• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 14,496 Views, 1,709 Comments

MLP: FML - Maniac92

An insane parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

  • ...


Geoffrey the butler stood in front of the entrance to the statue garden, looking bored. His ears perked up as he heard muttered swearing and he saw Prince Blueblood making his way towards him, his nose stuffed with tissue.

“Ah,” said Geoffrey, “How was the Gala, sir? Did you have a good time?”

“Does it look like I had a good fucking time, you idiot?” growled Blueblood, coming to a stop in front of him. “That little slut and her friend attacked me for no reason!”

“I’m sure,” said Geoffrey dryly. “At any rate, I’m sure Her Majesty will be happy that you’re taking care of her problem. She requested you, specifically.”

Blueblood pulled the bloody tissues out of his nose and threw them aside. “Of course she did,” he said smugly. “Aunt Celestia knows that she can rely on my expertise to…to…” He paused. “…Geoffrey, what the hell are we going to go do, anyway?”

The butler shrugged. “All she said was to meet her in the middle of the garden, sir.”

“Then why are you standing around like a slack-jawed asshole, Geoffrey?” asked Blueblood impatiently. “Let’s go get this damn thing over with.”

The two walked into the garden, with Geoffrey leading the way. As they walked, they passed various statues of triumphant looking ponies. After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a statue that was covered in graffiti.

“Tell me Aunt Celestia doesn’t want me to clean this thing,” groaned Blueblood. He stepped closer to the statue of the strange creature and examined the doodles on it. “A prince of my stature can’t be seen wiping dick doodles off a statue.”

“…I never said Princess Celestia was the one that requested you, Blueblood,” said Geoffrey.

“That’s Prince Blueblood or sir to you, Geoffrey,” said Blueblood, turning to face the butler. “And what do you mean it wasn’t her? You kept saying ‘Her Majesty’ wanted me here. Did you mean Aunt Luna?”

Geoffrey closed his eyes and chuckled darkly. “No…” he said quietly, “I’m afraid it wasn’t Princess Luna either.”

The butler opened his eyes and stared at Blueblood, causing the prince to step back in shock.

Geoffrey smirked at Blueblood, his blank, pupil-less, icy-blue eyes crinkled in amusement. “My Queen does need you, Blueblood. She needs you out of the way.”

A beam of green light shot out from the darkness and slammed into Blueblood’s side. The prince wheezed as he was thrown to the ground, his eyes going wide from the shock and pain.

Queen Chrysalis walked out from behind another statue and made her way towards Blueblood. She smirked down at the fallen prince and her horn glowed a sickly green. There was a spark of green light and Blueblood flopped on the ground, unconscious.

Queen Chrysalis turned to Geoffrey, who bowed deeply. “Excellent work, Geoffrey.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” said Geoffrey. “I am proud to serve you and the hive.” He gazed contemptuously at Blueblood. “Should we kill him?”

“No,” said Chrysalis. “He’d be more useful to us as a food source. His love for himself will keep you and his replacement fed while we carry out our plan. Just stow him away somewhere where no one will find him.”

“Very well,” said Geoffrey. “We’ll keep the bastard for now.”

“Good,” said Chrysalis. “It’s time to move forward with the next stage of our plan.”

“We’ll take care of it, Your Majesty,” said Geoffrey, “But how will we contact you once the infiltration is complete?”

Chrysalis smirked. Green fire surrounded her body and hid her from view. Once they had disappeared, Chrysalis was gone and, in her place, stood a pony.

“Don’t worry, Geoffrey,” said the disguised Chrysalis, her voice changing to match her new form. “I’ll be keeping an eye on things from close by.” The pony looked down at Blueblood and said, “His replacement will be here momentarily. Help him hide the prince and then get right back to the castle. We don’t want Celestia coming back and becoming suspicious.”

“Yes, my Queen,” said Geoffrey, bowing to the pony in front of him.

Chrysalis turned to look at Canterlot Castle. Her disguise’s mouth twisted up into a cruel smirk. “This kingdom is going to be mine.”

