• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 7,192 Views, 312 Comments

Of Love and Loss - tom117z

When Twilight becomes caretaker of the sun, everything falls apart. In the end, will she lose everything?

  • ...

9 - Spike

Canterlot Castle

Twilight’s sun sat wonderfully high in the sky while the princesses of the sun and moon enjoyed a shared bottle of vintage wine. Twilight and Luna were sat on a balcony in Twilight’s, formally Celestia’s, personal study. Two comfortable, velvet cusions had been set out and a small table lay in between the two alicorns with the said wine set down upon it.

Twilight let a small smile grace her regal features as she took a sip from her glass, before setting it back down onto the table and turning to her counterpart.

“Your day is as stunning as ever, Twilight,” Luna said to the younger alicorn, “You truly have come into your own ever since you took command of the magnificent orb.”

Twilight shook her head, “Still not as beautiful as your nights, the way you carve the stars like a painter on a blank canvas, creating master works in a few short strokes. My day doesn’t even compare.”

“Do not sell yourself so short,” Luna playfully chided, “Each of us is an artist in our own right. And our ponies have come to enjoy them both equally. Once there was a time that, if you had told me ponies would stare in awe at my work, I would have called you a liar.”

Twilight reached over and gave Luna a small nuzzle on the cheek, causing the lunar alicorn’s heart to soar to uncharted heights.

“That time is long past,” Twilight said, “And yet even they could never appreciate you as much as I.”

Luna’s eyes widened slightly at Twilight’s soft words, “T-truly?” Luna coughed behind a hoof, “I-I meant to say, whatever do you mean?” She chuckled nervously.

Twilight stopped for a few moments, carefully mulling over her next words. She always was a perfectionist.

“Luna, I-“

“Twilight?” Another voice called out from behind.

Twilight groaned inwardly as she turned to face the ill-timed intruder, but her features softened on seeing a certain dragon standing there.

“Spike, what is it you-“ Her warm motherly smile faltered when she saw the despondent look on Spike’s face, “Spike? What’s wrong?”

“Can I speak to you a moment, alone?” Spike asked, looking at the sun princess in a pleading manner.

“Of course, you can always talk to me,” Twilight turned to Luna, “Luna, I’m sorry to ask but-“

“Nay, Twilight,” Luna held up a hoof, “I understand, and shall wait outside until your business is concluded.”

“Thank you Luna,” Twilight smiled.

Luna smiled lovingly back at the lavender alicorn, before vacating her seat and strolling into the study, laying on a pile of cushions near the fireplace.

“I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything romantic,” Spike, despite his mood, tried to stay in good humour.

Twilight sighed, “It’s fine Spike.”

“So I did? Rainbow Dash owes me some bits,” The dragon chuckled.

“Oh?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Spike chuckled in slight embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his head, “Yeah… myself and the girls had been making bets on whether you two actually had feeling for one another. Myself, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all betted you would. Applejack and Rainbow Dash just thought you were close friends and that was that.”

Twilight’s eyebrow only raised higher, “And how long has this bet been ongoing?”

“Only about a month. Just before Flurry Heart left on her expedition, she mentioned catching you and Luna together. She seemed fairly convinced something was going on.”

“To set the record straight, nothing happened, I was just viewing some of the windows and we talked about them for a little while, that was all,” Princess Twilight maintained.

“Uh-huh, sure thing,” Spike was unconvinced, much to Twilight’s chagrin, “Seriously though, what is going on between you two, and how far has it gone?”

“Not far,” Twilight responded, “I don’t actually know if she feels the same way. I was about to ask her but…”

“I interrupted you, sorry,” Spike apologised.

“Don’t be, something is bothering you, and that takes priority right now,” Twilight lovingly nuzzled the dragon she affectively raised on the head.

“Thank you Twilight, something has happened.”

“What? You can tell me.”

Spike took a deep breath, and then let out a long sigh, “Ember is in trouble.”

“Ember?” Twilight was surprised at the mention of the dragon lord, “Why? What has happened?”

