• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 7,192 Views, 312 Comments

Of Love and Loss - tom117z

When Twilight becomes caretaker of the sun, everything falls apart. In the end, will she lose everything?

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13 - A Trip To Ponyville


The town of Ponyville began to grow in size as Princess Twilight’s chariot approached the settlement. The cool breeze blew through her ethereal mane as the only sound to be heard was the gusty wind and steady flapping of wings from her Pegasi guards pulling the chariot along.

The first notable thing Twilight could spy was the Museum of Friendship, the structure that was upon a time was Twilight’s home. No amount of decorating could change the fact that the crystal was dull and lifeless, a strong reminder of what happened in the town so many years prior.

Sixty years.

Twilight knew the town wouldn’t be a town for much longer, several petitioners had already come forth to her asking for it to be designated a city at long last. Twilight had been reluctant, with that status what little was left of the Ponyville she called home would disappear. Industry and businessponies would see to that.

The chariot finally set down within the confines of Sweet Apple Acres, which was still being run as it always had been. By hoof.

Her arrival was unannounced, all except the Element Bearers were unaware of her coming to Ponyville.

She didn’t want a fuss. She just wanted to spend some time with her aging friends. A valuable commodity with what little time they likely had left, all being in their eighties.

Twilight gracefuly departed from her chariot, nodding to the guards as she approached the farmhouse.

“Thank you gentlecolts, you may return to Canterlot,” She said to them.

“Yes, your highness!” They said in unison.

She briefly watched as they did a U-turn and flew off back into the sky, heading towards the capitol. She then turned back around and continued her approach.

It wasn’t long before her attention was caught by the sound of hooves striking a tree. Twilight stopped right next to one such apple tree as she tried to identify where the noise was coming from, but she failed to see anypony.

Just as she was about to call out, a large group apples from the tree she was next to landed right next to her, nearly giving the princess a heart attack.

“Gah!” Twilight shouted as she jumped backwards.

“Huh, who is there?” A female voice called, a face popping around from behind the tree.

The pony in question had orange fur and a golden mane which was messy and cut short, not unlike a certain Pegasus that very mare liked to call ‘aunty’, a title Rainbow shared with the rest of the Element Bearers. She had green eyes and had the Cutie Mark of a single golden apple on her flank, appropriate given her name.

She also had a familiar stetson sitting atop her head.

“Princess! Ah’m mighty sorry, didn’t see ya’ll there,” Golden Apple apologised.

“No no, I should have been more careful. And honestly you don’t have to call be ‘princess’, Golden.”

Golden Apple gasped. “But ah could never have such an inappropriate attitude around ya’ll, your highness!” Golden protested as she dropped into a low bow.

Twilight raised a single bemused eyebrow, and it wasn’t long before Golden couldn’t contain herself and burst into a fit of giggles.

“Ah’m sorry, but ah couldn’t resist!” Golden laughed, moving in to hug Twilight. A gesture which was eagerly accepted.

“It is good to see you Golden,” Twilight smiled.

“And it is great to see you Aunt Twilight!” Golden returned the smile.

Twilight chuckled. “It is still strange to be called that. Especially when your mother called me it also, Celestia rest her soul.”

“Ah take it you’re here to see the others?” Golden asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, it has been a while after all. Are they all already here?”

“They are. Last one turned up about twenty minutes ago,” Golden answered. “Come on, let’s go see Granny.”

Golden led the way as the two approached the old home, Twilight briefly spotted something as they approached the front door, something sitting just in the front garden.

A small stone grave with ‘Winona’ engraved onto it, the image of a dog frolicking in a field by some apple trees was under the name.

--Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Mi Amore Cadenza and Celestia were all written on the various graves with their cutie marks carved into their stone surfaces.--

‘No, don’t think about that. Anything but that,’ Twilight thought to herself desperately.

They finally reached the front door, with Golden placing one hoof onto the wooden surface and swinging it open.

“Granny! Twilight is here!” She shouted as they entered the home, Twilight having to duck underneath the door’s frame.

“She is?” A voice called back. “Well come on in then Twi! We’ve been waiting ages.”

Twilight smiled to herself as she lit up her horn and removed her regalia, placing the shoes next to some boot, the chest piece hanging from a peg on the coat rack and the crown on a shelf with various hats lined on it.

Princess Twilight was left at the door, it was just Twilight Sparkle from here on.

“Ah think ah will leave ya’ll to it,” Golden turned back towards the door.

