• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 7,192 Views, 312 Comments

Of Love and Loss - tom117z

When Twilight becomes caretaker of the sun, everything falls apart. In the end, will she lose everything?

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20 - Broken

Princess Twilight Sparkle walked through the castle hallways towards her personal chambers, the moon had been raised and the darkness of night spread across the land. Where once the stars and the night itself had once filled the alicorn with fascination and wonder, now it only brought disdain and a sense of loathing. She was left wondering what she ever saw in the night and its mistress, the sun was far greater and more powerful…

Twilight sighed, and turned her head away from the view of the night out the windows and continued on forwards. She wove her way through the castle’s endless hallways passing by many servants and guards as she went.

Her subjects.

Her loathed, and most hated subjects…

She saw the way they looked at her, even when they believed she did not. The stares, the looks of nervousness and fear. How much had she sacrificed for them? How much had she lost for their sake? And yet they didn’t care, and to so disrespectfully view her with such fear and apprehension.

They didn’t deserve her or her day. It would be so easy to give them a true reason to fear her and the sun, to cast of the protecting and merciful Princess and be the monster they seemed to think her to be…

And yet she didn’t. She persisted.


Twilight had asked herself that question many, many times. Why did she still care for them? Because despite all her hatred for her subjects a part of her did still care, was still the unicorn that started out all those decades ago.

Why was that unicorn still there? Why did that voice in her mind restrain her and keep her balanced.

Her friends were dead, and she had no family or friends…

No… that wasn’t true.


She had Spike.

He still cared for her, he still visited and comforted her when she needed it most. Her Spike was always there, and how would he look at her if she did something regretful? Despite it all as long as there was that dragon by her side it was worth it, reminding her of why she did what she did.

She had nopony else.

Twilight finally came to the door to her personal chambers, her guards were standing stoically outside as usual.

“Gentlecolts,” she gave them a nod as she entered the room, both standing smartly to attention as she passed.

She closed the door behind her, and the welcoming sight of her own bed greeted her where her own dreams awaited. Princess Luna had tried entering them many times, but she had not right to do so, and thus Twilight had blocked her out. She was just like them, no matter how much her heart ached to think about it, that was the truth.

Twilight levitated off her regalia, all six pieces floating from her body towards a large alicorn shaped mannequin at the other end of the room. The regalia pieces attached neatly onto the mannequin as Twilight stretched out her wings and her horn blinked out.

Twilight was just about to head over to her bed to turn in for the night when a cough caught her attention. Twilight spun around, her horn ablaze as she went to face the intruder who dared intrude on a Princess of Equestria’s personal chambers! Her horn blinked out once more however when she caught sight of a purple and green dragon, who looked oddly smaller than she was used too.

“Spike?” Twilight called out.

“Twilight,” Spike greeted. “Sorry to intrude, I’ve just been waiting for you to get of duty. We need to talk.”

“Spike?” Twilight called out again in disbelief. “What happened to you? Why are you so… small?”

“Hey, I’m pony sized!” Spike protested. “It’s a temporary spell cast by Flurry Heart and Luna to allow me to walk around the castle normally. It’s more convenient than clinging to a tower for hours on end or something.”

“I see…” Twilight raised an eyebrow, though with a smile at seeing her oldest living friend and family. “Well it’s good to see you Spike, I’m always happy to host you her in Canterlot.”

“I know,” Spike assured.

“You said you wanted to talk to me about something?” Twilight questioned.

“Correction, something we want to talk with you about?” Spike stated.

“We?” Twilight asked in confusion.

Then the Sun Princess’ attention was caught by some commotion outside, followed by the door slamming open.

“You can’t go in there!” one of Twilight’s guards protested.

“I am the Princess of the Night! Don’t presume to tell me what I can and cannot do, I have business with my counterpart and it cannot be delayed!” Luna shouted as she brushed past the dumbfounded guard.

Flurry Heart shrugged. “What she said.”

“What is the meaning of this?!” Twilight shouted angrily. “Barging in here, uninvited!”

“Aunt Twilight, please hear us out,” Flurry Heart pleaded.

“Hear you out?” Twilight scoffed. “I haven’t seen or heard from you in years, and now suddenly you now show up and want me to ‘hear you out’?!”

Twilight turned her piercing gaze towards Luna next. “And you, you have some nerve Princess Luna. What right do you have to intrude upon my domain?”

“Twilight, please,” Spike spoke softly. “All three of us are here together, just hear us out, for me?”

Twilight’s angry stare turned on Spike, but faltered under his pleading eyes.

The Princess sighed, turning towards the guards. “They can stay, for now. Return to your posts.”

The two guards saluted, closing the door and leaving the three alicorns and one dragon alone. However, all regal masks and pretences were abandoned, it was just them.

“Thank you, Aunty,” Flurry Heart said.

“I’m not doing this for you,” Twilight spat, causing Flurry to recoil.

Flurry Heart sighed sadly, nodding towards Spike to begin.

“Twilight,” Spike started. “We’re worried about you.”

“Are you now?” she deadpanned.

“Yes,” he responded. “You’re becoming agitated, aggressive and reclusive. It’s just not you.”

“Ponies change,” Twilight stated. “You presume a lot in making such claims.”

“I know you, Twilight,” Spike said sadly. “And I want you back.”

“All the signs, your actions…” Luna spoke up. “They remind me of myself shortly before the rise of Nightmare Moon.”

“Don’t you dare compare me to your failures, Princess Luna,” Twilight spat.

“You misunderstand,” Luna said softly. “I know what it feels like to be alone, to feel as if the world is turning against you. It’s a dark and lonely place, but we are here for you. You aren’t alone.”

