beam of energy raced towards the sphere and met it in the space between the two of them. The two attacks pushed against each other for a few moments, which seemed to stretch for much longer than what Sunset originally believed they would, though after a while she began to feel more power pouring into her body from some unseen source. Light blue energy gathered around her and empowered her attack, which started to push Hatred's attack backwards, but at the same time Sunset suspected that this was the spirit energy that she remembered from so long ago.

Sunset smiled as Searing rejoined the effort and pressed her energy into the attack, to which all nine of them released everything they had and poured everything they had into the beam attack. A few seconds later Sunset watched as the Sphere of Destruction was pushed backwards, as it appeared that she and the others were starting to overpower Hatred, before the attacks detonated with each other and kicked up a large amount of fire, just like the first clash of their powers. As the explosion occurred Sunset could hear the voices of the aspects, and other people that she didn't even know, urging her to defeat Hatred, to which she flared her wings and flew into the fire, intending on using it to cover herself until she was on top of her target.

Hatred, shocked by the fact that she was still being overpowered, which made her wonder if Sunset had been telling the truth, was stunned when her attack exploded in between her and Sunset... though she barely had time to move as Sunset burst out of the flames and struck her in the chest again.

"H... how did you...?" Hatred started to ask, though at the same time she could feel herself being pulled back into Sunset's body, indicating that she had lost the fight, which only seemed to annoy her.

"Spirit energy of some kind," Sunset explained, knowing that the aspect wouldn't rest until she understood what had happened, "Searing managed to find some last portion of power to use against you, so she added it to the pool and it, somehow, overpowered your attack. I will not try to explain where she got the energy, or who I heard when she poured it into my body, but I do know one thing that came from all of this. Hatred, it is time for our game to end... Sunset Shimmer will be reborn at long last."

"I... see... farewell Sunset Gli... no, Sunset Shimmer." Hatred added, to which she closed her eyes and broke into shadowy fragments, which surged into Sunset's body and pushed her backwards for a few seconds.

Sunset stood there for a few seconds, feeling the rush of power that had entered her body when Hatred had been pushed inside start to fade, while at the same time she could tell that the others were slowly disappearing. As the aspects returned to what they were before the separation, powerful emotions that changed how her life worked, she could feel her old power returning in full force, which was why red cracks were starting to form all over her. She assumed that they were there to signify that she was returning to what they had had been some time ago, the being called Sunset Shimmer, and that one last change was required before they were whole once more.

Sunset closed her eyes as she felt the magic surge out of her, a smile appearing on her face as she and the other aspects finally became one being once more... before she remembered nothing more.

Starlight and the others had been watching the fight progress, where it appeared that Sunset had been overpowering Hatred until the dark aspect had transformed into an empowered state and started turning the tide against her opponent. She was somewhat surprised that Hatred had been wounded to the point where she was going to use all of her power to defeat Sunset, but then the collection of aspects poured a ton of power into an attack that stopped Hatred's own attack and allowed her to claim victory. They then watched as the dark aspect was defeated, broken into a large number of pieces, and then absorbed into Sunset's body... which was followed by an explosion of energy that rocked what was left of the Valkyrie Citadel.

"What was that?" Azimuth asked, though at the same time he was shocked by the magical battle that had taken place, while at the same time being thankful that they hadn't been caught in the fight at all.

"A final transformation," Starlight commented, though as she said that she noticed that the energy she had been feeling from Sunset had vanished, meaning that she must have ascended back to her original state.

They watched as the smoke cleared and revealed what had happened down there, as when the energy finally died down they noticed that Sunset was standing there, though her wings were no longer there. Starlight's eyes widened as they stared upon the form of Sunset Shimmer, the godly form that she was most known for at this point, though as they watched her they noticed that she sighed and shattered the katana into a bunch of pieces. Even the sheath was broken as well, though after that had happened Sunset crossed her arms behind her back, much like she had done before being separated into ten different aspects, before looking up at the Hyperion.

A few seconds later the air around Sunset shifted and she flew up to where the Hyperion was sitting, to which the docking bay doors opened and allowed her access, which caused the group to run over and meet up with her.

"Sunset... are you..." Starlight started to ask, though at the same time she couldn't bring herself to finish the unspoken question that had crossed her mind.

"Yes Starlight, I am whole again," Sunset replied, to which she turned to the group as a whole and smiled at them, "I am Sunset Shimmer, sister of Ratchet Cross and Starlight Glimmer, and I am the God of Destruction for this universe."

Ratchet smiled as he and Starlight embraced their sister, who had overcome everything that had happened to her and become whole once more, though now he knew that Nefarious really didn't stand a chance when they had their sister backing them again. Soon the Great Clock would be in safe hands and then they could decide what they needed to do next... but for now he and Starlight were content to embrace their sister, leaving any thoughts about the Great Clock to after they had their little reunion.

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