• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 7,192 Views, 312 Comments

Of Love and Loss - tom117z

When Twilight becomes caretaker of the sun, everything falls apart. In the end, will she lose everything?

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17 - Twilight And Luna

The beating of large, leathery wings filled the air as the purple and green dragon set his sights on the oncoming city of Canterlot. It had been a great many years since he had last been to Equestria, his duties as the Dragon Lord keeping him far too busy. The last time was about three years ago… at that funeral.

The funeral of former wonderbolts captain Rainbow Dash.

The last fifteen years had been rough, starting from the death of Applejack. In those fifteen years since, time has slowly crept along his old Ponyville friends like the silent killer it is.

After Applejack, Rarity was next. That was not a day remembered fondly for the dragon, his affection for the fashionista never dwindling for a single day. Pinkie Pie was next, her death was unexpected, and yet she died still smiling; Pinkie Pie right to the end was determined to make her friends laugh. And then, of course, came Rainbow Dash. The Pegasus had lasted four years longer than Pinkamina, fighting for every breath out of loyalty to the friends that remained, not wanting to leave them.

Her defiance bought her time, but the inevitable still came in the end.

And now only Fluttershy remained.

Quiet, kind Fluttershy. Unlike Rainbow, she does not struggle or fight against what is to come. Instead, she waits, and enjoys what time she has left. Perhaps, as a reward for her patience and kindness, time decided to leave her be for the time being.

Rumour has it that Discord regularly visits her, and it is well enough known that Princess Twilight would always find time to visit when she was able. Of course she was also surrounded by her animal friends and her family, she was happy. And in your old age that is all that you can truly wish for.

Spike would also be visiting her before returning to the Dragon Lands, but first he had to visit another friend who was ailing. Not from time, but from something far worse.

His immense shadow passed over the city, and Spike took some amusement at seeing some of the ponies beneath jump in surprise.

If it were any other dragon they may have been more worried, but most knew of Spike and his relation to their Sun Princess. They knew he was a friend and ally of Equestria, and that he was more pony at heart than dragon.

He quickly appeared above the castle, flying up to one of the tallest spires where he would usually meet with Twilight.

At the spire’s peak he gripped onto the side, and opened up a window large enough for him to see clearly through, and even poke in his head if he so wished.

Inside was a radiant looking lounge, and not far from window silk covered sofas surrounded a highly polished oak table with gold detailing. On one of the sofas Princess Twilight sat reading, big shocker, a book.

“Come in,” Twilight nonchalantly called out as the structure tremored slightly from Spike’s impact with it.

“Funny,” Spike deadpanned. “It has been three years and that’s all you have to say?”

Twilight smiled, placing down her book and moving towards the large dragon. On reaching him she quickly reached out and grabbed his muzzle in a loving embrace.

“I missed you Spike,” Twilight near-whispered.

“I missed you too, Twilight,” Spike responded, wishing dearly he could reach in and hug her back.

Something, Spike figured, Twilight sorely needed.

Twilight pulled away, a sheepish smile on her face. “So, how have you been? Are things well in the Dragon Lands?”

“I’m fine,” Spike assured. “And things are relatively quiet in the Dragon Lands, only the occasional dispute over who gets to add what to their hoard.”

“Have you yet taught them the concept of sharing?” Twilight asked with an amused smirk.

“Baby step, Princess. Baby steps,” Spike responded with a smirk of his own.

Twilight chuckled, taking her place back on the sofa. “What of Ember?”

Spike’s smile faltered slightly. “Still holding on. Her illness should have killed her decades ago, and yet she somehow hangs on. But she is in constant pain, though… I think she takes it as a challenge.”

Twilight sighed. “She always was strong willed, that one. Give her my best wishes, will you?”

“Of course,” Spike said. “Now, there is something I’ve wanted to talk to you about.”

“Oh?” Twilight raised a questioning eyebrow. “And what is that?”

Spike considered his words a few moments. “I’ve heard some… troubling things.”

