• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Arsenal: Gemini/Blackwater

Once Ratchet and his family departed from Holostar Studios, and began the trek towards the Gemini Moons, they relaxed and went their separate ways on the Hyperion. Ratchet and Clank remained at the helm of the ship, making sure that they were heading in the right direction for their next destination while discussing what Nefarious wanted from Clank. Starlight and Sunset retired to where the Cores were being held, no doubt so they could check up on Sunset's magic and make sure that the demon was still in her cage, though Angela knew that there hadn't been any signs of Searing breaking out in the last day or two. The alicorn AI that had been left in charge of the Core Chamber were more than willing to do the checkups, especially since Twilight seemed to enjoy checking all of the terminals in the room, again showing that she might possess a fragment of the alicorn she had been modeled after.

Angela, on the other hand, retired to the Reading Room, a chamber she had designed for her personal research on the mysterious Codex, the strange obsidian colored cube that the people of Old Earth launched into space before the destruction of their planet. Ratchet and Starlight were the only other two who had the code to enter this room, as she only gave it to them in case of an emergency while they were on the Hyperion. She had gotten a message from Al while they were fighting the Tyhrranoids back at the studios, so she figured that it was time to figure out what they had managed to find on the mysterious Maul that had appeared in Annihilation Nation.

Still, to be on the safe side she locked the door to the Reading Room, input the code that would be required to open it from the other side, and opened her tablet as she approached the middle of the room.

"I'm here Al," Angela said, powering up her tablet to reveal Al, who had made sure to leave the Phoenix so Qwark didn't discover what they were talking about, waiting on the other side, "I'm sorry I made you wait... we were attacked by Tyhrranoids at Holostar Studios, but we routed them with ease. I take it that you found something on Maul?"

"Your mysterious friend wasn't easy to track down," Al replied, waving his hand and sending her a file, which appeared on her tablet seconds later, "but, after several hours of digging through various servers and cross checking everything I found, I have managed to put together a file that contains some information on who Maul is. Anything more than what I've sent you will have to be gleamed from the man himself, whenever the two of you meet again."

"Something is better than nothing," Angela commented, nodding her head as she opened the file, "You have my thanks for finding all of this for me, regardless of what you managed to find."

"Finally, someone who appreciates my talents!" Al nearly exclaimed, though he managed to be calm about it, just in case Qwark had been watching him with the Phoenix's machines, "I'm going to head back to the Phoenix and see if I can't locate Nefarious' star cruiser... because it appears that he wanted to keep it as hidden as possible before revealing its existence to Clank. I should have a location soon, so that file had better tide you over until then."

Angela nodded and cut the communication off, knowing that she needed time to see who Maul was before they arrived at the Obani Moons and began their search... for whatever it was that they were going to be searching for. Angela suspected that this was basically a way for them to waste time on a pointless lead, giving Al the time he needed to track down the Leviathan, but she figured it couldn't hurt to explore the moons. They might actually find something interesting while they were there, but she decided to move that thought to the back of her mind as she opened up the file that Al had sent her.

She also didn't tell Al that they were heading to the Obani Moons, as she was sure that Skid was already on his way there, thanks to the brief chat that Ratchet had with him back on Daxx, and had likely told the others where he was going.

She was eager to learn about the mysterious man that had mimicked her lightsaber, the pet name she had given her style of weapon that Sunset had created for her, and managed to destroy Scorpio with such little effort. She could have found a potential ally that could help them defeat Nefarious, unless he was solely interested in fighting against her and was interested in nothing else. She decided that she would have to cross that bridge when she reached it, but for now she opened the file to its first page and started reading about the mysterious man who called himself Maul.

By the time that they arrived at the first of the Obani Moons, the one that was called Gemini, Angela had learned quite a bit about the mysterious man that had come after her, though the interesting part was that he actually had no criminal record. That either meant that he was skilled enough to leave no witnesses or evidence of what he had done, or that he was actually a good person who simply wanted to train himself on how to use a sword. She could already hear Ratchet, or one of his sisters, telling her that she shouldn't judge people based on what they wore or how they looked, considering that Maul wore black clothing and had black skin with red markings on his face. She wasn't judging him on any of that, though she was still interested in seeing where he was on the scale of good or evil and knew that she wouldn't have an answer until they encountered each other again.

Once the Hyperion had announced their arrival at their destination Angela had unlocked the door and joined the others by the ship, where they could begin their descent to the first moon and their search for whatever they were searching for. When they landed on Gemini they noticed that there happened to be a deactivated satellite network that had to power the platform that wasn't far from where they were standing. Ratchet smiled when he noticed the energy beam that was rested in front of them, as it gave him the opportunity to use the Refractor gadget they had found back on Marcadia for the first time in ages.

The instant the door in front of them was open, and they could start exploring the moon, the group followed the beam of energy that bounced from where they landed to one of the various satellites that was in the air. They determined that it was a simple task to reconnect the satellites and open the way to the second moon, so while Ratchet and Angela moved around the platforms, following the beams of energy, Sunset and Starlight focused their magic on tearing apart the small robots that occasionally came their way. The small robots weren't even worth wasting their ammunition on, so they resorted to small bursts of magic and their hand held weapons to clear the path.

Soon the satellite network was fully restored, as it had been quite easy to reconnect the various satellites together when the beam of energy pointed to the next one in the sequence, and the group teleported over to the second moon in the system, the one called Pollux. When they arrived at their next destination Angela stayed back up a bit, allowing Starlight and Sunset to move forward and fight against whatever enemies they happened to find.