Twilight snorted dismissively “Really? That’s not the impression I got one of the last times we spoke. You know what I’m talking about.”

Luna’s face was filled with regret. “Twilight… I…”

“Don’t bother,” Twilight growled. “You made your position clear."

Twilight turned to her niece. “And you, Flurry Heart. Where have you been?”

“I- I’ve been overseeing the empire and looking after my mother,” Flurry stuttered. “I know I should have talked with you more, and I greatly regret us drifting apart. That’s why I’m here now, Aunt Twilight, I love you.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “When my friends dropped dead around me, where were you? I haven’t hear a word in years, and yet you pretend to love me still?”

“It’s not pretend,” Flurry Heart said quietly. “I do still-“

“Spare me,” Twilight growled. “The only one here who has been there, who I can truly call family, is Spike. But I’m left wondering what kind of game he is playing bringing you two here,” she stated, looking towards the Dragon Lord.

“Twilight,” he reached out towards her, placing a claw on her shoulder. “I know you’re angry and upset, but everything Luna and Flurry are saying is true. They want to help you.”

“You defend them still?!” Twilight shouted. “What is with you?!”

“Twilight… what did he show you?” Spike asked.

“What?” Twilight asked, not understanding what was being asked of her.

“That bastard Sombra, what did he show you?” Spike asked again. “All of this stems from that day.”

Twilight scoffed. “What? You believe I’m under some sort of outside control.”

“Not at all,” Luna said. “All your feeling are real, and were already emerging when your brother died. But like he did to me so long ago, he encouraged those feelings… didn’t he? He said something or showed you something that only caused those feeling to explode. Just like he did to me, so long ago.”

“Do not blame Sombra for your own shortcomings,” Twilight snarled. “No matter how evil he was.”

“Answer the question, please,” Luna asked of her.

“What I saw is none of your business,” Twilight said.

“Please don’t hide from us,” Spike pleaded. “What did he show you?”

Twilight met Spike’s eyes. “The truth,” she stated.

All three of their eyes widened at the venom in her voice.

“Everything he showed me came to pass. Why would he need to bother lying when the truth was far more damning,” Twilight stated slowly. “That’s all you need to know.”

The pain in her eyes was evident, as was the way she looked at Luna as she spoke that sentence.

“Twilight,” Spike spoke. “You can tell us, what exactly did you see?”

“No…” Twilight whispered.

“Excuse me?”

“I said… NO!” her Royal Canterlot Voice violently filled the room.

You all dare to come in here and interrogate me? You want to know ‘what is wrong’ with me?! Well maybe you should look in a mirror! The answers will become clear!

“Twilight…” Luna muttered in shock.


Twilight’s horn crackled menacingly, and the three were forced to retreat from her room quickly. What they didn’t see, however, was that once Twilight was alone the giant alicorn collapsed onto her bed, and her pained sobs began to fill the air.

Spike, Flurry Heart and Luna sat quietly in the latter’s study. A sombre feeling was in the air as the three stuck to their own thoughts.

“How did it come to this?” Flurry Heart muttered. “How did we let things get this bad?”

“I think I finally understand Tia’s point of view when I became Nightmare Moon,” Luna stated sadly. “But she isn’t that far gone yet. She’s in pain, but we can still heal her.”

“How?” Flurry heart asked.

“It was foolish to believe one conversation could even make a dent in that much pain,” Spike said. “These things take time. And so we make the time.”

“Agreed,” Luna nodded, before looking away. “Though I don’t think I can ever reclaim what I so foolishly gave away…”

Flurry placed a hoof on the Princess of the Night’s shoulder. “Don’t say that. It may not be too late.”

“It’s nice of you to say, Flurry Heart, but I believe it is.”

“Don’t lose hope,” the younger alicorn encouraged. “Things will get better.”

Luna hummed in contemplation. “I suppose only time will tell. For history to repeat itself in such a way…” Luna began to tear up. “Am I destined to bring misery to those I care for? Whether it is as Nightmare Moon, or just some foolish mare who didn’t listen to her heart.”

“Celestia must have asked similar questions after she lost you,” Flurry Heart pointed out. “But she use her pain to craft a better Equestira, one that would accept you on your return.”

Luna chuckled to herself. “My sister was always tenacious. If she were here she would know what to do… but I am not her. I’m not as strong as her…”

“You sell yourself short,” Spike said. “Celestia believed in you, you must do the same. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit.”

Luna’s breath was laboured as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I miss you… Tia…”

Flurry Heart wrapped a wing around Luna comfortingly as she let her sorrow flow out, shedding unspent tears wrapped up too long behind the image of the unshakable night.

Spike sadly watched the two from where he sat, contemplating exactly how to help the pony to whom he was closest. It wouldn’t be easy, but he was one determined dragon.

A knock on the door caught their attention. The three quickly wiped away their tears and the alicorns returned to their regal pastures as Princess Luna called whoever was waiting inside.

“Your highnesses, is Dragon Lord Spike present?” a guard asked as he entered.

“That’s me,” Spike stood up. “What do you need?”

“Your presence is required, urgently.”

Spike sighed, turning to the princesses. “Seems duty calls.”

“What is this about?” Luna asked the guard.

“We have received reports of a dragon circling a small Earth Pony village, and I was just ordered to collect Dragon Lord Spike.”

“And you want the Dragon Lord to tell him to buzz off,” Spike groaned. “My work is never done it seems, I promise to be back soon.”

“Be safe, Spike,” Flurry Heart asked of him.