As the disguised queen walked away, a small crack appeared on the vandalized statue’s face. The statue’s smirk seemed to grow as the crack got bigger and bigger…


Author's Note:

Well...it took a few years, but we're finally done with Season 1. Since this is the end of the first part of MLP: FML, I figured I'd take some time to talk to all of you about it.

This was originally going to be a simple parody. It was just going to poke fun at the show and follow the show's story without changing anything to it. While I was writing the chapters about the Gilda episode, I came up with the idea to make Gilda afraid of Fluttershy. While it was meant to just be a joke about this version of Fluttershy having a violent nature, it was the first time I had really changed what the original show had done. From there, a whole slew of ideas started coming to me about changes to the original material and, before long, MLP: FML had a storyline and an overarching plot that wasn't in the show.

As we move into Season 2, there are going to be some changes to certain characters and character motivations. Things that happen in one episode can affect characters through the whole season. There will be things that happen to the characters that didn't happen in the show.

Not to say that this thing will ever get away from being a parody. It will always poke fun at the original episodes, the show, and the movies that we all (for the most part) enjoy.

I'm going to wrap this up here, but I'd like to take the time to thank you all for reading this. I had an absolute blast writing this story and can't wait to start writing the next one.

And so, without further ado, thank you all again for reading and keep an eye out for MLP: FML 2 - Chaotic Changes.

Comments ( 44 )

Any Release date?

Geoffrey smirked at Blueblood, his blank, pupil-less, icy-blue eyes crinkled in amusement. “My Queen does need you, Blueblood. She needs you out of the way.”

Oh shit...

Chrysalis turned to look at Canterlot Castle. Her disguise’s mouth twisted up into a cruel smirk. “This kingdom is going to be mine.”

Clever girl.

As the disguised queen walked away, a small crack appeared on the vandalized statue’s face. The statue’s smirk seemed to grow as the crack got bigger and bigger…


And so, without further ado, thank you all again for reading and keep an eye out for MLP: FML 2 - Chaotic Changes.

So, will that be a separate story or, what?

So awesome.
Looking forward to season two

It will be released soon as a separate story. I don't really have a specific release date for it. Also, I want to work on some other stories I've put on hold in the meantime.


Can't wait for next season!

Tell me when the next story arrives, and I shall be there.

Awesome job, and funny as hell. Looking forward to the sequel!:moustache:

I saw the epilogue and the Complete marker, and I reacted: "No no no no no no no!"
I shall follow you and keep an eye out for Season 2 :pinkiehappy:

*applause* Very well done, friend! :raritystarry: I'll be looking out for your next one :rainbowkiss: Also, since you're getting close to that certain part of the series, I hope you can find a spot for that small suggestion I made :scootangel: Keep up the amazing work :heart:

Three words: DUH-DUH-DUUUUUUUM!!!

...is this story...

...developing a...



Will it be a new story in of itself or will this one continue with a new story arc ???:twilightoops:

6810777 It will be a new story that will be a sequel to this one. I guess you could say that this is Volume 1 and Volume 2 is coming.

6810877 Don't make things too serious. That's killed so many stories that began as sheer silliness, and several once-popular manga too.

Also, changing some characters can be detrimental as events only occur because of their traits as written.

For instance, Chrysalis can't be clever. She simply can't be. Otherwise she'd have won. She MUST be arrogant and over-confident as well as a dreadful actor who does a terrible job impersonating Cadance... and every pony who knows Cadance besides Twilight must be rendered brain-damaged so as not to notice.


Oh, and before I forget.

Cherngelerngs... *Alondro stocks up on insecticide and genetically modified Codyceps fungi* :pinkiecrazy:

I oh-so look forward to the next one! Good luck and have fun!

6810877 Thanks.. I'll be following you then...

This was on read later list for a while. I read the first few chapters, and they were amusing, but didn't grab me, but I kept it on my list anyway. Cue a coeuple of days ago, having started to reduce my read later list down significantly (and used everything that wasn't Terribly Serious) I decided to have another stab at it.