"Something wrong Angela?" Ratchet asked, having no idea why his girlfriend would suddenly want to be at the back of the group for once, though he stayed back with her while his sisters attacked their enemies.

"I figured that I'd give Sunset some excitement, especially after everything that she's been through in the last few days," Angela replied, shaking her head as she watched the two sisters tear apart the group of enemies that had been waiting in front of them.

"I see what you mean," Ratchet commented, as they all knew that Sunset had been suffering a lot lately because of Qwark constantly trying to release the demon trapped inside of her, which was why she was constantly sitting out planets this time around, "She does seem to be enjoying herself at the moment."

Angela nodded and watched as Starlight used the pad in front of them to jump into the air, allowing her to land on the top of the tower that was in front of them, while Sunset merely extended her wings and flew up there. She and Ratchet took the pad and arrived in time to watch Starlight tear the small robots that were guarding the top of the tower apart before they moved on across the bridge. The three enemies that were guarding the top of the second tower fell within seconds, as all Starlight did was shoot them to pieces before they could even return a single shot. When they jumped onto the top of the third tower they spotted a large gun robot that had been waiting for them, though that was seconds before Sunset grabbed it in her magic and tore it in half.

Angela had no idea if Sunset had been angry when she destroyed the robot or not, but she had to admit that it was an effective kill that allowed them to use the grind rail without having to worry about someone shooting at them.

Once they had reached the end of the rail they were attacked by a large group of enemies, which were shattered by Starlight's metal staff, though neither Ratchet nor Angela felt the need to draw their weapons at the moment. The enemies that were guarding the jump pads were easily torn apart by the various weapons that Starlight carried with her or, if they were really unlucky, torn apart by Sunset's magic. Even the larger robot that was designed to shoot them first and ask questions later fell in a matter of seconds, thanks to the fact that Sunset caught it with her magic and let her sister blow it to pieces.

They fought their way though the various platforms that the jump pads made them fight through, killing the robot guards that had been placed here by their enemies, before they reached a jump pad that was different than the other ones they had been using so far. As they jumped over to their next destination, or flew in Sunset's case, they found a platform that had something that looked like a tower at the end of it... with Skid standing nearby.

"Cover me!" Skid shouted as he charged at the locked door in front of them, before he promptly tripped over an uneven floor tile or his own shoelaces, "Man down!"

"It's alright Skid," Ratchet assured the hoverboard star, still unsure as to why Qwark even picked him to join the Q Force to begin with, "Fight's over."

"Yes!" Skid exclaimed, before thinking better of his attitude and changing how he was acting almost immediately, "I mean... no, that blows man. I would have joined you sooner, but I encountered heavily resistance."

"You mean at the Galaxy Burger?" Angela commented, pointing at the ketchup stain that was new to his uniform, though she chose not to point out the wrapper that had been tucked him his back pocket.

Skid didn't know whether to embarrassed or continue to put on his bravado in front of them all, but ultimately decided to ignore it at the moment as they determined what the do next. There was a force field blocking their path, one that Sunset could easily cut through with her magic so they could access the final moon in the system, but that was before they got a call to help the Galactic Rangers at Blackwater City. Apparently there were more enemies there than what Sasha had been expecting, because even with the upgrades Sunset had given them the modified Rangers were having a hard time clearing the area of enemies.

With a new set of instructions Ratchet and his family bid Skid farewell, as he insisted on staying behind so he could use his crowbar on the door of the generator in an attempt to force his way inside. The only instruction that they gave Skid was to contact them if he needed help, though something told Ratchet that help wasn't what they would be contacted about.

It was a good thing that Rilgar was close to where they happened to be, because it meant that they were able to reach their destination with little effort and deploy almost immediately. The instant they descended on the battlefield Sunset grabbed several of the enemies that were attacking the modified Rangers and threw them back at the bridge, breaking them and any other enemies that happened to be coming down the bridge. The rest of the Tyhrranoids looked at Sunset as she stood in the middle of the area that rested before the Ranger's stronghold, daring them to come and face her.

Apparently they must have heard what happened to their home world, or more accurately Kavu Island, because several of the Noids that stared at her called in their dropships and ran away with their tails tucked between their legs.

With the number of enemy soldiers cut down by at least half, and several of the major security checkpoints left unguarded, the Rangers gained the ability to fight against their enemies without having to call on Sunset or her family for aid. That didn't stop Ratchet and Starlight from leading the charge up the bridge and clashing with the enemies that were waiting there, though in a matter of seconds the Tyhrranoids had been routed. They then fought in the middle of the area, tearing apart the flying enemies that happened to remain in the area when their allies had fled at the sight of Sunset, before they managed to claim the middle of the battlefield.

Once the middle of the zone was taken the group charged at the enemy base, which was actually undefended thanks to their enemies being scared by Sunset's appearance, and in a minute or two the base's defenses were ripped asunder. As the Rangers cheered at their victory, and the timely aid of Ratchet and his family, Ratchet received a call from Skid, who informed them that he had seen Courtney Gears in the area that surrounded the generator he had been trying to get into. Unfortunately the message cut off halfway through, which only told the group that someone, likely Courtney herself, had taken Skid for some reason.

When the message finished they returned to the Hyperion and set the course for the Obani Moons once more, though this time they were heading to the final moon, Draco, where they would figure out what happened to Skid and deal with one of Nefarious' allies at the same time.

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