• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 14,481 Views, 1,709 Comments

MLP: FML - Maniac92

An insane parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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A Scripted Party

There was a knock at the library door. Twilight turned from the bookshelf she was restocking and walked over. “Hello?” she said, opening it. She frowned when she didn’t see anyone. “Hm…” she said, shutting the door. “I swear to god, if this is one of Rainbow Dash’s jokes, I am gonna-”

“SURPRISE!” yelled Pinkie from behind her, causing Twilight to jump and spin around. “I’m inviting you to a party!”

“I’d rather you call an ambulance…” wheezed Twilight as she clutched her chest. She took a deep breath and said, “Whose party is it?”

“Gummy’s!” said Pinkie, holding up her pet. The toothless alligator opened his mouth at Twilight and razor-sharp fangs grew from his gums. Pinkie squeezed him and the fangs retracted. “Will you come?”

“Sure,” said Twilight. “Did you invite the others?”

“Yep!” said Pinkie.

“Did you scare them too?” asked Twilight.

“Yep!” repeated Pinkie. “I snuck into Applejack’s bedroom and waited until she woke up, told Rarity while she was putting on her make-up, told Fluttershy in her shower, and told Rainbow Dash while she was on the toilet.”

“Really?” asked Twilight, watching as Pinkie opened the door to leave, “How’d they take it?”

“PINKIE!” yelled four voices. Pinkie and Twilight looked out the door to see a tired-looking Applejack, Rarity with lipstick all over her face, a sopping wet Fluttershy with a towel wrapped around her, and Rainbow Dash with toilet paper stuck to her hoof. All of them were glaring at Pinkie.

Pinkie shut the door and turned back to Twilight. “…Not well. Quick!” She suddenly grabbed onto Twilight’s head and pointed the unicorn’s horn at her stomach. With her other arm, she scooped up Gummy. “Teleport me to Sugarcube Corner!”

“Pinkie…” mumbled Twilight, trying to shake Pinkie off. “I’m not going to-”

Pinkie reached out and poked Twilight’s horn, causing it to glow. “Boop!” There was a flash of light and Pinkie was gone.

“…How the hell did she do that?” asked Twilight, rubbing her horn.


Pinkie appeared in her bedroom in Sugarcube Corner. Laughing, she set Gummy down on her bed. “That was a close one, right Gummy?” she asked. She turned to her nightstand and said, “Good thing I checked my…” She blinked and looked at her empty nightstand. “What?” she asked, her grin disappearing. “W-where is it?” She frantically looked around the bedroom. “I know I left it here this morning!”

Pinkie stood in place and took deep, shuddering breaths. “Ok…” she mumbled, her eye twitching. “I looked at it when I woke up…so…” She turned and looked at her bed. Hurrying forward, she quickly threw the pillows off the bed. She sighed in relief. “There it is!” she said happily.

On her bed was a black binder with the label: MLP: FML Script. Pinkie quickly picked it up and hugged it to her chest.

Gummy rolled his eyes at his owner.

“Don’t look at me like that,” said Pinkie to the alligator. “It’s not like I need this thing. I…I was just worried about your party, is all.”

Gummy gave her an unimpressed look.

“Gumwald Igneous Pie, I can stop using this thing at any time!” said Pinkie. To emphasize her point, she set her binder down and got up off the bed. She began to walk away, only for her body to twitch. She quickly ran back to the bed and flipped open the binder. “Well...I can’t just leave this thing without checking to see how the party will go…” she justified to herself. “And while I’m at it, I’ll see what everyone got for your birthday, Gummy! I'm really just looking at this for you, not that I need to or anything.”

Gummy sighed and glared at the open binder in front of his owner.

Hours later:

Music played in Pinkie’s room as the girls enjoyed the party. Twilight and Pinkie were dancing to the music, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were by the bobbing-for-apples game, and Fluttershy and Rarity were by the snacks.

“Alright,” said Applejack confidently, “See if you can beat this!” She dunked her head into the water and grabbed onto an apple with her teeth. She pulled her head back and ate the apple. “How’s that?” she asked with her mouth full.

“Nice!” said Rainbow Dash. “But I can beat that easy. I've been told that I have an amazing mouth technique."

“That’s what she said,” said Applejack. As Rainbow’s mouth dropped open, Applejack chuckled awkwardly and said, “Sorry, Sugarcube. Ah just figured Ah’d say it before you could. Yer not offended or anything, are ya?”

“I love you,” said Rainbow Dash suddenly.

There was an awkward silence as the two stared at each other.

“Hey girls!” said Pinkie, walking up.

“Hi Pinkie!” said Applejack, blushing slightly.

“WONDERFUL PARTY WE ARE HAVING, ISN’T IT?” yelled Rainbow Dash, blushing like crazy.

“It sure is, Dashie!” said Pinkie. “I’m so glad you two came-”

“We haven’t even done anything!” said Rainbow Dash, causing Applejack to smack her own forehead.

“-To Gummy’s party!” continued Pinkie, ignoring Rainbow. “Thanks for bringing him gifts too! I’m sure he’ll love that black Wonderbolts collar and that apple-scented chew toy!”

“Sugarcube…we ain’t even opened the gifts yet…” said Applejack. “How did you-”

“Sorry! Gotta mingle!” said Pinkie Pie, walking away from the two stunned ponies.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “She does this every time there’s a birthday party,” she muttered. “I don’t know how she always knows what people are getting. It’s like she knows the future, or something.” She stuck her head under the water and attempted to get an apple.

