• Published 20th Aug 2012
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MLP: FML - Maniac92

An insane parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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The Fluttershy Forgiveness Party

A Few Years Ago:

It was a typical school day at Featherflight High School. Students barely paid attention in class as their teachers lectured, thinking thoughts like “Why doesn’t Coach put me on the team?” or “When will Brad notice me?” or “I’m 35, why am I still in high school?”

When the lunch bell rang, most of the students ran out of class, eager to get some food. One student remained in a classroom. She was small. So small in fact, that people often mistook her for a middle school student. She stood up from her desk and grabbed her backpack, in which she crammed her heavy textbooks. She adjusted her glasses and walked out of the classroom.

“Gilda!” said a voice.

Gilda turned and saw Rainbow Dash coming towards her. Rainbow was dressed completely in Wonderbolts merchandise as usual. She stopped in front of the griffon and rubbed her head. “How’s it going, small fry?”

Gilda glared up at her friend. “Stop calling me small fry.” she demanded as she fixed the feathers on her head. “It’s bad enough that everyone else does it.”

“Sorry.” said Rainbow sheepishly. She cleared her throat and said, “So how was your egghead class today? Anyone start a fire in AP Chemistry?”

“No,” said Gilda, adjusting her glasses, “Just the usual nervous breakdowns and crying. It’s no big deal. How was gym?”

“Awesome!” said Rainbow. “We played dodge ball, and I nailed Thunderlane in the face with a ball! I think I dislocated his jaw! It was awesome!”

Gilda cringed as she imagined it. “Thanks Dash,” she said sarcastically, “That’s just what I wanted to think about right before lunch.”

“No problem!” said Dash, happily ignoring the sarcasm. Her eyes widened as she remembered something. “Oh, hang on for a sec. I forgot something in my gym locker.” She raced down the hallway, leaving Gilda alone.

“Well, well, well.” said a horribly familiar voice. “If it isn’t the chicken.”

Gilda froze. She knew that voice. Everyone knew that voice. “Cutter…” she muttered as she turned around.

Cutter was not a bully. She was an absolute monster. Almost everyone was afraid of her, and the few that weren’t didn’t make a habit of talking to her. Everyone knew her terrifying teal eyes, bloodshot with rage. Everyone knew that it was time to run when they saw her pink mane,. Everyone learned to fear that terrifying Cutie Mark of three butterflies.

Gilda shook as Cutter came closer and closer. “Where’s your little girlfriend, Chicken?” asked Cutter. “Did she run away with her Wonderbolts band wagon?”

“She’s not here. And we’re not officially going out or anything.” said Gilda. “How was your Zoology class today?”

Cutter smiled happily and said in a soft voice, “Oh, it was wonderful! We talked about bunnies today and-” Cutter’s eyes opened wide as she realized what she was saying. She glared at Gilda and spoke again in her harsh voice, “It’s none of your fucking business how my class was. Now, let’s see how much money you’ve got. I need lunch and veggie burgers don’t come cheap.”

“Veggie burgers?” asked Gilda, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were a vegetarian.”

“I’m a pony, you dumb bitch.” growled Cutter. “Of course I’m a vegetarian.” Her gaze softened as she spoke in a quiet voice again. “Although, even if I wasn’t a pony, I still couldn’t eat meat. I don’t like thinking about my little animal friends being food.” She growled as she realized what she was doing. Her glare and voice became harsh once again. “Now stop talking and start forking over cash.” She grabbed one of Gilda’s wings and started squeezing it. “Or I might have Chicken wings for lunch. Understand?”

“HEY!” yelled a voice. Both Gilda and Cutter looked down the hall to see Rainbow Dash running towards them. “Get off of her!”

Cutter let Gilda go and turned towards Rainbow. “Or what?” she asked. “You’re going to blind me with that gaudy Wonderbolts crap?”

“…Bitch,” said Rainbow Dash, “Nobody, and I mean nobody, talks shit about the Wonderbolts.”

“Whatever.” said Cutter. She turned and walked away. “I’m not wasting anymore of my lunch with you losers. Have fun with your little girlfriend, Rainbow Crash.”

“Have fun fucking animals, Fluttershy.” shot back Rainbow.

Cutter spun around, a murderous look on her face. “Don’t. Call. Me. That.” she growled. She stomped off, muttering, “I won’t forget this.”

Rainbow smirked and turned back to Gilda. “Soooo…” she began. “Rescue sex?”

Gilda rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t push it, Dash.” She started walking away, before looking back and saying, “But yes. Rescue sex.”


“I never forgot how Rainbow stood up for Gilda.” said Fluttershy. “I decided to constantly bully and torment Gilda. I wanted to hurt her in order to hurt Dash.” She looked down at the library floor.

“No wonder she’s so scared of you.” said Twilight. “It sounds like you were a monster to her.”

“I was.” said Fluttershy, holding her face in her hooves. “I wish I could tell her that I’m sorry for it. But how can I do that without her running away from me?”

“So…” said Spike. “Let me get this straight. Rainbow Dash and Gilda are lesbians?” He grinned. “That’s hot.”

Twilight glared at him. “Were you paying any attention to the story at all?”

“Only the important parts.” said Spike.

“I paid attention to the story too.” said Pinkie suddenly. She grinned. “I’ve got the perfect solution! A party!”

Twilight’s glare shifted to Pinkie Pie. “This is serious, Pinkie! We need to find a way for Fluttershy to apologize!”

“This is a way for her to apologize!” argued Pinkie. “We invite Gilda to the party, she comes, and she starts having a good time. Fluttershy will be at the party too and she’ll be able to get close to Gilda. She’ll apologize and everything will work out!”

“That’s…” began Twilight. She paused as she thought it over. “…That’s actually not a bad idea.”

