• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 14,496 Views, 1,709 Comments

MLP: FML - Maniac92

An insane parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Photo Shy

Rarity panted as she pushed a rack full of dresses to the middle of Ponyville’s park. “Thank you for helping me today too, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy paused in pulling the rack and said, “It’s no problem at all. Angel’s agreed to watch the house for me today.”


The demonic-looking bunny roared at its prey. It opened its mouth, revealing its fangs, and-

Angel grabbed the red-furred bunny by the throat and started slapping it in the face. Then he threw the demon to the ground and started kicking it in the stomach.

Back in the park:

“He’s such a good little bunny,” said Fluttershy. She and Rarity pulled the rack of dresses behind a curtain that had been set up.

“Let’s see…” said Rarity, perusing her outfits. “Ah, here we are!” She handed Fluttershy the clothes. “Put this on!”

Fluttershy pulled on the outfit, which was a white jumpsuit with blue diamonds all over it. She moved and winced.

“Does the underwear have diamonds in it too?” asked Fluttershy. “I swear, I feel one poking me right in the-”

“There’s Photo Finish!” said Rarity, pointing at the approaching photographer.

Photo was getting carried by two pegasus stallions, who were holding a platform for her to stand on. The two pegasus stallions were getting carried by two unicorn stallions, who were getting carried by two earth pony stallions.

“This is fine,” said Photo, hopping off the platform. She gracefully landed on the ground.

The stallions collapsed in a heap behind her.

Photo Finish turned to regard the pile of stallions. “And that is why you make less than minimum wage.” She turned to look at Rarity and Fluttershy. “Now that I’m here, we can-” She took a look at Fluttershy and asked, “What are you wearing?”

“Do you like it?” asked Rarity. “I made it by-”

“No, no, no!” said Photo. “The model must be in something simple! Those flashy outfits may wow ponies like Sapphire Shores and my foolish brother, but I am a bit more select when it comes to my work.” She took a look around the park. “How about something inspired by nature?”

“Um…” said Rarity, looking at the rack of dresses she had brought with her. Each had flashy gems decorated on them. “Let me see if I have something back at my shop to-”

“That will not be necessary,” said Photo. “I had my own designer whip something up.”

“…What?” asked Rarity. “But…how will I be the next fashion star if you don’t use my outfits?”

“I wasn’t talking about you!” said Photo Finish. “I was talking about the most beautiful pony in the room.”

Rarity blinked. “…And?”

Photo took off her sunglasses and rubbed her eyes. “I was talking about your model, you simpleton!”

“Fluttershy?!” asked Rarity.

Fluttershy?!” repeated Fluttershy.

“Yes!” said Photo. “Flootershy! She’s going to be Equestria’s next top model!”

“Miss Finish, wait!” said Fluttershy. “I only agreed to model to help Rarity out. I don’t really-”

Photo shushed her as she put her hoof to Fluttershy’s lips. “Shh! Shut those full, kissable lips and listen! I see a beautiful mare that the whole world needs to see! I’ll be damned if I rob Equestria of the chance to see real beauty! Now,” she smiled as she cupped Fluttershy’s face in her hooves, “Let’s get you out of that jumpsuit and into something a little more comfortable, shall we?” She grabbed Fluttershy and led her away.

Rarity watched as Photo’s assistants helped Fluttershy into her new dress. It was a green, see-through outfit with blue flowers on the sides. They gave Fluttershy a headband with flowers decorating it.

Once they were done, Fluttershy came over and handed Rarity her jumpsuit. “I can’t do this, Rarity. I’m no model.”

Rarity sighed, but smiled at Fluttershy. “Yes you are. Photo’s offering you the chance of a lifetime and you’d be foolish to pass it up.”


“No buts, ok?” said Rarity. “You can do this. I believe in you.”

“Wow…” said Fluttershy, touched. “Rarity…I…”

“Flootershy!” called Photo Finish. “It is time to make the magics!”

“It’s time,” said Rarity. She gently pushed Fluttershy forward. “Good luck!”

Photo smiled as Fluttershy walked over to her. “Ah, Flootershy. You look like a delicate flower blooming in the sunlight and just waiting to be fuc-plucked! I meant plucked.”

Rarity watched as Fluttershy was led towards the cameras. Sighing, she put her jumpsuit back on the rack and began pushing it back to the boutique.


Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Twilight walked into Rarity’s bedroom. “Rarity!” called Pinkie. “How’d it go?”

Rarity sniffed as she continued sewing the dress she was working on. “Tell me, do you think this dress is a good color?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the outfit Rarity was working on. “It’s all black? That’s not like you.”

“Really?” sniffled Rarity. “Don’t worry, dear. It’s just because…” She spun in her seat to face the others. Her eyes were red and mascara was running down her face. “MY DREAMS ARE DEAD!” she shrieked. She started sobbing. “Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy, not me.”

“I’m sorry about that, Rarity,” said Twilight sympathetically. “Is there anything we can do?”

Rarity sniffed and then snorted. “No…I’ll be fine. I just want to be alone on my bed for a while.”

“Alright,” said Spike. He started pushing Pinkie and Twilight out of the room. “You heard the lady. She wants lay on her bed alone for a while.” He pushed the two ponies out of the room and shut the door. He then turned and hopped on Rarity’s bed and patted the space next to him.

Rarity’s door opened and Twilight strode in. She picked Spike up by the scruff of his next and brought him outside. She closed the door behind her and dropped Spike on the floor.

“Twilight! You ruined the mood!” complained Spike.

“Oh no, how will I ever go on?” asked Twilight. “I guess next time I’ll just let you take advantage of Rarity’s fragile emotional state in order for you to seduce her.”

Spike nodded. “Thank you.”

Pinkie slapped Spike upside the head and looked at Twilight. “I can’t believe Fluttershy agreed to model for Photo Finish. How do you think she’s doing now?”

Twilight stared at her. “How should I know?”

Pinkie sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “Transition the scene already, you lazy bastard.”


Photo Finish examined Fluttershy closely. Fluttershy’s hair had been styled and she had on a blue and green dress. Blush had been applied to her face, leaving her cheeks a rosy pink.

“Too much blush!” said Photo. She watched as one of her assistants wiped Fluttershy’s face clean. “No! You’re doing it all wrong!” She took the rag from her assistant and slowly wiped Fluttershy’s face. “You’ve got to go gentle…so very gentle…”

“Um…Miss Finish?” said Fluttershy.

“Please…call me Photo,” said Photo Finish. She leaned in close and whispered, “You can call me anything you want…”

Fluttershy laughed nervously and backed up. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me. The new outfits are nice, the drinks were good, and that bath you insisted we took together was relaxing…albeit a bit unnecessary. But…”

Photo put her hoof to Fluttershy’s lips. “Shh! Now is not the time for words! Now is the time for action! The crowd is out there waiting for you!”

“But-” began Fluttershy.

“No buts!” said Photo, pushing Fluttershy towards the exit. “Except for your shapely one moving down the runway! Now go!”

Fluttershy sighed as she exited the dressing room and walked out onto the runway. The crowd cheered as she nervously looked around. The cameras flashed as she turned and quickly made her way back up the catwalk.

“Needs galoshes,” said Hoity Toity, but his words were lost in the crowd’s loud cheers.

Two weeks later:

Rarity and Spike were walking down the street. Everywhere they looked, Fluttershy’s face was on posters, banners, and newspapers.

“I hear Fluttershy’s going to do another show this week!” said a passing pony.

“I hear her friend with the rainbow mane got drunk and crashed an important party for her,” said another.

“I have pictures of Fluttershy exiting a carriage without any underwear on!” said one teenage colt.

“We don’t wear clothes usually, why should we care?” asked another.

“So you don’t want to see them?” asked the first.

“Let’s not get crazy!” said the other.

“Oh Spike,” sighed Rarity. “I wish it was me getting gossiped about and getting scandalous photos taken of me.”

“I would love to take scandalous photos of you, Rarity,” said Spike quickly.

Rarity smiled and patted his head. “Such a sweet boy. But it wouldn’t be the same.”

As Rarity and Spike walked down the street, Fluttershy poked her head out from behind a building. She quietly attempted to cross the street.

“There’s Fluttershy!” screamed a random pony.

Suddenly, Fluttershy found herself surrounded by fans and paparazzi. Cameras flashed as autograph books were shoved in front of her.

“Fluttershy, is it true that you were spotted in a Las Pegasus bathroom passed out on the floor?” asked a reporter.