“She has fallen ill, and it’s bad. Dragon healers are doing what they can, I even called in a few favours and got a few pony physicians out there. But there doesn’t seem to be anything they can do,” Spike sadly explained.

Twilight sighed, “I’m sorry Spike, is there anything I can do?”

“No, except…” Spike closed his eyes to fight back tears, “I feel like I need you permission to take on the responsibility of being dragon lord.”

“What?” Twilight almost did a spit take as she took another sip of her wine, “Dragon lord? But I thought the gauntlet of fire decided dragon lords?!”

“Normally, yes. But Ember doesn’t trust any other dragon to take the position as of now, and there is a slight loophole that allows me to take the title.”


“I grabbed the sceptre first,” Spike pointed out, “You remember don’t you?”

“Of course, Rarity and I were there.”

Spike nodded, “So technically I should have been dragon lord, but I gave the sceptre to Ember. That had never happened in all of dragon history, there is no precedent for it. Thus, I am still technically entitled.”

“Will the other dragons allow that?”

“Ember suggested it, they don’t really have a choice.”

Twilight was at a loss for words, “But, doesn’t that mean you will have to leave?”

Spike regretfully nodded, “Yes. This is goodbye.”

“But is this what you want?”

“No,” Spike answered honestly, “But it is my duty, I think you can understand that.”

Twilight was silent for a few moments, but then conceded, “Yes, I do. I’m going to miss you Spike…”

In that moment Spike pounced onto Twilight, catching her in a tight embrace.

“And I’m going to miss you, Twilight…” Spike cried softly into her fur as Twilight wrapped a wing around him.

“Hey, enough of that, I’m here,” Twilight cooed.

After a good few minutes, Spike finally parted with Twilight.

“I, uh… need to do a few things before I leave. And I’m sure Pinkie would like to set up a farewell party.”

“Probably,” Twilight agreed, “If you are going to be leaving soon, then I will make some time in my schedule, gather the girls and we can spend some time together, just like in the old days. Maybe have a picnic in our old spot in Ponyville, how does that sound?”

“Great,” Spike smiled, “But, can you do that? You usually have quite a busy schedule.”

Twilight smirked, “I’m the princess, schedules be damned.”

Spike chuckled, “Who are you and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle?”

“I guess I’m picking up Celestia’s mischievous streak,” Twilight chuckled back, before her face fell.

“Twilight?” Spike called gently out in concern.

“Why? Why does everything need to keep changing? And not for the better. Why does all this need to keep happening?”

Spike looked sadly up at the lavender princess, “I don’t know Twilight, but things will get better, you’ll see. I know-“

Spike was interrupted when he felt flames rise up in his throat, and but a moment later dragon fire burst from his muzzle and deposited a scroll onto the table, nearly spilling the wine over. Luckily, Twilight was quick with her magic and caught the bottle.

“A letter?” Twilight picked up the scroll, it had a Crystal Empire seal and had a hastily written note on the outside.

Aunt Twilight, URGENT!!!

“Luna?” Twilight called into the study, “You might want to see this!”

Luna poked her head out of the doorway, “Twilight, what is wrong?”

Twilight showed Luna the scroll, and the older alicorn sat down in a place where she could easily read it as Twilight opened the mnessage.

Aunt Twilight, or whoever reads this first, my parents may be in trouble! There is little time, but you must get to the Crystal Empire now!

I will be there soon!

“Trouble?” Luna asked in confusion, “There have been no reports of trouble up in the empire as of late.

“True,” Twilight narrowed her eyes at the scroll, “But my niece wouldn’t react so strongly if she wasn’t certain.”

Twilight pondered for a moment, “Spike, send a letter to Cadance and ask her-“

They were interrupted yet again when another burst of dragon fire revealed yet another scroll, also bearing the seal of the Crystal Empire.

“Another letter?” Spike asked.

“Yes,” Twilight responded, “This one is from Cadance!”

Twilight hastily opened the scroll, and her whole body went numb as she read out loud the single word written down onto the sheet of paper.