“Whoo!” cheered Pinkie. She ran out of the library yelling, “It’s party time!”

Twilight turned back to Fluttershy and asked, “So how come you don’t act like Cutter now?”

Fluttershy looked up and answered, “I was forced to go to therapy after graduation. Why do you think I’m so much more stable than the rest of you girls?” She grabbed a nearby book and, without blinking, ripped it in half.

The Next Day:

Ponies wandered into Sugarcube Corner, having been enticed by free cake, social interaction, and the possibility that someone brought some sick blow.

Rarity looked at Applejack and asked, “Why are we here again?”

Applejack shrugged and said, “Pinkie said somethin’ about a hippogriff causin’ trouble or somethin’, Ah don’t even know. Ah’m sure we’ll figure out eventually. But in the meantime,” Applejack looked towards the drink table, “Ah see some Jack D that’s just beggin’ to get butt chugged.”

“Applejack, I am disgusted. And yet, intrigued. Show me more.” said Rarity as she followed the farmer.

Twilight watched the two walk to the booze before looking at Fluttershy. “Are you sure you can do this?” she asked.

“I’ve got to.” answered Fluttershy. “I can’t have Gilda thinking that I’m still a monster.”

At that moment, a pony wandered by. He slipped and splashed Fluttershy with his drink. Fluttershy grabbed him by the throat and threw him out a nearby window.

“I mean,” continued Fluttershy as though nothing had happened, “I won’t be able to live with myself if people were afraid of me.”

“Uh huh…” said Twilight as she backed away in fear.

“Yo!” yelled a voice. Everyone’s heads turned to the entrance. Gilda and Rainbow Dash walked into the building, looking around. “Where the butts at?!” yelled Rainbow Dash as she flew into the crowd of soon-to be fondled ponies.

“Gilda!” greeted Pinkie Pie as she bounced to the griffon. “I’m so happy you decided to come!”

“That’s what she said!” yelled Rainbow Dash from the crowd.

“Are you super happy to be here!?” asked Pinkie, ignoring Dash.

Gilda glared at Pinkie and asked, “Why are you talking to me when I made it clear yesterday that I don’t want you to talk to me?”

“That’s fine if you don’t want to talk to me…” said Pinkie as she pushed Gilda to the back of the building. “But there is someone who wants to talk to you.” She pushed Gilda hard and sent her stumbling forward.

Gilda spun around to stare daggers at Pinkie. “You little-”

“Hi Gilda.” said a quiet voice.

Gilda froze and slowly turned back around. Fluttershy was standing behind her with a sad smile on her face.

“Can we talk?” asked Fluttershy.

“I-I don’t have anything to say to you.” said Gilda shakily.

“Then please just listen.” begged Fluttershy. She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you in high school. I had no right to torment you like I did, and I regret that I did so. You didn’t deserve it.”

Gilda stared at Fluttershy for a long time. Finally she said, “You did a lot of things to me in high school. A lot of awful things.”

“I know.” said Fluttershy. “I’m sorry for taking your money. I’m sorry for calling you ‘Chicken’ all the time. I’m sorry for tar and feathering you, which in retrospect was pretty pointless considering you already were covered in feathers. I’m sorry for spraying you with barbeque sauce and setting my bear friends after you. I’m sorry for trying to get you deported. I’m sorry for-”

“Okay! Okay!” interrupted Gilda. “You’re sorry, I get it!”

Fluttershy offered another small smile and offered her hoof. “Can we start over?” she asked.

Gilda stared at the hoof, and then at Fluttershy. She slowly reached out her hand and said, “Sure, Cutter. I guess so.”

The Pegasus smiled and said, “Call me Fluttershy.”

The two former enemies shook hoofs/talons.

“Sooo…” began Fluttershy, “Forgiveness sex?”

Gilda rolled her eyes and walked away. “Don’t push it, Fluttershy.” She stopped and turned around to smile. “But yes. Forgiveness sex.”

“Oh my god!” slurred a voice. The two turned their heads to see Rainbow Dash, decorated with a lampshade on her head and two mares in her arms, glaring at them…or in their general direction, in any rate. “Are you cheating on me?!” yelled Dash. “You…you…”

Gilda rubbed her forehead and muttered, “Oh god, not again.”

“I can’t believe you’d…betray my trust like…like…like thissss!” slurred Dash.

“Rainbow,” began Gilda, “You literally have two girls around you. You shouldn’t talk.”

“Is not the same!” bawled Dash. “You knew how I was when we started this whole thing!” She paused and took a drink from a nearby bottle. “You know what?” she asked, glaring at Gilda. “Pack yer shit. Yer outta here forever!”

“Uh huh.” said a bored sounding Gilda. She flew up in the air and looked at Dash. “So,” she began, “You wanted angry sex?”

“Fuck yes, angry sex.” slurred Rainbow. “See you tonight.”

Gilda looked at Fluttershy and said, “Don’t worry, she does this type of thing all the time.” She flew to the door, yelling, “Later losers!”

Twilight and Pinkie watched Gilda leave and then walked over to Fluttershy. “Wait, what just happened?” asked Twilight.

“Short version?” asked Fluttershy. “Gilda forgave me, we agreed to have sex, Dash started yelling at us which turned out to be a drunken ploy for sex, and Gilda left.”

“…But she did forgive you?” asked Pinkie.


“Whoo-hoo!” cheered Pinkie Pie. “I throw the best forgiveness parties ever!”

“Guys, guys, guys!” said Rainbow Dash as she flew towards them. “Guess who’s drunk?!”

Twilight stared at Rainbow. “You ar-”

“I AM!” yelled Rainbow Dash as she dumped a bottle of booze on her face.

Author's Note:

And thus another friendship problem is solved via a wild party. And rampant alcoholism.

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