“You don’t have to leave you know, stay,” Twilight said to the young mare.

“Sorry Aunt Twilight, but ah got work to be doing. Apples do not buck themselves,” She retorted as she walked out the front door and closed it behind her.

Twilight shook her head with an amused grin. “As stubborn as her grandmother.”

Twilight casually walked into the living room, and as she did all faces turned towards her.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and of course ‘Granny’ Applejack.

“Howdy Twi!” Applejack welcomed. She sat in what was once Granny Smith’s chair with a cloth resting on her lap.

The age was visible on all her friends faces, their colours had faded and their skin sagged. The only exception was Rarity, who looked twenty years younger than she actually was, her mane done up as immaculately as always.

“Hi girls, how are things?” Twilight asked as she took a seat on one of the sofas, right next to Fluttershy.

“We’re fine darling,” Rarity answered.

“How are ya’ll doing sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “It has been a while.”

“Oh you know, same old stuff,” Twilight avoided the question, which Applejack and the others noticed. “How about you?”

“Ah am doing well I guess. Been trying to keep these old bones busy, but that granddaughter o’ mine insists ah take breaks,” Applejack groaned. “Bah! Fillies these days.”

“AJ, she is an adult, not a filly,” Rainbow scoffed.

“She will always be a filly to me,” Applejack responded with a small smile.

“Well I for one shall never stop working until I am dead and buried, if even then,” Rarity spoke. “The inspiration my wizened mind keeps finding, I simply cannot stop! The designs I have been coming up with till be remembered for eons to come!”

“Are you certain that just isn’t because you have an immortal friend to make that happen Rares?” Rainbow Dash jabbed.

“Every little helps darling,” Rarity smirked.

“Of course,” Rainbow chuckled. The former wonderbolts captain was wearing her old wonderbolt jacket, an ancient scar was visible one her left cheek.

“Hey Rainbow, didn’t you visit the academy recently?” Twilight asked.

“Yup. Me and Scoots were giving a talk to a bunch of wonderbolt hopefuls. Nothing like two former captains to give you a confidence boost.”

“Any stand outs?”

“A couple. Time will tell if any are really wonderbolt material.”

“Ohohoh!” Pinkie Pie waved a hoof in the air. “Do you know what would really motivate them Dashie?”

“Let me guess, a party?” Rainbow smirked.

Pinkie inhaled sharply. “Oh my gosh, you didn’t tell me you were psychic! Quick! What am I thinking now?”

“Cupcakes,” It was Applejack who answered.

“You too?!”

Twilight facehoofed, but couldn’t suppress a chuckle.

‘Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.’

“Me being me, just like you thought just now Twilight!” Pinkie smiled.

“I think it is you who is psychic Pinkie,” Twilight laughed.

“No… I just read the chapter. Like, it says here you say ‘What are you talking about?’ in a really confused way! It is quite the interesting read, if a bit sad at times.”

“What are you talking about?” A confused Twilight asked.

“See!” Pinkie squeed.

Twilight just gave a blank stare.

“Please answer the question Twilight,” Fluttershy finally spoke.


“You avoided the question when we asked if you were alright. Are you?”

“Fluttershy I-“

“Twi,” Applejack spoke. “Please be honest, you can talk to us.”

After a moment, Twilight sighed. “Things… are difficult. But I will live.”

“Difficult? Difficult how?”

“Please Applejack, can we not talk about this,” Twilight looked at her pleadingly.

Applejack sighed. “Alright. But please talk to us if things get to bad, ya here.”

Twilight slowly nodded.

“So…” Rainbow started. “What are we doing today?”

“I have an idea…” Fluttershy said.

“Well then darling, lets here it,” Rarity said to her friend.

“Well, in the years since everything happened, we have never visited the old castle. Not once. We should… for old times’ sake. You know, if you want to…”

“You know, that ain’t such a bad idea,” Applejack said.

“I agree,” Rarity seconded.

“It is a museum dedicated largely to us! Count me in!” Rainbow agreed.

“I’m in,” Pinkie was the final one to voice their agreement.

Twilight was reluctant, but nodded in agreement. “I suppose it would be good to see what they’ve done with the place.”

‘Calm down Twilight, everything will be fine. It is only the place where Starlight died and Celestia was fatally wounded and…’

Twilight sighed as the dark thoughts she kept at bay began to sneak back to the front of her mind. Hatred, sadness, anger, pain…

But as long as her friends were around she knew everything would be fine.

For as long as they were around…