• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 7,184 Views, 312 Comments

Of Love and Loss - tom117z

When Twilight becomes caretaker of the sun, everything falls apart. In the end, will she lose everything?

  • ...

3 - Discord

The Crystal Empire, three weeks later

Princess Twilight Sparkle gazed out over the glistening rooftops and streets of the Crystal Empire from her vantage point on the palace’s main balcony, there was much activity below as ponies, both crystal and otherwise made the final preparations for the following days Summer Sun Celebration.

It helped ease Twilight soul observing them, their happy faces, the children playing and laughing while causing the adults no end of bother. It all almost made Twilight forget her own inner troubles.


The ponies of Equestria had recovered from Celestia’s death remarkably quickly, and it was business as usual. Now that the Summer Sun Celebration was almost upon them the whole country was feeling the annual excitement that came with it, and perhaps even more so with a new ‘princess of the sun’ taking the spotlight for the first time.

New princess of the sun.

In Twilight’s mind there could, and would only ever be one true princess of the sun, and despite the heartache she still felt that fact did provide her with some determination in a way. She would guide and protect Celestia’s sun as long as she breathed, she owed her mentor that much.

“Twilight?” Luna’s voice sounded behind her.

The Lunar alicorn walked up beside her counterpart and too looked down upon the city.

“How are you Twilight Sparkle, well I hope?” Luna asked.

“As well as I can be, how about you?”

“I am better, times may have been difficult as of late but tomorrow will be the beginning of something new, and we can finally move on forward.”

“For better or worse.”

Luna looked down at the smaller alicorn, “You said the same phrase at the funeral, do you not believe yourself capable of fulfilling the duties of the position you find yourself in?”

Twilight sighed, “I don’t know Luna, I just don’t know. I mean the last time I tried to raise the sun I’m pretty sure I drew a scribble in the sky. We’re lucky I didn’t fling us or any of the other planets in our solar system into the depths of space.”

Luna couldn’t help but titter slightly as she remembered that particular display shortly before their encounter with Lord Tirek, “Yes well, I promise you that it will be much easier this time.”

“How can you be sure?”

“You see, my sister and I had bonded with our celestial bodies, the moon in essence is an extension of myself, just as the sun was an extension of my sister. Moving them is like moving a limb. As of late when I have been raising the sun, I could tell it is… lonely. The bond it shared with my sister broke upon Tia’s passing, when you raise the sun tomorrow morning you will form that bond anew.”

Twilight tilted her head as she looked up at Luna, “But… you’ve been raising the sun for the past few weeks, why haven’t you bonded with the sun?”

“I already have bonded with the moon, and I am unable to take another. My experience with the moon makes raising the sun much easier, but I am certain your trained eye has noticed inconsistencies through the days as of late?”

“Well, I didn’t want to say anything but…” Twilight said sheepishly, looking back out over the city.

Luna chuckled, “While I can raise the sun, it is both exhausting in comparison to my raising the moon, and it is flawed. These are issues you will not experience.”

Twilight smiled, “I suppose that makes sense, perhaps I should make the mechanics of raising the sun and moon my next area of study? It would certainly make an interesting book,” Twilight looked back at her fellow princess, “Hey Luna, I just wanted to say-“

“Aunty?” Both alicorns turned around to see a slightly flustered Princess Cadance standing by the doorway, “Oh, hey Twilight. Sorry Aunt Luna but we’ve run into a few issues I need your help with.”

“Anything I can do?” Twilight asked.

“Not right now, but I may need your organisational skills in a little while, I’ll give you a call when I need you.”

Twilight nodded as Luna stepped towards the pink alicorn, “We will speak later Twilight.”

And with that Twilight was left alone on the balcony once more.

Twilight stood and stared at the empty doorway few a full minute before simply sighing, and turning around to look back over the city.

“Now why the long face, princess?” a familiar, and very annoying voice said behind her.

Twilight instantly spun around on the spot to find one of her ‘friends’ standing in front of the doorway.

“Discord? What are you doing here?”

“Do I need an excuse to visit such a dear friend? I’m reformed remember?” Discord made the most innocent face he could pull off, that is to say his face became that of Fluttershy.

“Yes I know that! And… could you stop doing that it’s a bit creepy.”

“Oh fine,” his face turned back to normal, “So I hear you are taking control of the sun tomorrow? I’m sure you will do just fine, it’s not like it is that hard.”

Discord demonstrated his point by making the celestial body do a figure of eight in the sky.

“Hey! Stop that! No touching the sun!” Twilight flared her wings in a vain attempt to act threatening.

Discord simply rolled his eyes, “Oh be that way then, spoilsport. Honestly, you haven’t even bonded with it yet and you’ve already made a claim. Very well, I will leave your sun alone.”

“It’s not my sun, it’s Celestia’s!” Twilight protested.

Out of nowhere Discord’s face took on a much more serious expression, “As difficult as it is to accept, Celestia is gone. I just hope you take the responsibility you have taken on seriously, Twilight. The future of Equestria may depend on it.”

Twilight was taken aback by Discord’s tone, “What? What are you talking about?”

Discord looked off over at the distant snow-capped mountains of the north, with a sigh he spoke again, “A war is coming Twilight, or has possibly already started. This is not a war fought with armies or generals or even princesses, but a war that is far more insular, and far more deadly. I truly hope you are ready for what is to come Twilight, for all our sakes.”

“Discord, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No, I didn’t think you would. She didn’t either, once upon a time, not until it was too late. Luna’s story had a happy ending, but will yours? The future is uncertain, even to me. However, before I leave what I can offer is my advice.”

Twilight looked up at the lord of chaos in shock, “Leave? Why are you leaving? Where are you going?”

Discord looked down at the young alicorn, “I am leaving because I must, I will be of no help to you in the coming times and there are things I must do. As for where I am going, well…” Discord gave Princess Twilight a sly smile, “Spoilers.”

Twilight could only look at Discord in confusion, “So… what was that advice you wanted to give me?”

Discord was silent for several moments as he contemplated something, “Princess Twilight Sparkle. The road into the future is going to be long and difficult, and I don’t think you will be able to rely on your friends to get through it,” Discord gave Twilight a sad smile, before his expression shifted into a knowing look, “Which is why I would suggest you keep Luna close, she will be crucial in what is to come.”

“Luna? Why would I need to keep her, and her specifically, ‘close’? She’s my friend but... what sets her apart from the others?”

“What indeed,” Discord chuckled, “I could tell you Twilight, I could tell you what you yourself are already beginning to suspect deep down, but that would spoil the fun for us all!”

“You are making less sense than usual, Discord!”

“You will find the answers yourself in time, of this I am certain. But I have delayed for far too long, it is time I left, I'm late!" Discord procured an over-sized golden pocket watch that he examined briefly before focusing back on Twilight, his features much more mellow, "Please Twilight, say farewell to Fluttershy for me, I am terrible at goodbyes, I’m only speaking to you now because I need too, and even this hurts.”

“I-it does?”

“Yep, damn you and your lessons on friendship, how you have twisted and warped me!” Discord did his best Rarity impression, fainting couch and everything.

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh a little, before taking a much more somber tone, “I promise Discord, I hope we meet again someday.”

“Oh we will Sparkle, see you around.”

With that Discord gave a click of his fingers, and in a flash of bright white light he vanished off into parts unknown, for now.

Twilight herself was left wondering what the hell just happened, and what exactly Discord had meant.