Perhaps providentially, given your author comment, these next chapters included the first Gilda ones, where as you said, you started to shift gear slightly; and after that I have not looked back. I found myself laughing quite frequently. While it might have taken you a long time to write this, I think you have improved a lot in that time.

All-in-all an excellent job (especially in the treatment of Spike, as it is all to easy to reduce him to a one-note butt-monkey (the show does it often enough...!) in this sort of story, but you granted him equal weight to all the rest).

I loved Derpy's brief appearences. And Evil Sweetie is glorious.

(And hay, if it doesn't work out with Rarity, Spike could do a heck of a lot worse!)

I shall very much look forward to the sequel!


Just a question
How i'll know when the next story is up?

6814728 When I post the first chapter of the sequel, I'll make a blog post about it.

6814981 Thank goodness! I still have 32 chapters to read, yet the sight of the "complete" tag struck a pang of despair into my soul.

I loved the story from the beginning and like how it evolved into something so big overtime. I can't wait to see part 2 and i thank you for writing,

All I will say is I enjoyed this story from start to finish and I have no regrets (NO REGRETS)! I love the characterizations and the twists from the actual canon. Honestly, I'm too impatient to wait for your S2.:pinkiehappy:

I give it a solid 9.3/10.

We MUST HAVE SEASON 2. IT is imperative.

6850348 I'm better at that than I realized! I just thought I was right about the whole "Big Mac crossdressing" thing.

6867800 They'd probably be confused or terrified of what their FML versions got up to:

Rainbow Dash looked around, confused as to why everyone was looking at her with suspicion. "...What?" she asked.

"Well..." began Twilight slowly, "You haven't really...propositioned anyone lately. Are you feeling alright?"

"What do you mean 'propositioned'?" asked Rainbow.

"Ya haven't bragged about havin' sex with anyone lately," explained Applejack.

Rainbow Dash's face turned red. "W-what kind of mare do you think I am?! I haven't even had s-s-sex yet!"

Everyone stared at her for a moment. And then burst out laughing, not believing her for a second.

6867966 The full thing is Free Independent Name That Has Nothing To Do With FIMfiction, Why Would You Ever Think That You Sad Mistaken Person.

6868723 Please. I haven't even taken your life to dinner yet.

6871615 :pinkiegasp: YOU'RE TALAN/GALACTUS?!

6871893 Well... the ponies do usually come across as total pussies... *rimshot* :trollestia:

I have never finished such a long story so quickly. Anyway, number of mares who are hot for Spike: 4

Sweetie Belle (1)
Applejack (1)
Mrs. Cake (1)
Rainbow Dash (.5, because she'll hump anyone)
Joe (.5, because Spike is straight)

I'm getting a slight OOC vibe from all the characters so far :trollestia:

7011390 I'm glad somebody got that. It makes me feel less old.

7276438 Pffft. What do you take me for? Buffjet all the way.


Bah, them newfangled mixtures. Back in my day we had to make do with a single med-x and some good ol' fashioned ingenuity.

(Translation: My computer won't run Fallout 4, you jerkwad.:rainbowwild:)

Applejack clearly steals this story. I wasn't all that fond of Applejack, but I don't hate her. This story might change that as she clearly is very funny in this story. The runner up is Fluttershy. I wish she was like this in canon... But then the rating of the show would probably be MA or 14 or something. I already liked Rainbow Dash. You can't make her any better. (Feel free to take that as a challenge... you can't improve a pony I already like) Twilight was pretty funny and sarcastic.

This is why I read the fanfiction and stopped watching the show... cause stories are so much more interesting to read then what is seen.


And that's your prerogative, I just don't particularly find it funny. Comedy is about as subjective as it gets.

I really want to see a canon cast reads/watches for this story.

I have no problems with this.

I laughed, I cried (when my internet was shut off), I vomited in my mouth a little and finally...Wait what do you mean this isn't Your Human And You? Well Tits... Oh well good job I guess.

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