“Come on,” said Applejack, rolling her eyes. “Ah know she’s got her Pinkie Sense, but it’s not like she knows everythin’ that’s gonna hap-”

Rainbow pulled her head back up. In her mouth was an open case with a wedding ring resting inside it.

The two ponies stared at it for a moment. Rainbow slowly put the case down on the floor and tried to look at anything other than Applejack.

“Ah’m…Ah’m just gonna be over on the other side of the room,” said Applejack awkwardly.

“I think I hear Twilight calling me,” said Rainbow Dash quickly. “I had better go over there and see what she wants…”

They both ran to the opposite sides of the room, blushing furiously.

Rarity was daintily sucking on the straw that was in her cup of punch. She smiled as Pinkie walked over and said, “Hello Darling! I love these little soirées you throw. They’re always so enjoyable.”

“Thanks Rarity!” said Pinkie. “Gummy and I will appreciate the alligator grooming set you got for him. Just like I’m sure you’ll appreciate what Gummy added to the punch!” She pointed over to the punch bowl. Rarity watched in horror as yellow liquid poured into the drink.

Gummy set down the lemons he was squeezing and wiped his hands on a napkin. He hopped off the table and wandered over to Pinkie’s bed.

“He didn’t take out the seeds!” gasped Rarity. She fainted dramatically.

Pinkie shrugged and walked over to Fluttershy and Twilight, who were listening to the music.

Because I’m happy,
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof,” sang the music.

“I don’t get it,” said Twilight. “What does a room without a roof have to do with being happy?”

“Maybe because you can see the sky and you don’t feel trapped?” guessed Fluttershy.

“But what if it rains?” asked Twilight.

Fluttershy froze. “…Jesus…” she muttered, thinking about it. “What if it did rain?”

“Stop wondering about the lyrics, you two!” said Pinkie. “No one even pays attention to them if you can dance to it!” She started dancing, prompting the other two to do so as well. “Thanks for the bath toys for Gummy, Twilight! And thanks for the book on taking care of alligators, Fluttershy!”

“No problem,” said Twilight. “I remembered him sneaking into my bath during the whole Pinkie Sense thing, so I figured he’d like it.”

“Aren’t you going to question how she knew what we got?” asked Fluttershy.

Twilight shrugged and said, “At this point, I’m not questioning anything Pinkie Pie does anymore.” She stuck out her tongue and kept doing what could only be described as a drunken version of the Monkey.

“…Should we tell her how she looks?” questioned Fluttershy.

“Nah,” said Pinkie. “Let her have fun. Now, let's dance!” She grabbed Fluttershy and started doing the tango.

Hours later:

Pinkie waved out the window as the other girls walked away from Sugarcube Corner. “Bye ladies!” she called. “Make good choices!”

“Don’t tell me what to do!” yelled Rainbow Dash as she flew away.

Pinkie stepped back into her room and shut the window. “That was fun, right Gummy?” she asked, moving closer to the bed.

The alligator nodded quickly before hopping off the bed and going underneath it.

“Silly boy,” said Pinkie. “You’re supposed to sleep on the bed! Not under it!” She giggled and clapped her hooves together. “Now, before I hit the hay, I better see what dreams I’m going to have tonight!”

She turned towards her nightstand. She frowned when she saw nothing on it.

“Wait…” she muttered. She laughed and lightly bonked her head with her hoof. “That’s right! I didn’t want the script to get damaged during the party so…” She grabbed her pillows and lifted them. “I left it right…” She trailed off, her eyes going wide as she saw nothing underneath her pillows. “No…” she said quietly. She quickly tore the blankets and sheets off the bed, but couldn’t find the script. “Oh god…” she muttered, quickly lifting the mattress to see if it was underneath.

Breathing heavy, Pinkie ran to the closet. Throwing clothes and party supplies behind her, Pinkie emptied the whole closet, but couldn’t find her script. She rushed around the room, turning it upside-down, trying to find the black binder.

“I can’t find it!” she finally admitted. “But how?! I left it under the pillows when I was done with it this morning! And Gummy and I were the only ones in here…aside from…the others…” Pinkie was frozen for a moment, her eye twitching. She suddenly let out a breath and said, “Ok…ok…even if one of the other girls did take it, they probably won’t understand it. All you have to do is ask them about it tomorrow. I’m sure this is all a mistake…” She laughed uncomfortably and made her way back to the bed.

Pinkie got onto her mattress, not even bothering with fixing the sheets or blankets. She laid her head back and shut her eyes.

And then immediately opened them.

“I can’t go to sleep!” she said, sitting up. “I don’t know what I’ll dream about! What if it isn’t a good dream?! I won’t be ready for it!” Pinkie gasped and said, “And what about tomorrow? What do I do? Which one of my friends should I see first? What if they don’t have the script?! What if someone stole it?!” Her mane drooped as her eye twitched. “Ok…” she said to herself. “I just won’t go to sleep. I’ll stay up all night and think about to do tomorrow…”

She looked up at the ceiling and said, “Besides…Maniac’s probably just going to use another scene transition to get me to tomorrow morning, right?”

There was silence.

“…Right?!” repeated Pinkie, raising her voice and hoping the author would hear her.

No one answered her.

“…I can’t hear him…” muttered Pinkie. She curled up into a ball on her bed and whispered, “Why can’t I hear him?”

Gummy crawled up onto the mattress and plopped down next to Pinkie. Pinkie shivered and pulled Gummy closer, holding him to her chest as she shook uncontrollably.

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