“What things?” Twilight asked darkly.

“Twilight, Luna is worried about you. So is Flurry Heart and even Cadance.”

“I haven’t heard a peep from Cadance in years,” Twilight spat venomously.

“She’s still hurting, Twilight,” Spike said sadly.

“Well so am I!” Twilight shouted, a wave of heat flashing from her. “And yet I don’t hide away in my room and mope! I get on with it, I do after all have a country to run.”

Spike flinched back at Twilight’s hostility, though after a few moments she calmed down and a look of horror and realisation rolled over her.

“Spike… I’m sorry I-“

“This is what I mean,” Spike interrupted her. “Luna’s noticed it too, once you never would have snapped like that, but now… It has been happening for a very long time, ever since Celestia passed I’d wager. But recently it has gotten really bad over the past fifteen years, ever since Applejack died. And now with Rarity and the others… we’re worried for you.”

At that moment Twilight’s regal mask slipped, and the tired, pained look she held confirmed all that Spike had claimed. It was only for a moment, but Spike saw it all.

“Speaking of Luna…” Twilight went to start a new line of conversation.

“Don’t change the subject,” Spike said.

“Please Spike, this is something I’ve been wanting to talk with you about.”

Spike groaned, but ultimately relented. “Very well, shoot.”

Twilight offered him a grateful smile. “I’ve been thinking things over and I’ve decided… that I’m going to tell her.”

Spike looked confused. “Tell… who what now?”

“Luna,” Twilight explained. “I’m going to tell her how I feel.”

Spike did a double take. “You are? It’s about damn time!”

“Yes… well…”

“You’re not getting cold hooves, are you?” Spike deadpanned.

“I’m just trying to think of what to say!” Twilight protested.

“Twilight, do I really need to have this talk with the immortal sun goddess?”

Twilight tilted her head in non-understanding.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Oh dear, I do have to have this talk with the immortal sun goddess. Twilight, just be yourself, and tell her how you feel. It’s not difficult!”

“You’re not the one telling her!” Twilight pouted.

“Twilight, everything will be fine, I promise.”

“If you say what could possibly go wrong, I will not be happy,” Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of it,” Spike said mischievously. “After all things could go so terribly wrong it’s unreal.”

“Spike! Not! Helping!”

That night

Princess Luna sat on the balcony connecting to her royal bedroom, the moon raising up to the soft glow of her horn.

Soon enough, the majestic orb sat in its proper position in the sky and the stars came out to play. Night time had arrived.

Luna breathed a sigh of satisfaction. A long time ago by this hour the streets would be bare as ponies fled the night they held so much hatred for, a night which ended up hating them back as a result.

Luna shuddered as she thought back on that dark time. It was a time where she had felt alone against the world, that Celestia and all others had abandoned her. Where the pain grew too strong, and her mind snapped.

Nightmare Moon was the result.

But now… laughter could be heard in those streets. Ponies smiled and danced under the moonlight, and life continued on as if day had never left. And this time it wasn’t just the thestrals, but all ponies experiencing the joys the night could bring.

Luna had purpose again, she had a reason to go on.

Which led her thoughts directly back to the pony whom which she loved. Twilight was going through the pain she had once endured, different circumstances, but the same none-the-less. She could see much of Celestia in Twilight Sparkle, but that wasn’t what scared Luna the most.

What scared Luna was that she could see too much of herself in Twilight.

‘Which is why I can’t be with her. I will only make things worse,’ Luna thought to herself sadly.

The door behind her swung open as her Lunar Guardsponies admitted somepony to see her. The sound of hooves got closer until the figure of Twilight Sparkle was right beside her.

‘Speaking of,’ the lunar alicorn mused.

“Twilight, how are you this fine evening?” Luna asked.

Twilight smiled gently. “I’m fine, and a fine evening it is. I shouldn’t expect anything else but perfect beauty from you, Luna.”

Luna couldn’t hide a blush, but quickly regained her composure.

“How was Spike? He did come to visit, did he not?”