“Fluttershy, any word on whether the rumors about you in a threesome with Princess Celestia and Luna are true?” asked another.

“Miss Fluttershy?” asked a little filly. “My mommy says you’re a major whorebag. What does that mean?”

“I…” began Fluttershy.

“Miss Fluttershy?” said a stallion with a blue cap, a red bow tie, and an apron. “Can I get you to endorse my cherry stand?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Fluttershy. “But I don’t really like cherries too much. I prefer apples.”

There was a gasp throughout the crowd.

“This just in!” said a reporter. “Fluttershy hates cherries!”

“Fluttershy says cherries are the pits!” said another.

“Apple stocks soar as cherry stocks plummet!” said another reporter.

“I’M RUINED!” cried the stallion as he ran away from the crowd.

“Wait!” said Fluttershy. “I didn’t-” She gagged as an apple was shoved into her mouth.

“That’s right, y’all!” said Applejack as she put an arm around Fluttershy. “Mah close personal friend Fluttershy comes to Sweet Apple Acres all the time. That’s Sweet Apple Acres. Run by the Apple Family, who are close personal friends of Fluttershy.”

Rarity and Spike watched as the crowd cheered and began asking Fluttershy more and more questions.

“Damn,” whistled Spike. “I didn’t think she’d get that popular.”

Rarity sighed and said, “I’m so…happy for her.” She hung her head and walked away.


Photo Finish paced the room, her assistants and Fluttershy watching her.

“We’re doing well with Flootershy’s marketing campaign,” she said. “Even with that disastrous incident with the cherries.” She turned and smiled at Fluttershy. “We have you to thank for that. Your popularity with the apple-eating market is through the roof!”

“What should we do now, Miss Finish?” asked one of her assistants.

Photo thought for a moment. “Her next show is in a few days…we need to get more ponies talking about her. Let’s do another round of photos that we can ‘leak’ to the press.” She turned and regarded the guest in the room. “Thank you for agreeing to act drunk at that party by the way. A little controversy is a good attention grabber.”

Rainbow Dash smiled as she picked up a massive bag of bits. “Who said anything about acting? I’m getting tanked tonight!” She left the room, whistling happily.

“Let’s make some more magics!” yelled Photo. Everyone followed her to another room, which had been made to look like a hotel room. A large bed was in the middle of the room and various cameras surrounded it.

“Flootershy! I need you on the bed!” said Photo Finish.

Fluttershy sighed and crawled into the bed.

“And now we’ll have Mr. Soarin be in bed with you,” said Photo.

Soarin walked into the room and crawled into bed on Fluttershy’s opposite side. Fluttershy blushed with the stallion so close to her.

“Ok, we’re going to spread a rumor that Flootershy and Soarin are in a secret love affair. I need you two to kiss to we can leak these images to the press,” said Photo.

“K-kiss?” squeaked Fluttershy, her face growing red.

“Hey,” said Soarin gently. “It’s alright. We’re just pretending. Just one quick kiss and that’s it, ok?”

“O-ok…” muttered Fluttershy. She gasped as Soarin pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers.

Photo took several pictures and said, “Great! That was beautiful!”

Soarin pulled away from Fluttershy and smiled, “See? Not so bad, right?”

Fluttershy panted as she laid back on the bed. “R-right….”

The stallion smiled and got out of bed. “That was all you needed me for, right Miss Finish?”

“Yes,” said Photo. “Your pies are out on the table outside, Mr. Soarin.”

The Wonderbolt left the room and Fluttershy sighed. “Am I done too, Photo?”

“Not yet,” said Photo. “We going to spread another rumor that you’re having another affair behind Soarin’s back. And I conveniently couldn’t find any other volunteers so I guess I will be that pony!” She quickly threw her dress off and jumped into bed with Fluttershy. “Oh…” she said, cuddling up against Fluttershy. “An affair with your photographer? How naughty of you, Flootershy!”

“I’m not-” began Fluttershy.

Photo cut her off by pressing her lips against Fluttershy’s. Cameras flashed as Photo kept kissing her.

After several seconds after the cameras had stopped flashing, Photo pulled away. “Beautiful! Now we need a follow up rumor. How about that you and I have decided to adopt a young zebra baby? That will work! I’m brilliant! And I think we need another set of pictures of us kissing. For reference, you know?”

Fluttershy groaned and pressed her face against the pillows.

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