“He did,” Twilight confirmed. “What? Did you miss the giant dragon attached to the tower?”

Luna chuckled. “Twilight, nopony missed the giant dragon attached to the tower. Dragons aren’t known for staying incognito.”

“No… I suppose they aren’t,” Twilight stated in amusement. “He does try though, bless him.”

The two alicorns chuckled light-heartedly, both unconsciously moving closer to one another. They stared up at the distant stars in awe, each other’s company providing untold comforts.

All of Luna’s previous thoughts seemed to vanish, and for Twilight for the first time in a long time she felt completely at ease.

“I’ve always loved the stars,” Twilight said softly. “Ever since I was a filly I loved stargazing. And the moon… it always looked beautiful up in the night’s sky.

Twilight turned to look at Luna, and their eyes met.

“But even that couldn’t have ever prepared me to meet the moon face-to-face, and how breathtakingly beautiful she would be… and how wonderful she would be.”

“Twilight…” Luna whispered.

“I love you, Luna,” Twilight admitted. “I have for so long…”

A peaceful silence fell between the two, and the stars and moon seemed to shine brighter than ever before as the two leaned gently towards one another.

And that was when their lips met.

At that moment nothing else mattered, and both felt a sense of happiness they had never even dreamed of. The moon captured the moment in all its glory, and among the stars it was immortalised forever more.

Time slowed. At that moment nothing else existed but the two lovers partaking in the gentle kiss.

But time had to continue and that moment, tragically, had to end.

“No!” Luna shouted as her brain caught up with her heart, pulling away quickly from Twilight.

“L-Luna?” Twilight called out gently, and shakily.

All those dark thoughts Luna had banished only moments earlier came back in force, a pain expression descended down upon her. She felt a familiar presence next to her, and a helmeted head came into her peripheral vision.

“Why not commit to this? We both know you, or should I say I want to,” Nightmare Moon said as the apparition peered over Luna’s shoulder.

“Luna?” Twilight asked fearfully. “What’s wrong?”

“Selfishly take her as you own,” Nightmare taunted. “Let your past mistakes, your burdens be hers too. Lead her further off the path, until she is destroyed!” Nightmare Moon cackled, the sinister laughing assaulting Luna’s ears as she closed her eyes tightly shut with a violent grimace.


“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Luna snapped, inches off of her Royal Canterlot Voice.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you,” Twilight said, hurt evident in her voice.

“I…” Luna stuttered, trying to keep her angry façade and not break into the tears she wanted to shed. “I can’t love somepony like you.”

Twilight took a sudden step backwards. “Luna? How could you say that? I love you!”

“Don’t… just… don’t,” Luna said viciously, while in actuality her soul was crushed as her love began to cry.

“Luna… please don’t say that!” Twilight pleaded. “You can’t mean that!”

“It is beneath you,” Luna said coldly, forcing herself to say what she was about to say.

“W-what?” Twilight uttered, wide eyed.

“You are a princess of Equestria, love is beneath you. If you seek such frivolous pastimes instead of pursuing your duties, then you do not deserve that crown. If Tia was here, she would be as ashamed as I.”

Twilight’s heart shattered.

Realisation hit the Sun Princess, and she remembered just where she had heard Luna say those exact words before.

The vision.

Sombra had shown her a vision… and it had all come true.

Luna had abandoned her, just like all the others.

“I should have known,” Twilight said tearfully, quickly lighting up her horn and vacating the room via teleportation spell.

Luna stared at the space where her love had just been, her heart breaking into two. Her cold mask broke and tears of her own began to fall as the past few minutes played through her mind in excruciating detail.

‘I did it for you, Twilight! Please understand, I did it for you!’

Luna collapsed where she stood, her sobs filling up the night as the stars wept with her.

And just like that, another thread connecting Twilight’s sanity came undone, despite Luna’s opposite intentions. And just like that, the only remaining threads of Twilight’s sanity went from three to two. Spike and Fluttershy were all she had left.

And one was not long for the world.